Social Justice Warriors are Evil Incarnate

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SJWs are Evil Incarnate – Swedish Migrant Rapes

Posted on December 12, 2015 by Anonymous Conservative

You think someday that numerous Anders Breiviks will not explode in number, and murder SJWs by the boatload?

After an Algerian and a Syrian living in the same migrant Centre were jailed for raping a Swedish women multiple times, concerned locals held an anti mass-migration protest. Only then did an infuriated local social justice group hold their own demonstration… in support of more migration…

The mother of one was initially raped on her way home from the pub by the Algerian man, just a short distance from the migrant shelter. She escaped, but was raped a second time not far away, on the same night, by the Syrian man and an unidentified assailant.

According to the court judgment, one of the men convicted of aggravated rape said to her, “I’m gonna f*ck you little Swedish girl”, before he finished by spitting in her face, court documents seen by the Free Times reveal.

Imagine if that were your mother, your sister, or your daughter. There would be little that could keep a reasonable, loyal, family man from mowing down those SJWs by the dozen, and no jury with me on it would ever convict them of anything. This type of disloyalty, treason, and basic moral degeneracy being exhibited by these SJWs is intolerable to basic human nature. I am convinced that the only thing which is holding back the cataclysm is the free money being infused into the system to keep it afloat. Take away that narcotic, and watch the fur begin to fly as the wolves go wild. Under normal circumstances there is simply no tolerating this kind of debased psychology.

SJW leftists like seeing innocent women raped. I’ve said it before – evil wants the destruction of happiness, but it is too cowardly to do it directly, face to face. It is an astonishing blend of contemptible psychological urges and sheer pathetic. Finding a way to manipulate others into ruining lives for them is all evil lives for.

I remember a study showing that rapists actually target females with a very specific psychology – they target happy women. If a rapist sees a miserable woman, he will not view her as worth raping. Likewise, SJWs love seeing these rapes because these women who are attacked see their lives ruined, and SJWs feel happy by comparison. Imagine Rosie O’Donnell seeing a beautiful, thin, happy woman’s lifelong happiness ruined. Suddenly the SJW isn’t such an ugly, unhappy loser by comparison, and they never had to do anything. The savages they imported defeated the happy, pretty women they hated, and they get to enjoy seeing them suffer, with no risk. It is the SJW strategy everywhere. It is free dopamine resources for the evil incarnate.

The Apocalypse can’t come fast enough, but it will come. And when I does, I’ll be surprised if Breivik isn’t freed, just as today we see hippie, cop-killing bank-robber women from the 1960’s freed, for compassion and decency. After all, it wasn’t their fault, it was just the nature of the times.

In the light of what comes, Breivik will be seen as prescient and loyal, and what he did will just be seen as a consequence of these unsettled times.

Apocalypse cometh™

Author: Roy

80 year old retired AF officer with VA combat related disability, educated beyond my intelligence with three at taxpayer expense Degrees. I am a Deist (hedged Atheist) who believes man made god in his own image and what we call god is what I call mother nature. I agree with Bertrand Russel that with all these different religions they all cannot be right but they can all be wrong, same applies to economic theories.

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December 12, 2015 5:09 pm

Social justice is simply Black racism against whites.

December 12, 2015 5:19 pm

Those pro Muslim immigrant groups that demonstrate in favor of the invading migrants should carry signs that say:

“We welcome Muslim migrants!

Our women are your women!”

For that matter, maybe the Mexican illegal supporters here should do the same about the Mexican illegals they love so much.

Muck About
Muck About
December 12, 2015 5:33 pm

As far as I’m concerned , any country that down not strike out viciously and strongly again feminine rape is a country in decline even if it is Sweden and Denmark.. (Two of the least like country to give into this madness I can think of).

There is a saying: Men pursue and women choose..

There is no saying that men pursue and choose and force their will on females regardless of race or religion (except for Muslims would do them all). Furthermore they forbid (under punishment of stoning, whipping or death) the education of women, thereby loosing 1/2 of their racial intelligence and creatively intelligence in the process.

The Muslim race will get exactly what they deserve, given time and sufficient degeneration.


Muck About
Muck About
December 12, 2015 5:35 pm

Of course, we might have to kill off a few of them in the process.


December 12, 2015 7:42 pm

@Dutchman, far too simplistic. Black/white is simply one dynamic that’s big in one single country (USA). It’s not a universal truth.

@Capn Mike: you said “I can’t believe a Jew is saying this. Jews have successfully assimilated into many Christian societies and have proven to be valuable contributors to the common good.”

I think you have a total misunderstanding how Jews exist in non-Jewish societies. They don’t assimilate, for starters. They learn how to be tolerated and adopt varying degrees of the local culture, but they are always apart in religion and ethnic identity, and usually apart in social views, political views, and business practices.

Second, while people who happen to be Jewish vary widely, those who think of themselves as a Jew ahead of any other identity are people who are always trying to strengthen their local social and political status, by weakening other groups, particularly the locally dominant group. The transplanted woman’s view that destroying native Swedish culture is a good thing is absolutely 100% consistent with this goal and practice.

December 12, 2015 7:50 pm

Yumbo ,I respectfully disagree. None of these people are insane . They know exactly what they are doing. The leftists progressives don’t care.They deliberately want the destruction of all western civilization even though they (Jews ) will still be surrounded by people of called color who hate their
Damn guts.

Go read my post over …of course we should let them in….Gives a good idea of the hate they have for us.Most of the leading Jewish Bolsheviks were Americans. Shocked the shit out of me.

December 12, 2015 7:56 pm

Just get rid of the shitskins already. Problem solved.

December 12, 2015 8:24 pm

This is a job for the men of sweden. If they don’t do what needs doing, fuck ’em.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 12, 2015 8:43 pm

Starfcker nails it.

December 13, 2015 12:31 am

We are dealing with a spiritual war taking place in another dimension being played out on planet Earth.

December 13, 2015 3:52 am

That woman is a liberal fruitcake for sure, monolithic europe, with 50 countries? That being said, she has no power, and her being jewish is far less worrisome than the liberal fruitcake part.

December 13, 2015 8:22 am

This is altruism at its finest: the law abiding tax payers don’t deserve what they have because there are Syrians IN NEED.

“How dare you be rich while others are hungry!!”

So they bring barbarian rapists ad people who will just cluster in expanding ghettos into their lands.

The heart and soul of altruism = death wish.

December 13, 2015 8:31 am

That being said, she has no power, and her being jewish is far less worrisome than the liberal fruitcake part.

It appears you make a fool of yourself with almost every comment.

December 13, 2015 8:43 am

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December 13, 2015 11:17 am

Luckily for the world, libs/progressives are impatient.

Libs hate white males and hate culture created by people like Da Vinci, Locke, and Jefferson.

Demographics would have spelled doom for white Europeans.

Demographics would have spelled doom for white Americans.

But now the ‘doomed’ peoples are final becoming aware, like a frog in warming water who suddenly gained consciousness, that these fukkers are trying to boil me alive.

Let’s see what happens next…

December 13, 2015 11:54 am

The stakes are very high and rising quickly. The clothes are almost completely off and a naked run for the finish line will commence shortly.

December 13, 2015 12:00 pm

99% of Jewish people are normal hardworking people. But there ARE sociopaths in the community, just like any other community (see Jesse Jackson or the Muslim whack jobs). The problem arises because for many centuries Jews put great emphasis on being literate. Intelligence and literacy were rewarded. Thus Jews tend to be at the top of many fields, like with Jane Yellen or the sociopaths at Goldman-Sachs.
Luckily for everyone, the world is a chaos system so no one will likely ever dominate it as a group.

Unless its the Arcturians… 🙂

Sam J.
Sam J.
December 15, 2015 3:29 pm

The Jews are a tribe of psychopaths. No all maybe not even the majority but a large number. All of the Jews ancient writings are nothing more than a manual for psychopaths to live by. The Talmud is nothing but one psychopathic thought after another. The Talmud “great enlightenment” basically says that everyone not Jewish is there to serve Jews. All their property is really the Jews. No one is really human unless they’re Jews and their lives don’t matter. A psychopathic religion for a psychopathic people.

They’ve been thrown out of every single country that they’ve been to in any numbers. Psychopaths having no empathy themselves can only go by the feedback they get from the people they are exploiting. So they push and push to see what they can get away with. The normal people build up resentment towards them. Thinking “surely they will reform or repent” like a normal person who does wrong. Of course the Jews do not. They don’t have the mental process for reform. Then in a huge mass outpouring of hate for the Jews, fed up with the refusal to reform their behavior, they attack and/or deport them. In this stage of the cycle the Big/Rich Jews escape and the little Jews are attacked.

Start over.

Even if it’s wrong if you assume the Jews are a tribe of psychopaths you will never be surprised and Jew’s behavior will make sense.

Henry Kissinger’s quote, “Any people who have been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong”.

In order to predict Jews behavior read the great book on Psychopaths by Hervey Cleckley, “The Mask of Sanity”. Here’s a chapter all should read. It’s about Stanley. Who does all kinds of manic bullshit and spends all his time feeding people the most outrageous lies. Maybe it will remind you of a certain tribe. New meme. “They’re pulling a Stanley”. The whole book is on the web and worth reading.