Public Employees Unions Guarantee Bankruptcy

Guest Post by BATR


Presidential executive orders have a long history. Both Democratic and Republican presidents exercise such commands. Are EO’s a privilege in law or are they simply a technique to skirt passing a Congressional statute? The executive branch adopts a pattern of rule that undermines the fundamental purpose of separation of power. The historic result is that the legislature is relegated to a junior collaborator in their partnership of crime. The bureaucracy has developed into a full-fledged imperial juggernaut that has a life of its own. Who started such an ill-conceived practice?

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Complementary Projection Bias

Guest post by Gerold

Another of our dangerous mental biases is Complementary Projection, a type of Cognitive Bias in which people believe that more people share their beliefs and values than actually do. We ‘project’ our beliefs and values onto other people and overestimate the extent to which other people also have them.

Good Therapy  says Complementary Projection occurs “when a person assumes that others feel the same way they do. For example, a person with a particular political persuasion might take it for granted that someone else shares her beliefs.”   It is similar to the False Consensus Effect where we project our beliefs and values onto people within our group, whereas in Complementary Projection we project them onto people outside our group.

Humans are social creatures. We like to feel ‘normal’ and fit in and be liked by other people. We tend to believe that our opinions are shared and attributing one’s personal characteristics to others reinforces our self-esteem. Unfortunately, like many of our biases, they can also be harmful or dangerous. With Complementary Projection, the danger is the increased likelihood that, with the best of intentions, we open the door to those who would harm us.

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Against Generations

Guest Post From AEON

AEON is a British site so I left the British spelling stand even though spellcheck Americanized them. AEON is usually leftish but as Churchill said of a political opponent, “He occasionally stumbles on the truth but manages to pick himself an carry on as though nothing happened.”

“Science fiction uses generations as guinea pigs in thought experiments: writers will change one important feature of human life, but leave the rest intact, in order to hypothesise how a single, world-rearranging shift might play out. In S M Stirling’s Emberverse series (2004-), a mysterious event alters the laws of physics, neutralising electricity and gunpowder, and the kids who are born after ‘The Change’ – archers, farmers, fighters – are different from the ones who knew the powered world. In Robert Heinlein’s Orphans of the Sky (1963), people living in the closed environment of a multigenerational starship mutiny and kill many of their leaders; years later, their descendants have lost any true knowledge of their situation and believe that their ship is the whole world.

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“White Man’s Burden” Revisited

A Warning From the Past

James P. Lubinskas, American Renaissance, January 2000

Modern liberals like to praise W.E.B. Du Bois for predicting that race would be the defining issue of the 20th century. But another man, writing at the same time, also made that prediction. Lothrop Stoddard (1883-1950) is not as well remembered as Du Bois and his name is usually paired with words like “racist” and “white supremacist,” but perhaps a better word would be prophet. His major work, The Rising Tide of Color  against White World Supremacy, was written in 1920 at a time when whites had colonized and ruled most of the world. Stoddard warned that supremacy was about to end and that whites had better prepare for the consequences.

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Talking to a Wall

Guest post by bionic mosquito. An excellent illustration of how the world media kowtows to our owner’s owners.

“One sided questions; unable or unwilling to see things from the other side; accepting government statements as fact; ignoring well-reasoned responses; inability to think logically or critically. It isn’t just the American mainstream media….

Consider the words of Assad and consider the reaction of the interviewer; taken from an Interview of President al-Assad to Denmark’s TV 2:

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Trump’s True Motivation

Guest post excerpted from Ann Barnhardt’s missive.

It is NOT about Trump becoming “president” of the former-United States.  Never was, folks.  It was pre-arranged with the Clintons as a means of re-installing the Clinton mafia in The White House while allowing Trump to evolve the Trump brand and increase the value of the Trump brand by billions of dollars.

Donald Trump began by cultivating his persona as a real estate tycoon and casino mogul in the 1980s. But that is a somewhat limited market, and also very cyclical and risky. After all, building giant mirror-penis skyscrapers and slapping your name on them in gold-mirror caps can only take narcissist so far.  He then decided to expand and elevate his persona by moving into entertainment – specifically reality shows – in the 1990s and 2000s. While risky and cyclical like real estate, entertainment is far LESS risky once a given entertainer has established a foothold.  Trump did that with “The Apprentice”.

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Guest post by bionic mosquito

THE NWE YORK TIMES …. pretends to do investigative reporting.

Before the United States permitted a terrifying way of interrogating prisoners, government lawyers and intelligence officials assured themselves of one crucial outcome. They knew that the methods inflicted on terrorism suspects would be painful, shocking and far beyond what the country had ever accepted. But none of it, they concluded, would cause long lasting psychological harm.

Fifteen years later, it is clear they were wrong.

How the story has changed, from “we don’t torture,” to “well maybe a little, but it yields great intelligence,” to “we don’t do it in horrific ways anymore,” to “we didn’t know that it would hurt.”

I will go right to the punch line, in case you don’t want to read further: all that the United States torturers needed to do to realize the certainty of “long lasting psychological harm” is to have a sit down with John McCain. Talk about someone with permanent and obvious psychological harm!

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Collapse Due to Complex Technology

Joseph Tainter wrote “Collapse of Complex Civilizations”, Tom Lewis thinks the collapse will be due to complex and unnecessary technology in an essay posted below. An initial reading may strike you as humorous but later reflection revels a serious problem. Adding unnecessary and costly gizmos and gadgets with real wages going down seems counterproductive but it creates employment for geeks.

Reliability of a system is determine by the product of the reciprocal of  the various components. If a system has one component that is 99.9% reliable the system is 99.9% reliable. If you add a second component that is 99.9% reliable the system is 99.8% reliable, 99.9% x 99.9% =99.8%. Even though each component is highly reliable each component reduces the over system reliability. Here’s Tom –


Technology is Now a Cancer. Stage Four. Metastasized.

internet of things

This is your brain on technology. Get help. (Image by techinfographics. com)

“New and improved” is now an oxymoron. Every single day my cell phone tells me that 10 or 20 apps have been “updated” and none of them ever work better. Instead, a phone that worked perfectly when I got it now tells me, 10 to 20 times a day, “Unfortunately, Moto has stopped.” The operating rule in technology for years now has been, if it isn’t broke, graft something onto it so we can advertise it as new and improved.

Why does every coffee maker come with a clock? Because consumers have been banging their pitchforks on the iron gates of the appliance companies, chanting “We want clocks!”? No. They do it because they can. Likewise with variable-strength settings, and delayed-start. Now they’re connecting the coffee pots to the Internet of Things so we can talk to them about coffee with our smartphones. I don’t want to discuss coffee with my coffee pot. I just want a damn cup of coffee.

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A Lying Politician

I wish we could swap Gigolo John (Kerry) for Boris Johnson.

Post by the Bionic Mosquito

A Lying Politician

I know, I know

Britain’s new top diplomat Boris Johnson came under sharp fire from his European counterparts Thursday, with France’s foreign minister declaring that the British “leave” campaigner had “lied a lot” during the push to break with the European Union.

Can we all agree that liars are no longer allowed to hold any political office or bureaucratic appointment? If so, this will be the single-greatest result from the Brexit vote.

Absent this, I prefer that more politicians are like Johnson (described as “cheerfully undiplomatic”). A small sampling will suffice:

Johnson has a long history of colorfully insulting other nations and leaders….

German and French politicians may have little tolerance for a man who during the referendum campaign compared E.U. efforts to unify Europe with Napoleon and Hitler.

…such as Papua New Guinea – which Johnson once suggested boasted orgies of cannibalism and chief-killing…

Johnson has criticized President Obama as a “part-Kenyan” who harbored anti-British attitudes because his father’s nation was once part of the British Empire.

In May, he penned a naughty limerick suggesting that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had “sowed his wild oats with the help of a goat, but he didn’t even stop to thank her.”

Lord, if you are going to continue to curse us with politicians, please give us more like Johnson.


A Nation Run by Idiots

By Jeff Foxworthy:

  • If plastic water bottles are okay, but plastic bags are banned, — you might live in a nation (state) that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
  • If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for entering and remaining in the country illegally — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
  • If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or to take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
  • If you MUST show your identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor, or check out a library book and rent a video, but not to vote for who runs the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
  • If the government wants to prevent stable, law-abiding citizens from owning gun magazines that hold more than ten rounds, but gives twenty F-16 fighter jets to the crazy new leaders in Egypt — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
  • If, in the nation’s largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not one 24-ounce soda, because 24-ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

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Scientific Regress

This article is from “First Things” and concerns mainly Physical Sciences, the fraud in the so called “Social Sciences” is much worse.

Governments lie

Corporations lie

Greenies lie

The Media lie

The sins of omission exceed the sins of commission.


The problem with ­science is that so much of it simply isn’t. Last summer, the Open Science Collaboration announced that it had tried to replicate one hundred published psychology experiments sampled from three of the most prestigious journals in the field. Scientific claims rest on the idea that experiments repeated under nearly identical conditions ought to yield approximately the same results, but until very recently, very few had bothered to check in a systematic way whether this was actually the case. The OSC was the biggest attempt yet to check a field’s results, and the most shocking. In many cases, they had used original experimental materials, and sometimes even performed the experiments under the guidance of the original researchers. Of the studies that had originally reported positive results, an astonishing 65 percent failed to show statistical significance on replication, and many of the remainder showed greatly reduced effect sizes.

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Two Views of Terrorism

Post by Anonymous Conservative

Suggest you read comments as first is by dc.sunsets.

When 9/11 went down you saw examples of K-selected art highlighted by the media:

It said ominously, “Nice shot – Now it’s our turn.” Inherent to it was a sense of independent self-reliance, and imminent vengeance. We didn’t need sympathy, we didn’t give a fuck what other people thought about us, we just wanted to get it on with the scumbags who attacked our nation.

There is a strong, violent, K-selected strain that runs strongly enough through American culture that back then it frightened the American liberal media enough to make them cater to it’s desires with art like that.

Today, the liberal cartoonists in Europe are a little bit different

Belgium was attacked, so the liberal European artsy types, represented by doughy blob-like flags, want some sympathy, some heart-shaped floating love bubbles, and a good group-cry-hug, because of what those evil meanies did. Inherent to the theme is a sense of helplessness, a desire to avoid the problem, a desire to acquire the emotional approval of others, and wholly absent is any sense of imminent violent and brutal retribution. I am actually disgusted, in a deep, visceral way, as I look at that pathetic image.

These are two very different psychologies, and as time goes on all of our populations are splitting ever more widely, to the point we not only no longer understand each other – we cannot tolerate each other. Doubtless there are Europeans who cringed at these pictures as strongly as any K-strategist, and there were liberals in America on 9/11 who would have preferred some variant of the two crying flags. We all hate each other, and there is no reasoning through it.

The problem is these psychologies cannot coexist when resources run out – and resources always run out at some point.

The only bright point is, the rabbits aren’t designed for resource restriction.

Bring Back the Loyalty Oath

“President Truman (D) signs Executive Order 9835, Federal Employee Loyalty Program, requiring all federal employees to have allegiance to the United States. Attorney General Tom Clark compiles list of 82 supposedly subversive agencies, says Communists are everywhere and “each carries with him the germs of death for society.” FBI does a name check on 2,000,000 federal employees in 1948 plus approx. 500,000 new applicants each year. If “derogatory information” found, a full investigation made and results given to 150 loyalty boards (27000 such field investigations were made 1948-58). Employees could be fired if “reasonable doubt” of loyalty was established by 6 categories: crimes, violent overthrow, breach of official duty or disclosure of confidential information, or membership in or association with any subversive organization – no appeal beyond loyalty boards – no permission to confront a “confidential informant”.

The Loyalty Oath Program should be reinstituted for a variety of reasons, it would create a tremendous amount of jobs and with the BLS doing the bean counting they could create the illusion of full employment. Since National Security is involved it would fall under Homeland Security where we would have Government Employees pestering, harassing and annoying other Government Employees rather than us serfs. It would force dual citizenship employees to declare loyalty to the US or be fired. Of course as with any oath people will lie.

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The war of the sexes: the origins of gender inequality

This post is by Ugo Bardi, an Italian Professor of Physical Chemistry, a member of the Club of Rome and the head of Italian ASPO (Association for the Study of Peak Oil). He wrote this in honor of International Woman’s Day, March 8th.

Slavery was probably abolished because it became less profitable with the advent of fossil fuels. Slavery has been replaced by Indentured Servitude with no Statute of Limitations on non-dischargeable student loans. Indentured Servitude is more cost effective than slavery since care and feeding are the individual’s responsibility. In a future without fossil fuels or alternate sources of energy will we return to slavery of some form?

The war of the sexes: the origins of gender inequality                                                                                         


Some time ago, I was chatting at home with a friend who is a researcher specialized in “gender inequality”. I asked her what were the ultimate origins of this inequality but we couldn’t arrive at a conclusion. So, I happened to have in a shelf nearby a copy of the “Malleus Maleficarum”, the book that Kramer and Sprenger wrote in the 16th century on the evils of witchcraft. I took it out and I opened it to the page where the authors dedicate several paragraphs to describe how evil women are. I read a few of these paragraphs aloud and my friend was so enraged that she left the room, without saying a word. Later on, she told me that she had done that to avoid telling me what she thought I deserved to be told just for keeping that book in my shelves. Maybe she was right, but the question of the origins of gender inequality remained unanswered (BTW, later on, we became friends again).

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Why Democrats Turn Jurisdictions They Control Into Slums

The following is from the Anonymous Conservative. It explains a lot of why the Democrats control large cities and why all the aliens are being sent to small jurisdictions and the countryside.

“The only legitimate consumer is the producer” Ayn Rand

A lone individual cannot consume more than he produces.

The preceding article about Puerto Rico shows the result of “The Curley Effect.”


Importing Third World Migrants, Cuckservatives, And The Curley Effect

A reader sent a link to this paper:

James Michael Curley, a four-time mayor of Boston, used wasteful redistribution to his poor Irish constituents and incendiary rhetoric to encourage richer citizens to emigrate from Boston, thereby shaping the electorate in his favor. As a consequence, Boston stagnated, but Curley kept winning elections. We present a model of using redistributive politics to shape the electorate, and how that this model yields a number of predictions opposite from the more standard frameworks of political competition, yet consistent with empirical evidence.

Props to the authors – that took balls. They identified the effect, coined a name for it, characterized it, and got it published. I know some people who are on the fast track to becoming pariahs in academia.

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No Trade = No Commerce = No Economy

Cut and paste from Canadian Gerold:

Gerold’s Blog is worth a visit, especially the 24 pieces on Nuclear Disaster Japan.

“An observant reader (H/t: Ken J.) sent me a link to an article titled, Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships in-transit – ALL anchored along coasts; none moving

It takes a lot to make me snort coffee through my nose!

You see, I’m a life-long Logistics specialist. Given that and a background in finance, etc., I understand the critical importance that commerce and trade play in national and global economies. Any economy, whether it’s local, national or global, relies on trade and commerce the way bodies rely on various circulations of food, material and waste for the sustenance of life. It’s a rough analogy, but you get the point.

Coincidentally, I happen to be preparing a couple of articles for future publication that look at the connections and correlations between the northern European tribes stopping Roman expansion and the eventual collapse of Rome, not by barbarians, but by Muslim pirates who turned the Mediterranean Sea, the world’s largest trade and commercial system into a battleground which destroyed Rome’s economy and plunged Europe into the Dark Ages. No trade = no commerce = no economy.

Immersed in this eye-opening research, Ken J.’s link to that news article arrived with an explosion! There has never NOT been trade in the North Atlantic.

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