Why Democrats Turn Jurisdictions They Control Into Slums

The following is from the Anonymous Conservative. It explains a lot of why the Democrats control large cities and why all the aliens are being sent to small jurisdictions and the countryside.

“The only legitimate consumer is the producer” Ayn Rand

A lone individual cannot consume more than he produces.

The preceding article about Puerto Rico shows the result of “The Curley Effect.”


Importing Third World Migrants, Cuckservatives, And The Curley Effect

A reader sent a link to this paper:

James Michael Curley, a four-time mayor of Boston, used wasteful redistribution to his poor Irish constituents and incendiary rhetoric to encourage richer citizens to emigrate from Boston, thereby shaping the electorate in his favor. As a consequence, Boston stagnated, but Curley kept winning elections. We present a model of using redistributive politics to shape the electorate, and how that this model yields a number of predictions opposite from the more standard frameworks of political competition, yet consistent with empirical evidence.

Props to the authors – that took balls. They identified the effect, coined a name for it, characterized it, and got it published. I know some people who are on the fast track to becoming pariahs in academia.

Basically the paper shows how some political leaders actually institute policies designed to make their jurisdictions worse off for the people who don’t vote for them, so those people will leave and their political power in their jurisdiction will increase. When the people who do vote for them are crappy people, this has the counterintuitive effect of making all the good people leave, all the crappy people stay, and as a result their political jurisdiction is made worse off, even as this secures their own personal hold on power.

It is a matter of time before the academics come to realize that liberals instituting policies geared toward promoting the immigration of poor third worlders into first world countries is a “Curley Effect,” destined to screw up the US and Europe, but help bad leaders keep their hold on power.

If it comes to be labeled that, it will be seen as cravenly executed by selfish politicians who would rather be Emperors in hell than princes in Heaven. It would be potent medicine, triggering ancient out-grouping circuitry in the brains of the indigenous populations whose interests they are seeking to hurt.

These politicians are trying to screw up their own countries for their own political benefit – and there is even a name for the phenomenon in academia. They are liberals and Cuckservatives cravenly seeking to keep their hold on power through the Curley Effect. Not to be confused with it’s opposite, the Trump Effect, which is designed to “Make America Great Again.”

Once third world immigration is officially labeled a Curley Effect and our populations are briefed on all the implications, our work will become much easier. Hopefully we won’t have to wait until K-selection kicks in to make that happen.





Author: Roy

80 year old retired AF officer with VA combat related disability, educated beyond my intelligence with three at taxpayer expense Degrees. I am a Deist (hedged Atheist) who believes man made god in his own image and what we call god is what I call mother nature. I agree with Bertrand Russel that with all these different religions they all cannot be right but they can all be wrong, same applies to economic theories.

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February 29, 2016 10:47 am

Emperors in hell rather than Princes in heaven. Nice.

February 29, 2016 11:06 am

And the voters that put the slime in office are Grubers; maybe that is why our education system ranks so low – purposely designed to generate Grubers to be willfully led down the path of poverty.

February 29, 2016 11:14 am

If voting were restricted to property owners, who pay the taxes and don’t want to see the value of their property collapse, then this problem would not exist. So now we see why universal suffrage was promoted as just and fair…yep…

February 29, 2016 2:58 pm

People who immigrate to America will be shocked and dismayed at the extent to which their children become ‘americanized’. especially the girls.

Dick Jones
Dick Jones
February 29, 2016 5:15 pm

Maggie says:

“Emperors in hell rather than Princes in heaven. Nice.”

That’s a paraphrase of John Milton from “Paradise Lost.” When Lucifer is banished, he says,

“It is better to reign in hell, than serve in heaven.”

And I don’t think we need to invent new terms to describe plain old sociopathy.

Sociopaths are concerned with satisfying their own immediate impulses and maintaining power.

February 29, 2016 9:12 pm

The mob-Tony Soprano union cut