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December 15, 2015 3:10 pm

Diversity = No Whites.

When all us white guy’s are gone – who is going to pay the taxes – for all the entitlements these browns / blacks receive?

December 15, 2015 3:23 pm

I know one place I’m never going to shop again! I had enough trouble getting a high-tech job with all of this diversity bullshit (they’d much rather hire overseas or H1Bs if they have to hire here). I don’t have to take it from retail as well.

December 15, 2015 3:25 pm

So why don’t ‘whites’ take a similar stand? Boycott Sam’s Club. to hell with them. It’s time for our ethnicity to engage in affirmative action. Collectively, we refuse to engage in similar actions and thusly we allow ourselves to be pushed around. For example … why do WE support the NBA or the NFL when both these organizations perpetuate employment practices that discriminate against us? We need to stop bitching. We need to START taking a stand. BTW … the word ends in ‘..ing’. That’s another thing .. let’s stop speaking like we failed every grade above the third … like so many of these bemoaning degenerates. It’s starts with you and me! So start dealing with your own kind!

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
December 15, 2015 3:31 pm

I’ve said for some time:

You don’t like YT? Fine.

Let’s us all separate. You folks who like every color BUT white live in ONE place. We folks who are predominantly of European ancestry will live in a different place.

I’ll give you a little hint.

YOUR place will be poor, stupid and crime-ridden…and horrors, you won’t have YT to blame.

MY place will be in the midst of a modern renaissance, with every human good flowering everywhere.

Western Civilization is unique. It was created by Northern Europeans. It was not created by East Asians (who on average have higher IQ’s, mind you.) It was not created by Africans. It was not created by South Asians.

And I’m sick as hell of you people laying claim to its fruits while insulting those who made (and MAKE) them for you.

December 15, 2015 3:46 pm

I agree DC: Us white, Europeans manage to make a living, build cities, economy’s by our selves.

The hijack is from all the lower class people who want what we have, but don’t have the manners, behavior, intelligence, education, focus, to participate.

I believe intelligence is the most import part of it. That’s why this ‘diversity’ thing keeps rising – they are not as intelligent as us whites. Every couple of years, they forget why they didn’t get ‘it’ before. Thus the protests.

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
December 15, 2015 3:47 pm

I read a little more into this story.

This is typical cultural-Marxist Narrative at the Corporate Level.

I ran into it in SPADES (pun intended) at Johnson & Johnson, where PoC were promoted mercilessly to far above the level of their incompetence.

Look. Highly intelligent blacks exist. There are just far fewer of them than there are highly intelligent Caucasians and East Asians.

More interestingly, even highly intelligent East Asians don’t do all that well in lots of areas. It’s a culture thing (East Asians are very deferential to authority, which I infer is why China never invented actual Science.) Chinese engineers can be very bright, but not necessarily very competent according to one well-placed source of mine.

So this woman was promoted because she’s 1) female and 2) black.

She’s the Poster Child for affirmative action. As far as I’m concerned, as long as there’s an unlevel playing field due to racial and sex preferences, anyone who rises in an organization must be assumed to be LESS COMPETENT than a white male.

Oh boy, I hope that hurts. As we see on the SCOTUS, the blacks/Latinos/females are pretty clearly affirmative action hires.

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
December 15, 2015 3:53 pm

Dutchman, there’s a theory about societies having to do with a minimum percentage of relatively high intelligence members, and how if that cohort drops below a certain number that society will be permanently mired in poverty.

The morons paying stupid people to reproduce like rabbits while hammering away at those of us who work(ed), saved, produced, stayed out of trouble, etc. are setting up the entire world to enter a Dark Age.

It is not too strong to say that if Western Civilization falters (and it’s well on its way to doing so) then the world will suffer, and slide back toward relative barbarism.

I know lots of people think China will take over, but they misunderstand the uniqueness of the West. China had 5000 years of civilization that was all but stagnant. Only in the West did things take off, building on Greece, Rome, percolate in the Middle Ages and launch into the Renaissance and beyond.

We are in the century where the fate of the West will be determined. So far, few people are acting like they know what’s at stake, or give a shit about the world they’ll hand to their grandchildren.

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
December 15, 2015 3:55 pm

Dutchman, “they are not as intelligent” is quite true, but it’s a hatefact (a fact that is not allowed to be uttered, it is literally BLASPHEMY in our Theocracy.)

Denial of reality is a central part of our times.

harry p.
harry p.
December 15, 2015 4:01 pm

Whatever you Affirmative action hire cunt

mike in ga
mike in ga
December 15, 2015 4:03 pm

I’m a Costco member. Everything said in the comments above mine I agree with, 100%

December 15, 2015 4:07 pm

Meet W. Craig Jelinek, CEO of Costco.

[imgcomment image[/img]

This idiotic CEO of Sams just lost my business, FOREVER.

I will be canceling my Sam’s membership forthwith.

Vote with your feet and your money.

December 15, 2015 4:13 pm

Yes, Sam’s want to be able to have all races work for diddly squat!

December 15, 2015 4:15 pm

No one should ever be hired, fired, or promoted based on the color of their skin. That would be my definition of “rayciss”.

December 15, 2015 4:17 pm

I so sick and tired of these fucking affirmative action parasites. The only reason she is
In that position is because she is black and female.

December 15, 2015 4:22 pm

the plan proceeds perfectly … dumb down, morally weaken , create government dependency and transfer representative government to total corporate control..Done.Done.Done and in progress..


Then there’s free trade — surely, the ultimate in free market economics, and, thus, an essence of what we think of as “conservatism,” right?

Think again. I have long believed that bottom-line free trade which, for example, turned Americans into enablers of slave or quasi-slave labor in such dictatorships as Communist China, and bankrupters of our own manufacturing base in the USA, was a disaster. Not until I recently picked up Toward Soviet America, the 1932 book by Communist Pary USA Chairman William Z. Foster, did I realize global free trade was also in sync with Communism’s assault on our nation’s character as well.

In his predictions for Soviet America, many of which have come true as Marxist ideology has subverted our institutions, Foster writes:

A Communist world will be a unified, organized world.

Remember Soviet agent Alger Hiss acted as the first UN secretary general in 1945.

The economic system will be one great organization, based upon the principle of planning now dawning in the U.S.S.R.

Remember that Soviet agent Harry Dexter White was the first executive director of the IMF in 1946.

The American Soviet government will be an important section in this world organization. In such a society there will be no tariffs or the many other barriers erected by capitalism against a free world interchange of goods. The raw material supplies of the world will be at the disposition of the peoples of the world.

Of course! Free trade is just another weapon to break down the nation-state — the ultimate globalist/Communist/progressive/Marxist/Democrat — and, in our time, apparently, GOP — goal.

As Continetti writes, “A Republican Party under Donald Trump would broadly reject this attitude.”

Amen to that.

December 15, 2015 4:30 pm

Surprise. Walmart hates you. No shit. They are a year away from a serious reality check. And I’m a patient guy. Flap your lips, you dumb bitch. People like her are in for a world of hurt when the tide goes out.

December 15, 2015 4:45 pm

Twice in my life I told bosses to go fuck themselves – in exactly those words. Another time I was more polite and told a boss to take the job and shove it.

I’d probably just tell this bitch to shove the diversity up her fat black ass…

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
December 15, 2015 4:59 pm

1. She in essence told a major supplier to replace whites with PoC. If that’s not racist, what is?
2. Walmart is reportedly one of the most vicious firms on the planet to its suppliers. I once spoke with a guy in the water-bottle business. He said Wally World’s norm was to induce a firm to lay in all sorts of capacity (on its own nickel) to gear up for Wally’s orders, and then renegotiate the contract (usually producing a loss for the supplier.)

I keep hoping that someone somewhere will begin to tell these cultural Marxists to GFThemselves, but I know better.

People today are desperate. It gives the sociopaths like this woman (and her enablers) the upper hand.

PS: I don’t own common stock because I think the boards of directors and executives of all publicly traded firms are utter DEMONS.

I do not use the word DEMON lightly.

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
December 15, 2015 5:02 pm

Last time I was in Sam’s (yeah, I shop there much to my now unhappiness) it might have been the store located in Cancun for as many people of Mayan ancestry surrounded me.

From Walmart to Sam’s, if there was truth in advertizing all of their ads and signage would be first written in Spanish, and then in English.

My guess: half of the lobbying for open border immigration comes from Walmart. If 30 million Mayans were repatriated to Mexico and Central America, Walmart’s retail numbers would drop in half.

December 15, 2015 6:04 pm

And so it goes, those companies forced to take a few steps backwards, and a few more qualified white guys gets the shaft solely because of being Caucasian.

I can just imagine what those white suppliers think of that affirmative action black and her racist demands.

December 15, 2015 6:05 pm

Great comments, DC

December 15, 2015 6:10 pm

Keep it up kneegrow bitch. At some point the tables will be turned on you so quickly, you’ll be praying for YT to put the lights back on, drive the trucks, and just plain do the shit that keeps civilization intact. Go fuck yourself.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
December 15, 2015 7:34 pm

i can only suppose most vendors have most if not all their eggs in a wally world contract, what a recipe for profit free margins. squeeze squeeze and in time no leverage and wally owns you lock stock and barrel. price some will pay, others will prefer freedom and look for any other customer yet these days big companies call all the shots, black ball what ever it may take, the feds and big companies collude to destroy all competition, giving this woman the power she believes she deserves, very much like a fed bureaucrat.

December 15, 2015 7:48 pm

DC, it’s worse than that. The scam I see getting pulled all the time is to lend you the money to expand to meet all the new big box demand, and then slam you. 2 advantages for them, they get to see your books, and you pay full price for the expansion. And they foreclose, and take it all. That’s what’s happening with the frackers right now.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 15, 2015 7:50 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
December 15, 2015 8:24 pm

Put a dumb ass bigot in charge and pay the price like the USA & McDonalds; and I think that is a problem for Kmart, Walmart, Sams, Burger King (who wants Black’s spiting in their food?).

December 15, 2015 8:47 pm

Wal-Mart/Sams, screw you. My non diverse money will go elswhere.

December 16, 2015 5:34 am

Phone call went like dis here, ” hey Cracker ass muthafucka, dis be the HNIC over here at da gotdam Sammies. You need to darken up dat crew over there Ricky Tickey, you wanna keep hanging my big box nigs. You saavy muthafucka??!?”

Paraphrasing of course

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
December 16, 2015 6:04 am

These race warriors are really no different than any other interest group, past or present. Despite the trappings of “equality” or “diversity” what they really want is more wealth and power for their own group. The tactics they employ are of basic schoolyard bullies, and most of us know that bullies thrive on weakness and back down quickly when facing strength.

Most of the norms just want to sit this one out. They think they can nod through mandatory diversity meetings, outlast the H1B guys gunning for their job, and make nice at the company “Holiday Party.” They want to go to work, pick their kids up from practice, go home and lock the door, and escape with some non-sensical TV. Meanwhile every college president or police chief who resigns, every concession made to incompetents, every unanswered hypocrisy emboldens the bullies further. Just as you can’t ignore your way out of the guy who steals your lunch money every day, Americans will eventually have to choose sides. They will be forced to one way or another. Silence is no longer an acceptable coping mechanism.

December 16, 2015 8:40 am



Uncle Charley
Uncle Charley
December 16, 2015 10:39 pm

Too bad the Sam’s Club CEO must real with reality. I’m not a member and I guess I never will be.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 16, 2015 11:44 pm

DC Sunsets says: If 30 million Mayans were repatriated to Mexico and Central America, Walmart’s retail numbers would drop in half.

Let me get this straight. There are some 45 million Hispanics in the USA, according to you, 2/3 are from one particular region.

Aren’t the Maya primarily from Central America?

I had read the Maya disappeared for the 3 reasons somebody cited recently: famine, overpopulation and drought. Now it turns out we just went north. Professor Sunsets says we are Maya, who knew?

What about the Aztecs? Didn’t they have some sort of empire around the time the Spanish showed up some 520 years ago?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 16, 2015 11:45 pm

Is this woman Maya, DC?