Race Wars

She rants about racism while she is in front of a screen of white storm troopers that obey what the “black” darth vader commands.

Author: harry p.

A Gen X mechanical engineer who values family, strength, discipline, self-reliance and freedom who is doing what he can to protect his family, belittle morons and be ready for the tough times ahead. Discipline=Freedom

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December 18, 2015 9:01 am

The first black astronaut code word was “Janitor In A Drum”

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
December 18, 2015 9:08 am

A real Star Wars would be about Hollywood’s Useful Idiots supporting NYC Banksters and The District of NWO Criminals. Modern movies, “music”, the MSM TV etc are just FAP. They are a visual and auditory pot for the masses.

December 18, 2015 9:18 am

MS Perry knows the first astronauts where men of color and just want them to receive the credit they’re due.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
December 18, 2015 10:12 am

Brilliant Journalism and another very Great and Powerful Documentary of Truth Hidden from Americans! Please do the much needed Documentary on How Blacks Built America, on How Blacks Saved America’s Public School System, and How Blacks Made America a Great Society of Justice, Virtue and Merit. Make it a five part five day marathon and I’ll savor every minute!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 18, 2015 10:40 am

I love the lady in the headscarf. It’s getting more like an SNL skit every time I catch it. When MHP develop the lisp, is that new?

And I totally feel the same way every time I go bowling.

December 18, 2015 11:23 am

What a sorry piece of shit.

December 18, 2015 11:39 am

This fucking mullato lives in an all white neighborhood in affluent part of Long Island. Not only that but her hair is fucking fake, extension crap, just like the kneegrows playing Trayvon ball on Sundays.

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
December 18, 2015 11:51 am

MSNBC is at the pinnacle of the Priesthood pushing the Universalist Cathedral dogma.

This worked for a long, long time as (white, Middle Class) Americans were still adjusting to having a very high standard of living.

In the early 1960’s Ozzie and Harriet had just seen their lives improve by orders of magnitude for almost 20 years. Life was GOOD, so good that when someone suggested America could afford Guns and Butter in infinite amounts, everyone nodded.

By that time everyone really did have a chicken in every pot.

The problem is that the period from 1964 to 2000 was the Last Hurrah for America’s Middle Class. It was a huge financial rally built on rapidly debasing dollars even as America’s manufacturing base and decent jobs eroded like crazy.

Since 2000 things have been nominally holding up, but the underlying rot is getting bad.

The people who work fear for their jobs.
The people who pay taxes fear endless and rising demands to fund endless give-aways to screaming blacks, browns, recent immigrants and every other welfare mouth.
The people who pay taxes fear a medical-industrial-complex that promises to bankrupt them, with a military-industrial-complex standing beside it waiting to resume its plunder and a “green energy, climate-stasis” industry gearing up to become a black hole for money.

Nominally, things are holding together, but interest rates have begun to creep higher. This is the signal that credit inflation of asset values, a monstrous bubble, the main mechanism for “wealth creation” for 50 years, has begun its inevitable deflation.

Tolerance for hand-outs to anyone increasingly seen as NOT DESERVING is going to evaporate.

Wait for it. Stories will soon appear about how many people getting “welfare” are just sitting on their asses.

Taxpayers are about to experience a huge surge of fear for their own future. Their objections to being robbed in favor of useless, vicious, crime-infested people are destined to become veto-proof.

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
December 18, 2015 11:58 am

Melissa Harris Perry is a shrill voice attempting to maintain an idea whose time is done.

Anti-racism is OVER. Mandatory tolerance is increasingly intolerable.

I speak for many, I’m sure, when I say that I was once willing to be tolerant, but as the MHP’s of the world and their BLM-style movements metaphorically get in my face and scream at me to BE MORE TOLERANT (in the form of ever more compulsion to believe the reason blacks as a group lag whites has nothing to do with actual average intelligence and average behaviors), I’m actually getting LESS TOLERANT.

From Less Tolerant to actively enraged is a short trip involving stock, bond and real estate market crashes.

Wait and watch. Mr. Market will tell us what’s coming—continued peace under this idiotic Narrative or war (rhetorical, political or physical.)

December 18, 2015 12:39 pm

That was a funny video, if one can appreciate black humor…
If I may.

MHP is another joke altogether. Who watches this TV crap?

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
December 18, 2015 3:13 pm

one more asterisk for UVA diploma, pay a small fortune to be a fool, of course tax dollars covered her tuition, thank you fools.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
December 18, 2015 3:21 pm

reap what you sow. i wrote casteen pres of uva and called him out on honor code, jefferson’s legacy, turns it only applied to students not faculty, how cool is that as they bad mouthed the good old boys club. college admin is the ultimate good ole boys as they champion all their sick causes an exclude themselves of the consequences. folks this bullshit has gone on for years, 100,000 salaries, every perk, can not be fired, acummulate miles for travel, they are laughing at us. we are the court jesters

December 18, 2015 7:23 pm

I agree with her 100%. I think Fred Reed wrote a few months ago ” that’s racist, so what”. Don’t bother me I don’t care.

December 18, 2015 8:25 pm

If you ain’t racist, this kind of crap is making you so. Racism has increased exponentially in America since Obama became Prez. We must accept (and praise!)Transgenders and any kind of person whether we like them or not. In a real America, you can like or dislike someone for any reason you prefer as long as you allow them the same rights and civil liberties as you have

December 18, 2015 10:58 pm

Tired of this shit…

Is there any black in America who thinks they’d be better off in Africa? No? Then shut the fuck up. You should be on bended knee, thanking the Almighty you were lucky enough to land here instead of in Africa living in a hut made of shit and sticks, swatting tsetse flies…

Any fucking body who does not actively embrace sodomy and applaud the dick-sucking faggots for being dick sucking stool pushing faggots is hooted down as a “homophobe”…

Think they’d be better off anywhere else? In Africa, they’d have a tire full of gasoline thrown over their head and they’d be set alight. In the Caribbean, or the Middle East, they’d have already been thrown off the tallest building handy.

Fuck em all…

December 18, 2015 11:32 pm

Billy, would you run for president? You make Trump look like a girl scout.

Billy just said what has needed to be said for fifty years, be grateful for what you have black Americans. There is NEVER enough with those people, always give me more money/power/position. The tribe has used them like pack horses but the train is coming in to the station and their usefulness drops to zero.

EL Caballo
EL Caballo
December 18, 2015 11:33 pm

The honorable Billy has spoken. Seriously, I agree with the old boy. It’s like if you are on welfare, shut the fuck up. If you have ten kids you aren’t providing for, do not dare to show your face on teevee.

Black lives matter when they do something that matters, otherwise, it doesn’t really matter.

Poverty happens, I understand that. Most poor people who would never pull the shit these guys do, they are an embarrassment to poor folks everywhere.

These agitators make a living agitating. And to think I pay the cable company to transmit this shit into my teevee. Wow.

I can’t wait until Moozies start pulling the same shit, injecting themselves into every conversation. I’d better renew my subscription to cable.

December 18, 2015 11:35 pm

I’m going to stick this video right here it brought tears to my eyes

EL Caballo
EL Caballo
December 18, 2015 11:45 pm

Thank you Sensetti, only a big man like you could admit to shedding a tear over Princess Anna.

December 18, 2015 11:55 pm

I have horses, anyone on this platform who’s known me from the beginning knows that! I train horses and to see a horse preform for this young lady like this horse did is a tear jerker for me. You know training horses has taught me so much about life and relationships. With a horse you must be patient and what I call quiet. You teach them slowly while developing a friendship it’s an amazing thing. I have an ole mare somebody beat at some point in her life she’ll never fully trust a human again. You can live your life without owning horse’s I have absolutely no idea why anyone would want to!

December 18, 2015 11:59 pm

El Cabong

When are you going to kick the cable tv habit? Was the project to get it free out of the air a complete fail?

December 19, 2015 12:12 am

El dog I have no idea who princess Anna is? I just understand exactly what I’m looking at in that video. That horse loves what he does, watch the speed he picks up before he hits the brakes. That horse is excellent but the horse has no concept of excellence or prize money. He wants to preform to please his trainer, absolutely out of love and respect! Most that post here do not have the situational capacity to understand anything Ive said here!

I just wanted to put a little beauty on this platform of fire!

EL Caballo
EL Caballo
December 19, 2015 12:13 am

Yes and no. My reception is like my erection, it disappears at times.

The tv fool info is all wrong, they say I can get LA in the 93552 zone but that is bullshit. The stations I get all come from Bakersfield. I’m now quite fond of Mimi Elkalla on KBAK.

The most reliable channels are Fox, CBS and ABC. I’m happy, somebody else is not, I won’t mention her name but her initials are Sexy Mulatta.

We got a newborn recently and that has put a damper on my messing around in the garage. Also, the temp dropped to below 65 after TG and that is like 23 in Yankee land.

What’s a cabong?

EL Caballo
EL Caballo
December 19, 2015 12:20 am

Of course, Sensetti. I have posted videos of horses and iron horses.
I appreciated that but made a funny about the Frozen hero, Princess Anna which kids of all ages love.

I have tried to communicate to your protegee’ Jfish (Jphosh? Jghoti?) that TBP is not only about discussing Michelle’s bulge or jet fuel, sometimes it is about real important stuff like equus. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to go see a man about a horse.

December 19, 2015 12:23 am

EL Caballo says: Thank you Sensetti, only a big man like you could admit to shedding a tear over Princess Anna.

I had to google princess Anna! El dog , I like you and I’m full of the Holy spirit tonight, not to mention a little grey goose! So peace brother
Watch the video again it’s something else

EL Caballo
EL Caballo
December 19, 2015 12:41 am

Will do, I get tears watching Barbaro jumping the gate.

December 19, 2015 12:49 am

El dog Jfish has a burning desire to be a big dog here! But it’s absolutely not possible the Big Dogs were the founders! The bastards would all jump on you at one time like a pack of wolves! All these really sharp minds feeding on your post, raising every red herring and false premise their minds could conceive! While talking about your mothers vaginal discharge like everyone in the country was concerned! I’m a pretty crazy motherfucker but back in the day I was very selective about when I posted and who was live on the platform at the time! You never wanted to post without someone you thought was you friend or at least sympathetic to your cause. Admin was one of the fucking worst, smokey #2 LLPOH was a bitch! Stucky was ok as long as you’d jack him off a bit. AWD was my rear guard when the fuckers would come for me he’d run interference. If Admin ever comes roaring back on the scene you can rest assured he’s about to shut it down.

It’s about time to start giving money and supporting TBP again so don’t spend all your Christmas Money save a little and make a donation on Jan 2 ( we want credit for next year). People lets keep this platform alive.

December 19, 2015 12:51 am

Sensetti, thanks for the link to that incredible performance. I used to own a Thoroughbred and grew up with horses and ponies, so I can really appreciate the training that took.

December 19, 2015 12:54 am

T4c beautiful absolutely beautiful!

December 19, 2015 1:08 am

El dog O, I love horses but I hate the horse racing industry!!! They are very cruel to horse! How can I explain this in a rudimentary way that makes sense to me! If you were in the market for a wife and you used and abused a thousand candidates to find just the right one leaving a wake of heartache and destruction that would be the horse racing industry. Oh my God, help me Jesus, I just described my dating program, well, I’ll rethink this motherfucker in the daylight! See ya!!

December 19, 2015 1:19 am

Damn Westcoaster I’m gonna start liking you now! A business owner and a horse a guy! Shit fire if you’ll promise to vote for Trump we b best buds!

EL Caballo
EL Caballo
December 19, 2015 1:37 am

That there is the certified recommended dating program by none other than El Doggy. Of course, women call in to bitch him out for his neanderthal outlook.

My old buddy Phil’s GF decided he ought to have a horse so she could ride. She got a horse called Palpito de Corazon. The name was shortened to Pito which made the Spanish speaking guys laugh.

December 19, 2015 1:38 am

Okay, Sensetti… that was a showstopper.

Did you know that my son cleaned the stables for a wealthy woman in OKC who rode and trained Dressage horses. She gave him a couple of lessons, but she was a shrew and very arrogant about her horses. I didn’t know anyone who took lessons from her more than a few times, but she had some beautiful horses and we did go see her ride one time… she did that well. And, she had a big indoor training area with some seating and occasionally, her fancy prancy riding friends gathered there to put on a show and my son got paid extra to work the indoor… now, I realize that probably meant cleaning up lots of horse crap. She also had an outdoor ring and three really nice pastures.

My son was 15 when she asked me if he would be interested in working for her. I told her he knew zero about horses, but she said she would teach him. I give her credit for that… she taught him a lot about horses and when she broke her hip and leg during a bad fall, she had to be in the hospital for two weeks and then in rehab for another four weeks. By that time, he was 16 and had his drivers’ license and could drive himself there in the morning and after school to take care of her horses. He was so tired all the time… but when I told him that perhaps he could leave them in the pasture and not bring them in every night, he told me that the horses were accustomed to being brought to their stalls for feeding, then moved to the indoor and fed some hay for the night. And then, in the morning, if it wasn’t raining, they were led to “their” pasture to graze for the day. I told him that maybe he could just leave them in the indoor longer and take them to the pasture during lunch at school or after school.

He told me that the horses had a routine and that since she wasn’t there, they were nervous enough. He felt that the youngest horses might get nervous and do something stupid if he didn’t stick to their routine. He said “The horses don’t have anyone except me, Mom.”

I was so proud of him. Taking care of those horses taught him more about responsibility than any lectures his father or I ever gave.

EL Caballo
EL Caballo
December 19, 2015 1:42 am

What do you think of Ezequiel Pena’s horse having a heart attack mid show?

December 19, 2015 1:43 am

The woman was so snotty about her Dressage horses that she told my son (when he asked) that she did NOT want him to bring his girlfriend over (who competed in rodeo… barrel racing) to see her horses because she probably would want to ride them and she would have to tell her NO because riding in rodeo didn’t mean she could ride HER fancy prancy horses.

It really hurt his feelings that she was such a bitch to him after all he did when she had NO ONE ELSE.

December 19, 2015 1:47 am

EC… Wow. That was horrifying. Do horses in these types of shows have a lot of heart issues? I know some race horses have to take lasix to prevent bleeding in the lungs, but I wouldn’t have thought this type of riding is stressful? Of course, I know SQUAT about horses. Dogs, chickens and bunnies are my thing.

December 19, 2015 1:47 am

Westcoaster anyone with the mental capacity to evolve will grow and change positions! There was a time Admin would have ……jacked….no no…would have promoted Ron or his son Rand on this blog to the hilt! Hell me too, my handle on zero hedge is Rand.. But I evolved! The Pauls are looser period their ideas are less than a homeless schizophrenics incantations!! Their stance on national security is so screwed up they’d willing surrender all, the World don’t turn like that, power abhors a vacuum and power will find an equilibrium!

Rand, dude who the fuck advised you to stand on a stage, short fucker already, with a fucked up howdy doody hair doo, An attempt to project power? I was a supporter until I heard your first speech! You absolutely convinced me your a loser! Winners project power, you project weakness, Shut up and go home, you supported Mitch McConnell That says it all about you!

Donald J Trump is the true anti establishment candidate!! Chose wisely

December 19, 2015 6:26 am

Sensetti hitting the sauce and doing some meth again. His redneck pea brain is overwhelmed with Trumpmania as he awaits his glorious apocalypse.

December 19, 2015 1:57 am

Great story Maggie!

December 19, 2015 2:10 am

El dog O, I understood not nare a word of your video!! Only your commentary guides me. But apparently this Mexican horse had a cardiac event mid show! Well… Actually I had a similar experience with Mexican breeding…. I was tapping this fine young señorita in Tucson Arizona back in the day when her husband kicked in the motel door and upon seeing her had a massive myocardial infarction! After I got dressed, scratched my ass and drank a couple of beers I tried to save his ass! I’d say to little to late but it was to much to fast caused this wreck! So what’s the point? Mexican anything is subject to complete failure at the drop of a sombrero!

December 19, 2015 9:41 am

@ beebs,

Sorry, no. Won’t run for president. I might not be the smartest guy on Earth, but even a yokel like me knows that power corrupts.

At best, men seek power to keep it out of the hands of other men. Fuckers are all like “Now I can use this power for good!”… eh, no. You won’t. Nobody ever has and nobody ever will. At worst, we end up with dudes like we’ve been getting…

I don’t want to be President because I would use that power. I know I would. I know I would be: “Okay fuckers, buckle up – Imma set shit right.” And frankly, I do not trust myself with almost unlimited power. And neither should you.

@ Sensetti

Good vids, dude. Remind me to tell you what happened recently here on the Doomstead with the horses we’re horse-sitting…

@ El Kabong,

Well, at least we agree on something. It’s a start.

EL Caballo
EL Caballo
December 19, 2015 2:02 pm

Billy, Prof Pangloss said the role of government is to keep the tractor-trailer ship of state between the ditches. He said that requires small adjustments. BTW, he added, we see these guys on teevee driving and moving the steering wheel back and forth, that car needs an alignment.

My cousing lent me a pickup truck and the front wheels had no alignment to speak of, they felt like i was driving a mechanic’s dolly with those wheels on a swivel. I could not tell you if my frantic left, right corrections were having a direct effect or if the wheels were doing their own autocorrect. I drove that nightmare tuck for two miles, or as my army brother calls it, 20 miles of bad road.

I say all that to say this – whoever is president will have to drive a tractor-trailer ship of state with bad alignment and will have enough work to do to keep it between the ditches, let alone bring about change.

EL Caballo
EL Caballo
December 19, 2015 3:42 pm

Sensetti, the video was about Ezekiel ‘Cheque’ (Zeke) horse having a heart attack. Cheque was distraught and the handlers held him back as he tried to take the bridle off the horse, desperately trying to save his beloved “El Mandon” – The Boss.

The handlers were aware of the horse’s kicking and kept the singer away from the horse for that reason. You can see Cheque crying on the sidelines a bit later. The announcer tries to cheer him up by requesting an ovation for the dead horse.

These shows are called ‘Jaripeos’ and the late Joan Sebastian was called the king of the jaripeo. He was married to the delightful eyeful Maribel Guardia. I told you before, I saw her in Vegas and didn’t think anything of her tiny little self but the Sexy Mulatta chased her down the mall in Caesar’s Palace to get a good look at her and her young-ass BF.

EL Caballo
EL Caballo
December 20, 2015 12:03 am