Donald Trump: Carnage Recruiter

Hat tip Francis Marion

Guest Post by David Cole

Donald Trump: Carnage Recruiter

Of all the people I don’t envy, of all the unfortunates who labor away at the type of dirty jobs that would make Mike Rowe throw his hands up in frustration, the ones I pity the most are Muslim apologists. Sisyphus has nothing on these poor bastards. Muslim apologists are like children who rejoice at ebb tide, building sand castles and declaring victory over the ocean itself, only to watch in disbelief as the tide returns and buries the day’s work. Believing the flood tide to be a fluke, the children happily begin anew at the next ebb.

I suppose the best I can say is that Muslim apologists are like Sisyphus without the curse of retention or cognizance. After every incident of Muslim terror, the apologists reassure us that there is no pathology, no pattern, no problem. That café could have just as easily been shot up by the Amish; the folks at that Christmas party would probably have been butchered by Buddhists anyway. By an arbitrary role of the dice, by pure random chance, this time it was Muslims committing the crime.

I’ve written about the apologists before, but in the past few weeks, there’s been an interesting new addition to their canon. We’re already familiar with the apologists’ first two mindlessly repeated articles of faith:

(1) There is nothing uniquely Islamic about Muslim terror. The Muslim community is no more predisposed to committing acts of terror than any other religious, ethnic, or racial group.

(2) In the U.S., the real terror threat comes from Christian white guys, but everyone is too racist to see it because something something Fox News something something Koch brothers something something Bush.

Been there, heard that. Over and over again.

“If white Christians constitute a greater threat than Muslims, then surely those who recruit them to terror via blanket condemnations must be stopped at all costs.”

Here’s the new talking point, repeated again and again by newsmakers over the past two weeks: Donald Trump is the top recruiter for ISIS. We heard it from Hillary Clinton, Andrew Cuomo, Ted Koppel, and Tom Brokaw, among many others. The gist is, Trump’s “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” comment is “making” Muslims join ISIS. Trump’s suggestion of a blanket ban is enough to make Muslims say, “To hell with my life, my family, my job…I’m going to join ISIS, because Donald Trump made a sweeping, indiscriminate generalization devoid of nuance.”

So much for the “Muslims are as afraid of ISIS as we are” talking point. Apparently, all it takes to get Muslims to sign up for a life of terrorism is one speech by a wealthy reality-show star who holds no office. I mean, joining ISIS is no small commitment; it’s not like changing your vote come Election Day, or registering for a different party. The political and media elites really want us to believe that all it takes to get Muslims to devote their lives to ISIS is a speech by Donald Trump.

The notion that average Muslims teeter so precariously on the brink of “going jihad” that one speech by a businessman-politician could cause them to chuck their normal lives and throw in with a bunch of murderous sadists reflects, at its core, a truth—one that the apologists have for years been trying to avoid: “Ordinary” Muslims become radicalized far more readily and with greater frequency than the rest of us. Again and again we hear of Muslim terrorists who “only recently” embraced jihad, often with such speed that friends and family members barely had time to notice. In a previous piece, I likened the ease with which Muslims can become radicalized to the ease with which the elderly can get pneumonia. It doesn’t mean that only the elderly get pneumonia, or that all elderly people get pneumonia; it just means that they are more likely to get it.

It’s like having a compromised immune system, but rather than compromised immunity, Muslims appear to have compromised stability. They can, and do, go jihad at the drop of a hat. Physician, psychiatrist, soldier, rich man, poor man, husband, wife, father, teen; there’s no single profile for the ones most likely to snap, other than that they’re Muslim.

Last week, as endlessly repeated chants of “Donald Trump the ISIS recruiter” danced in my head (a welcome respite from the seasonal sugar-plums), a thought occurred to me. An epiphany, if you will. If the three main apologist talking points are correct—if Muslims are no more predisposed to terrorism than other people, if white Christian terrorists pose the greatest threat to the U.S., and if a blanket generalization by Donald Trump is enough to turn Muslims into terrorists—then blanket generalizations about white Christians must be even more dangerous. If Muslims are no more terror-inclined than white Christians, and if Muslims can be “recruited” to terror by hearing or reading blanket condemnations of their group, then by logical extension, so can white Christians. And if white Christians constitute a greater threat than Muslims, then surely those who recruit them to terror via blanket condemnations must be stopped at all costs. That is the logical conclusion if the apologists’ talking points are to be believed.

I decided to reach out to the authors and editors of some of the most infamous recent blanket condemnations of white people. Amazingly, I found them all at (how very convenient). I sent each of them this email:

Do you think it might be a possibility that the various pieces (by you and others) that make blanket criticisms of whites (“White guys are killing us,” “The plague of angry white men,” “Let’s deport all white males,” “White men must be stopped,” “White men are the face of terror,” “The plague of angry white men,” “Deal with your shit, white people,” “Why is it always a white guy: The roots of modern, violent rage,” to name just a few) might help white hate groups recruit new members? I’m not looking to debate the veracity of the criticisms of white America expressed in those pieces; I’m only asking if you think that, possibly, such blanket condemnations assist white hate groups by serving as recruitment tools.

A fair question, respectfully posed. Salon editors David Daley, Pete Catapano, Peter Finocchiaro, and Ruth Henrich refused to reply. Because something something “tolerance” something something Bush. All but two of the authors of the pieces in question refused to reply.

Frank Joyce, the author of “White men must be stopped,” did reply. However, Joyce, an old-school Detroit labor activist, seemed more interested in apologizing for the title that Salon gave his essay: “As you probably know, authors don’t write headlines, editors and headline writers do. Their interests aren’t identical. Authors may want to gently persuade. Editors want to ‘sell newspapers.’” Frankly, it never occurred to me that Salon’s hate-filled race-baiting has grown so extreme that even some of its own authors are appalled by it.

Regarding my actual question, Joyce would only say, “It’s a good question that deserves a thoughtful reply,” but he replied only in very general terms: “The question of how to help people see very emotional issues differently is anything but easy. Decades of psychological, neuroscience and market research leave us with still a long way to go in understanding how humans change their mind about anything.” Joyce concluded by stating that the risk of making people angry is “not a reason to stop trying to change hearts and minds.”

Fair enough; I actually agree with that, and I apply it 100% to my vigorous criticisms of Muslim extremism, violence, misogyny, hypersensitivity, and denial.

But still, I was hoping for a specific answer to my “good question.” And I was to receive it from none other than Salon’s No. 1 hatemonger, Chauncey DeVega. DeVega, a young black fellow, is a real piece of work. As a writer, his abilities extend only to penning hateful screeds about whites. He is the definition of the one-trick blogger: “Donald Trump leads an insane white cult,” “White guys are killing us,” “White killers go to Burger King” (in which DeVega repeated, apparently with Salon’s blessing, the outright lie that police took Charleston mass murderer Dylann Roof to Burger King), “White America’s toxic ignorance,” “Donald Trump’s white fascist brigade,” “Sympathy is for white people,” “White America will ignore this video,” “Now white people are trying to ruin ‘Star Wars,’” “The violence white America must answer for,” “Black America owes no forgiveness,” and on and on. DeVega is not capable of penning an essay that doesn’t involve a blanket attack on whites. That’s not entirely his fault; he’s just a very, very bad writer. But no respectable publication or website would ever bring in a regular columnist for weekly (or, in DeVega’s case, sometimes daily) pieces that were perpetual retreads.

As with Frank Joyce’s apparent embarrassment over Salon’s choice of a title for his essay, this is yet another reason why Salon represents the very worst of the “new media.”

But back to DeVega. In response to my question “Do you think it might be a possibility that the various pieces (by you and others) that make blanket criticisms of whites might help white hate groups recruit new members?” DeVega answered (and this is his response in its entirety), “No.”

When I asked him (several times) if he could expand on that one-word reply, he countered, “I was generous in responding to you. Please don’t make me regret that use of my time.” Regular readers of this column may recall the incident earlier this year in which a Latina activist told me she’s too “way above” me to bother to provide me with an “understanding” of her reasoning. Left-wing minority supremacists always carry with them an inflated ego and an unearned and unrealistic sense of self-importance.

Having failed to impress me with his “generosity,” DeVega concluded by telling me that my repeated requests for clarification were, and I quote, “a bad look on you.” Either he’s semi-illiterate, or he somehow knew about the garish Christmas sweater I was wearing while we corresponded. No matter. His two-letter response spoke volumes. DeVega, master of the blanket condemnation of whites, understands that there is no possibility that his hostile words might make white people join “hate groups.” DeVega proved my point: Muslims are different. They do indeed have “compromised stability.” They can become radicalized due to the kinds of things the rest of us take in stride—hurtful Internet essays, mean words from a political figure, even a simple cartoon. Until this mass personality disorder is dealt with, extra caution is indeed warranted, especially when considering the importation of hundreds of thousands or millions of Muslims into non-Muslim nations.

This is not to say that white people can’t also become radicalized by reading things on the Internet, as the Dylann Roof case certainly proved. But it’s such an exception that even a hardcore antiwhite ideologue like Chauncey DeVega does not even consider it a possibility worth worrying about.

Their intentions may have been to attack Trump, but in the process, Clinton, Brokaw, Cuomo, and Koppel helped bring attention to the very serious problem of sudden Muslim radicalization, and we should thank them for that. Love Trump or hate him, it’s not his fault that Muslim terror “recruitment” is so easy. The blame lies with Muslims, and the solution, if there ever is one, will have to come from Muslims.

In the meantime, the worst thing the rest of the world can do is ignore the problem, or deny it. So (and I never thought I’d write these words) thank you, Hillary Clinton, for doing (if unintentionally) what liberals always say they love doing—“raising awareness” of a vitally important issue.

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December 31, 2015 2:23 pm

Love it, I was on the fence with trump, but if he can raise the hackles of the progressives like this, more power to him

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 31, 2015 2:47 pm

It’s good to see David Cole writing again. He’s effective at connecting dots and making solid, logical arguments.

December 31, 2015 4:40 pm

Fox said their poll said 50% of people would be embarrassed if Trump was president.Thats their WTF poll.I do not recall same poll for O.Then Faux said Hillary O and Michelle most admired in the world,whew,hip waiters please…I need a shower

December 31, 2015 5:17 pm

It is amazing how all it takes is a few acts that could very well be staged by some rogue agency at a cost of a whopping $100k apiece, and for that paltry sum, half the country is ready to torch the constitution, declare war on 1.6 billion people because ALL muslims are suddenly evil, throw reason completely out the window, and make ignorant remarks about children and tides. It is a wonder people this gullible havent been goaded down the cattle chutes already.

December 31, 2015 6:02 pm

Suddenly evil? A few? Those monsters have been raping, killing, bombing, hacking, burning, stoning, and pretty much everything else-ing everyone they can for 1000 years. You can’t call it painting with too broad a brush to call them violent assholes. With the history they have, violence isn’t an occasional incident, but more of a tradition.

For my entire life, and yours, too, the one constant has been reports about islamic violence. Those fuckers have been killing somebody, fighting somebody, threatening somebody, somewhere, my entire life. I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m tired of it. There’s one group on this planet that can’t get along with the rest of the planet and they make it clear every day they have no intention of playing nice with others, even the members of their own stupid death cult. They’ll kill you if you disagree over who should have succeeded mo. They’ll kill you if you don’t grow a beard. They’ll kill you if you get too close to a woman. They’ll kill a woman for riding a bike. They’ll kill a woman for not wearing a scarf. They’ll force children to burn to death in a school fire because their veils are back inside the fire. They’ll kill you for being raped against your will. They’ll rape little boys and girls. They’ll kill you for being another religion. They’ll kill you for leaving their religion.
That last one is the kicker, too-if your religion sentences people to death for leaving it, it’s illegitimate.

If ANYONE announced they would run the muslims out of America, shut down their religious centers, and seize their properties and assets to pay for all the damage they’ve caused us, I would be all for it. If they’re not here, they can’t kill us here. And don’t gimme that Woe for the Constitution crap, because we threw that out a long time ago. If we’re going to run the country without it, we might as well benefit from it.

Hollow man
Hollow man
December 31, 2015 6:32 pm

I really don’t like Trump. But I really really really don’t like Obama, Clinton, sanders. Ir really don’t like Cruz. Carson not so bad. No there is no real point to this post. Happy New Year

December 31, 2015 8:52 pm

What is unfortunate is that complete and honest discussion on this topic is not forthcoming from the political class and the corporate media.

December 31, 2015 8:53 pm

Trump wants to hang Snowden and says he’s a traitor. See, he made my decision for me.

The only logical choice of the current bunch is Bernie Sanders. He’s proven, level-headed, and out to rebuild the middle class, stop all these wars, break up the banks and regulate Wall St., and bring back our Constitutional rights. Labels are useless in our current dire straights. We peons need to consider what candidates are actually saying and how that squares with what they’re liable to do if elected. Our very lives may depend on choosing wisely.

Muck About
Muck About
December 31, 2015 10:40 pm

If nothing changes between now and primary day, Trump will get my vote. ( “Shudder!!”)

He is as close to a fascist, know-it-all bore as is politically visible at the moment but the rest of the Rep/Dem field is so pitiful that if we are doomed to continue with a two party rule, he’s the only one connected with at least a tentative grasp of reality.

The rest of the Republican field are being studiously ignored by the MSM (how ofter do you see a piece by Rand Paul – if he were not on the wrong side of the women right’s movement – he be a fine President.

Several things you must remember; We have already had a disastrous Bush dynasty. We’ve had a disastrous Clinton 8 year Presidency and we NO NOT need another Clinton Dynasty just because Hellery was the wife of a President and a politically appointed Secretary of State that she made a total hash of, got four good men killed by ignoring their pleas for increased security, refusing to send in available back up man power to defend the embassy (our country’s territory), using her private email system to handle Top Secret Documents and emails and whatever knows what else.

Hellery knows no truth that she’s not willing to bend and break. Her Democratic “running mates” consists of a brilliant black brain surgeon who completely rejects significant proven science (storing rice in Giza’s pyramids?) and other brilliant totally off the wall, unconnected to the real world in any way or shape. Then there’s Bernie who’s claim to fame is that we’re not spending enough money to get up out of debt. Gag..

So there is one viable Republican Candidate – nut though he may be – D. Trump..

NOW REMEMBER THIS: We are slowly slipping into an oligarchy in compared to a Republic. Judging from the number of questionably (if not absolutely) unconstitutional Executive Orders issued by Obummer’s Office, it looks more and more that we are being ruled by a Monarch coupled with an absolutely pussyfied Congress that doesn’t have the balls to take the Executive to stand up and remove the funding that allow funding of those E817 08=52.93/./cutive Orders that allow Obummer to spend in the fine and free fashion of a King. More in next comment.


December 31, 2015 10:51 pm

But – you have to remember that Trump, as President, is not King, nor God, and can only do his personal agenda so long as Congress funds these grandiose plans. No funds, Mr. Trump can can rant and rave but his only avenue is to take his agenda to the voters and hope he can convince them into pressuring Congress into supporting his proposals.

A Repeat: D. Trump can not accomplish a single thing (like building fences between Mexico and the U.S. South Border, blocking Muslim immigrants or anything else unless he get’s Congress to fund the effort.

His utter (and sometimes magnificent) ego is only just that.. EGO..

He must work with the rest of Government (not to mention the citizens of this country) to accomplish anything of real importance.


December 31, 2015 11:37 pm

Criticizing Muslim extremism misses the point. Actions have consequences. There has always been radical Islamists, but not as many as recently. The question one needs to ask is “why?”
The amount of innocent Americans that Muslims have killed is insignificant compared to the number of innocent Muslims Americans have killed. The figure are about 2 million people in the Middle East have died since our War on Terror. That is far, far more than all of the deaths our country has suffered in wars since it’s beginning. We have muffled and weakened the voice of moderate Islam in our pursuit of global power. This has given rise to radical Islam.
We have uncritically supported Israel in it’s war against Palestinians. We have allowed the Zionists to invade and to takeover the land of the Palestinians and turn them into second class citizens in their own land. This “invasion” of the Middle East is a renewal of the Crusades in the eyes of the Arabs. This has further supported the rise of radical Islam. We have created this monster with our own hands. To deny this is to deny reality. To blame others is ignorance.
Trump is a sign of the times. If the Donald would not have appeared, another just like him would have. He is the result of the establishment marginalizing the masses and driving them into penury. He is the strong man come to save us. He will not fix things. He will make them worse. Things are probably not fixable anyway. Past administrations have created an Imperial Presidency that is ripe for the strong man. A totalitarian government, or Revolution is our destiny. Revolutions historically give you a government worse than the ones that they replace. Perhaps we will be lucky a second time.
Putting the blame on the evils of this world on radical Islam is to ignore the man behind the curtains. Of course, I could be wrong. :o)

January 1, 2016 2:43 am

The islams are big trouble but they are not our biggest problem.

China may not seem like it to many but they are much larger problem than the nasty Islams. But China is not our biggest problem.

Our biggest problem and most dangerous enemies are the only people in all of our History that have taken our liberty, denied our freedom, invaded our privacy, corrupted justice, imprisoned us for non crimes, taxed our labor and obstructed our prosperity. Those people are our Federal Government, State Governments and Local Governments. And of course the Banker / Corporate Overlords.

War is when the Government and Media tell you who the enemy is. Revolution is when enough people figure it out for themselves. Long live the Revolution.

January 1, 2016 2:52 am

I don’t care. Trump’s not man enough to be America’s Man on Horseback (see He’s not man enough to be that guy, but I’ll take him. And fuck jizz-lam.

If you’ve never read Guy Odom, he predicts our Man on Horseback to arrive in roughly 2030.

January 1, 2016 6:13 am

@ Bruce…most certainly. You nailed it. +1000

Social Security Administration Confirms: Illegal Aliens To Begin Collecting Benefits In 2017

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January 1, 2016 6:18 am

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January 1, 2016 9:25 am

The Trump sucking sound is disgusting.