New Gallup Poll – Americans Consider Government A Much Bigger Problem Than Guns

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

U.S. President Barack Obama is not just the world’s best gun salesman, he’s also the world’s worst gun control spokesperson.


Despite immediately politicizing every single shooting event in recent years by using his bully pulpit to lecture the American public on why citizens must give up their rights to feel safe, his message has fallen on deaf ears. Why?


Mainly because a man who consistently orders drone strikes on women and children all over the world, intentionally bombs a Doctors Without

Borders hospital into oblivion, and who launched more shady wars across the globe than George W. Bush, doesn’t exactly hold much credibility as a humanitarian pacifist looking to “save the children.”

– From the post: A Majority of Americans Oppose “Assault Weapons Ban” – Highest Number on Record

We learned the above just last month, which makes the latest findings on how Americans view gun control consistent with previously observed attitudes. Meanwhile, Nick Gillespie over at Reason explains the latest poll results from Gallup, and  highlights how Obama continues to force an alternative agenda on the American people:

The first major action taken by Barack Obama in 2016—a set of new gun-control measures mandated via executive order—is aimed at a threat that Americans don’t spend a lot of time worrying about.


In its latest survey of Americans, Gallup finds that “dissatisfaction with government,” not guns or even terrorism, tops the list of concerns:


Obama’s new actions against guns include expanding background checks; changing definitions of mental illness in a way that limits who is able to own guns; increasing the number of federal agents charged with tracking gun sales and crimes; and more.


Because violent crime, including gun-related crime and murders, is way down, gun-control issues don’t generally capture the public imagination the way that they would in a world of increasing murder rates. In the same Gallup survey that listed “dissatisfaction with government” as the top concern for each of the past two years, “guns/Gun control” was considered “the most important problem” by 2 percent of respondents, about the same who listed “lack of respect for each other” and pollution.


Yet Obama pushes forward with measures that even he acknowledges “will save few lives,” almost certainly more out of politics than an interest in dealing with the most serious problems facing the country.


Obama’s willingness to always pivot to issues that are not front and center, along with his willingness to expand the role of the state in virtually every aspect of our lives from health care to mass surveillance is surely a big part of the reason why people are consistently worried more about government than anything else. In this, of course, he’s had plenty of help from Republicans and his fellow Democrats, which also helps to explain another Gallup finding released this time last year: “In U.S. New Record 43% Are Independents.”

Now let’s look at the detailed breakdown from Gallup. It’s not even close, gun control barely registers.


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January 6, 2016 10:36 am

Gun control laws are focusing entirely on those people least likely to use them in commissions of violent crime.

There is a reason for that.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 6, 2016 11:38 am

Shed no tears for the 2nd Amendment; shed tears that the POTUS is a stealth Muslim Communist who is importing Muslims at night on unmarked planes and secretly dispersing them to your town.

January 6, 2016 11:39 am

Obama and his soap opera crocodile tears performance for US gun tyranny and oppression was a joke.He once said he is good at killing aka gun running to Is Is,droning thousands of children,not to mention doctors without borders hospitals.How many US service men have been killed by O to keep IS IS terrorists safe?How do we trust this psychopathic monster and his puppet masters?

January 6, 2016 11:40 am

I wonder how many of that 2% were in the camp of too much gun control. I’ll bet there were some of those San Bernadino victims, who were disarmed by the State, would have liked to have had a gun.

January 6, 2016 12:08 pm

A lot of the liberal media discussion in the wake of Obama’s announcement has centered on the “no one needs an automatic weapon” meme. That they’re only good for killing people, so they should be banned.

Unfortunately, those who have tried to counter that belief have done so by pointing out that semi-automatic weapons (because there ARE no legal fully-automatic ones) are used for sport, some hunting, etc. No one points out that the best reason to not ban semi-automatic weapons is to protect us from our own government, should it turn against its citizens, like so many have throughout the centuries.

When you see polls like this, you know that Americans do, indeed, get it. Why can’t someone stand up and honestly say, “we need these weapons to keep and protect our freedom.” ??

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 6, 2016 12:16 pm

Don’t lose sleep over gun shows for the public but do worry about a POTUS who gives moral and military support to the Muslim Brotherhood all over the world, is harassing Russia with sanctions and funding terrorist in the Ukraine, Syria, Iran, North Africa etc and supplying and encouraging our NATO allies in Europe to oppose Russia (missiles in Poland and in the case of Turkey, shooting down a SU-24 Bomber that was attacking ISIS, blockading Russian warships in the Turkish Straits, and threatening to invade the Russian Mother Land). Be very concerned that in retaliation, Russia has assembled the BRICS et all into an economic, political and military power block to contain and later destroy the dollar (the dollar itself being the snare for our own insanely greedy money printing welfare and warfare mongers who have full support of the POTUS, the Treasury and Congress).

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 6, 2016 12:23 pm

I fear a POTUS who is an anti-Christ who opposes God even more than he opposes liberty and guns.

January 6, 2016 12:24 pm

Not true that there are no legal fully automatic weapons in the US.
Heavily regulated, yes. Illegal, no.

January 6, 2016 12:54 pm


But none that have been made since mid 1986.

At least not privately owned ones, government people always exempt themselves.

January 6, 2016 12:56 pm

Thinker….the ‘turn’ is already in play.

Rise Up
Rise Up
January 6, 2016 1:04 pm

Each measure like the latest EO one is a baby step to the Democratic socialist holy grail of gun confiscation. A dripping faucet eventually fills up the bucket.


Rise Up
Rise Up
January 6, 2016 1:09 pm

Thinker says: “Unfortunately, those who have tried to counter that belief have done so by pointing out that semi-automatic weapons (because there ARE no legal fully-automatic ones) are used for sport, some hunting, etc.”

Not so in Virginia:

Machine Gun Registration

§18.2-295 of Code of Virginia, as amended, requires every machine gun in the Commonwealth to be registered with the Department of State Police within 24 hours after its acquisition. A Certificate of Registration, valid as long as the registrant remains the same, shall be issued upon receipt of a completed Machine Gun Registration Application (Form SP-115).

However, Anonymous’ comment about the 1986 date is correct:

” Machine guns made after the May 19th, 1986 cutoff date. These are only for dealers, manufacturers, military, and police. A manufacturer who pays $500 a year is permitted by the federal government to manufacture these. A dealer (who is not a manufacturer) may acquire these if a police agency provides a “demo letter”. A demo letter is simply a letter from a PD asking you to acquire a sample gun for them to test and evaluate for potential purchase. Unfortunately dealers must sell or destroy post samples when they give up their license.”

January 6, 2016 3:39 pm

Thanks, Rise Up. Yes, I meant legal in the hands of citizens, not in the hands of government. The people saying “no one should be allowed to own a semi-automatic weapon” mean ordinary civilians. They don’t realize they’re potentially writing their own death sentence.