A Nation of Fly Larvae: Obama and Gun Control


I’m going to move to Mexico. I swear I am. Except that I already have. Well, I’m going to move there twice. It’s to get away from Hussein Obama.

Who is this President? How did we get him? Does he have anything in common with me? Is there anything even American about him? He is an African of Islamo-Indonesian culture, deeply hostile to America and white people and ruling with a dictatorial style more like that of Shaka Zulu than Thomas Jefferson.

Yet I confess to a grudging admiration. He, belonging to one of the virile peoples—blacks, Hispanics, and Moslems–has keenly diagnosed the weakness of American society:

There is no one who will say ”No.”

The Supreme Court? Nine corpses in a wax museum. Congress? If they all poisoned themselves nobody would notice. Though it would still be worth doing.

A President with brass balls—and god knows Hussein Obama has them—can do anything with an executive order. Anything. And we obey.  “Yass, Bwana. What you say, Bwana.” Gun control? No problem. The Constitution? Say what? Wars anywhere and everywhere? Congress can read about them in the papers. It is astonishing.

More correctly, the European population–pale, white, feeble things wriggling like fly grubs in the corruption of a putrefying body politic—obey.  Blacks and Moslems do not allow themselves to be pushed around. They are, whatever else they are, virile. They look to be history’s winners. Though not civilization’s.

Hussein Obama is something new, a President completely unconcerned with law, the principles of American governance, or the wishes of the majority. Most presidents engage in corruption and pillage within the Constitution, or at least within commuting range of it. This is the American way: Malfeasance, but within the rules. There are proprieties.

Hussein simply ignores the rules. He has no affection for European culture because he has no roots in it. Africa did not develop democracy or constitutional government, perhaps because doing so would have required writing. The Moslem world is equally dictatorial. Neither culture is much given to abstractions. Obama wants what he wants. Period.

Now he wants gun control.  This means disarming people he doesn’t like. Controlling guns doesn’t prevent crime. Mexico has strict gun control Does anyone get shot in Mexico?

Nah. Never.

Guns? What have guns got to do with our problems? I, having a romantic attachment to the far-off days of constitutional government, law, low crime, and what was once called “civilization,” find myself asking:

When murders are overwhelmingly committed by blacks and Hispanics, do we have a gun problem, or a black-and-Hispanic problem?

When terrorism is overwhelmingly committed by Moslems, is the  problem Islamophobia, or Moslems?

When malls are looted and cities burned overwhelmingly by black mobs, is the solution to outlaw malls and cities, or to control the mobs?

When Moslems mutilate their daughters, is the problem Patriarchy, or Moslems? (I have daughters. For such mutilation there should be a death penalty.)

We know the answers to the foregoing. However, there is the now-standard American approach of refusing to admit the obvious nature of problems. This precludes solving them. The downstream consequences are going to be fascinating.

I know, Hussein knows, we all know, that outlawing guns means disarming whites. Nobody is going to go into the depths of darkest Chicago and try to de-gun the occupants. As the looting and burning and destruction grow, as the looters and burners realize that no one is going to stop them, wise people want guns, for when. This will not have a happy ending.

Hussein, in what looks like racial vengeance brings in, as fast as he can get away with, large populations of his two ethnic groups, Africans and Mohammedans and, apparently because they are not white, Hispanics. This will have, is having, enormous consequences for the country, all brought about by one man with the will to do it. No popular vote, not a whimper from Congress. When poked, the vaunted American polity turns out to have the strength of a continental beached jellyfish.

In Third World countries with high rates of violence, the civilized population moves into gated communities with guards, often armed, at the entrances. It is what happened in the declining days of the Roman Empire, the gated communities being called “castles.”  It is happening in America. New York Times: ”The phenomenon of walled cities and gated communities is a dramatic manifestation of a new fortress mentality growing in America….”

As the kids say, “Duh.”

Now I see that American whites are buying “safe rooms.”  “A safe room or panic room is a fortified room that is installed in a private residence or business to provide a safe shelter, or hiding place, for the inhabitants in the event of a break in, home invasion….”

Now, who do you suppose the people in their safe rooms are afraid of? Is it Norwegian tourists of Viking persuasion waving swords, or feral Girl Scouts selling exploding cookies? Or hunting bends bands of savage rabbis armed with lead-weighted violins?

In reality of course it is blacks and Obama’s imports who drive the enfortressification of America. In a white neighborhood, or for that matter Chinese or Indian or Korean, you don’t need “safe rooms.” (Only occasionally are innocents found beaten to death with Ming vases. Usually wearing a helmet is sufficient protection because the porcelain is thin.)

Here we have yet more symptoms  of America’s descent into the Third World. At all levels America’s governments cannot or will not enforce the laws. Standards of living fall, a rich oligarchy rules for its own benefit, merit gives way to racial nepotism, moronic students control the universities, and educational standards fall sharply to disguise the failures of, of course, the affirmative-action classes.

“Safe Rooms” are the last, pathetic, contemptible line of defense of  frightened, passive white people against uncontrolled crime. The first and best defense is a culture that doesn’t commit crime and slams hard any intruding criminal. But this is racism. The second is a Ruger Redhawk and the will to use it, but if the remains are of the wrong color it’s a hate crime. Gated communities are subject to being found racist and forced to let in inner-city hunter-gatherers at subsidized rent. That leaves Safe Rooms.

Realistically–Oh! Odious word!—what can be done about the crime and looting of shopping centers? Nothing. Nothing, anyway, without igniting an epochal conflagration. The only way to stop confident looters is with force—and twenty cities would go up in flames. Who is going to risk it? And, one might ask, how is all of this going to help blacks?

It would be nice to have the rule of law, the same laws for everybody, but it is not the American way. Fly larvae. I’ll write from Mexico.

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January 7, 2016 2:30 pm

Fred, what can be done is to make “open carry” a nationwide right. When more people are carrying more guns to protect themselves, we’ll see much less “gun violence”.

January 7, 2016 2:42 pm

Fred is on target, as usual. And I like the Ruger Redhawk comment – for those who don’t know, that is a big honkin’ revolver in magnum calibers (most often .44 Magnum).

I continue to see the tension being increased, and it will snap back violently at some point, soon I think. Although many of the white XY persuasion are hardly male, others are male and extremely masculine, and aren’t going to stand by. Adults recognize that actions have a right time and place, and learn the virtue of patience.

January 7, 2016 2:50 pm

But isn’t the RedHawk a single action only gun? I thought that SA guns were suboptimal for defense (certainly better than NO gun). What do I know– I’m more of a Smith and Wesson type of guy anyway

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
January 7, 2016 3:48 pm


Redhawk is a double action revolver. Blackhawk is a single action.

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
January 7, 2016 4:11 pm

Obama is the apotheosis of the Big Narrative (white men are devils) and unsurprisingly pushes his power to “make society better” (by doing everything in his power to hurt white males.)

Like Germans cowed by Nazi guilt enough to open their land to invasion and women to rape by so-called “refugees,” American are so cowed by “racist” name-calling that they elected this clown…twice.

Every president has been an extreme of one variety or another my whole life. Not one of them was decent, not even Reagan (who said one thing and let Congress run amok like a 19 year old sailor with a no-limit credit card in a whore house.)

Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, all are the kind of rulers you expect to see in a place coasting to apogee on past greatness.

This roller coaster ain’t going to be much fun on the downswing, but given how sick I am of all this cultural Marxist crap, I’m almost welcoming the storm.

People (mostly male) whose ancestors hailed from Northern Europe are the ones who BUILT the modern age.

African people didn’t build it. Asian people didn’t build it. Both are subject to the LIMITATIONS of their ancestral DNA, which governs much more than simply intelligence.

If high intelligence people with a genetic predisposition to Western Civilization are diluted, marginalized or wiped out, mankind will revert to at MOST a 19th century standard of living.

The Chinese are great at copying, and even sometimes improving the innovations of others. They are culturally crippled, however, by their DNA-level conformity. East Asians are generally not the font of innovation their high average IQ’s might otherwise suggest.

And don’t get me started on those of African descent. The more ancestral DNA a person carries from Africa, the less able they are to do ANYTHING required in a modern, civilized nation.

DNA is destiny. If it’s racist to speak the truth, so be it.

Those of African ancestry are often way better at sports than I am. If that doesn’t bother me, why does it bother them if people with Northern European ancestry are better at math, science, financial planning, developing low time preference and avoiding commission of violent crime?

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
January 7, 2016 4:17 pm

“Gated communities are subject to being found racist and forced to let in inner-city hunter-gatherers at subsidized rent.”


I once wondered if my neighborhood could be walled off (or points of entry barricaded.) I shortly was to discover that the barbarians are already inside the gates. A guy who lives 1/2 a mile away in his girlfriend’s house is an officer in the Latin Kings Chicago streetgang.

Yes, even organized crime commutes to work.

Honestly, I fear that someday we’ll be treated to the USA turning into one big Sarajevo, where snipers (who are just people with rifles that may or may not be equipped with scopes) pick off anyone stupid enough to venture into the open.

Then, expect “checkpoints” on roads where anyone (especially trucks) can be waylaid.

If this happens, and it’s “every man for himself,” 90% of the USA will starve within two months.

January 7, 2016 4:26 pm
January 7, 2016 4:30 pm

Probably the most important point of this article, and the entire debate, is the subtle line about this really being about disarming whites. As fred says, no one is going to go into darkest chicago and go around collecting guns. Only law abiding white people would actually willingly disarm(obviously not everyone would, but a lot would because they fear prison). This would leave us all at the mercy of the ghetto dwellers and third world imports obama seems intent on making us live with.

The prison thing gives me an interesting thought though- if they did follow through with the whole assualt weapons ban, what would happen if 10 million people just said “no”? Are they going to throw every single one of us in prison? And remember, these assault weapon bans almost always ban ANY magazine that holds over 10 rounds, so if you are a gun owner that thinks they don’t have to worry since they don’t own an “assault” weapon, think again. When you factor in everyone who owns a weapon with a removal magazine that holds more that 10 rounds, the number winds up including almost every gun owner.

January 7, 2016 4:32 pm

Obama’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing coming to a gated community near you.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/421389/attention-americas-suburbs-you-have-just-been-annexed-stanley-kurtz

harry p.
harry p.
January 7, 2016 4:47 pm

It says to keep and bear arms, carrying already is a nationwide right.

January 7, 2016 5:11 pm

Ah my mistake. I was thinking of the Blackhawk. Thank you for the correction Francis. Either is a fine firearm. I am partial to revolvers. There is something romantic about them; their lock work can be like a fine Swiss watch. Their appearance, to me, is sexier than a semiauto pistol–revolvers have curves, like a woman. A semiauto is angular like a man. I’d rather be clutching a woman.

January 7, 2016 5:16 pm

Outstanding as usual from Fred; but this line alone makes it worth reading:

“Congress? If they all poisoned themselves nobody would notice. Though it would still be worth doing.”

January 7, 2016 5:46 pm

it is the uniquely white sense of externalized altruism that will be the downfall of the white race. Our altruism must be directed inward, looking out for our own kind, rather than the externalized altruism that :looks out for other “races”. The whole “civil-rights” movement would have been effectively destroyed IF whites had stuck to looking out for our own kind. As it stands now, us whites have been marginalized and openly denied the opportunity to look out for ourselves. “Freedom of association” was effectively outlawed for whites, and was replaced by government-backed and enforced “public accommodation”. Civil-rights laws do not (and never have) applied to whites…We are third-class citizens in our own country. We need to ignore the cries of “racism” that will be directed our way, when we TAKE BACK what is rightfully OURS.
As an aside, the worldwide population of whites is less than 12% of the world’s population. According to the United Nations convention on genocide, WE should be the most cherished and protected of humanity…
White men…grow a pair…for one, I AM PROUD to be considered “racist”. When “people of color” confront me on my “racism”, I shake their hands, and thank them for noticing. The incredulous, confused looks on their faces is priceless…

January 7, 2016 5:49 pm

Maybe slightly OT, but he did bring up Muslims mutilating their daughters. Why is it bad that Muslims mutilate their daughters but nobody objects to the majority of white americans sexually mutilating their sons when they are less than a day old? And then they can’t figure out why they turn into wimps?

January 7, 2016 6:35 pm

Anonymous, that guy probably spent 20,000 dollars getting that proficient. He is most likely a good enough marksman to only need 1 or 2 shots for self defense. His skill is admirable but average guy would be better off with a $400.00 Semi auto with a 15 round magazine.

January 7, 2016 6:36 pm

” At all levels America’s governments cannot or will not enforce the laws. Standards of living fall, a rich oligarchy rules for its own benefit, merit gives way to racial nepotism, moronic students control the universities, and educational standards fall sharply to disguise the failures of, of course, the affirmative-action classes.”

Too short for an obituary, too long for a headstone, but Fred sums up the Doom pretty well.

If there is any history left to write, Fred, the TBP and others will be called the Cassandras of their time. And will, apparently, suffer her fate.

Donald Trump
Donald Trump
January 7, 2016 6:42 pm

Nkit, Obama’s destroying good neighborhoods program was defunded in the omnibus. Probably the only good thing in there

all husnawk, everywhere
all husnawk, everywhere
January 7, 2016 7:26 pm

did anyone other than me notice how ‘Bama looks at his eldest daughter, creeps me out..

January 7, 2016 7:35 pm

Nowhere , Obama was raised by a child molester who was also a communist. I forgot his name. You can look up on other sites.

January 7, 2016 8:18 pm

@overthecliff, that’s Jerry Miculek, world famous, one of the best handgun shooters that has ever lived. (And also in the top ranks for rifle.)

January 7, 2016 8:19 pm

Axel said: “revolvers have curves, like a woman. A semiauto is angular like a man. I’d rather be clutching a woman.”

@Axel, I want a woman in bed, but I want a man beside me in a fight.

That might be why my daily carry is a Block. Err, Glock.

January 7, 2016 8:21 pm

Araven said: ” Why is it bad that Muslims mutilate their daughters but nobody objects to the majority of white americans sexually mutilating their sons when they are less than a day old? And then they can’t figure out why they turn into wimps?”

Araven, I agree with you. I’ve posted a similar comment before, I believe on the thread where Ann Barnhardt did a video of how sexually sick Muslims are. There is no excuse for mutilating the genitals of children.

Whoever negged you is a sick fuck. I’m not going to take TBP “there” by posting a video of infant circumcision as done in US hospitals, but anyone who can stomach it is probably a psychopath.

January 7, 2016 9:01 pm

Persnickety, being female I avoided that fate, but I never could understand why it is the custom here. I never had children, but talked to my brother about it when he had his first boy to see if I could talk him out of doing it to his son. He went ahead with it because he was afraid his son would be teased if he didn’t have it done. Really?? If that’s the only reason then why not wait and let the kid make his own decision about his own body when he’s old enough to understand?

January 7, 2016 10:00 pm

@Araven, sounds sane to me. I’m still not posting the nasty videos of the actual crime, but I will post this humorous but accurate video about the INSANE reasons that much of the US practices newborn genital mutilation, when none of the rest of the civilized world* does so:


(*I’m not counting theocratic totalitarian states run by religious zealots as civilized.)

January 7, 2016 10:18 pm

ha its pretty funny how this conversation wound up here. We didn’t do it to my son. My brother in law did, mainly because everyone else does and he didn’t want his kid to be ‘different’. I can understand the sentiment, but not enough to do that to my kid. I think its a horrible practice, totally pointless. My sons doctor actually applauded us for not doing it, says there is absolutely no medical reason for it, and that most people just do it because they think everyone else does it, which isn’t true, or they don’t want him to look different.

The way I look at it, is no way in hell would I choose to have part of my penis removed for any reason as an adult, so Im not going to do it to my newborn son. It just doesn’t seem like the right way to welcome a baby into the world, their first experience in life is the painful removal of part of their body

January 7, 2016 10:36 pm

So, because obama is a dickhead, westerners circumsize their male children?

January 7, 2016 10:44 pm

assaulting newborn male babies??

Join the dominant tribe.

January 8, 2016 4:46 am

circumcision… they did it to me almost 51 years ago without asking and I’m still pissed about. and Joey is correct. it was a sign give to Abraham and his decendents. in the years following the resurrection of Christ after the jews of the dispersion had rejected the final offer of repentance given by the apostle Paul, that the gentile covert Apollo did not feel compelled to be cut. and Paul was cool with that

January 8, 2016 8:14 am

I do not intend on following shit-stain’s illegal dictates. Make all the whites criminals… don’t care. WE PAY THE TAXES! We make your power possible with every paycheck we earn. Take that away from us by making us criminals and YOU WILL DIE! My wife and I are in our early 50’s and we are exiting the workforce within the next year…attempting to starve the beast. The only way to reign in this out of control government is to starve it of the cash which feeds it. Voting is futile. Letters and emails are worthless. Taxes are the life-blood of a bureaucrat.

January 8, 2016 10:01 am

If Obama was serious about stopping mass shootings (they really aren’t the big violence problems, inner cities are) he would have been calling for more restrictions on imported Muslims, psychiatric drugs used on young people, and elimination of gun free zones.

But, as is so predictable, he just wants to go after those who are least likely to commit such offenses and ignore anything that would be effective against them (as if background checks and weapons restrictions would actually keep anyone with bad intent from getting whatever they want).

But the majority of Americans are too ignorant to see this, a result of three generations of liberal control of public schools and media.