Infographic: North Korea Has Conducted Its Fourth Nuclear Test | Statista
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January 7, 2016 3:07 pm

Practice makes perfect!

When I was in grade school circa 1958 we used to have air raid drills. Some of us used to say “Time to fry”. Made the girls cry. Teacher told us to shut up 🙂

January 7, 2016 3:22 pm

Nuclear Weapons: A Time-Lapse History :

Very cool about 4 minutes.


January 7, 2016 4:21 pm

We developed the bomb first with the Soviet Union close behind us.

Since it was new and hot technology at the time, it stands to reason the US and the USSR would lead the pack.

January 7, 2016 8:08 pm

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I don’t believe that North Korea has a nuclear weapon. Period. Not even an atomic bomb.

There is zero independent verification that North Korea has any such weapon. Just a bunch of low-level seismic activity for these events and take-our-word-for-it claims from the world’s most mentally unstable government. That’s it. I don’t buy that shit, and neither should you.

Any fucking idiot autocratic government such as North Korea can manufacture and plant underground 20,000 tons of high explosives and set it off to create those seismic events. But that’s a lot of high explosives, and it takes time for a poor nation (and there are few nations poorer than North Korea) to manufacture that amount. Correct? So why do you suppose there have been YEARS between these absurd claims of “We have the bomb.” Why not a few months, or weeks, or days? Because they can’t even pull off that ruse in those time frames.

North Korea is playing poker and bluffing. And it’s winning.

January 7, 2016 8:34 pm

Bob- Thanks that was sweet video. Nevada has been Nuked like nobody’s business.

SSS- The technology is so old, how could they not, I mean they are still Korean’s, broke ass brain washed Korean’s, but Koreans none the less. You make a good point though, and knowledge is dangerous in a Socialist Paradise.

January 7, 2016 10:45 pm

“SSS- The technology is so old, how could they (the North Koreans) not (make an atomic bomb), I mean they are still Korean’s (sic), broke ass brain washed Korean’s (sic), but Koreans none the less.”

WTF kind of an answer is that? Seriously. Are the North Koreans, who have intentionally isolated their country since the 1940s, some kind of special people that they can duplicate an incredibly complex technology such as a nuclear weapon, even today, from incredibly poor resources?

Are you thinking of South Korea, our ally, which has 23 operating nuclear power plants. Yeah, THOSE Koreans, whom we have assisted in building a peaceful nuclear capability. I’ll bet you’re going to reply that, well, the North Koreans have probably received similar nuclear assistance from their good buddy allies, China and the former Soviet Union.

I doubt that it did. Greatly. So riddle me this, Otto. Why hasn’t North Korea built one fucking nuclear power plant to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the country is at least nuclear capable? Not one. And that while it was closely allied with Mao’s radical China and Stalin’s radical Soviet Union, both of which exploded an atomic and hydrogen bomb and at least could have provided the technology AND resources to build a nuclear power plant in North Korea. But it never happened, did it?

This bat-shit crazy, useless piece of shit country does not have a nuclear weapon, Otto. It is still flying jet fighters made in the 1950s. And you want me to believe that “How could it not have a nuclear weapon?” My reply is a simple, “How could it?”

Why do I have to do all the thinking on this site? For that matter, on this subject at least, the country?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 7, 2016 11:01 pm
January 7, 2016 11:52 pm

What is the point?

January 8, 2016 12:24 am

“What is the point?”

I marvel at the idiocy of the questions asked on this site. Whose point are you referring to, dickweed? Can you type just one more sentence to clarify your query?

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 8, 2016 2:51 am

Im gonna go with SSS. Everytime the NK sets off a blast it registers on the seismic gauges (though the media shows above ground blasts) when the test, again, was underground.

kim dum suk wants some more oil.

Kim Tong Bung
Kim Tong Bung
January 8, 2016 3:00 am

Get my name right lest I get anodder black basket baal player to bump uglies with me poor whores!

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
January 8, 2016 6:07 am

Big yawn on North Korea. It may scare the average Nightly News watcher, but anyone with a running memory knows the media trots this story out on a semi-annual basis. The last time they did it was around Memorial Day in 2013. Before that, December 2010 when the North fired an artillery shell or something. Why they do this, I’m not sure. But it seems to appear whenever a distraction is needed from domestic/economic affairs and/or to occasionally scare the shit out of other Asian countries.

Besides, we all know the reason why North Korea is part of the “Axis of Evil” is because they have not embraced London-controlled central banking.

January 8, 2016 10:58 am

The graph has pretty colors. USA gold medal Russia silvermedal and France the bronze medal. Sooooo? What is the point of the graph?