Via The Feral Irishman

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robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 7, 2016 10:20 am

We are supposed to be happy Liberals that agree to ride in “the back of the educational, employment and promotion bus”. Kissing Commie and Black asses is a privilege TPTB granted Whites and Asians.

January 7, 2016 10:37 am

While I don’t disagree with the premise, I think the WWII guy is a bad comparison. That was 70 years ago, there are plenty of modern day comparisons one could make.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
January 7, 2016 10:38 am

It’s good you mention Asians. These days they are often left OUT of those with victim status. Not sure why – perhaps it has to do with their predisposition to work hard and suck it up when things aren’t great.

The Chinese have been on the west coast about as long as the white man in this country. They helped build the railroad in BC – it was a dangerous, nasty job. They endured a lot and were treated poorly by the government responsible for building the railway at the time. But they endured, they sucked it up and are now an integral part of our society here. They are as Canadian as I am. The recent Chinese immigrants are mostly the monied class. The new ‘aristocracy’ here. I believe it is another reason they are by and large left out of the #someoneslivesmatter conversation.

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January 7, 2016 10:39 am

But, yes, that spoiled little snot is the poster child for what is wrong with america, and also represents exactly what I don’t want my children to be like: entitled, spoiled, useless for anything productive. Obviously they won’t grow up to be black, which is a step in the right direction, but the rest of it will require patience and love from us as parents.

January 7, 2016 10:54 am

That looks like Utah beach on D- Day.My grandfather hit Omaha beach on D-Day.He told me several times before he died that we won the war but lost the country. He would hate what has happened to America.

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
January 7, 2016 11:24 am

Francis Marion, East Asians in general have the highest IQ’s of any humans on the planet. That’s why they tend to do well wherever they go. Of course, this is a thorn in the paw of the leftist narrative that whites oppress all non-whites due to racism. The left will conveniently ignore any truths that do not fit their agenda. That is the answer to your question of why “Asian Lives Don’t Seem to Matter as Much.” It’s also the answer to why certain other groups never seem to get out of poverty despite trillions in handouts and every possible privilege imaginable. Not because of racism, but because their relatively low IQ’s compel them to make poor decisions time and again.

Molyneux covered this at length recently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZPsXYo7gpc

January 7, 2016 11:43 am

The black guy is pretty bad ass, he has a fucking spike in his head.

January 7, 2016 12:19 pm

And the fallout…. This won’t hurt the city or state will it? What I don’t understand is that african american applications are down 19%. The african american’s from “Concerned Student 1950” drag the university through the mud, get an african american president instated, and now abandon the university?


ABC 17 News has learned early indicators show a downward trend in applications to the University of Missouri in Columbia following a number of very public issues and controversies on the campus last fall.

Applications made by incoming freshmen for the coming 2016-2017 school year have decreased noticeably since last year, based on a report obtained by ABC 17 News this week.

January 7, 2016 12:31 pm

I am prejudiced. My prejudice is against lazy whiners, deliberate ignorance, the desire to obtain something for nothing, on and on…

January 7, 2016 12:40 pm

open borders, non-aggression, they say..