Who Scares America More?

Hat tip Francis Marion

Via Taki

This is a certainty: Donald Trump would be the next chancellor if he were running for office in Germany. Mass assaults on German women by recently arrived Muslim Arabs have finally managed to change even the inherited-guilt German mind. Let’s take it from the top: Germany took in more than a million Muslims last August and September, and continues to do so following Angela Merkel’s reckless policy of open borders and generous free housing and benefits to all migrants, most of whom pose as refugees.

Americans are in general unaware of the catastrophic EU migrant policies. The reason for this is pseudo-reporting by The New York Times and other lefty media who claim dire demographic implosion in Western Europe unless African and Middle Eastern swarms are allowed in. Actually this is the biggest con since those ghastly wind turbines made some people billionaires while turning beautiful regions into horror-movie sets. Afghan, Middle Eastern, and African migrants have already managed to overwhelm Europe’s fragile economies and—in the case of Britain, France, Belgium, and Germany—have done away with national cultures. (Christmas was the first casualty, as celebrating it was seen as insensitive to other creeds.)

“Islamophobia is now the ultimate sin, as vile as being against diversity or making fun of ‘trans’ people.”

And it gets better. Although the assailants in Cologne and Hamburg were young and Arabic-looking and spoke neither German nor English, media reports failed to stress the fact, not wanting to focus attention on the million-plus arrivals. The government was content to play along. The reason for the attacks was a simple one: Muslim men and their culture look down on women and, unless they are covered up like zombies, treat them as sexual objects. After groping the women, insulting them, and calling them whores, these brave males also stole their mobile telephones and wallets. Then they proceeded to throw firecrackers into the crowds celebrating New Year’s Eve. Do you now get, dear readers, why Donald Trump would be a shoo-in?

Then, of course, we have the tight little island that’s Britain. Over there, members of Parliament are debating whether to ban The Donald from England altogether. The reason? That’s an easy one. Five hundred thousand people, mostly Muslims, have signed a petition demanding that he be barred. Trump has committed the ultimate sin—he asked for Muslims to be barred from entering the U.S. Islamophobia is now the ultimate sin, as vile as being against diversity or making fun of “trans” people.

Europe is a strange place nowadays. You have jihadists, some of whom have perpetrated the Paris massacres, who are French and Belgian passport holders, and who travel freely throughout Europe, yet these very same people claim allegiance to the caliphate that is ISIS and conspire against the country they have disavowed but live off its free benefits and housing. So what do European parliaments do? Debate whether to keep Donald Trump out. And The New York Times runs a fiery editorial demanding that France not apply recent laws for searching suspected terrorists’ homes without warrants.

Personally, I gave up on Europe long ago. I sniffed out those bastards of the EU when they first began to ignore referendums that had gone against more centralism and forced the people to vote time and again until they voted the way the unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats wanted. My concern is the good old U.S. of A. The bile against Donald Trump proves one thing only: The so-called elite—gays, lesbians, transgenders, African-Americans, Hispanics, and the morons who work in television and Hollywood, plus illegal immigrants—are all united against the Norman Rockwell, white, Christian, employed, America of European descendants. The elite are inflexible, doctrinaire, and humorless. They will not permit anyone to not toe the line, the line of political correctness. Crack a joke about anyone unless they’re white, male, and Christian and down you go. Our close ally, Saudi Arabia, stones adulterous women to death and forbids women to drive a car, yet Iran, where Jews and Christians enjoy equal rights with Shiite Muslims, is the bogeyman. Go figure!

So there you have it. The Islamization of Europe is now a fait accompli. As is the Hispanization of North America. If the long shot, Donald Trump, becomes the 45th president, things might turn. But I’m not betting on it. Neither should you.


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January 13, 2016 11:57 am

In today’s America there is only the Trump and the AntiTrump.

Decide which side you are on and act and vote accordingly.

There is no neutral, you are either on the side or the Trump by choice or the side of the AntiTrump by default.

January 13, 2016 12:25 pm

Hmm…I’m the side of the party that wants to shrink gooberment, increase freedom,get rid of the IRS and the The Fed and return power to the states….Guess that would be the Fairy Tale party because that’s what you’d have to believe in in order to find such a party .

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 13, 2016 12:30 pm

I am worried that The Black Mahdi POTUS’ followers are so stupid and brainwashed that Muslim men could Game Rape American women and they would still vote against a Conservative White male who wanted to stop it. When The Harpy Rat gets charged with espionage for sending thousands of classified messages in the clear (Who did she send them to and why should it be assumed she is not a potential spy like Sandy Berger, Jonathan Pollard, Alger Hiss, Whittaker Chambers, When Ho Lee, Aldrich Ames, etc), or The Harpy is charged for the deaths of four men at Benghazi, or multiple counts of taking graft while Secretary of State, and perjury to Congress, I bet a majority of Harpy followers would then vote for the Socialist Sanders. The Useful Idiots now dominate elections and have crossed the Socialist Rubicon; American freedoms and business are History.

January 13, 2016 12:58 pm

Robert said :American freedoms and business are History. .

Robert…I disagree. People aren’t buying record numbers of guns because they’re afraid Obozo is going to take away their guns . They;re buying them because they know that one day they may have to fight to have their rights returned .

January 13, 2016 1:01 pm

Admin…pretty much of what Colin Hanna wrote could be applied to Obama.

The Muzzies are the biggest threat to the world. At least Trump wants to stop that scum from entering U.S.

January 13, 2016 1:28 pm

I agree with the quoted comments of Colin Hanna. Trump is a dangerous blowhard. At the moment he’s saying many of the right things, but once in office he’s likely to be more like Marc Anthony.

There are no current candidates that I support. Ron Paul (not running) would be a top pick. His son Rand is probably the best of the actual candidates, but not great and not doing well either.

Islam is a problem, but the Western treatment of Islam is our biggest problem with it. If we treated it with contempt we might get somewhere better. In the meantime, electing Trump out of fear of Islam will fail to solve one problem but create twenty new ones.

January 13, 2016 2:30 pm

The USA was instrumental in the birth of the Khmer Rouge, with marked similarities to the birth of ISIS. Trump is a sideshow, albeit he has his heart in the right place.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 13, 2016 4:56 pm

The Khmer Rouge didn’t follow an ideology written down in a 1,400 year old “scripture”. That’s why now that they’re gone, they don’t pose a threat. The problem with Islam is that no matter how decent most of its adherents are, there’s always the risk that they’ll actually read their evil book and follow it – which, by the way, is all that ISIS is doing (following the Koran and the Hadith). Abu Bakr al Baghdadi has a PhD in Islamic theology, but we’re supposed to disregard that and listen to the likes of Obama when they claim that ISIS is “un-Islamic”. ISIS is Islam.

January 13, 2016 5:09 pm

Ask and ye shall receive

Donald Trump
Donald Trump
January 13, 2016 5:12 pm

When I’m done with snowden, I’m going to set my sights on the colin a hannas of the world. All those think tanks and non profits employing scum like this rat. They have become a massive industry, blocking and tackling for the permanent political class. Imagine your future, dirtbag. Where you have to get a real job. Loser.

Donald Trump
Donald Trump
January 13, 2016 5:36 pm

Anonymous, I like the posts you have been putting up. There are two sides. Pick a side. There is a time for choosing. That time is now. Persnickety, you’ve lost your mind. Rand Paul is not the best of the candidates. What are you basing that on? The country has had 6 months to look at him, and has not been impressed. Pick a side.

January 13, 2016 6:01 pm

@Doppel Trump: I have picked a side. Mine. 🙂

January 13, 2016 6:29 pm

Snick, I meant to post that comment under my handle, the DT thing is just to annoy westy. I forget to check before I post. I suck as a doppel. I went into the election season taking dr Paul seriously as a candidate. He has impressed me less and less. We don’t need subtle tweaks to our countries direction. That is the most he offers. Trump is the other side. So many people repeat over and over it’s too hard to change the system. It’s really not, if that’s what you truly wish to do. I think trump really wants to do it. Ask yourself this. If a true change candidate doesn’t look like trump, what might he look like? Where might he emerge from?

January 13, 2016 6:34 pm

Guy falls off a ship. Says to himself, God will rescue me. Boat comes to save him. He waves them away. God will rescue me. Helicopter comes to save him. He waves them off. God will rescue me. The man drowns. Goes to heaven, meets God
Tells god, I can’t believe you didn’t rescue me. God says, I sent a boat and a helicopter.

January 13, 2016 7:48 pm

@Starfcker: Looks to me as if Admin is on my side on this one. Oh, while I have your attention, you do know Trump has stated he thinks Snowden is a traitor and deserves to hang. Hell, Trump will fit right in with all the neocons, no adjustments or appointments necessary.

January 13, 2016 8:23 pm

Trump / Cruz is probably going to be the ticket. At least Trump has the will to stop or slow down this Illegal invasion.

Francis Marion , if Europe and America go third world Canada is next. You’ll be in a similar situation just more places to hide in Canada.

January 13, 2016 8:53 pm

Westy, perfect comeback. You win this round.

January 13, 2016 8:57 pm

starfcker, Trump will try to bring change alright – dictatorial change. You and many other people are fawning over him because he is, admittedly, the only one who’s talking about real issues that aren’t PC and offering real action on a few of them. But as a person, he’s a flaming asshole. As a CEO and developer, he’s a repeated failure. He’s a flamboyant showman who manages to find investors here and there. He would be disastrous in office, like a right-wing Hugo Chavez. It would not bring positive change, it would probably be 4 years of gridlock followed by someone who makes Sanders look conservative. Bad direction.


January 13, 2016 8:57 pm

Why oh why is Europe/Germany doing this mass immigration

of Muslims? WWll guilt? PC…what has that got to do with it?

I was born in Germany. My mother is 90 and is sick about this.

Germany is committing financial and cultural suicide, and

throwing their women to the wolves. This is a disgusting state

of affairs. I don’t feel guilt but shame for these betrayers. What

will future generations have to suffer for the stupidity of the

European/German leaders?

It is about the bankers, they are controlling the whole world now.

January 13, 2016 9:29 pm
January 13, 2016 9:35 pm

Snick, I don’t think that is an accurate portrayal of trump at all. How is he a repeated failure? Business is full contact, especially in NYC. He looks to me to have done fine. Which would you rather have right now, trump, “we don’t need any more muslims”, or rand weenie paul, “let me ask mitch McConnell and I’ll get back to you”. Don’t be silly

Donald Trump
Donald Trump
January 13, 2016 9:40 pm

Westy, at my rally in Pensacola tonight, I said it might have been a good idea to dump bergdahl out the back of a c-130 mid atlantic. We could do that with snowden. Wouldn’t waste any rope.

January 13, 2016 10:10 pm

starfcker, look up all of Trump’s bankruptcies and let me know. How the fuck do you have a CASINO go bankrupt?

I would rather have Rand Paul, by a mile. He wouldn’t change things as much or as quickly as I want, but he won’t set up a dictatorship either.

Donald Trump
Donald Trump
January 13, 2016 10:39 pm

Snick, two points. First, rand Paul is a fraud. He got pushed to the early debate, and said, I won’t do it. I’m not a second tier candidate. Well, he’s right. Second tier would be rubio, carson, and cruz. Not only is he third tier, he’s third rate. If you’re an idea guy, even that early debate gives him a bigger audience than he will ever get again. And more talk time. He polls in George pataki territory, 1%. If you poll at 1%, and you don’t want to talk on TV about your ideas, why are you running? I’m afraid he is just another creature of Washington DC. Yo rand, mitch needs his car washed

January 13, 2016 11:07 pm

On the bankruptcy thing, do you understand the difference between chapter 11 (reorganization) and chapter 7 (liquidation). Shit happens, and if you can’t get people to work with you, they will destroy you. Chapter 11 protects you from other people’s greed. Read this, it explains the two.

Understanding Bankruptcy: The Differences Between Reorganization And Liquidation

January 13, 2016 11:08 pm

Anon was me

January 13, 2016 11:11 pm

Snick says: As a CEO and developer, he’s a repeated failure.

Wow the guy turns 200 million into a few billion and he’s a failure? He’s a non politician and he’s stomping the fuck out of the field! Most likely you’re looking at the next President.

And when’s Rand gonna drop out? Now Trump, he could rally the people to audit the Fed if wanted to. Why couldn’t Rand?

Francis Marion AKA Frostback
Francis Marion AKA Frostback
January 13, 2016 11:12 pm


We are already quickly being relegated to “second” world status. Our dollar – which was near par with yours a year or two ago is now exchanging at the banks at a paltry .60 cents US (technically .70 but with weakness and volatility the banks rape you on exchange). The price of oil and other natural resources are killing us.

Canada will not become Mexico but truthfully it is starting more and more to resemble countries like Argentina. It’s too bad really. It’s actually a nice place to live outside of the big cities. Like everywhere else we are busy running the joint into the ground financially and socially for the the purpose of making the liberal left happy. However it ends – it will not end well.

January 13, 2016 11:20 pm

Ted Cruz Didn’t Disclose Loan From Goldman Sachs for His First Senate Campaign.
Oh no Ted say it Ain’t so!! ? heads up Iowa voters!

January 13, 2016 11:26 pm

I doubt Trump has any connections with the NY Times. Ted started running his mouth attacking Trump and bam, down he goes! Trump plays hardball, he wins, this Country needs a winner in the White House! I wanna see gold doors on the White House and the name TRUMP in lights on the roof. LMAO

January 13, 2016 11:35 pm

Sensetti on the mound, closes out the game with three strikeouts in a row. Nice

January 13, 2016 11:37 pm

Let’s hope that Jim Quinn’s excellent all-American TBP doesn’t devolve into dipshits commenting as political personalities. Whoever is tripping on his turgid tongue and typewriter keys as the Donald needs to stuff his fingers down his throat and retake all 101 English and Personal Development classes. Oh, and he needs to quit trying to massage his ego by styling himself as TD, Doc, or the Donald.

January 14, 2016 12:01 am

Jesus Christ, jackson, have a sense of humor. I outed myself above, just messing with westy, whom I like. He gets it. No ego or running down the blog involved

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 14, 2016 12:24 am

Jackson, I have doppled as Da Trump or El Trump to mock his person but adopt his name and essentially post in his stead? Nope. My view hasn’t changed from the day he announced his candidacy, he’s a joke. If he donned a used car salesman’s outfit or a circus promoter hat he would actually gain credibility.

He is seizing the opportunity of the times, his xenophobic rants play to the public’s displeasure with Wild in the Streets urban blacks and illegal immigrants. He appeals to the part-time racist in all of us and the regressive neanderthal in us that despises women’s libertarians and practicing homosexuals (not the ones on TBP).

He proposes in one act to roll back the tide of history and put the USA on the pedestal of lone superpower she stood upon back in the 80’s. We must not forget that embarrassed governments turn on their citizenry. Tomorrow it will be Snowden’s head, then it will be anybody who pisses off this carnival barker.

Phil from Oz
Phil from Oz
January 14, 2016 1:30 am

No matter who (or what) is “elected”, the damage caused by the current crop of Neocons is going to take a VERY long time to heal.

Neither Russia nor China have any respect for America; rather, they have learned to hard way not to trust American lies, and have already made very sure that American influence in their respective economies, and interests, is minimised or eliminated.

I really cannot see whoever is “elected” being willing to rein in US military interference outside US territorial waters, and pay substantial compensation to Russia in recognition of the damage caused by the attempted “Regime Change” in Ukraine (and “sanctions” applied as a consequence of US failure to get what it wanted); also Ukraine would be entitled to reparations to meet the cost of damage (social and infrastructure) resulting from this CIA led “adventure”.

That will certainly add a few more trillion $$s to the “National Tab”. Trillions the US neither has, nor is realistically going to get.