Stucky Q.O.T.D. — Hey, Trump-eteers! Does THIS make a difference?

This what the HIGHLY REVERED (here on TBP) Ron Paul had to say about Da Trump a couple days ago;

I think he’s is a dangerous person, and a lot of people find him sort of funny, and love him, even Libertarian types. They like him because he’s so disruptive to the party system, and I enjoy that too. But I think he’s a man that if conditions deteriorate, which they can — see I work on the assumption that the world is no more stable than Greece, and if those conditions come, people want to be told what to do: ‘And I know what the answer is, and I’ll do this, and I am the man to this’. And Mr. Trump comes across this very well, and people listen to him, and I believe he may be raising white horses someplace and he’s going to ride in, because he is almost the opposite of a Libertarian, because it’s not like ‘I want to give you your freedom and your liberty to run your life as you choose. Your civil liberties are absolutely yours, you can’t hurt anybody, it’s your own money you can spend it any way you want.’ But he sounds like the person, ‘I know the answers and I’m going to do this and I’ve done this, I’ve done this, this and this.’” He’s an authoritarian and that’s the way he claims he made all his money. So I see that as dangerous.”

Question: —  To all of you Trump-eteers, especially you so-called Libertarians and Anarchists,  does the warning from the great Ron Paul change your opinion?  Or, are you all just part-time Libertarians?

(Warning: If you vote for Trump, you will likely live to regret it.)

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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January 18, 2016 8:00 pm

Admin, I really wanted to like rand, the problem is he sold out on all the principles that made him different when he decided to pander to the republican base. Ron never have an inch on any of that stuff. Some who know both men, like Andrew napolitano, say that rand is just as much of a libertarian as his father, and their opinions on most issues are the same, but in order to go along with that, we have to ignore most of the things rand has said during this campaign.

I heard Ron speak about a year and a half ago at the Florida campaign for liberty, and he briefly mentioned his son and his senate record even back then, but he barely got any enthusiasm for rand even in a large room full of people who like Ron so much they paid 50$ or so for the weekend pass.

January 18, 2016 8:23 pm

Southern Sage

Thank you for the Chilean history lesson. Very interesting and informative.

January 18, 2016 8:29 pm

Once we collapse, we will be HAPPY to have a true Alpha as POTUS. Too many beta cucks there recently and I the field, especially Bernie and Bush.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 18, 2016 8:47 pm

constman54 says: So, Is Trump Adolf? or Churchill?

Stucky said his parents recognize the Hitler campaign, another says it is Benito, whom Hitler admired.

LLPOH reminds us that Churchill was an ass but he performed well in wartime.

Are we under attack like England was? No.
Are we being punished by other countries like Germany was? No.

Trump’s rallying cry is, Remember the Illegals! I have not heard him address any other pressing issues. Oh sure, he’s promised to bring the jobs back. Build a wall. Raise tariffs. How are China’s efforts to develop an internal economy working? In a global economy, these things are a poison pill for America.

Hitler promised to expand German territory, not build walls around the homeland, he wanted to remove the lower races – non-Aryans – from the conquered lands. He wanted to expand the German economy, not shrink it further.

Trump is no Hitler or Churchill but maybe the comparison is unfair to him. Still, he sounds more like a Nixon than a Reagan.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 18, 2016 8:49 pm
January 18, 2016 8:51 pm

I don’t think I can trust Trump, have had doubts all along. I know I can’t trust the Republicunts. We all know what the Democraps are. I hate those mother fuckers. Vote Trump.

maxer's mom
maxer's mom
January 18, 2016 8:57 pm

Trump has done plenty for the American electorate already.

He has brought important problems up and out in the open.

That alone, some speaking of truth, has made so many people

happy. The future with trump is not known…he could morph into

a dictator, traitor, lying communist, gun grabbing, sex change faggot.

We are aware of those types. I don’t care whatsoever that he is a rich

New York business guy that has put his name of his property. Who cares?

It takes guts and bravado to play with big wigs, and he has those.

We are on the brink of financial, civil and social collapse. All of this may happen,

regardless. However, we stand a chance if the head guy is announcing his disgust

with the present modis operandi rather than making banal promises to improve (tweak)

the “system.” The bankers and the corps. and the gov. trolls want to hang on to their

power and privilege…and will sacrifice the people in a heartbeat to do it. They are doing

just that now. So Trump says he’ll tweak that!! Great. I don’t think God will send Jesus

down to take the helm in the USA. So we will take/choose from what we have available.

We could hardly do much worse than we are doing now. We are on the brink of a world

war, Or proxy murderings. Whatever it is. Let us strive to stop the worst of it, and move

forward from there. Rome wasn’t built in a day.


EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 18, 2016 8:59 pm

Just tell me this, Trumpeteers, would you have voted for The Donald back in ’80 if he promised to build a wall and boot out the illegals or would you vote for Reagan with his pro-immigrant stance and plan to financialize the economy?

January 18, 2016 9:21 pm

Stuck if Jesus warned yes. You never. Grab that big cock you claim and take a stand windbag.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 18, 2016 9:22 pm

Trumpf financed Hilary.

You are fired combover!


January 18, 2016 9:25 pm

Good Question EC… if I’d been more than 18 and had a clue, I might be able to answer you.

January 18, 2016 9:36 pm

Stucky you simply don’t understand Trump is a turning point! He’s drawing the largest crowds in history. He has 20K -30k show up while thousands stand in line knowing they’ll never get. Let me give you an example, sometime back I read an account of a reporter interviewing people standing in line outside a Trump rally which was packed. The reporter asked the gentleman, sir you know it’s full and no one else is getting in, why are you still standing in line with all these other people? This mans response says it all, ” We want Mr. Trump to know we are” Trump’s not garnering vote’s, he’s raising an Army!! Wake up dude this is a Fourth Turning transformation! He’s shreading the political system you cuss day in and day out! Real Change is coming for better or worse!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 18, 2016 9:49 pm

Sensetti, we knew there would be blowback to Bammie’s years in office. The niggaz have made a disgusting display of privilege and abuse like they didn’t know the party would end. Well, the party is ending and the Crackers are coming back to reclaim the government. There will be hell to pay for eight years of abuse. This is not the time for the Prince of Peace, folks want revenge.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 18, 2016 9:51 pm

warts says: Grab that big cock you claim and take a stand windbag.

Very classy, Gennie

January 18, 2016 9:52 pm

I think no matter who we vote for we’re going to regret it; but Trump less than most of the others.

Old Dog
Old Dog
January 18, 2016 9:56 pm

El Coyote said:
“Just tell me this, Trumpeteers, would you have voted for The Donald back in ’80 if he promised to build a wall and boot out the illegals or would you vote for Reagan with his pro-immigrant stance and plan to financialize the economy?”

EC, a couple of points. in 1980 I was 29 years old starting a business I had no business starting and didn’t have a lot of time as far as politics was concerned. I voted for John Anderson in that election. I would never have voted for Carter and I did not vote for Reagan. Who know’s if I would have voted for Trump instead of Anderson or Reagan. If I was voting with my knowledge at the time, I would still vte for Anderson. I cannot tell you exactly why becasue I cannot remember, but there was something in his message that I liked more than Reagan (just like there was more to Ron Paul’s message than anyone else, but that did not get him elected either).

OvertheCliff: I like your statement. I am in your camp.

Southern Sage: I was in college in 1973 and vaguely remember the headlines and the complaints form the campus libs about Pinochet. Your post has sparked my curiosity to dig deeper, because I was obviously ignorant/misled at the time. Thank you.


January 18, 2016 10:06 pm

I’ve stated, I know plenty of Dems that are going to vote for him already! Think about it, Trump will dismantle Hillary or Bernie in a debate. Those two are playing patty cake with each other. Something else to think about. Until this point why has no one been able to dig up any meaningful dirt on Trump? You want the answer? He’s had lawyers, accountants, and PR people around him since he started! That’s had to have made a difference! Look at the dumbass nondisclosure Cruz pulled! Very amateur, Trumps people would not have let that go by!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 18, 2016 10:12 pm

Excuse me. I’m a bit cynical. It’s just a fucking candidate, somebody looking for a job.

Keep in mind, it’s always “the economy, stupid”, that’s the way the cycles are geared to coincide with election season.

A new saviour is elected from the approved list, he overcomes a crisis, the nation is relieved to find they elected a real leader and the rest, as they say, is history.

Do over: Would you vote for Ronnie today with his old program or would you vote for Donnie and his new platform?

January 18, 2016 10:25 pm

“It is just time.”-Martin Armstrong

January 18, 2016 10:31 pm

Bunch of Trumphumpers ! Can’t believe u put up with them Stucky!

January 18, 2016 10:41 pm

I don’t know what the name of the President will be in 2016, but I know what they will be calling him/her by 2020- The New Herbert Hoover.

January 18, 2016 11:10 pm

EC you need to look at where we are in history. This is Pre WW2, not to compare Hitler to Trump but would you say Hitler was just a guy looking for a job? With all due respect, you’re bleeding normalcy bias! Stucky does the samething, it takes imagination to read the tea leaves, and a good dose of Strauss – Howe. Admin called me an apocalyptic Nationalist, I think he nailed!! But there’s millions of people just like me, also known as Trump supporters.

January 18, 2016 11:38 pm

Stucky, what do you base this statement on? Warning: If you vote for Trump, you will likely live to regret it.)

I guess you’re gut? You could be right sir! I say lets roll the dice, shit we got ain’t workin. No one has any idea what he may do! Hell, if his support hits 60 percent of the U.S. Population he may Crown himself King and turn this into a Monarchy. Long Live The King!

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
January 18, 2016 11:44 pm

Sorry dood. Ron Paul is like the librarian who teaches you to read. You are always grateful, but you don’t read Green Eggs and Ham forever. Eventually you pick up War & Peace.

A solid background in libertarianism is essential. But it isn’t practical. When foreign hordes are at the doorstep raping your women, it’s time to turn the NAP to the wall for common sense’s sake. That’s what most are doing. So you high horse riders can keep claiming your moral high ground, finding technicalities, and splitting hairs, all the way to the end. The rest of us are going to try and do something, even if it turns out to be as insignificant as voting for Trump.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 18, 2016 11:45 pm

Eh, I said it wasn’t fair to compare Donnie to some WW2 figures.

I said the current crop is one looking for a job. I don’t think we have any revolutionaries today.

Hitler was a demagogue looking to overhaul the entire government structure.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 18, 2016 11:53 pm

he tumbleweed says: The rest of us are going to try and do something, even if it turns out to be as insignificant as voting for Trump.

January 19, 2016 12:10 am

Tumbleweed + one million

January 19, 2016 12:19 am

EC I’m a student of Strauss-Howe, The Fourth Turning, it’s my bible. I’ve read it 10 times if I’ve read it once. we are absolutely standing at the door of revolution. Dude, you’ve never read the Fourth Turning I can tell. Email Admin you Address and I’ll have Amazon drop a copy on your doorstep.

January 19, 2016 12:51 am

Tumbleweed + one million

January 19, 2016 12:53 am

That book changed my life. I moved to a rural location bought saddle horses and prepped like a crazy man! I’m done prepping and now I coast and try to enjoy life as best I can. I enjoy TBP and all my friends here that tolerate my peculiarities. I’m disappointed we are not donating to TBP at a faster pace. I know it’s tax season is upon us and my ass is drawn up tight, I’ve neglected my usual attention to my tax liabilities, thanks to my insanity as of late. Probably gonna have to fork over a chunk! Bastards. Hell I’ve pledged 4 bills to TBP if Trump wins Iowa. I’d like to see a few of the regulars drop one bill here on the table. Come on people if you get anything at all from this website please donate, it’s not free to keep this up and running. Admin works a job, raises a family, and puts up with his lovely wife who helps him keep TBP alive! Everyone here knows he kicks my ass hard when I need it, we’re still family. I’m going to put up 10% of the goal this year myself, I’m challenging everyone help as much as you can! Let’s show Admin we appreciate and applaud his effort. Who knows you might get to watch him lose another debate with Sensetti in 2016! Fuck IS, he claims when I refer to myself in the third person it proves I’m a crazy motherfucker! Well… IS is a smart dude. And Sensetti poor fuckin Redneck does the best he can. Let it rip !!

January 19, 2016 12:57 am

Star I really like you. I hate you don’t sign in. Why do you do that?

January 19, 2016 1:15 am

Hey I’m back tracking a bit here

GSTzman says: Go watch some old video of Mussolini…totally enamored with himself, shooting off the cuff, and thinking everything he said was either hilarious or gospel truth Trump is very much like Mussolini This is nothing but a publicity stunt.

Nothing GST said is false and he/she took a bunch of down arrows. What Trump is doing right now is one Giant Publicity stunt. He’s trying win a race based on public opinion, so’s every other candidate. What GST is seeing that many are missing is the relationship to the last Fourth Turning.

GST I give you a +10 for your perspective on history!

January 19, 2016 1:21 am

Like my friend AWD, I’ll just keep Rollin till you put me in the dirt! Let it rip!

January 19, 2016 2:11 am
Old Dog
Old Dog
January 19, 2016 5:16 am

Southern Sage:

Can you point me (us) to some sources to read that may give a less biased opinion on Chile leading up to 1973 and beyond?



January 19, 2016 6:01 am

I’m surprised there aren’t many Cruz supporters on this site. The way Cruz articulates himself, the class he upholds, and his defense of the Constitution gives me the idea that he is similar to how the Founding Fathers might have been. He is a master debater with decades of experience arguing the law in favor of the Constitution. He is far and away the most clever and intelligent candidate out of all the candidates running in the race from both parties.

Cruz has my vote. I’ve been watching him since he was elected to the Senate from his merciless questioning of Obama officials to his interviews with the mainstream media. When he called out the media at the debate, I expected nothing less from him but it still cemented my impression of him. I believe him and Trump share many of the same values such as reigning in the rampant problem of illegal immigration in our country. The biggest difference is that Cruz actually has an intelligent and specific articulation of his policy views, while Trump just babbles and offends people left and right.

January 19, 2016 7:30 am

Oh yeah, another Goldman stooge. Why didn’t he report the GS and Citi loans to the FEC as required?

What about his Canadian citizenship, you know, the one he says he didn’t even know he had. Why seal the file?

I for one am tired of beltway bullshit.

Watch what they do not what they say. Didn’t this country learn anything from watching that smooth talking Obumbler?

January 19, 2016 7:49 am

Procrastinator says: He is a master debater

Stucky holds those accolades around here!

January 19, 2016 7:59 am

Cruz is owned by Goldman Sachs.

On Trump the one good thing is the media will be watching his every move and should he start to become like Hitler I think those that vote for him would turn on him in a heartbeat. Any reference to Hitler they can make stick will stick.

January 19, 2016 8:00 am

Procrastinator says: He is far and away the most clever and intelligent candidate out of all the candidates running in the race from both parties.

Trump draws twenty to thirty thousand per rally Cruz has an average of 500 people. Trump has stomped his ass of late, he has Cruz on his heels, hence, Cruz polling numbers are turning down. Cruz is nowhere near as smart as Trump, the facts don’t bare that out. If Cruz doesn’t win Iowa he’s done. Although Cruz should win Iowa. We shall see, I’m just glad you’re voting for a Conservative!!

January 19, 2016 8:01 am

^^ Article talks about how Trump appeals to our desire for authoritarianism. I agree but the world is starting to collapse economically and now is NOT the time for a bunch of ‘talking head’ Congressmen debating how to respond to a Fourth Turning.

January 19, 2016 8:15 am

Never, ever, trust a man with a high squeaky voice. Cruz sounds like someone has both his balls in their hand in a death grip, besides he looks like a sewer rat with that pointy nose. He’s a Canadian born Cuban. The last thing we need is a Cuban born in Canada as President. We’re still trying to survive a Black Mooslum President from Kenya. Let’s try an American born in America this time.

January 19, 2016 8:20 am

Ron and Rand had their chance , but have prove the old adage true , if you can’t defend it , it ain’t yours.Neither have the fire in the belly which harkens to the fight .The desperate know this and turn away from the message of those not willing to crack skulls in defense of our right to exist as a nation of free men.

Though compromise and coalescence with corporatism, the right has failed to secure the liberty that is our God-given right. The hard- left in collusion with the neo-right , have successfully sought the destruction of the sovereignty of our nation though incessant debasement of American tradition/culture,free-lopsided- trade, family values, Christian faith , public schools, property rights, freedom to work, to travel , associate and war for special global interests.

The leaders of the Libertarian Party are largely a bunch of soft-spoken academics whose non-aggression principle denotes them as a non-starter even before the gate goes up. There is no need to waste time there. The majority of clock punching white America (and make no mistake, that’s who we’re talking about here) care nothing for ideology , they want security, first and foremost. Then they want their jobs protected from foreign cheap labor competition. And that means curtailing the Federal government enabled foreign invasion that now ravages traditional American values and security from coast to coast. So write the Libertarian Party off. Their popular appeal , in particularly amongst the hipster generation, has largely gone from freedom of property to freedom of debauchery anyway. They’re done.

Now that we can admit that Libertarianism only has appeal for abstract thinkers and LBGT rainbow farting pot-heads and offers no recourse for Americans who want to salvage a remnant of traditional Christian family values and gainful employment their grandparents and parents enjoyed for the future of their sons and daughters were do we turn ? Between the two established parties of corporate owned cuck, neither supports native born working Americans,secure borders, or the protection of traditional Christan family values, but there is a an extremely popular anti-establishment candidate that does.

Who do you chose. Either candidate of a two party system that will most certainly continue and even escalate the sell out of American sovereignty and the financial and bureaucratic support of a raging foreign invasion or the seemingly anti-establishment candidate that pledges to turn back the clock to border security and protection of Americans jobs and traditions?

Some say he lies, and is in fact “controlled oppositions” …and maybe so, but at this point in the long decline , what other choices are they.

Certainly not this loathsome loony-bin asshat preaching Death To America.

Mass immigration is the core GOP value. Rand Paul

Flailing Rand Paul Goes Full Cuckservative (“Trump Must Be Stopped”) But Paleo-Libertarianism May Emerge From Wreckage

January 16, 2016, 7:27 pm

Rand Paul could have been a contender. He had a solid network of seasoned activists stationed around the country, access to his father’s list for fundraising, and has even shown real political skill in the past in correctly framing his positions. Despite his infuriating flip-flops, Paul ultimately did vote against the Gang of Eight Amnesty/Immigration Surge.

But as seen with the Jack Hunter fiasco, Rand Paul (and the rest of the Beltway Libertarian Movement) seems to have gotten high on his own supply when it comes to minority outreach and anti-White racial pandering [Rand Paul: White Renegade of the Year 2013, by Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, December 31, 2013]

Not surprisingly, in a primary season dominated by populism and a conservative rebellion against political correctness, goofy posturing about being a “Detroit Republican,” cringe inducing photos with Al Sharpton and aligning with black rioters hasn’t helped Rand Paul at all.

But Rand Paul knows what’s wrong. It’s not his fault or the fault of his noodly armed advisors. It’s the fault of… Donald Trump. Because he isn’t sensitive enough.

“I think we, the Republican Party, becomes the party of angry people that insinuate that most immigrants are drug dealers or rapists, that’s a terrible direction for our party,” he said. “We’re never going to grow as a party. We’re never going to increase our vote among the Hispanic population, the black population, among women all those things we need to expand our party.

“Donald Trump takes us in the wrong direction. He would be a disaster. We’ll be slaughtered in a landslide. That’s why my every waking hour is to try to stop Donald Trump from being our nominee.”

[Rand Paul: “My Every Waking Hour Is To Try To Stop Donald Trump,” by Cathy Burke, Newsmax, January 15, 2016]

However amusing it is to see Rand Paul emulating the brilliant campaign strategy of Jeb Bush, there is something deeply disgusting about this. At a time when other leading candidates such as Marco Rubio and Chris Christie seem to be advocating war with Russia as the main reason to support them, Rand Paul is redefining libertarianism as essentially cucking for minorities and pandering to every group except Whites.

This is especially foolish, and condescending, because non-Whites explicitly support big government and left wing economic policies, no matter what white libertarian Senators, white libertarian staffers, and white libertarian students tell them they should support. At this point, it is as if Rand Paul is deliberately trying to ensure libertarianism remains an ideological dead end and a waste of time.

Besides, if you actually care about things such as limited government, the power of the feds, or long lost rights such as freedom of association, you should be angry. As Trump says, I’ll accept the mantle of anger.

Luckily, not all libertarians are falling for Rand’s cringing approach. Lew Rockwell, whose website was once the home of Right-Libertarians, seems fed up with Rand Paul’s stupidity and sneeringly characterized Paul the Lesser’s position as, “Mass immigration is the core GOP value.” [Rand: Trump Must Be Stopped, by Lew Rockwell, LRC Blog, January 16, 2016] has also been putting out some strong material lately against what the late Murray Rothbard called the “Revolt Against Nature,” Egalitarianism [The Menace of Egalitarianism, by Lew Rockwell,, October 5, 2015]

The Manlet Rand’s campaign is already all but over. Years of careful planning and pandering, “playing the game” as Jack Hunter called it, is about to end in embarrassing failure. But maybe something good will come out of it.

Even as the typical “Student for Liberty” continues his devolution into some horrifying combination of an SJW mixed with a Bronie, the more intelligent, courageous, and consistent libertarian may be able to restart the long dormant Paleo-Libertarian tendency.

And it’s about time.

January 19, 2016 8:25 am

@procrastinator …you’re kidding right?

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harry p
harry p
January 19, 2016 8:35 am

I read the first few (and will read the rest over lunch) and HSF nails it (as usual).
Trump is not a good answer but he is likely what will be what we’ll end up with.

I have the utmost respect for RP. He is the teacher of what i consider the achievable ideal but that ideal is impossible to achieve without a taking up of arms and he isnt the one to put stock to shoulder and make it happen. In an ideal situation he would have followed someone of a similar mindset that was full of piss and vinegar and could spit fire.

But so it goes on the USSA…

January 19, 2016 8:37 am

Spec, you are spot on my friend. We are headed to the scene of the crash.

January 19, 2016 8:46 am

OMG Flash, amazing commentary, hat tip dude. I’ve been trying my best to articulate this since forever and here it is! Admin heads up!! Flash just said it all in one paragraph!

flash says:

Ron and Rand had their chance , but have prove the old adage true , if you can’t defend it , it ain’t yours.Neither have the fire in the belly which harkens to the fight .The desperate know this and turn away from the message of those not willing to crack skulls in defense of our right to exist as a nation of free men.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 19, 2016 8:48 am

Being a libertarian only works for those who are inclined towards liberty. That is an exceedingly small part of the population. The only way to advance the ideals of libertarian policy is to A) use reason and logic or B) have people experience liberty first hand. We currently have a population that overwhelmingly represents illogical and unreasonable thought processes and has never tasted liberty in any fashion.

That said there is no conceivable way to induce people through the use of dialectic (requires logic and reason) or rhetorical (people have no experience with liberty) means. The only way to convince them is in the aftermath of an economic implosion, a Fourth Turning event. Those who survive will almost exclusively represent logical and reasonable individuals- survival isn’t likely for people waiting for a handout- and once they’ve come through such an event they will have tasted quite a bit of true liberty.

The reason we have to go through either an tyrannical oligarchy or a feudal despotism is because we’ve overpopulated and become overly dependent upon the State providing. These are the only two outcomes absent a thirst for liberty.

I know I am explaining nothing new to most of the readers here, but to articulate these realities for those who seem fixated on some form of tweaking is like going through the cycles of the seasons to a child who has never experienced them- one follows the other in a progression that cannot be altered, it is NATURAL and it is CYCLICAL.

harry p
harry p
January 19, 2016 9:02 am

Chances are if you vote for anyone you will regret it…