Stucky Q.O.T.D. — Hey, Trump-eteers! Does THIS make a difference?

This what the HIGHLY REVERED (here on TBP) Ron Paul had to say about Da Trump a couple days ago;

I think he’s is a dangerous person, and a lot of people find him sort of funny, and love him, even Libertarian types. They like him because he’s so disruptive to the party system, and I enjoy that too. But I think he’s a man that if conditions deteriorate, which they can — see I work on the assumption that the world is no more stable than Greece, and if those conditions come, people want to be told what to do: ‘And I know what the answer is, and I’ll do this, and I am the man to this’. And Mr. Trump comes across this very well, and people listen to him, and I believe he may be raising white horses someplace and he’s going to ride in, because he is almost the opposite of a Libertarian, because it’s not like ‘I want to give you your freedom and your liberty to run your life as you choose. Your civil liberties are absolutely yours, you can’t hurt anybody, it’s your own money you can spend it any way you want.’ But he sounds like the person, ‘I know the answers and I’m going to do this and I’ve done this, I’ve done this, this and this.’” He’s an authoritarian and that’s the way he claims he made all his money. So I see that as dangerous.”

Question: —  To all of you Trump-eteers, especially you so-called Libertarians and Anarchists,  does the warning from the great Ron Paul change your opinion?  Or, are you all just part-time Libertarians?

(Warning: If you vote for Trump, you will likely live to regret it.)

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 18, 2016 3:41 pm

The election of Trump is a fait accompli. I love Ron Paul, supported him both times, gave to his election, etc. so I have no ill will towards him, but he failed to stand up for what was right because the system. When the Republican party pulled their shenanigans, when the votes in the NH primary were clearly tampered with, when he wasn’t even covered by the media, he rolled over on his back again and again and again. There was never a time that was right to take a stand, there was always the next time and he pissed away any legitimacy he ever had because of that. You can be pure of heart, intellectually sound, forthright and decent and still be a giant pussy and as much as it pains me to say it, there was never a fight he didn’t run from. That was his failing.

The Trumpening is going to happen because that’s how fate works. You set up the stage where every single person on it is some form of neutered eunuch and the hoi polloi will pick the one person who is not. The political establishment thought that they’d waltz into office the way Bruce/Caitlyn/Xe/Xer/Whatever got onto the cover of Vanity Fair, because the insiders pulled all the strings, except they forgot to turn off the lights on the electorate before the final act and left them with the power to vote them off the island and vote they will, in droves. You think Reagan won a landslide? Just you wait.

They’ll have to kill him to keep him out of Mar a Lago on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
January 18, 2016 3:46 pm

No, it changes nothing for me. I admire and respect Dr. Ron Paul. He is a kindly, decent, honest man. I am not surprised that he is alarmed by Trump because what he says is true. If Trump means what he says – and I believe he does – there is going to be some rather brutal and harsh medicine handed out to certain groups in our country and, yes, the heavy hand of government will be much in evidence. Only this time it will be the white majority stomping on the assorted freaks of nature and disgruntled “minorities” which have almost destroyed this country. Get your head out of the Libertarian sand. We are far too far along the road to Marxist dictatorship to reverse it by anything but heroic means, and the people who have brought this upon us will be hurt. They will go to prison, they will lose their fortunes, they will be driven from public life. Enough fantasies about there being an easy way back. There isn’t one. Sign on for the battle or hold your tongue.

January 18, 2016 3:46 pm

We’re so far gone nothing is going to help us.

But just for revenge against the FSA, Spics, illegals, Muslims, Somali’s, and now refugees – I’d like Trump to kick their asses.

Shop Local
Shop Local
January 18, 2016 3:50 pm


We will love to regret the Donald?

Maybe. Who else would we live to regret voting for?

Shop Local
Shop Local
January 18, 2016 3:51 pm

…live to regret…

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 18, 2016 3:53 pm
January 18, 2016 3:54 pm

I agree with you hardscrabble. This is one sick country and the status quo has got to go. I also think he will win by a landslide the country is fed up with being screwed by “business as usual”, meaning the blatant in your face corruption and lying and lawlessness at the top.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 18, 2016 3:59 pm

Dutchman says: But just for revenge against the…Spics, illegals,…

That was redundant, dickhead. Now I’m being redundant.

January 18, 2016 4:00 pm

Donald Trump / Ted Cruz is the ticket. I hope they put the Clintons in jail. I hope they repeal Obama care . I hope they stop this illegal and legal third world invasion. I hope they build a Damn fence across the the southern border.. If they do these things I will be a happy camper.

Stucky , did you ever find a buyer for your house ?Been wondering why you have been so quiet.

January 18, 2016 4:05 pm

Watching Ron and now Rand fizzle, has produced a sense of resignation. We will get who we deserve collectively, whether its Trump, Clinton, Bush, or Sanders, makes no difference really.
It’s fun to watch that blow hard fuck shit up, might as well be him.
There is no place for Libertarians in this Empire, they are not even in the dialectic, at all. There will be no synthesis that includes any Libertarian platforms, pick a tyrant, and back to work.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 18, 2016 4:09 pm

He won’t win.

The Demoncrats have the electorate cornered.

They have gays, spics, transvestites, heathens, muslims, flat-earthers, 911 nutjobs, homo-phobes, cubicle dwellers, trekkies, disability goldbricks, social security leeches, former holy rollers, jews, blacks, browns, tsa porn freaks, random dutchmen, rubber doll fuckers, paranoid pukes, white-guilt lillies, hermaphrodites, female truck drivers, muff divers, abusers of themselves,

The only hope Trump has is if he can win over that election-tipping demographic, the illegals.

Hey, it worked for Bammie. [according to AWD]

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 18, 2016 4:10 pm

I saw that long ago as did you because he has a persona like us; many of us TBPers would vote for you for that reason! The RINOs hate him/US and I hate the RINOs. Who would you suggest would be a better Crusader against the Rats and RINOs policies that are destroying US? Putin respects him and I respect Putin. Phyllis Schlafly of the Eagle Forum supports him. Would you have opposed Gen Franco (and the Church, business owners, farmers, Royalist, Nationalist etc) because Franco was a General supported by Fascist during the Communist takeover of Spain? Desperate times call for desperate actions; I support Trump and pray for his come to God wisdom (and you too).

January 18, 2016 4:17 pm

@El Coyote: Hey – “rubber doll fuckers” / “muff divers” now what’s wrong with that?

SPICS and illegals are not redundant. A SPIC – is for all the Spanish speaking people – like the fucking Puerto Rican’s – biggest bunch of child molesters you ever want to see. And those from Guatemala, and all those other shit holes in Latin America.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 18, 2016 4:20 pm

ottomatik says: …pick a tyrant, and back to work.

The lottery works the same way: Dream a little dream, pick a few numbers and go back to work. The public goes crazy and lines up in long lines to cast their money into the government pocket hoping the government will favor them with a large kickback. When they get nothing in return, they console themselves with the story that the schools win. It’s for the chirren, they say.

Election day is the same story: Dream a little dream, pick a tyrant and go back to work.

It’s been a long time since I had any enthusiasm to give a guy a job since Reagan. I just woke up.

January 18, 2016 4:22 pm

Why don’t neegrows go to psychiatrists ?

Last one who said “I had a dream” got shot.

January 18, 2016 4:26 pm

I agree with HSF that Ron Paul was all hat and no cattle when it came to a fight. He has some good points about Trump, though.

Nate Silver’s latest ( contends that Trump has an ‘unfavorable’ rating among Dems and Indies that will make it nearly impossible for him to win the general election. Trump has a huge fan base, no doubt, but the people who hate him, really, really hate him. I suppose the same could have been said of Reagan, but Silver has a track-record thats not to be ignored.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 18, 2016 4:28 pm

Dutchman, just fucking with you.

Although I’m a spic I’m not an illegal. I do not claim PRs or Cubans and sort of complain when we are all lumped together under the “Hispanics” umbrella. But I guess that is a political term of convenience like the “White” designation.

Did I tell you of the time back in grade school when they taught us to enter ‘white’ in our self description? When I got older, I realized it was a convenient way to classify us and thus integrate schools in Texas. Heh.

January 18, 2016 4:29 pm

I kind of agree with HSF on this one Stucky. I supported Ron Paul also and felt let down when he just let things go instead of fought. Even his stand on Iran seems not quite right somehow…

Trump is a runaway train.

January 18, 2016 4:34 pm

Sounds to me as if Ron Paul has Trump nailed. Trump is an authoritarian just like Oblunder.

And then there’s those of you with the IQ of BB: “Donald Trump / Ted Cruz is the ticket. I hope they put the Clintons in jail. I hope they repeal Obama care . I hope they stop this illegal and legal third world invasion. I hope they build a Damn fence across the the southern border.. If they do these things I will be a happy camper.”

It amazes me, like the fucking Wizard of Oz, Trump knows just the buttons to push to get the rabble riled up, but do his words matter? Is he emotionally committed to carry out anything resembling what you clowns expect of him? Or will he leave you waiting for that “Hope & Change” like Obama did.

Time will tell, but IMO Bernie Sanders is the best chance we have to return the reins of government back to the people. He’s calling for a revolution you know.

January 18, 2016 4:37 pm

And this is why I don’t support Trump. He’s a fascist seeking validation.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 18, 2016 4:38 pm

Nate Silver missed massively on the British election.

People will vote for something, very few people will vote against something.

Registered Democrats are at an all time low. Young people vote at approximately 50% of the rate of older voters. Illegals can’t (allegedly) vote. Disabled/welfare/public assistance voters have the lowest turnout of any group.

Not too sure Nate Silver has his finger on the pulse this time around.

I’m also perplexed by the notion that one candidate can turn out tens of thousands yet have critics say those same people aren’t likely to vote, while another can’t fill up a school lunch room and their going to slam dunk the election.

I could probably win against Hillary at this point. Crazy Uncle Bernie has even less of a chance. Maybe if they could exhume the corpse of JFK they might stand a chance, otherwise? It’s going to be a wipeout of epic proportions.

January 18, 2016 4:40 pm

The dilemma is that we know what we will get from EVERY other “remotely electable” candidate besides Trump: More wars in the middle east. More debt. More welfare for immigrants and single moms. Another 10% of the world’s weath to the richest 62 people. Millions more jailed for smoking an herb. Trillions more for wall street. Millions more acres of land taken over by the Feds. Millions more on psychotropic medications, including hundreds of thousands more preschoolers. Trillions more in healthcare related bloat. Hundreds of new gun grabber laws. Dozens more whistleblowers ignored or jailed or outright killed.

Where does this shit end? It is sad that this country has become so dumbed down that Donald Frickin Trump is the only answer to any of that. It is even sadder that we dont even know if Donald Frickin Trump will stop any of that or just make it worse.

January 18, 2016 4:41 pm

Maybe we need a Trump, a badass who will take charge and do what needs to be done.

Clintons, Bush’s, and everybody else running, all cut from the same cloth. Corrupt.

Ron Paul is a great man but he tried to change a corrupt system by working within the system, Trump will just fire everybody.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 18, 2016 4:44 pm

I’m outnumbered by the Trumpeteers

January 18, 2016 4:52 pm


I hope you are correct. I respect Silver because he’s not a partisan with his stats. I suppose there is also a desperate effort to control-the-narrative in the MSM. Hillary drawing ‘dozens of supporters’ is too funny!

January 18, 2016 4:56 pm

Warning, If you vote for Hillary, Sanders, Rubio, Christy, you will likely live to regret it.

January 18, 2016 4:58 pm

I won’t vote for Trump in any circumstance even TPTB give us a choice of Trump or Hillary, so Ron Paul’s words above only serve to tell me what I already knew, but they don’t change my opinion.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
January 18, 2016 5:19 pm

To all TBP’ers, let me explain what our situation is and why Trump – as flawed as he is – is the only chance we have to save this country and restore it to something resembling the America we all love.

I spent a good part of my life fighting Marxist revolutionaries in Latin America. I know their mentality and their tactics well. They are vicious, cruel, blind fanatics. We have one (North American version) in the White House now, and he is surrounded by and controlled by others much more experienced, more vicious and more desperate than he is. They HATE America. Let me say this again. They Hate America. The Progressives are not your “fellow citizens” who merely have a different point of view. These are not Mr. McGoo Adlai Stevenson or George McGovern doofus liberal Democrats. Not by a long shot. These are the real deal, the domestic enemy every bit as dangerous as the Tories during the Revolution, and every bit as disloyal to our country.

They have worked steadily from the 1920’s and 1930’s on to corrupt and infiltrate every institution in this country; FDR, an arrogant dilettante embittered by his paralysis, gave them their first big break.
In 1965 the scored their most important victory by passing the 1965 immigration law. They have used it to make white Americans strangers in their own land. I could go on and on, but if you do not know the general story by now, I can’t explain it to you.

Obama was the spear point they used to finally seize true power. A strange, hate-filled nobody, a man from nowhere with a grim and largely falsified family and professional history – he was never a constitutional law professor at Harvard, he was nothing more than a visiting gas bag – he was elected by bubble-headed whites feeling “guilty”.

Since taking office he (or, rather, his handlers) has skillfully gone about abolishing all restraints on his power. He has gutted the military (always a prime Marxist objective), ruined the finances of the country and made tens of millions more dependent on the government dole, while at the same time flooding the country with sinister strangers. The gutless, venal Republicans, damn them, have lacked the nerve to even question his actions. But all of this is known to you.

Let me explain the only way out of this trap, which is all but sprung. I have seen it before. I know how the movie ends – unless the cavalry appears on the horizon.

In September 1973 General Augusto Pinochet, commander of the Chilean armed forces, launched a coup against the Marxist regime of Salvador Allende. It was no comic opera affair. Pinochet was forced to send air strikes against the Palacio de la Moneda, the presidential palace. Allende took the coward’s way out and committed suicide. Hundreds of people were killed or injured, and tens of thousands were eventually arrested. Almost 3,000 of these were later shot by military firing squads. The congress was dissolved and Pinochet ruled as dictator for almost two decades. Constitutional democracy was restored and Pinochet’s reforms destroyed the revolutionary left while turning Chile into one of the most modern and progressive (in the true meaning of the word) countries in Latin America.

Few Americans know anything about the 1973 coup in Chile and what came before and after. The few who do know anything are completely misinformed by the leftist American press.

The party line is that a “democratically-elected socialist government” was overthrown in a brutal military coup by a gang of uniformed gorillas, who then proceeded to torture or execute thousands of decent, peaceful, democracy-loving Chileans and more than a few foreigners. Negative.

The facts are these. Allende and his fellow Reds (he was technically a Socialist rather than a Communist, but in Chile the Socialists were far more radical and violent than the stodgy old Commies) were elected by a plurality, with about a third of the vote. The foolish right-wing and centrist parties refused to unite against him. This is typical of John Kasich and Paul Ryan-type politicians. They think they can co-exist with a hungry Red tiger and prefer it to supporting a real patriot.

Needless to say, Allende immediately began to systematically destroy the very democratic, constitutional system that brought him to power, with the obvious goal of establishing a Communist dictatorship, a la Cuba (One man, one vote, one time). He wrecked the economy, forced patriotic officers out of the military, menaced the press and used the intelligence services to throttle dissent and invited in the Soviets, Cubans and leftist revolutionaries from all over Latin America.

Realizing too late what their fecklessness had done, the traditional politicians tried to stop him. Both the congress and supreme court ruled his actions illegal. Nothing happened. Allende continued full speed ahead. Arms were clandestinely brought into the country to arm “worker’s militias”, something that was totally illegal under Chilean law. Private property was seized and Communist indoctrination was introduced in the schools. Chaos began to envelope the country as the middle class began to understand what was happening.

All this time Pinochet watched and waited. By nature conservative (like most decent military men) he was still loyal to his oath to the constitution. The day came, however, when he realized that only force could save Chile from Communist dictatorship. The tipping point came when the military discovered a plot by senior Allende officials to use terrorists to murder naval officers as a prelude to leading an outright Communist revolt in that service. That was it. Pinochet had to act. His own life and that of the families of all military officers were at stake, to say nothing of the future of the country.

Once he made his mind up he acted with pitiless ruthlessness; he had to. He understood full well the enormity of what he was doing. Failure meant death at the hands of the Communists, as a “traitor”.

On 11 September 1973 he moved. The Communists were not caught completely off guard but their resistance crumbled under the iron fist of the army. The very worst of the Red terrorists and ringleaders were simply taken out and shot. Others spent long months or years in barren prison camps. The traditional politicians, the ones really responsible for this disaster, were told to go home and mind their private affairs. This was Chile saved. The proof is before us today. The left has been tamed, the right learned a valuable lesson, and it is a country of laws and constitutional democracy today. Of course, Pinochet is cursed by all sides for his service to his country.

I am hardly suggesting that Trump is a Pinochet and that it will take a coup and firing squads to restore our country (though there are some folks who deserve to stand in front of one).

I am saying that the future of our country hangs in the balance. The forces represented by Obama are not merely political opponents. THEY ARE THE ENEMIES OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Bernie Sanders may seem like a laughable old fool. Don’t believe it. He is backed by real traitors. As for Hillary, that addle-brained old witch would make a deal with the devil if it brought her power and money.

Do you think John Kasich can even conceive of what is happening? Do you think a Marco Rubio has the spine to deal with it? Carly Fiorina? Rand Paul, blathering on and pandering to every minority group he can think of? Kindly Dr. Ron Paul ordering an air strike on ANYBODY? Please.

No. We have one shot left, folks. He is the most unlikely of saviors, I know, but in 1938 Churchill was a discredited crank in the eyes of the English Establishment. Remember that.

  Southern Sage
January 18, 2016 5:36 pm

Southern Sage

I’m currently reading The Last Lion Part 3. I have definitely noted the similarities between Churchill and Trump. It is probably worth doing an article on.

January 18, 2016 5:20 pm


+1000 for each response.

Obama is a tyrant because a corrupt Congress and a corrupt SCOTUS have caved. Could Trump be a tyrant too? Maybe a white man woluld be held to account.

I’m not fully on board with Mr. Trump. He needs to get more specific about how he is going to accomplish all the changes. I get tired of him framing all of his policies in terms of “winning and losing,” like we’re some football team. On the other hand, all of the other candidates will proceed with business as usual, smooth-talking all the way.

I would rather have a blowhard that is not under the control of the evil oligarchy running the world than a smooth-talking politician that continues to sell us out.

I would rather have a

January 18, 2016 5:22 pm

I find myself in agreement with RP. Pretty much what I’ve been saying from the beginning. This country is too far gone to save in it’s present form anyway. Best to just sit all this nonsense out. I can understand the appeal trump has to the simple minded, he knows just which buttons to get you guys fired up. And yes, I do find him amusing myself sometimes. Flyover country is pissed, so am I, but I don’t think supporting such a blatant authoritarian is going to help anything.

What’s the deal, trump supporters, do you guys really think he is going to “make America great again” or do you think that somehow white people will stop getting shafted and finally get past all this SJW stuff?

January 18, 2016 5:22 pm


A few weeks ago you announced you were all in for Trump. Now you are negative. Just curious – what changed your mind?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 18, 2016 5:37 pm

Southern Sage, excellent history lesson. Most people think of Pinochet @ the Sting level. Bunch of ladies dancing with photographs of their beloved Pedros, the disappeared.

This country takes one more step left and all that is separating us from the Reign of Terror is 200 years.

January 18, 2016 5:49 pm

Damn. Glenn Frey is dead.

January 18, 2016 5:53 pm

Like to know what the author suggests can be done to avoid electing a dangerous asshole as president. I no longer respect the man, nor the rank. If hitlery doesnt do jail the law is dead.

January 18, 2016 6:09 pm

It changes nothing. Trump is rallying conservative minded people all across this land! That’s something Ron Paul failed to do and why his high minded ideals went nowhere. As I’ve stated before it would take years to unwind the Federal Reserve bank if you waned to do it without a complete collapse of the present system. Ending the Fed is an awesome idea, but you don start there, you don’t make that the center piece of your campaign! You rally the people with a populous message get into office and then you change the way this Country handles its banking!
Ron Paul told us who he did not like. Why did he not make the argument for who he dose like and the odds of them winning? It wears me slick people running around telling me who not to support when they have no argument for who I should support!

January 18, 2016 6:17 pm


Ron did endorse a candidate. Guess which one.

“Rand is the ONLY one in the race who is standing up for your Liberty, across the board….he is our best hope to restore liberty, limited government and the Bill of Rights and finally end the big spending status quo in Washington, D.C….

Remember, truth is treason in the empire of lies. And nowhere is that more true than when it comes to Washington, D.C. and their media mouthpieces.

Even where Rand and I do have minor differences of opinion, I would take Rand’s position over any of his opponents’ in both parties every time….

There is not one candidate who has run for president in my lifetime who can say they fully share my commitment to liberty, Austrian economics, small government, and following the Constitution, [more] than my son, Rand Paul.

That’s why I have wholeheartedly endorsed him.

I know the media likes to play this little game where they pit us, or certain views, against each other.

Don’t fall for it. They’re trying to manufacture storylines at liberty’s expense. You’ve spent years seeing how the media treated me. They aren’t my friends and they aren’t yours.”

Ron Paul

January 18, 2016 6:35 pm

I guess I’m not so much “for” Trump as I am “for” pulling up my big girl panties and planting my feet shoulder width apart, one hand on a rifle, the other on a Beretta, ready for what is coming.

Nick at my side with the AK.

January 18, 2016 6:46 pm

The problem is Rand can’t win. I came out early for Rand and then I watched his first interview after announcing, I knew right then he was finished. I knew he couldn’t win that interview was very weak! I switched to Trump right then! To back Rand would have been like betting on a lame horse because he has the best bloodline, principled maybe, but you won’t win the race!
Here’s your likely choice, Trump or Sanders. Now, who do you think is most likely to defend your rights and Freedoms?

January 18, 2016 6:47 pm

Go watch some old video of Mussolini…totally enamored with himself, shooting off the cuff, and thinking everything he said was either hilarious or gospel truth

Trump is very much like Mussolini

This is nothing but a publicity stunt for him

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 18, 2016 6:50 pm

Nate Silver will be singing a different tune a week before the election. He has a keen grasp of the obvious. He’ll be noting Trump’s dramatic and unexpected improvement in favorability. If Trump can get 1,236 delegates he’ll get the nomination on the first ballot in Cleveland. If he only has 1,235, they’ll hand the nomination to Rubio (whose eligibility is disputable). Rubio = Rick Lazio 2.0. Hillary would spank Rubio. Trump would crush Hillary. Trump would get 25% of the black vote and win PA, MI, OH.

Ron Paul’s fears about Trump have little basis. Trump blusters, but much of what he says he’d like to do he couldn’t. At the end of four years if Trump, here’s what we would have:

A giant fucking wall on the us-Mexico border completed or nearing completion
85% of the current illegals having been granted permanent residency (pissing off many Trump voters)
No more new American involvement in wars in the Middle East
Rapproachment / detente with Russia.
A yuge cut in the corporate tax rate
Meaningful reform of personal income taxes (cut in rates, loss of deductibility of state and local taxes)
Ongoing large budget deficits
On balance, a decent set of accomplishments for four years.

January 18, 2016 6:51 pm

The choice is Trump or more of the same.

I’m rather tired of the same.

January 18, 2016 6:55 pm

I love Ron. But unfortunately he was unable to generate a broad following.

Say what you want, but Trump is a leader. Where he may lead is a horse of a different color. Churchill was an A grade ass, but in a time of Criss, he rose to the occasion. Maybe Trump can do the same, but it is rare.

Ron endorsing his son – I am simply stunned. Rand is not a pimple on Ron’s ass.

January 18, 2016 7:05 pm

Hey, don’t get me wrong! I want to go on the record saying Trump is a wild card. No one really knows what he’ll do. But I can tell you what he’s done for me personally. Trump exsposed the GOP to me, I witnessed their hatchet job on him, I now loathe the bastards. Guess what about 40% of the GOP base is looking at it the same way. Trump has done a great service to this country right there! I’ll never be the same.

January 18, 2016 7:12 pm

So, Is Trump Adolf? or Churchill?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 18, 2016 7:17 pm



January 18, 2016 7:30 pm

Sage, that is correct, if the left wins one election, they win the rest. Academia and the press have been ensuring that none of the young knows any history or economics so they will be easy marks for the future Bernies.

Trump is a jerk and narcissist but he will not get much done. The dem, whoever it is, will continue the race to socialism and dictatorship.

Hollow man
Hollow man
January 18, 2016 7:34 pm

I like Carson. He is not going anywhere. So why not. They are all a bunch of crooks looking out for number one. It will be ugly but very entertaining g watching as the country collapse into disarray. Go Trump Go. You don’t love forever.

Rise Up
Rise Up
January 18, 2016 7:41 pm

“This what the HIGHLY REVERED (here on TBP) Ron Paul had to say about Da Trump a couple days ago;…”

Please don’t speak for me, Stucky (re: “here on TBP”). Ron talked a good talk but couldn’t walk the walk, at least as far as results. I admire the man, but do not “revere” him.

Great post by Southern Sage–a history of Chile I was not aware of.

Although I’m not committed to Trump, and have voted 3rd party since 1980 (John Anderson), I like that he’s spitting in the Establishment’s eye. Anybody who shakes up the system this much is worth the price of admission.

I like what Admin wrote a few weeks back, something to the effect “I am for whichever candidate
brings on the collapse the fastest”. That about sums up my sentiment as well.

One more thing…if Trump does win the nomination, he won’t choose Cruz as a running mate.

January 18, 2016 7:46 pm

Even if Trump were elected he would be hamstrung by all three branches of the government. He won’t be all-powerful. I understand Ron Paul can’t support him because he is a libertarian. But Ron Paul supported his son Rand who sold out to the Republican party last election.

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