Stucky Q.O.T.D. — Hey, Trump-eteers! Does THIS make a difference?

This what the HIGHLY REVERED (here on TBP) Ron Paul had to say about Da Trump a couple days ago;

I think he’s is a dangerous person, and a lot of people find him sort of funny, and love him, even Libertarian types. They like him because he’s so disruptive to the party system, and I enjoy that too. But I think he’s a man that if conditions deteriorate, which they can — see I work on the assumption that the world is no more stable than Greece, and if those conditions come, people want to be told what to do: ‘And I know what the answer is, and I’ll do this, and I am the man to this’. And Mr. Trump comes across this very well, and people listen to him, and I believe he may be raising white horses someplace and he’s going to ride in, because he is almost the opposite of a Libertarian, because it’s not like ‘I want to give you your freedom and your liberty to run your life as you choose. Your civil liberties are absolutely yours, you can’t hurt anybody, it’s your own money you can spend it any way you want.’ But he sounds like the person, ‘I know the answers and I’m going to do this and I’ve done this, I’ve done this, this and this.’” He’s an authoritarian and that’s the way he claims he made all his money. So I see that as dangerous.”

Question: —  To all of you Trump-eteers, especially you so-called Libertarians and Anarchists,  does the warning from the great Ron Paul change your opinion?  Or, are you all just part-time Libertarians?

(Warning: If you vote for Trump, you will likely live to regret it.)

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 19, 2016 9:03 am

Flash- Outstanding c/p post on Ron and Rand Paul, so true they had a chance to do great things and only offered lip service.

January 19, 2016 9:09 am

@Sensetti thanks for the accolades, but Churchill and MacArthur revealed this truism long before I.

The vile two party system has long been enemy of ta free and prosperous American Nation and the global corporatist war against American sovereignty has been ignored far too long … at t this point in the battle the price of freedom will steep with no victory assured.

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January 19, 2016 9:14 am

Ron Paul may be right, but at least Trump is a strong 2A supporter. I suffered through 15 minutes of the Dem debate the other night and was surprised to see all three agree that no civilian needs an AR-15 rifle. Let’s talk about authoritarian. Disarm the citizens, and what do you think Hillary, Bernie or O’Malley would do? (Or wouldn’t do?)

January 19, 2016 9:43 am

@Sensetti…people are safer taking a jab at someone’s mother than their favorite politician..especially during election season
People get very emotional about their politicians

Watch the video of Il Duce…watch the body language…watch the facial expressions…watch the lips

January 19, 2016 10:16 am

@BL, it all wasn’t c/p…I blindly pecked out first few paragraphs before the VD coping the VD piece..

@ HSF The problem with understanding Libertarianism is that it requires the study of various subject ; law, economics, history and philosophy which is not , unfortunately so, a prerequisite for the casting a vote in any election, local ,state or national. All made worse by the fact , thanks to the multiculturalism and diversity wrought by foreign invasion , affirmative action and popular culture, that the national IQ average has dropped 4 points which explains the current voting patterns that elect such brazen corporate controlled charlatans as Clinto/Bush/Obama to national office.

Trump has been criticized by corporate media for not spending much time articulating his message, which has not been detrimental to his campaign at all. He has reached a much large audience by speaking in sound-bites and mastering social media. Even if they could, which most can’t , people do not want their lives interrupted by countless hours of studying abstract ideology in order to figure out which candidate holds the moral high ground They want results…and why not . Americans damn well pay out the ass for responsible and accountable govenrment. Why aren’t we getting what we pay for?This is what Trump promises….security and a a responsible and accountable government. And, the party orphaned Americans love it. Why not.

Trumps message of America first, is in stark contrast to what the GOP establishment Ryans and Paul are selling, which is adherence and propagation of the vague idea of America as melting pot for inhabitants of all global nations , even though none outside of European ancestry have ever shown the slightest inclination towards self-determination.

It may just be that America has become such spoiled and dumbed down Nation that we are no longer capable of making rationale decisions concerning our greater good,, but instead act like mere children who are easily lured into allowing their wants to supersede their basic needs, and thus now require a strong adult figure to slap the self-destructive hand and put US in time out until the maturity begins to set in.

Although the restoration of the Republic would go much easier if we were to suspend the poplar vote and replace it with a voting system based on an electorate selected by criteria such as civic test scores, proven responsibility( i.e. no out of wedlock children), and increased age limit ( 35 works for me) , but alas , this would only result in civil war as the irresponsible culture begin to cry racism and cities start to burn … so back to the brink with a nation divided by values, culture, race and wealth. Regardless, a fourth turning is inevatble ,regardless the path chosen, chaos will come.It’s the nature of the beast.

January 19, 2016 10:21 am

@procrastinator …have you recently or in the distant past suffered severe head trauma/

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January 19, 2016 10:24 am

Gird your loins..even this old Libertarian had to accept the realty and come in from the cold.

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maxer's mom
maxer's mom
January 19, 2016 11:06 am

Flash, allow me to compliment you. Many truths, revelations and

good analysis. I don’t care what R. Paul says at this point.

Cruz is a banker tool…clear as a bell. He is an intelligent sounding

“debater.” And, he is a Canadian Cuban that we don’t need. (whoever said

that, thanks) So far, Trump is the only one talking to the people, rather than what

“they plan for the people.” He might be a liar. Time will tell. I think he/I hope he is for real.


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 19, 2016 11:15 am

Stucky- Regarding your reply to bb.

Admin’s numbers are way up, something is working in favor of the site. Put on your big gurl panties and stop worrying about the thumbsies. I know you feel that some of us are not quality but everyone adds to the conversation……..just sayin.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 19, 2016 11:32 am

FLASH- Sorry, did not mean to take away from your excellent writing. Seriously good post.

January 19, 2016 11:36 am

@ Stuck…what BL said.

January 19, 2016 11:43 am

Stucky, I think our perspective, as Germans / Austrians with family that survived the war may be colored. Like you, I’m terrified of the prospect of Trump winning.

But this is a 4T and that’s what happens… for better or worse. All we can do is try to survive it.

Which reminds me; I thought of your parents when I saw this recently:

Thought you may find it interesting.

January 19, 2016 11:51 am


I take it as a badge of honor to get thumbs down. And so should you.

Means what I said hit home somewhat, and what I said pissed folks off and took them out of their comfort zone. Most times, truth does not matter (or being right) – only how people feel about the whole thing….


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In a related matter, the AP reports that doctors at Johns Hopkins are close to finding a cure for Weapons-Grade Butthurt. Rumor has that it involves a swift kick in the ass. But this cream will do until the permanent cure is approved by the FDA.

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January 19, 2016 12:13 pm

Stucky I never thumbed you down for one.! The point I’m trying to make is Trump is not just another political campaign, it’s a movement of the people. Look at the change here on TBP. folks are realizing lofty ideals are noble but if you can’t get elected they mean little. I value your parents perspective they were looking at the last Fourth Turning!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 19, 2016 12:49 pm

Stucky- My offer still goes if you want to talk about this depressed state you are in. Getting things off your chest could lift the load a little. It matters to all of us when one of our own is down and feeling butt hurt. 🙂

Das Arschloch
Das Arschloch
January 19, 2016 1:16 pm

Libertarianism is based on the assumption, that if we just all respect each others right, we can ignore all our differences and only need a very tiny government. It has no plan for the scenario that a sizable portion of the population is not willing to respect other people’s rights. Considering that this has been the norm for all of recorded human history, it is at best a very naive philosophy. More likely it is completely asinine and dangerous.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 19, 2016 1:29 pm

That would be the best move for Trump to go against Hitlery with a female in tow. Sarah is starting to really show her age, is she not?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 19, 2016 1:42 pm

Stucky, you worry too much about comments and thumbs up/down. Do you like what you write. Is it valid? Can you make a point that offers a perspective to others? That’s all that counts.

“I shared my parent’s very valid observation that The Donald is appealing to the anger and frustration of American voters, just as Adolph did to Germans in Germany.”

That’s a good point and I would tend to agree. What you left out was what caused their anger and frustration? Was it simply an entire nation of adults losing their collective good sense out of the clear blue for no reason whatsoever? I doubt it very much. I’d be far more interested in your parents perspective about what made the German people experience such a deep dissatisfaction with the way things were. That’s the elephant in the living room and as often as I’ve heard the Hitler comparison, I’ve never heard anyone offer the why behind the choice.

Ignoring a problem never makes it go away. We’ve had massive problems brewing for some time now and they have grown in direct relation the way in which they have been dismissed by the political establishment. If you have a cavity you don’t fix it by eating more sugar, do you? That’s the current fix for our problems. The person who mentions the rotted tooth and complains about the discomfort is the problem, not the caries that caused it, so keep on drinking those Big Gulps to deaden the pain.

January 19, 2016 2:12 pm

As far as who is going to be the next president or congressman, or senator:

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

If Trump wins, secret service agents are going to be really jumpy.

January 19, 2016 2:34 pm

Ron Paul’s argument was of an intellectual nature. The results were a foregone conclusion.

January 19, 2016 4:49 pm

It appears Mr. Trump pushes buttons every where he is discussed. Thank you for posing the question and drawing the distinction between libertarianism and populism. It seems this website, and its comments section, offers the opportunity to discuss everything from politics to economics to philosophy to religion to crazy photos to indiscriminate videos to drag car racing to recipes for lemon drop martinis and cole slaw. All appear to be random and associative conversation within the construct of the free speech that is offered here. The Burning Platform is truly a gift to lovers of liberty everywhere during these times. May all of the ideas and opinions expressed here be both welcomed, and simultaneously challenged, for as long as possible.

January 19, 2016 5:15 pm

A little history…

Hitler came to power for a number of documented reasons, some of which are rational, others of which are emotional. Either way, the world continues to question how a vicious madman could rise to power in Germany during this time, most of all the German people who, to this day, will do almost anything to prevent another authoritarian movement. Though I believe that is being used today against them as a bigger authoritarian movement gains hold (migrant fundamentalism), the German people seem to be either blind to a new definition of totalitarianism or are so terrified of it happening again in Germany that they are incapable of resisting it.

Following WWI, the following issues remained from the 1920s or were present at the time:

Long-term bitterness
Deep anger about the First World War and the Treaty of Versailles created an underlying bitterness to which Hitler’s viciousness and expansionism appealed, so they gave him support.

Today, we have deep-seated anger at a number of things: government over-reach, the broken rule of law, inequality, crony capitalism, lack of meaningful representation from elected officials, degenerated race relations… we all know the many things that have created the seething undercurrent in this country.

Ineffective Constitution
Weaknesses in the German Constitution crippled the government. In fact, there were many people in Germany who wanted a return to dictatorship. When the crisis came in 1929–1933 – there was no one who was prepared or able to fight to stop Hitler.

Here in the U.S., we have a growing number of people who promote / want socialism, or expect the government to take a more authoritarian approach. Our Constitution is in shambles after the actions of the past few Presidents, with many questioning whether it really stands for something any more. When the rule of law fails, that’s a sure sign that we are facing a constitutional crisis. We even have a governor (TX) calling for a Constitutional Convention to restore states’ rights… I’d say that fits, as well.

The financial support of wealthy businessmen gave Hitler the money to run his propaganda and election campaigns.

Banks, MIC companies, foreign governments, shadowy billionaires pulling strings, TPTB… always been this way, always will be, with very few exceptions throughout history.

Nazi propaganda persuaded the German masses to believe that the Jews were to blame and that Hitler was their last hope.

Plenty of this to go around on both sides… Muslims are the problem, illegal immigrants, black people / white people, China, you name it. There’s a LOT of finger-pointing and tribalism going on now, and one guy standing up and saying he’s going to fix everything.

Promises to fix everything
Hitler promised everybody something, so they supported him.

No one’s doing that just yet — promising something to everyone — but we’re not far off. Trump is saying things people want to hear, which is the power behind his meteoric rise. He’s claiming he’s going to get blacks voting for him, he’s going to get women voting for him… like most of the politicians we need to worry about the most, he’s broadening his appeal in order to achieve what he wants to do. But is it good for everyone? Will he really do it? Once someone like that is elected, they tend to do whatever they want, no matter what they’ve said in the past. Just look at our current fiasco-in-charge.

Attacks on other parties
The Stormtroopers attacked Jews and people who opposed Hitler. Many opponents kept quiet simply because they were scared of being murdered – and, if they were, the judges simply let the Stormtroopers go free.

We’re not here yet, though one could say the current Administration has this one nailed. The IRS is used to target opposition, the NSA can take down anyone they want to, police forces around the nation already act above the law and get away with it. It wouldn’t take much for a REAL authoritarian to take advantage of the stage that’s been set. Which is why it’s so important to get past the “it’s only against blacks / conservatives / immigrants” mentality. Remember the Hangman.

Personal Qualities
Hitler was a brilliant speaker, and his eyes had a peculiar power over people. He was a good organizer and politician. He was a driven, unstable man, who believed that he had been called by God to become dictator of Germany and rule the world. This kept him going when other people might have given up. His self-belief persuaded people to believe in him.

Driven, organized, belief that only he can fix things, grandiose statements of making the country “great” again… signs that we should tread very, very carefully.

Economic Depression
After the Wall Street Crash of 1929, the US called in its loans to Germany, and the German economy collapsed. The number of unemployed grew; people starved on the streets. In the crisis, people wanted someone to blame, and looked to extreme solutions – Hitler offered them both, and Nazi success in the elections grew.

We don’t have people literally starving, though more are below poverty level than when the War of Poverty started. Instead, we have people “starving” from societal, family and community breakdown. People want someone to blame and they’re looking for extreme solutions — Trump on one hand / Hillary or Sanders on the other. Either way, we lose.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” — Santayana, The Life of Reason, 1905

January 19, 2016 6:17 pm

Thinker lives up to his name. Maybe it’s like a high school dance where one says: “What the fuck”? I am going to ask the girl to dance that gives me the best chance of getting laid.” If I don’t do my research properly and I get herpes later, well then, shame on me. The sad thing about this election cycle is that there doesn’t seem to be any other choice on the dance floor. It’s either take a chance to get laid with Trump or for sure get ass-raped at gunpoint by any of the others. Thus is the state of affairs in American politics today.

January 19, 2016 6:30 pm

Just to clarify, “ass-raped at gunpoint by any of the other’s banker boyfriends”, that is.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 19, 2016 6:57 pm

Thinker wrote-

“…most of all the German people who, to this day, will do almost anything to prevent another authoritarian movement.”

You can’t be serious.

That is EXACTLY what the German people have today. If there is a more authoritarian government in Europe I’m unaware of it. Their government tells them exactly how it’s going to be and the German people have no say whatsoever. They’re silenced by law, any party that presents any challenge is disbanded and the people are allowed to pay taxes and attend Oktoberfest for their trouble.

January 19, 2016 7:20 pm

Thinker, now I member, you are the one who kicked my ass years ago on world war history. Sir, why are you so knowledgeable concerning these matters and points of history?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 19, 2016 7:26 pm

For what it’s worth, Sarah Palin has joined the Trump band wagon and given him the “Official Okie-Dokie”. Does this mean he is acceptable to the Repuke Party now ? Can Trump be “The Candidate” for the grand old party, ready to battle Hitlery ?

Flash, Starfcker what do you think ?

January 19, 2016 7:30 pm

Stucky, I love you man! I mean that. You’ve made my life so much better, you’ve made me a better person! I actually stop and think once in awhile because of you. You’re a Hero to me. I just needed you to that!!

January 19, 2016 7:32 pm

Needed you to know that!!

January 19, 2016 7:46 pm

Stucky says I was recently diagnosed as Bipolar, Schizophrenic, and Delusional with chronic bouts of depression ….. and that was by Ms Freud.

I assume this is a joke. If not, tell Ms Freud she outta strap my ass on for a week! Her edu-ma-ca-tion, would leave her speechless in all things concerning Sensetti!!

January 19, 2016 7:55 pm

bee L, you’ve spun a bearing dude.

I’m as conservative as God will allow. But.. I’d jack Donald Trump off in a phone booth while he talked Sarah Palin if it helped the team! So what’s your point?

January 19, 2016 8:24 pm

German beer is awesome.

January 19, 2016 8:26 pm

Bea L. Listen up my friend. When Trump has the nomination sewed up he’ll pivot hard towards the GOP establishment, leaving the lower IQ hordes dissolutioned. Why? Trumps a deal maker! His world is one giant deal, he gathers people around a table and explains leverage to them. In business you don’t walk into a negotiation without leverage, unless you have none! Trumps experience is magnitudes above anything his Canadian born competition can bring to bare.

January 19, 2016 8:32 pm

“Question: — To all of you Trump-eteers, especially you so-called Libertarians and Anarchists, does the warning from the great Ron Paul change your opinion? Or, are you all just part-time Libertarians?”

You pose an interesting question,, so I thought I’d take a stab at it, even though I’m not a Trumpeteer.

There are exactly 3 visible candidates who do not appear to be in the back pocket of the usual banksters. Bernie, Donald, and Rand.

Bernie is likely in the pockets of the euro-commie Rothschild bankster faction instead of an American bankster faction, even if he does not realize it yet. Hardly a positive change. If not, he HAS drunk the climate change koolaid which suggests either unquestioned belief (reliance on authorities) over thought or dishonesty.

“King of deals”, The Donald could easily have cut a deal with the Cowboy faction that gives him a partially free hand for awhile, somewhat like Reagan. If so, will they pull in the reins with bad marksmanship again?? But he might actually still be his own man, If so expect some campaign sabotage soon. Ron is correct, there is no doubt he’s an authoritarian.

Rand talks a mostly Libertarian line, is likely honest, but has no chance of getting elected short of a major disaster. (Some major accident at a debate he is not invited to, for example) If he DID get elected (and survived) he could rescind some onerous executive orders, but would have little chance at passing a Libertarian legislative agenda. At the very least the banksters would cause a panic and have the media blame him.

I see three choices

1. Vote for Rand on principle and hope for a miracle

2. Vote for The Donald and hope they actually let him fix a few things and that he doesn’t cause WWIII and/or ramp up our police state even further.

3. Walk away, declare the system illegitimate, and refuse to participate.

As of now, I’m undecided, but choice 3 is a contender.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 19, 2016 8:40 pm


You have disagreed with me on just about everything under the sun, so can I get in on this man-lovefest with Sensetti ? I can’t imagine life without your literary talents to look forward to .Seriously.


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 19, 2016 8:49 pm


I am honoring a truce with old Flash so there is little I can say about Trump right now but we will have a go at it in a few weeks. Until then, I will just say I can hardly wait til November.

Marlin Perkins
Marlin Perkins
January 19, 2016 9:19 pm

And in the quiet of the evening, a Snowleopard emerges upon Serengeti. Legitimate questions are raised. How will the monkeys respond to this new challenge? Tune in after the break…

January 19, 2016 9:20 pm

Off topic, I’m..,let’s say friends with Nassin taleb, I understand not one fucking thing that dude lays down. I’ve taken statistics like before we had calculators, and or cell phOnes. I just agree with his convoluted shit and drop a comment now and again that resembles intelligence. Guess what? He thinks I’m an intellectual giant. Lesson learned, when you’re so fucking smart a new convert is so rare they are welcomed with open arms, your space on this globe is in question! Let’s see if the smart Motherfucker can run that through his statistical insignificance model. LMAO. The smartest bastard in the room has no guarantees of survival, he may be leaning on drunk Irishman unaware!

January 19, 2016 9:27 pm

Bea , as smart as you are you must be on the Trump Train! Please don’t tell it’s not so!

January 19, 2016 9:30 pm

Po Ole Marlin been dead for years now.

January 19, 2016 9:41 pm

Wild Kingdom, purtty good show. Takes me back to a sane place in my life!

January 19, 2016 10:02 pm

Bea, I’m worried, I need you on my team. Stop, reflect, consider, then pull the trigger. I’ll kick a hand full of weak bastards off the Trump Train to make space for you! Come on man, let’s make these bastards understand it’s over, we gonna ride this rainbow till we run out of sky!!!

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
January 19, 2016 10:12 pm

I almost got fired today.

I got into argument with my boss about Trump. He thinks Trump is dangerous and not someone you want in charge at WH. Said to me that Trump says too many stupid things to be taken seriously. I agreed with everything he said. It went sideways when he started talking about the Muzzies. Surprisingly he was sticking up for them and thought they had gotten a bad wrap. I told him I was glad there was an ocean between us and those head chopping retards and glad that at least our illegals were Hispanic Christians. He gave me one of those looks. Then proceeded to talk shit about Putin. Said the man deserved a bullet between the eyes.

What a stupid fuckin’ thing to say. Anyways pretty much sums up the level of intelligence permeating from the unwashed masses. The Muzzies get a pass cause it’s the right, Politically correct thing to do and the President of country with some 5000 nukes pointing at us is marked for death. Oh yeah I told him that if Putin gets a bullet then maybe Obama should get one too. That’s when he went off the deep end. I mean fair is fair.

If the NSA is reading this I was just kidding. Anyways…

I know I live in Canada but we are not much different then you Yanks. We get the leaders we deserve. It is just too bad teenagers couldn’t get the vote as they are the ones that will have to pay. It will be with their lives on a battlefield somewhere soon if things don’t change in a hurry. I am becoming more pessimistic with each day. I am shocked with the level of knowledge that people have of the wider world around them. The media is busy demonizing Putin setting him up as the Foil in the coming catastrophe an people like my Boss are swallowing it hook line and sinker. It’s pathetic.

My wife wants to buy a farm far from town and says she is tired of current 9 to 5 lifestyle. I’m beginning to think 9 to 5 is going to be be replaced with Walking Dead 24/7. Time to find a place with not too many roads to it back in the hills.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 19, 2016 10:25 pm

I hardly ever get butthurt except when somebody suggests that the quality of comments isn’t what it used to be.

Or that only certain commentators are worth reading. Usually, those conclusions come from depressed people eating turdburgers.

Nobody is playing the 100, 200, 300 comments game, that is a bitch of an accusation based on a one time thread Maggie spearheaded.

I have limited myself to fluff pieces where I can comment many times in bite size chunks. Perhaps I should be a Trumpista, like the Trumpeteers, I too can only comprehend half statements and quasi thoughts.

I don’t have the capacity for long comments. I am only a part timer here, not a professional commentator like the old dogs.

I’ve read some of their bullshit, it was serious shit, I could almost understand some of it. Didn’t change a thing, the world still came to this fucked up situation.

I’m not going to get worked up over political shit, I just want to read what joe blow and jane doe have to say about Trump, I could give a shit about long serious as a heart attack tracts on whether Trump is Churchill reincarnate.

Trump isn’t Churchill, his writing is light fluff on business, what the hell is that? Anybody can write a cook book or business book. shit, I read long ago that Trump could build great buildings but he sucked as a casino operator. If we are comparing him to his peer group, let’s compare him to that failed haberdasher, Truman.

Trump isn’t even Hitler. Was he in a war? Did he lead putsch? Has he any deep convictions?

That said, I think if he selected Palin as a running mate, they would be a dynamite team, TNT, Trump ‘n Tits.

Thanks for keeping the comments going, Sensetti. Bea and Stuck done ran out of gas.

Bea, stop being a pussy, flash will not respect you in the morning cause you honored his truce, fuck that, let’s get in here and fight while you can easily win with no bloodshed.

Dammit, what I feared most has come to pass, Bea and Stuck butthurt at the same time.

Thank you everybody commenting here. You all are winners in this online caucus. Fuck the ‘woe is me’ crowd pining for the old days and the old ways and the old dogs. Imagine if fucking Trump got the red-ass butthurt and decided to stop tweeting because some folks were playing the comment count angle.

Last time I studied elections, I saw, that’s the way you win, assholes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

January 19, 2016 10:32 pm

Rob in Nova Scotia Thank you it sounds like you’re on the Trump Train. I’m just not sure if you can vote here. It’s very confusing to us, who’s legit and who’s Canadian or Mexican. Jesus help us, we’ve got a Cuban Canadian challenging our Consittution.