The Rejection Election

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

With the Iowa caucuses a week away, the front-runner for the Republican nomination, who leads in all the polls, is Donald Trump.

The consensus candidate of the Democratic Party elite, Hillary Clinton, has been thrown onto the defensive by a Socialist from Vermont who seems to want to burn down Wall Street.

Not so long ago, Clinton was pulling down $225,000 a speech from Goldman Sachs. Today, she sounds like William Jennings Bryan.

Taken together, the candidacies of Trump, Sanders, Ben Carson and Ted Cruz represent a rejection of the establishment. And, imitation being the sincerest form of flattery, other Republican campaigns are now channeling Trump’s.

This then is a rejection election. Half the nation appears to want the regime overthrown. And if spring brings the defeat of Sanders and the triumph of Trump, the fall will feature the angry outsider against the queen of the liberal establishment. This could be a third seminal election in a century.

In the depths of the Depression in 1932, a Republican Party that had given us 13 presidents since Lincoln in 1860, and only two Democrats, was crushed by FDR. From ’32 to ’64, Democrats won seven elections, with the GOP prevailing but twice, with Eisenhower. And from 1930 to 1980, Democrats controlled both houses of Congress for 46 of the 50 years.

The second seminal election was 1968, when the racial, social, cultural and political revolution of the 1960s, and Vietnam War, tore the Democratic Party asunder, bringing Richard Nixon to power. Seizing his opportunity, Nixon created a “New Majority” that would win four of five presidential elections from 1972 through 1988.

What killed the New Majority?

First, the counterculture of the 1960s captured the arts, entertainment, education and media to become the dominant culture and convert much of the nation and most of its elite.

Second, mass immigration from Asia, Africa and especially Latin America, legal and illegal, changed the ethnic composition of the country.

White Americans, over 90 percent of the electorate in 1968, are down to 70 percent today, and about 60 percent of the population.

And minorities vote 80 percent Democratic.

Third, Republicans in power not only failed to roll back the Great Society but also collaborated in its expansion. Half the U.S. population today depends on government benefits.

Consider Medicare and Social Security, the largest and most expensive federal programs, critical to seniors and the elderly who give Republicans the largest share of their votes.

If Republicans start curtailing and cutting those programs, they will come to know the fate of Barry Goldwater.

Still, whether we have a President Clinton, Trump, Sanders or Cruz in 2017, America appears about to move in a radically new direction.

Foreign policy retrenchment seems at hand. With Trump and Sanders boasting of having opposed the Iraq war, and Cruz joining them in opposing nation-building schemes, Americans will not unite on any new large-scale military intervention. To lead a divided country into a new war is normally a recipe for political upheaval and party suicide.

Understandably, the interventionists and neocons at National Review, Commentary, and the Weekly Standard are fulminating against Trump. For many are the Beltway rice bowls in danger of being broken today.

Second, Republicans will either bring an end to mass migration, or the new millions coming in will bring an end to the presidential aspirations of the Republican Party.

Third, as Sanders has tabled the issue of income equality and wage stagnation, and Trump has identified the principal suspect — trade deals that enrich transnational companies at the cost of American prosperity, sovereignty and independence — we are almost surely at the end of this present era of globalization.

As in the late 19th century, we may be at the onset of a new nationalism in the United States.

A vast slice of the electorate in both parties today is angry — over no-win wars, wage stagnation and millions continuing to pour across our bleeding borders from all over the world. And that slice of America holds both parties responsible for the policies that produced this.

This is what America seems to be saying.

Thus, given the deepening divisions within, as well as between the parties, either an outsider prevails this year, or Balkanization is coming to America, as it has already come to Europe.

For the Sanders, Trump, Cruz and Carson voters, the status quo seems not only unacceptable, but intolerable. And if their candidates and causes do not prevail, they are probably not going to accept defeat stoically, and go quietly into that good night, but continue to disrupt the system until it responds.

Unlike previous elections in our time, save perhaps 1980, this appears to be something of a revolutionary moment.

We could be on the verge of a real leap into the dark.

Where are we going? One recalls the observation of one Democrat after the stunning and surprise landslide of 1932:

“Well, the American people have spoken, and in his own good time, Franklin will tell us what they have said.”

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 26, 2016 7:03 am

I keep hearing all this talk about “Americans” and “America” but I know that these people who write it have no real understanding of what that means. Maybe Buchanan does, but he’s not going to say it out loud just yet.

There are multiple “Americas” out there. There’s one that has 50 million people living in it and they speak a language other than English at home, were born in another country and see America more as a Continent sized WalMart than a nation. There are the radical burn it to the ground progressive Alinsky types who despise Daddy especially the ones who never knew him and they probably total another 50 million. There is Africa-America and we know how they feel about things and if you don’t go check out World Star Hip-Hop some afternoon when you have nothing better to do.

I’m sure I’ve overlooked other little regional groupings, but what I am trying to relay is that the “Americans” that are jazzed up over the rejection election are the people who are being dispossessed, the ones who have been told for 20 years how exciting it’s going to be once they are gone, (even though they and their formerly orderly, staid and boring world of the 1950’s supposedly never existed in the first place).

We may have a country, but we damn sure haven’t got a nation. Nations require a connected citizenry, not a polyglot of fractious tribes jockeying for political dominance over their former patron class.

There is old school America and there is AMERIKWA NOW! and the big dust up between the two is still on the horizon.

Just sayin’.

January 26, 2016 9:00 am

Nice comment Hardscrabble. I really like your articles. I don’t know how you have time to follow anything about “politics” i sure don’t.

I’m just waiting for the next revolution to be over. It ain’t gonna be pretty and a lot of people aren’t gonna make it to the other side of it.

January 26, 2016 9:41 am

Doesn’t really matter who else is running, it’s either Trump or more of the same at an accelerated and probably fatal pace.

As for me? I choose to take a chance on Trump rather than the certain destruction of any alternative in the running.

mike in ga
mike in ga
January 26, 2016 9:49 am

Great summation by Buchanan, PBUH. Agree with him or not, the guy has an historically eloquent way of distilling current political events.

HSF, I don’t believe we will ever, from this point in history, return to the state of a “nation”, as you described it, except through the crucible of war, bloody war and only then by the complete and utter exhaustion of the citizenry – including its political leadership – to the killing and dying, hiding and starving, all day, every day.

I can’t assign a value to the likelihood of that happening. It is much simpler to say The Great American Experiment is over. Without purging and cauterizing the various ailments that affect the nation, the contagion spreads and we die the death of the Roman Empire, crumbling by fits and starts, then the slide into insignificance. The crumbling – and the slide – have begun.

The “right” president only changes the velocity, not the direction.

January 26, 2016 10:44 am

We are not one nation any longer . As soon as we have our next harsh economic downturn you we begin to see how much hate there really is our fractured society

I have come to the conclusion it doesn’t matter that much who wins because none of these candidates will address the debt monetary system enslaving much of the Western world. The debt monetary system along with compound interest on fiat currency is the problem. No one will abolish the federal reserve or fractional reserve money making scam..Until we have leaders willing to do what Hitler did ( printing his own state- controlled labor backed currency ) nothing will change.

January 26, 2016 10:44 am

Billy wrote the comment below in another thread. It is The Best “rejection” analysis evah. Billy even almost convinces me to vote fer Trump. Stucky The Trump-eteer …. my God, how fucked up that sounds.


I’m voting for Trump… that is, if I vote.

It’s not that I think he will make a good president. I happen to think he won’t.

It’s not that I like him. I don’t.

But the cuckservatives and RINO’s and phony-assed sellout “conservatives” have betrayed us time and again. They talk tough, then fold like a fucking lawn chair when nobody is looking…

I didn’t leave them.. THEY left me.

So fuck them. This ship is sinking and there ain’t a damn thing I can do about it, thanks to them. All I have left is revenge.

Trump getting the nomination and winning the Presidency will leave the repukes in disarray for at least a decade… To those who moan about the left running rampant, I ask “What will be any different?” The cucks cave on everything – EVERYTHING. They’re not even phoning it in.

But, a Trump presidency will fuck them over but good…

And I’m totally cool with that.

Trump. The “FUCK YOU!” vote.

January 26, 2016 10:49 am

“There’s one that has 50 million people living in it and they speak a language other than English at home, were born in another country ……..” ——- hardscrabble farmer

WTF? My parents speak German at home and I was born elsewhere. So, blow me. Stick to writing about cows and chickens.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 26, 2016 10:50 am

The elites laugh at you and Billy for taking it up the ass with such glee.

The only ones that will get FUCKED is the sheep per usual, but thank you for playing.

January 26, 2016 11:01 am


What the fuck are you talking about?? I’ve said it a thousand times …. those who vote for Trump will live to regret it. He’s an Authoritarian who doesn’t give two shits about the Constitution, and that’s a DEADLY combination.

I re-posted Billy’s comment because it makes a lot of sense. I understand his anger. I understand revenge. I certainly understand the Fuck You vote.

But, I said he ALMOST convinced me. So, try reading for comprehension next time.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 26, 2016 11:20 am

Who really gets the short end of the stick with all of this talk about FUCK YOU votes?

Well it ain’t gonna be the elites so keep believing that voting for a billionaire will somehow punish the OTHER billionaires. Yeah right.

January 26, 2016 12:49 pm

We have very little, or is it no choice. I like the FY vote and revenge.

Medicare is a big scam machine. Revenue building for the providers.

I will spare you the examples. SS & SSDB are broke…end those.

Cut people a check for what they are owed for SS contributions and call

it a day. Welfare? End that. It won’t be long before certain groups stop

having babies (to increase benefits) because they will have to support them.

Immigrants and illegals that arrive to partake of generous benefits? There

won’t be any so they will have to leave. We can help them do that. Get the

gov out of housing loan support. Get the gov out of dictating education.

Stop the system of taxes being kicked back to the states as bribery for

initiating Fed “programs.” Change the tax system to a flat tax limited to a

postcard. Make the justice system work…disallow the years long appeals

process, and let penalties reflect the severity of the crime. Forget the war

on drugs. Get rid of the ambulance chaser lawyers, and the “class action”

lawsuits. Get rid of the postal service. Privatize. Make the EPA local and

specific to the state. Stop the spying. Let the fat cats spy on each other

if they insist, but leave the everyday guy out of it. Ignore the LGBT lobby.

Just turn your back on it. Encourage everyone to be armed = polite society.

Enforce the law on the disruptive and predators.

We are living in a 3 ring circus. Nothing is popular except theft and espionage

among the pols, and the fish rots from the head down. Let’s get back to basics.

How will people live when there isn’t a subsidy for people to depend on?

They can work in small business. Lose all the nine million rules on those.

Remember, if you please the customer, they will return the favor.

Shall I send a copy of this to the candidates? How will they react? The only

wins go to the biggest (promises) liars. Thus far…how about the truth for a change?

January 26, 2016 12:50 pm

HSF – your comment begs the question: “Why do we need Nation States? or, perhaps more accurately, “Is the Nation State model still valid?” Historically speaking, Nation States are a relatively new concept. Traditionally, it was shared heritage and genealogy that defined nations or kingdoms.

Clearly, the US is culturally very fractured. I see upcoming revolution being a further fracturing process. There will be no New World order…no global government. There will either be WWII or a second Civil War in the US. If we somehow avoid the former, the latter seem baked into the cake: Economic collapse leads to civil unrest/uprising, leads to state succession, leads inevitably to civil war.

Anyway, I could easily see a future in which the Nation State has gone the way of the Dodo within a few generations.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 26, 2016 1:55 pm


OK, so we all vote the “FUCK YOU” vote and then what? The banks and the oligarchs will still be in power, we will still have the same pile of steaming dog doo. How will you get your revenge? By wishing and hoping or pretending?

Like I said, they laugh at the simple minded sheep all the while they are raping them.

January 26, 2016 2:04 pm

How about if 80% of voters stayed home, would that send a fuck you message to the fucknuts running for election and they would just go home?

Nah, me neither…….screwed either way.


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 26, 2016 2:09 pm

DRUD- The official plan of the global elite is to install a monarchy into the different kingdoms, however they choose to section off the land masses of the planet. It will not be as it is today.

“Your Majesty” is NOT in my vocabulary.” God save the King/Queen” will never come out of my mouth. I will leave the matrix in complete disgust for we have devolved into the darkness again.

Death or serfdom…………..I’ll take death.

January 26, 2016 2:29 pm

I’m sorry, Bea…their “offcical” plan. Are you getting a Global Conspiracy Plans newsletter that the rest of us are unaware of, in which global elites honestly and thoroughly lay out their evil plans for all to see.

Also, even if there was a delineated group running the show in perfect lockstep with one-another and even if this was exactly their plan, it still wouldn’t fucking happen. Ever collapse of every empire in history led to a less organized, more fractured structure than the empire. Rome did not get bigger and more powerful by collapsing…the idea is simply ludicrous, an oxymoron.

January 26, 2016 2:35 pm

Trump is ahead because the election has turned into a reality tv show, and Trump provides the most entertainment value of the current crop of candidates, Trump will win and the US will go the route of Argentina.

January 26, 2016 2:54 pm

Why sell Trump short? The man has spent his life building his brand which is his name”Trump”
Why would he want to go down in the history books as a failed President? If you think his ego would allow that you don’t understand Trump. Now, he may change our Republic into a Monarchy but he’ll do all God will allow to turn this Country around. It appears he’s going to come from behind in Iowa and win the strongly populated Evangelical State. 90 days ago no one on the planet would have thought that possible. All I’m saying is don’t sell Trump short!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 26, 2016 3:03 pm

DRUD- Who do you think controls this country? Those who control the money supply.

You’re a smart guy DRUD, you should know who really controls this country. There has absolutely been a push for reinstating the monarchy in many countries around the word such as Germany and Russia for example in the past few years. And yes, this is the plan be it long term.

harry p
harry p
January 26, 2016 3:18 pm

The fuck you vote is a nice idea but when was the last times the dems or the reps got fucked by what the people did?
And i mean really good and fucked, im not talking about losing the senate or house for a term or 2, that shit is the equivalent of a hangnail for these shitsippers. What gets fucked is our freedom, period.
People looking at the fuck you vote are looking for relief and i get it but essentially they are playing the “knockout game” while the elites are “playing” MMA.

The reason there is no solution is because no one wants to overtly state the actual solution (myself included). Its an uncomfortable reality and stating it draws bad attention to oneself. We hold out hope it doesnt come to that.

January 26, 2016 3:47 pm

I’m really enjoying watching the contortions of Conservative Pundits writhing in their own skin as they try to explain Trump and followers while they have no idea what’s happening. It’s like a parasite eating away at their brains! It’s absolutely refreshing!

January 26, 2016 4:03 pm

Yes, Bea, what you say is true…but that control is based upon current paradigms. A handful of drovers can “control” thousands of cattle…while the status quo remains…when the herd stampedes that control is revealed to be illusory. The elites have control right now because the people are content…this status quo cannot be maintained indefinitely and will end.

You have no idea what the “elite” plan and neither do I. I have never met a billionaire or a head of state and have not even met anyone who has…and even if I had, not one of them would reveal such plans to me. No, you have read some shit on the internet and have passed it on as indisputable, unequivocal truth.

January 26, 2016 5:28 pm

How can Buchanan say Cruz is a “rejection of the establishment” when he received a $1 Million personal loan from Goldman Sucks, AND his wife is one of their executives? I’d say he’s chosen which side he’s on. And it’s not OURS!

Hard Head
Hard Head
January 26, 2016 7:22 pm

If HSF says we’re “screwed” — ” we’re SCREWED’!!!!!

January 26, 2016 8:23 pm

By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to view a video explaining how UPS 757 Aircraft, retrofitted to carry passengers, have been landing late in the evenings, under the cover of darkness, on the far side of the US International Airports, where they unload bus-loads of Middle East and African Refugees, who do not go through the required Customs and Border Protection screening, then those refugees are driven out of the airport to locations unknown—we have been receiving reports from former pilots of those flights for over a year, whom opposed those flights and quit piloting them.

January 26, 2016 8:32 pm

This whole election will not change the country for the better one iota because the people have not changed. Most actually believe that our current systems can be reformed. They cannot be reformed; they must die and turn into one really big rotting corpse, literally.

Once we witness the monetary and economic collapse of America, there will be one hell of a fight over the pieces that are left. A revolution could only succeed in America if there are enough people in most of the states willing to rise up against the elites. I don’t see this happening as there are deep, regional divisions where the politics and ideologies are completely opposite to each other.

There will be secession movements, likely in the South and in other such “flyover” regions. The “progressives” in the Northeast, West Coast, and other places of similar political tendencies will put up a fight and there is likely to be a nasty civil war. Whoever wins will have to deal with the half of the country who they are dead set against, and the traditional coping mechanism seen in other countries in the past will be mass ejections for those who can leave, and concentration or “re-education” camps for those who cannot.

EL Coyote in a NY state of mind
EL Coyote in a NY state of mind
January 26, 2016 9:23 pm

I’ve decided to support El Trumpo.

Since nobody ever agrees with me and I saw 15 nutbag douches gleefully jump on the Billy bandwagon, by golly, if you can’t beat them, join them.

I can do more damage on the inside than I ever could on the outside of his campaign. Imagine the empty heads quaking in their cross-dressing high heels, size 12, when they hear El Coyote is supporting the Trumpista.

Where’s my 15 thumbs up, bitchez?

January 27, 2016 12:09 am

Voting for Trump is the ultimate act of Civil Disobedience – I can’t wait.

January 27, 2016 3:08 am

Please look up Guy Odom’s America’s Man on Horseback. Trump doesn’t seem like the guy to be our Washington/Napoleon/Hitler/Caesar/Stalin, but maybe he’s what we rate this time around. If he can actually wreck the status quo, why not? If he changes nothing, OK, we haven’t lost anything we wouldn’t lose with any other shitty candidate. Your favorite so-called conservative candidate has no real chance of being elected, anyhow, so whatevs.

I’m a conservative, but conservatism is like Lucy with the football and we’re all Charlie Brown thinking we’ll finally get the ball this time. Every election, the conservatives tell us it’s the biggest one ever, and we vote, and we all get fucked again. Both sides know who their voters are and know we’ll dance and go home with them every time for some date rape every election cycle, spend a few years wondering why we settled for less, then repeat the cycle over again. If you’re a conservative, you’re probably used to perennial disappointment like I am. So Fuck You sounds pretty good.

If I vote, and I don’t write myself in, then I’ll go with the FY vote. It can’t really get worse than it’s been getting, it can just change velocity. A plane with no engines will hit the ground either way-only the pilot can decide if it’s a glide in or a flaming nose-in and 10 acres of toothpick-sized debris.

It might be kind of cool to see the various Americas HSF mentioned fight it out, because I know which one will win in the end. One of those Americas has most of the guns, most of the fighting experience, most of the land, most of the food and food-making know-how, and most of the resources. Oh, and a valid culture stretching back centuries that has so far destroyed or rendered obsolete every other culture it encountered. The rest got sloppy seconds, thirds, and fourths. And in a Civil War II world, per the book, we can expect THAT America to control most of the territory, resources, troops, weapons, and other goodies of a legit nation, while the others will get to squabble over the crumbs.

January 27, 2016 10:13 am

Very simple solution….don’t vote for any incumbent. 435 new members in the House and 33 new Senators would be the ultimate FY .

January 27, 2016 7:57 pm

Nobody for 2016

I refuse.

Some say that if you don’t vote then you have no right to complain.

But the truth is that if you do vote for any of these bastards your complaint need be limited in scope because you chose one of these asshats – toward either side of the same coin.

It doesn’t matter which asshat you pick, you picked.

I refuse to give any of them my consent, and I reserve the right to complain