Question of the Day, Groundhog Day

My 19 year old thinks Admin should change the name of the website to The Berning Platform if Bernie wins. Or, as she says, #TheBerningPlatform.

On another note, it’s appropriate to discuss a Clinton running for President on Groundhog Day. What do you think of the 300 delegate head start Billary gets due to “super delegates”?

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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rhs jr
rhs jr
February 2, 2016 8:33 am

Sort of maybe like The Burning Stake and use it to Hoist people like Harpy & burn’em at the Stake.

February 2, 2016 9:14 am

Bernie’s policies will escalate the destruction of the middle class while (in the short term) bringing up the quality of life for the poor and disenfranchised.

If America starts paying out like Sweden/Germany then it will face all of the problems those countries currently are, only intensified a hundred-fold, as we already are suffering from many of those problems.

1. Low birth rate of the existing population base
2. Intensely expensive for the private sector or individuals to do business
3. Rapidly growing immigrant base who just want their free shit

Bernie’s policies work just fine in a geographically small area with a homogenous demographic, relatively higher income, and a minimum of influx of refugees.

In short, it works well if you are from Connecticut, but applying those across a nation the size of the US will absolutely cause the whole system to fail.

A vote for Hillary kicks off a Civil War soon. A vote for Bernie kicks off a Civil War later.

I hate that we only have the two extremes to vote for. On the one side I have Bernie and the Socialists, who think that only free shit for everyone can fix everything, and the other side I have Cruz and the Capitalists who think that corporate monopolies and anarchy are desirable goals.

Either way, I’m fucked.

February 2, 2016 9:21 am

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February 2, 2016 9:28 am

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Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
February 2, 2016 9:50 am

While I am not a #FeelTheBern fan I understand why my generation is voting for him. It’s the same reason young libertarians backed Ron Paul. They don’t want the political parties pre-selecting their golden candidates to be the winner. I remember 4 years ago when the Iowa caucus had Rick Santorum win, with Ron Paul coming in second, and the GOP’s pre-selected candidate Mitt Romney polling third.

I’ve been reading accusations from Bernie Sander’s supporters that Hillary Clinton brought in out-of-state staffers to vote for her in the caucus and the head of the Democratic Party in Iowa fudging the vote count. Sound familiar?

The political parties are organizations and people are getting tired of the status quo. I don’t know many young voters who are backing Hillary Clinton. As a matter of fact most think she should be indicted over the server scandal. These are the exact same charges the Obama Administration used to get rid of General Petraeus not too long ago.

February 2, 2016 9:53 am

@Admin – My brother in-law is a staunch Bernie supporter. He is also a younger millennial, at 8 years younger then me.

His entire life experience has been during the modern era. He doesn’t remember what it was like before the internet, has barely worked a day in his life, and has zero life experience of any meaningful degree.

Older millennials have a responsibility to the nation to step on these idiots and try to drag their idiocy into the realm of sanity.

February 2, 2016 9:53 am

Maybe just start a new site, the Berning Bush.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
February 2, 2016 10:02 am

TPC- It’s not that younger Millennials are wrong. They are making the same types of choices of the older Millennials. Many of my friends in college were supporters of Ron Paul and libertarian ideals. They wanted the candidate that wasn’t for sale to the oligarchs and wanted the extreme of strict constitutionalism.

Now the younger Millennials are different because of the notion of the bailouts when they were in middle school/high school. They saw the banks get bailed out and main street stiffed. That’s the only reason I can think of for this extreme push of socialism. They know the government gave out money to the elites who wreck the system. They know the game is rigged. I don’t blame them for wanting their free money too.

February 2, 2016 10:13 am

Why even fuss, I just read a post that claims God will is always done, he will sort it all out.

February 2, 2016 10:25 am

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February 2, 2016 10:33 am


The Millennials -Gen Why- apparently aren’t very smart as a whole, pushing for a system that has a 100% failure rate.

Even those socialistic countries that have been touted as a success are now in the early or even advanced stages of collapse.

Seems like even a simple observation of the real world escapes the younger generation.

February 2, 2016 10:35 am

Who counts the votes….there is no one counting votes, just those that tell us what the tally is and our only choices.

I’m so sick of the corruption.

Trump will buy a new tower or start a new reality show and fade away. My guess is Rubio vs Hilary and I will stay home or go fishing.

February 2, 2016 10:36 am


Yes, but how it is done will be what we decide, God gave us that choice. It’s called free will.

Why do you thing the Lord’s Prayer, the one taught to us by Jesus, pleads that God’s will be done as it is in heaven and not as it is done on earth by men who choose their own way of it instead?

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
February 2, 2016 10:41 am

Anonymous- I don’t disagree with your assessment and generally young voters are naive voters. I am just putting in my two cents of why the younger voters think the government should solve their problems and give them free money.

It’s the system they’ve grow up with. The government taxes the working class to pay for public schools, free lunch, gives out Pell grants, WIC, food stamps, section 8 Housing, SSDI, SS etc. These programs have expanded over the past 20 years along with the Federal Reserve Greenspan Put of bailing out Wall Street when they gamble and lose. Very few young people even know how money is created. Their elders have conditions them to believe that everything is free and the money will never run out.

February 2, 2016 11:04 am

So true Stephanie.

I have a cousin about 48 (I’m 56) she was raised in a very liberal home and she raised a very liberal daughter.

Both mom and daughter (23) are pro Bernie. They ramble at family functions, on and on about America’s debt problem and how that debt has caused their standard of living to drop.

As they are both huge obama followers I pointed out that obama took Bush’s debt and doubled it.

“Oh…. well he had to if he was going to save America from Bush’s debt.”

I point out bernies big plan is to add another $17 Trillion of federal debt in the next decade.

“Oh, well he’s going to tax income and corporations more so they pay their fair share and save America.”

You can’t argue with idiots.

I. C.
I. C.
February 2, 2016 11:06 am

My 31-year old son this morning said, “Feel The Bern?” to me. I quickly responded with, “I can’t wait til you “Feel The Sting” when your inheritance is stripped to $0 because of The Bern.” Which led to another political discussion. If that’s what it’s called when the opposing ‘tactics’ are to divert when cornered. Then came those reasons for supporting The Bern. Which I pointed out all boil down to basic economics, not really values. Which he doesn’t understand beyond there’s-nothing-in-the-checking-account because of his lousy job in Obama’s Hope & Change utopia. I did tell him that if The Bern is elected, he should get in line for the FSA because he’d make more money. So he got his verbal slap-down a few times this morning before he got to plug into his propagandized feeds.

As for Hillary? The Infamous Iowa Coin Toss is proof that in Clinton’s world it’s all about getting head.

February 2, 2016 11:18 am

Groundhog day. Again.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 2, 2016 11:26 am

Hitlery gets a 300 delegate head start, a “get out of jail free card”, money pouring into her “Foundation” from around the world, tens of millions of illegals instructed to pull the lever next to her name, Diebold moves Repuke votes to her column…………it’s fixed, that’s what I think. No surprise here.

February 2, 2016 11:43 am

I don’t care who’s elected…party A or party B. They both equal answer C….a COUNTRY THAT’S CRASHING.

Bernie will try his socialist crap if elected. Unless there are loopholes in the IRS tax code for the wealthy it’ll never happen.There are probably 30 million firearms in S.C. for population of 4.8 million. Confiscation etc won’t if Bernie wants to give it a try here in S.C. .

As for myself,I’m in the 31% tax bracket ( state,federal etc ) . When I hit 50%…I’m done. I’ll build a little place at my farm,work under the table,farm& fish to feed myself and get free healthcare from Obozo.

February 2, 2016 3:53 pm

Okay, I’ve read the comments and I’m not a Millennial but based on my 60+ years on the planet I’m voting for Bernie. Here’s a few reasons why.

First, he’s not taking PAC money or donations from big corporations. That’s key because the voting system in this country is seriously broken. If Bernie can win with “little people” money, he will have upset the system. Good for him.
Second, although I would like to see smaller government, the GOP has no solutions; all they want to do is privatize everything, which results in cases like the judge who sent kids to prison on misdemeanors in order to stuff his pockets from the “private” prison system. And what about those roads we paid for with tax dollars that are now privatized toll roads.
Third, Bernie has proven beyond a doubt that he understands the synergy between public office holders and the public. He genuinely cares about the people he represents. As Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone put it after shadowing Bernie for about a week, paraphrasing: “Here’s a guy who lays awake at night trying to figure out how to keep poor Vermonters from freezing during Winter”. Can you imagine ANY of the other candidates giving a crap about the poor?
Fourth: Some of his stated intentions upon election are to work toward a single-payer health plan, eliminating the private insurance companies instead of putting us at their mercy (they have none, believe me), and guaranteeing health care as a right; busting up the big banks and Wall st. interests so the pillaging and raping can stop, and meaningful campaign finance reform so big shots can’t buy elections.
AND he doesn’t think Snowden is a traitor and deserves to hang.

Let me make one thing clear……all these so-called “conservative” candidates who talk smaller government, prayer in public schools, continued war mongering to make America “great” again, etc. are just throwing red meat to the crowd. Hell, when Reagan tried reducing government, CON-gress wouldn’t let go of the pork bone, so he ended up cutting taxes WITHOUT cutting spending and THAT’s where our deficit spending as a country really took off. If you doubt me, read David Stockman’s book “The Triumph of Politics: Why the Reagan Revolution Failed”. He lays it all out.

Would your taxes increase under a Bernie Sanders admin? Probably a little, especially if you’re bringing down the big bucks like Jim the Admin. But if you’re like most folks, you’ll make any increase up by not paying through the nose for healthcare, and you’ll live in a much better America, headed by a true public servant who actually gives a shit about Americans.

February 2, 2016 3:58 pm

One of my favorite movies and TODAY’S THE DAY!

February 2, 2016 4:53 pm


There is not enough money to pay for all Bernie claims he will be doing.

Heck, there isn’t even enough to do what we are doing now without borrowing more and more trillions than have ever been borrowed before by anyone in the entire history of the known universe.

And when you take away from those who produce to give to those who do not you further reduce the amount the producers are willing to make and that reduces the amount available even further making the situation increasingly worse.

That is why socialist systems always fail, they give too much to non producers and take too much from, producers to keep them willing to be productive above the minimum they need to be to provide for themselves.

Bernie and his supporters never seem to have a realistic plan to pay for his programs, they just seem to think they can go on with borrow and spend ad infinitum to cover them.

February 2, 2016 6:47 pm

Westcoaster is dumber than a sack of hammers.

But free hammers fo everyone!