Stucky Q.O.T.D. —- God and Ted Cruz

“Let me first of all say, to God be the glory”

—– Ted Cruz, yesterday

“Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote … he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.”
Samuel Adams, a long time ago

“So Pilate said to Him, “You do not speak to me? Do You not know that I have authority to release You, and I have authority to crucify You?” Jesus answered, “You would have no authority over Me, UNLESS IT HAD BEEN GIVEN YOU FROM ABOVE ..”

—— Jesus H. Christ, an even longer time ago


1. If God’s will is always done, doesn’t that mean that God actually chooses our POTUS?

2. It seems that GOD alone is responsible for the final outcome. God put Obama in power. It was His will. God will put the next jackass in power. His will can not be thwarted.  So, why do you Christians even bother voting at all?

3. If God really does put into power the POTUS He wants,  shouldn’t you want to change religions?

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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February 2, 2016 5:43 pm

Administrator says:
“We’re in the same boat. I don’t think there is anything left to say. I don’t care anymore.”

I feel the same way. I reached peak doomporn about 18 months ago……maybe 24. Nothing outrages me anymore. It is what it is and I can’t do shit about it. Even if I could do something about it I wouldn’t. This kind of bullshit has to burn itself out on its own. All that’s left to do is grab a sheet of visqueen, take the front row seat that being born in ‘Murica entitles me to and enjoy the freak show. It really is quite entertaining and it grows less tragic by the day!

February 2, 2016 5:45 pm

See what I mean:

The comments are good too.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 2, 2016 5:56 pm

Well, Im gonna play this Gods Will meme to the hilt. (I do believe in a higher power =)

Let the simian shit sail!!

And beebs stop screwing your cat you fake high grounder.

Sadly Im alot like Stucky, I just dont agree with the likes of say Leviticus. Too many think God wrote the bible when we know Constantine omitted lots of Gospels. Catholicism (my father went to Catholic schools), with all its rituals and edicts I just dont get. Mormonism likewise. Scientology is what the fuck? IMHO.

February 2, 2016 6:02 pm

card802 @ 4:57 pm says – “I sometimes get confused between apathy and ignorance, but then I don’t know and I don’t care”

To obtain perfect symmetry within your comment (which is great) – I think the latter half should have been: “I don’t care and I don’t know.’

I can’t help being an anal perfectionist. With a photographic memory. It is my burden. And why people hate me. 🙂

February 2, 2016 6:08 pm

People, people, people. Mike Huckabee used religion in Iowa in 2008 and won. Ted Cruz took a page out of Huckabee’s political playbook and voila!!!!, it worked. Look for a different Ted Cruz in New Hampshire and elsewhere. This is how primaries work. You go into a state and send a message to the voters THERE which you think will appeal to them.

Damn, this is not difficult to discern. And the folks who use this tactic aren’t necessarily two-faced or flip-floppers. They just send a tailored message to the local voters and supporters. I think everyone here is pissed because I voiced early support for Ted Cruz months ago. Mainly because Cruz is the smartest guy in this election cycle and is a 100% supporter of strict interpretation of the Constitution. That and he has ticked off nearly everyone IN HIS OWN PARTY.

I like that because I have managed to do the same right here on TBP. Heh.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 2, 2016 6:53 pm

I don’t count all the writing I did during my stand-up years on the road, but I’ve been at this kind of Internet type expostulation for more than 15 years. Sometimes it’s been dark, lonely, hopeless and demoralizing hike through nothingness, writing for almost no one just so I knew someone was recording it all. I think it feels like those poor Celtic monks holed up in their stone keeps scribbling illuminations onto sheep skins by candlelight must have felt. What’s the point?

And then the road opens up. The clouds dissipate and the Sun shines down in these gold flecked shafts until you can hardly see through the light of it all. Someone says “Yes! Thank you! That was exactly what I was thinking, wanted to hear, imagined I could do, grew up like, dreamed about and wished for.” And the whole trip is worth it.

I get tired all the time, until my arms can barely move, my joints stiffen and lock, my hands curl up and throb from cuts and dings, but I get up anyway because the little bit I add to the world makes just a little bit of difference and that’s all we can hope for. Writing is one of the only things I can do that I can share with other people who don’t live within a half mile of my place. I wish I still had money to contribute, but like the little drummer boy in that cheesy Christmas song, all I’ve got is this, baradda-ba-bum.

I’ve seen some great web-holes set up shop, flourish and then die off. Lots of great writing has disappeared from the Interwebs forever because the place ran it’s course and that was that, but this place is the best I’ve ever found, bar none. Always interesting, always worth checking out, great set of contributors, horrific People of WalMart, plenty of laughs as the ship of state heads for the rocks.

February 2, 2016 7:05 pm

Admin’s point is well taken. There really isn’t much more to say about these matters…as the Bible says, there is really nothing new under the sun (Eccl 1:9)

There is no human government that will ever solve the issues we face, because the issues really are the personal ones we each have. As the Bible also says, there is no one that is not a sinner (Eccl 7:20).

If you haven’t read it, I would recommend picking up the Bible and reading it end to end. Not many have read it. There is no time like the present. This world is indeed going to pass away.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 2, 2016 7:12 pm

Ummm. Cruz is interested in power, wealth and global domination under the guise of “Christianity”

Jesus was none of those. But its Gods will a guy waving a flag and carrying a bible, financed by corruption, comes into power a button and code away from nuclear holycost!

Hally Loo Yah!!

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 2, 2016 7:18 pm


Cruz is a strict constitutionalist?

How can that be when, and if, he takes office, his predecessors have worked to further the power of the oval office and congress has capitulated to that executive?

February 2, 2016 8:41 pm

C’mon you guys, cheer up. Admin, of course you’re down because you’ve been sick as shit. Once you regain your vitality you’re going to perk up and find more windmills to fight. And Stucky, you do some great pieces and would be…..missed. There I said it, go in peace.

February 2, 2016 9:49 pm

I want to say this. Each day, I struggle with hopelessness and I drink too much. I want to care but most times I don’t. It kills me to know that my children have no future. But this website still gives me hope. Call me a sentimental schmuck or a drunk I don’t care. The intelligence here is like a light shining in the night. Good night and good luck. I’m wore out too.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 2, 2016 10:22 pm

HSF- Wonderful post, thanks.

Stubb- Thanks, Admin needs to know that this site truly offers hope for some of us.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 2, 2016 10:29 pm


I’m getting ready to call it a day but before I go, let me ask how your recovery is progressing? Are you doing well and feeling well again? Hope so.

February 2, 2016 11:09 pm

Wow, TBP is getting some religion!

rhs jr – I hate to nitpick (not really) but:

1. God picked Saul for Israel.
2. There were no “Jews” at that time. It wasn’t until the kingdom split after Solomon died that you’ll ever read the word “Jew” (from Judah) in the Bible.

As to our presidential election I believe Satan has a lot more to do with it than God at this point.

February 2, 2016 11:23 pm


There’s been quite a bit of religious discussion around here – some of it passionate – for a long time. It’s part of the charm.

February 3, 2016 12:25 am

All glory to GOD. I mean that .


We were not born to despair. Do right as GOD puts in your heart . I think that may be different instructions for different souls.
Do not remember the passage exactly but it goes something like there is a season for all things.

What season are you in ? What is appropriate for that season?

On the 3 questions

Question 1 . No
Question 2 I cannot and will not vote to give someone power over me . I have free will by
virtue of being born . I live. I will follow what is wrote on my soul best I can
What that is ,only I can determine .
Question 3 I think religion is a construct of people to gain power over others . Who wrote
The bible ? or other religious texts? People . If God really needs you to do
something , it will let you know . I think turmoil comes from not following your
instructions )

I refuse to blindly follow someone else’s written instructions . Because if I do , then I might follow something like the Koran , which thru a geographic accident of birth , tells me to kill the unbeliever? Really ?
Or the torah ,which tells me that im the chosen one ,again thru a geographical accident of birth , and all else are goyim to bend to my will . Really?
Or the bible , which again thru a geographical accident , I was born , and must spread the gospel ?
When I say geographical I mean , it started in one place and spread from that one geographical area ….. out to other areas.
On the other hand , what is wrote in my soul , is very specific to me , no matter where I was born .
Course ,this is my semi fleshed out opinion ,but when I went against what I knew was right , I suffered every single time . With the suffering on a graduated scale based on how wrong it was for me and the values I have .

February 3, 2016 12:34 am


you are feeling burnt out because you were so sick for so long

and the antibiotics have taken a toll. Hop on a plane and go w/ your

wife to some warm and sunny locale.

And yes, you are being buttered up for a post about 9-ll.

Kidding. God? That is a personal matter…we need to believe

in the power of good…religion? Church can be good place to meet nice

people that want to help others.

I love TBP…really the only place I love. And where I feel free to post,

whatever, and it is okay. Everyone is accepted here. Very nice.

If, ie if, we pray, then let’s say a prayer for Oregon.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 3, 2016 12:59 am

1. If God’s will is always done, doesn’t that mean that God actually chooses our POTUS?

Your supposed to pray thus..Your will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Which means the things done on Earth are not all God’s will.

I hope you get over your writer’s block. I enjoy your stuff. I too have been under some sort of malaise, I guess I was taking it out on folks here. I will have to repent.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 3, 2016 1:06 am

Stucky your killing me, man

February 3, 2016 1:32 am

Administrator says: “I don’t care anymore.”

Hmmm. Sounds like the white flag of surrender. Not like you, but ………

Ok, Jim. Then throw in the towel. Shut it down. Walk away. Then you’ll know exactly what it feels like to have put all these years and effort into creating something you love, created, and built, TBP. And know that it failed only because YOU let it fail.

I don’t think you want that.

February 3, 2016 6:59 am

Nobody, and I mean nobody that’s been pounding keys for decades now can just zip it up and never write another word.It’s impossible.Your innards will explode from pent-up frustration. I’ve seen many bloggers quit , only to be back after a little with the latest “BTW ONE MORE DAMN THING”

KD and Remus are to two examples that come to mind.There are many more. The very fact that you’ve been pouring your heart out in warnings, appeals and profundity for years bespeaks the nature of your being and apathetic it is not, even if you wished it to be.

Sometimes I reflect on the total bliss of ignorance and long for the happiness of being a total fucking moron willing to endorse a petition for Karl Marx as Hillary’s VP, but It can’t be. Once one has stared into the abyss, that which is seen can never become unseen.And, thus the raison d’être for TBP.

Everyone here has spent far too much time gazing into the seemingly surreal face reality and what we see can not be openly discussed with the uninitiated mainly because the self-deluded have no inclination towards torturing their psyche with the unwelcome reality of the ongoing meltdown of democratic society,, hence the therapeutic community of TBP.

We are here, because as self-educated truth seekers , we have explored the depths of human nature and found it wanting.We all know where this is headed, but as long as the train is still on the tracks, we can’t look away.

BTW, who besides me would have slapped Ted Cruz in the mouth if he had touched my daughter in such a creepy fashion.You really have to be a mentally fucked up POS to become a politician. And, expecting one of these sick bastards to act in a morally sound and fiscally responsible manner is expecting what never was and never will be. The nature of the beast will not allow it.

February 3, 2016 7:27 am

SSS said:
“And know that it failed only because YOU let it fail.”

WTF??!! Not only is that harsh but it’s out of line. I haven’t been here since the very beginning but I’ve been here long enough to know that admins goal was, IIRC, to provide an education for his children and a road map for them to preserve their liberty what’s right while avoiding the minefields of govt over-reach. (Or something to that effect) A secondary goal was to help wake the masses to the encroachment of tyranny on our freedoms.

Because his children are all nearly fully fledged I’d say mission accomplished! He has created a body of work that will aid his children and their children in navigating this world gone mad. He’s also provided a superlative historical commentary to the collapse of one of the world’s greatest empires (definition of greatest is up for debate). Along the way he’s educated countless thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands because we shit flinging few are only the proverbial tip of the iceberg.

On top of all that he also provided one of the last bastions of free speech in the entire world. What have YOU done lately?

I’m have no desire to ever see TBP post the closed sign but to imply doing so would indicate failure on his part is just fucked up and out of line no matter how well intentioned it might be. For now, I’m assuming you WE’RE well intentioned.

February 3, 2016 7:35 am

Meant to say:
“for them to preserve their liberty *by doing* what’s right”

February 3, 2016 12:01 pm

“I’m (sic) have no desire to ever see TBP post the closed sign but to imply doing so would indicate failure on his part is just fucked up and out of line no matter how well intentioned it might be. For now, I’m assuming you (SSS) WE’RE (sic) well intentioned.”

Correct. I was intentionally trying to royally piss off Admin, to put some fire in his belly, and lash out at me as only he can do, as in “Fuck you, SSS. I don’t give a shit what you think. (rant continues).” He operates a lot better when he gets fired up.

Instead, you jumped in. Oh, well. At least it worked on someone.

February 3, 2016 12:12 pm