Via Townhall

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February 17, 2016 7:28 am

Will A Muslim be appointed by O?

February 17, 2016 9:37 am

Other anon.

Or an illegal?

They’re seriously underrepresented, ya’ know, and there is nothing in the Constitution ruling it out.

Of course, it is the Senate that actually does the appointment with a minimum of 51 votes in favor, the President just nominates him or her to them.

February 17, 2016 12:35 pm

It is well out of our control

February 17, 2016 12:50 pm

We are at a time where the law matters less and less.Ask Hillary,Jarrett,Obama,Holder Lois Leaner,and the too big too prosecute..

February 17, 2016 1:14 pm

Left to his own devices, Obama has proved to the most divisive and polarizing president in recent history, and as a matter of fact, not so recent history. Truly, he could not be anymore polarizing if he wore a taqiyah on a daily basis. Quick with an ad hominem, he labels his detractors as ‘bitter clingers’, ‘flat-earthers’ or simply ‘enemies.’ He laments about the polarization of our politics, yet it is precisely he that perpetuates the segregation.

Like a typical ghetto community organizer with a degree in agitation from the University of Alinsky, Obama regularly and dutifully invokes Alinsky’s rule number five: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” Those who would scoff at man-made climate change or argue against Muslim immigration in the name of national security are either “on their own shrinking island,” or are afraid of “orphans and widows.” From there he moves onto Alinsky rule number thirteen: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” He is a community organizer; it is what he does, and he does it with the ease that only a minority can.

Never in it alone, he has the mainstream media to sound his battle cries at every step. In the aftermath of Antonin Scalia’s death he quickly referenced his constitutional right and authority to nominate a successor. Less than 48 hours after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell vowed to block Obama’s nominee, New York Times editorial writer Brent Staples tweeted that “In a nation built on slavery, white men propose denying the first black president his constitutional right to name a SCOTUS nominee.” Well, despite Staples’ syrupy drama, they did not. They merely reserved their constitutional right to block Obama’s nomination, nothing more, nothing less. Forget about the fact that Obama has already named two judges to the Supreme Court.

Good sense might dictate that Obama should choose someone more centrist or moderate, but Obama sees his predicament as an opportunity to further fundamentally transform America in terms of substance and time. To nominate a non-polarizing figure would be a surrender of sorts for Obama, and not being one to wave the white flag, he will choose an even more far left figure for the vacancy. If anyone complains they will be ridiculed and polarized by the book. It would hardly be surprising to see Obama nominate a Muslim for the empty seat. Perhaps a black-skinned Muslim, or a black female Muslim. Anyone who would attempt to block such a nominee would certainly risk the chance of being labeled a racist, a misogynist or an Islamophobe. Just imagine, an opportunity for a Muslim Supreme Court justice putting forth the argument that Shariah Law is both constitutional and a part of this country’s ‘rich diverse history.” Hey, he did promise fundamental transformation of the country. A Muslim judge on the country’s highest court is not out of the realm of possibilities in Obama’s perverted world. One can just hear him inquire: “Would you like a hijab with that black robe?”

February 17, 2016 5:00 pm

Scalia in heaven? I think not.

His new mission is to prepare a space for Cheney waaaaay down below!

February 18, 2016 9:19 am