Hypocrite Zuckerberg hires more armed guards — after BANNING legal private gun sales on Facebook

Hat tip Francis Marion


The author of this piece is a Jew. Funny how life isn’t as cut and dry as we’d like it to be.

So Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, has increased his security detail. He now has 16 private guards at his house alone.

Makes sense. His estimated net worth is a staggering $35 billion. That alone makes him a target.

And he’s spending his own money — unlike politicians who have taxpayers provide security for them.

But just last month, Facebook banned private firearms sales, even though those are perfectly legal. Because Zuckerberg, a San Francisco liberal, doesn’t feel right about it.

It’s just like America’s biggest anti-gun scold, former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, another multi-billionaire — with 12 bodyguards. He’s spent millions of dollars lobbying to ban guns — for everyone else.

One more thing:

Zuckerberg, Bloomberg — they’re obviously Jewish.

See, 80-some years ago, Hitler banned Jews from owning firearms.

There was one famous battle, in Poland, the Warsaw Uprising, when Jews in the ghetto, sensing they were all about to be murdered anyways, smuggled in guns, and launched a rebellion. It was ultimately crushed. But it was a rare moment when Jews didn’t go quietly to the slaughter.

I admire Bloomberg and Zuckerberg not wanting to be unarmed.

I just wish they’d let the rest of us do the same.

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February 19, 2016 12:29 pm

He looks like a closet queer.

Bea Lever aka Believer that Stucky has the only valid opinions
Bea Lever aka Believer that Stucky has the only valid opinions
February 19, 2016 12:30 pm

Greenberg actor.

February 19, 2016 12:39 pm

Look at the guy he has no CLASS. If you are worth $35 billion, wear a suit, at least gabs and a nice sport shirt. I look better than that painting the garage. Looks like his dad left, and his mom was some skank whore who let him bring himself up – with no manners.

February 19, 2016 12:54 pm

Elites never expect the same rules and laws to apply to them as to the people at large.

Been that way throughout history, times change but people don’t.

February 19, 2016 1:15 pm

There’s no real mystery or irony here kids. A certain segment of Jews took notes from Nazi Germany and are simply using the same tactics for their own benefit. You can also see this when you look at Israel’s military conquest strategy since 1947 and its treatment of Palestinian people.

You’ll really have your head ache when you find out how many Jews supported Nazi Germany, for a variety of ugly reasons. You might discover that some number of Jews were tormented and killed for the benefit of others, much like how most slaves sent to the Americas were enslaved by other black people in Africa.

February 19, 2016 2:28 pm

Think about this …..Read an Army Intelligence Report…….264 of the top Jewish Bolsheviks were from New York City .Most born and later trained as revolutionaries in NEW York city. I did a further search. These 264 Jewish Bolsheviks were the ones who planned and implemented the genocide of 20 million white Christians in Russia. After Stalin turned on them many of these mass murderers fled to Israel to live in comfort for the remainder of their lives. I bet you never seen or heard about this on the nightly news. Have you ?Do you think the Jewish heart has softened toward us goy .Do you think there could be many Jews in American today that would like to disarm us so they could kill us ?I am convinced there are thousands upon thousands that would enjoy killing us.One of the Jewish war criminals admitted the Russian people had no way to defend themselves. The communist Jewish Bolsheviks had all the guns.Let this sink deep into your God Damn little Nickelodeon minds .Especially you who accuse me of Jew bashing.

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
February 19, 2016 2:31 pm

Cheap joo bastard… The jerk is worth 35 billion and he has only 16 bodyguards??? That would mean four on duty at any given time; more likely three because a guy needs somd time off every once in a while.

I am comfortable knowing that when the time comes and this asshole reaps the whirlwind that him and others like him helped create, 16 bodyguards will not be enough, and all his billions will not buy him another minute of life.

February 19, 2016 3:24 pm


The author of this piece is a Jew. Funny how life isn’t as cut and dry as we’d like it to be.

Because, of course, jews would NEVER play twos sides of an issue. Right?

February 19, 2016 5:36 pm

I refuse farsebook

February 19, 2016 5:57 pm

Exactly what was said above. These “special’ people see themselves as morally and intellectually superior, so they believe that they themselves can be trusted with weapons but not the “lower” people, whose motivations are, unlike theirs, not “noble”.