A Look Inside The Campaign To Smear Donald Trump

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On the heels of the shocking exposure of “Crowds on Demand” – supplying ‘actors’ to various Presidential campaign townhalls (so was this who was booing Trump at the last debate?) – we were inundated with confirmations of such activity. The following letter, to a female actress on Spanish TV was the most blatant…


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We are of course not naive enouigh to be surprised by this, but the blatantness in the new normal of “bread and circus” distraction merely extends a bothersome trend that seems quite fitting for the smoke and mirrors driven, celebrity obsessed, hologram society that America has become. One in which counter-everything Trump has defied all odds and is steamrolling toward the presidency.

[Various companies are] actually in the business of providing fake protesters for causes, fake entourages for wanna be celebrities and seemingly even fake supporters for [Presidential nomination campaigns].

“I have worked with dozens of campaigns for state officials, and 2016 presidential candidates,” Swart told NBC4, adding that he won’t name any names.

“I can’t go in to detail… if I did, nobody would hire us.”

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February 24, 2016 9:35 am

You mean it’s all fake. I’m shocked I tell you, shocked.

February 24, 2016 9:41 am

From Naked Capitalism

Judge orders Clinton aides to testify on emails Financial Times. This is big. The judge is annoyed with the foot-dragging and missed deadlines. State is now being told that they may have to turn over all e-mails and that Hillary’s too-many-hat-wearing aide Huma Abedin and even Hillary herself might have to testify. In other words, unless the Clinton side gets cooperative pronto, the judge is pulling out his procedural artillery. Pissing off a judge is not wise and it looks like the Clinton side has done that. (PS I wonder if Obama is back to his 11th dimensional chess form, that he or his top advisors allowed State to play a delaying game that the Clintons pushed for, thinking it would help them, when the Administration knew playing it as hard as the Clintons wanted to play would backfire. We also have the specter of the ongoing FBI leaks, which have helped stoke media interest. On the one hand, there are no doubt conservative agents who are happy to babble to the press about the Clintons. On the other, this Administration has been particularly ruthless about going after leakers, yet we have no sign the Administration has done bupkis to tamp this down).

People in a position to hear from loose lips on her side say Team Clinton is mighty concerned and is trying to figure out the best timing for this to come out, as if the judge will let them exercise control. It’s Clinton Foundation related stuff, natch, and I gather the most polite term that can be applied to what is coming out is “crass”. I don’t see how they can drag this out past November. And that means, in case you have any doubts, no way does she get elected absent a wild card like Trump being shot or caught in bed with an underage girl. You can stick a fork in her candidacy. Please send the memo to Team Dem. To switch metaphors, they put all their chips on a horse which is turning out to be a broken down nag.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 24, 2016 9:52 am

Thai says:

“Pissing off a judge is not wise” – Unless you are in the Obama club in which case a pillow will do the trick and you can even laugh about it publicly afterwards….

February 24, 2016 10:02 am
February 24, 2016 10:05 am

Goebbels would have an 8 YEAR hard-on if he lived today.

Politics is a dirty (and, immoral) business. We all KNOW that. I’m sure Da Donald is doing dirty tricks also. What many pundits are saying is that this election will be THE DIRTIEST of them all.

I. Just. Can’t. Wait. Until Trump and Hillcunt take off the gloves.

February 24, 2016 10:20 am

Conspiracy Theorists Say Republican Party Did Not Die from Natural Causes

FEBRUARY 18, 2016[imgcomment image[/img]

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Conspiracy theorists believe that the Republican Party did not die from natural causes but was instead the target of an elaborately planned killing, a leading conspiracy theorist has confirmed.

Harland Dorrinson, whose basement walls are covered with photos of suspects in the killing of the G.O.P., has spent countless hours connecting those photos with different colors of yarn in the hopes that a larger pattern would emerge.

“Because the Republican Party is one hundred and sixty-one years old, it’s assumed that it was time for it to die,” he said. “The truth is, that’s exactly what the people who killed it want us to think.”

While some conspiracy theorists have focussed on the billionaire Donald J. Trump as the most likely suspect in the death of the Republican Party, Dorrinson favors a “two-killer” theory that involves Arizona Senator John McCain and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

“McCain tapped Palin to be his running mate, and that led directly to people like Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, and Donald Trump being considered credible candidates,” he said. “There is no logical reason why McCain would have chosen Palin unless he wanted to kill the Republican Party.”

In addition to the McCain-Palin cabal, Dorrinson is considering a host of other suspects, including the industrialists David and Charles Koch, the Fox News chairman Roger Ailes, and the novelist Ayn Rand.

“The only suspect I have definitively ruled out is Mitch McConnell,” he said. “No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t imagine a scenario where he accomplished something.”


hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 24, 2016 10:29 am

Apparently having Disney memory hole the Song of the South was a serious mistake for the Elites.

Br’er Rabbit anyone?

Let’s do a quick analysis of where the establishment painted itself into a Trumpian corner, shall we?

1) You cannot simultaneously promote Identity Politics for certain groups while disallowing it for others. The effects of PC on White identity only lasts as long as they fear more than they hope to gain from it. The balance has clearly shifted. Now the biggest winner is the group with the largest number of participants. While this number has yet to be “awakened” to their new reality, the balance is no longer shifted to the left.

2) Emotions and feelings have a shorter shelf life than reason and logic. The human organism can only remain in a state of emotional pitch for so long- think infatuation, grieving, etc. Those are the strongest and deepest of emotions (because they are based on love) while fear and humiliation are much more fragile because the effects are predicated upon some unseen and as yet unknown event; injury, death, loss of standing, etc. When these things fail to materialize they not only lose their potency, but the exact opposite effect manifests itself, i.e. we become fearless, insensate, unconcerned which leads to courage. This courage is often directed back at the source of those who promoted the original emotional triggers.

3) As in all animal species certain organisms are successful while others are failures. Human beings are far more able to intuitively grasp which examples are successes and which ones are failures. Humans gravitate and emulate success and eschew and deride failure. There is no question which candidate is on the upwards slope and which ones are on the downward trajectory. Expect the masses to quickly adapt to this new reality.

4) People vote for someone, not against. When you step into the booth to cast your ballot you must check the candidate you choose to elect, not the one you wish wasn’t on the ballot. This is perhaps the strongest single indicator of how the election is going to go and why I believe you will see a Reagan type landslide in the general election. Look at the numbers of democrats voting in the primaries/caucuses versus the number of republicans thus far. Registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans by approximately 12%. Turnout at the primary level shows a reverse in those numbers- 10% more votes cast for Republicans than Democrats. That’s a disparity of 22% total in terms of turnout. People who vote in primaries tend to be party voters, thus more likely to vote than those who cast ballots in the General election. One group is enthused beyond their representation while the other is underwhelmed by their party’s offering. The most enthusiastic voters on the democratic side of the ticket are those who support Bernie Sanders, clearly. How do you think they’ll be voting when their man is tossed on the ash heap with the rest of the garbage and Clinton is crowned not by the electorate but by DNC selection? They may not cast their vote for Mr Trump, but they damn sure won’t be giving their vote to the person they think stole their candidate from them. Expect Democratic voting rates to crater in the general election. On the opposite side the more popular the Trump brand becomes, the more he and those who support him are attacked. People under attack are far more likely to vote their interests than those who are left alone. Expect Trump turnout to soar in the general, especially if the establishment Republicans continue their scorched Earth policy of trying to defeat the clear winner among the electorate. This will have the unintended consequence of driving a number of former Democrats into Trump’s camp just to defeat the Republican establishment as well as huge numbers of independents who simply despise the two party system (one party, two faces) and want to drive a stake through it’s heart.

I do not discount a thousand nefarious plans and strategies between now and November in order to reign in what appears to the rest of the sentient animals on shore as an incoming populist tsunami. While I think that anything short of an untimely death will do nothing but feed this mighty and ravenous beast that is the great unrepresented American electorate, nothing is certain.

My prediction, however, especially when Trump announces his VP pick (prepare to be AMAZED!), is that this election is now a fait accompli.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 24, 2016 11:07 am

I bring drugs.
I bring crime.
I am a rapist.
I am an illegal alien.

Isn’t that redundant?

Rise Up
Rise Up
February 24, 2016 11:21 am

Is “TDA” the same asswipes that put out that YouTube of foul-mouth latino kids last fall?

February 24, 2016 11:52 am

I really like TRUMP but unfortunately nothing will change the course of our nation. He may build a wall but he will not address the DEBT based monetary system or fractional reserve banking. He will not take back control of our nation’s currency so in the long run we are still doomed. Only economic collapse and war in our future.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 24, 2016 11:58 am

“He will not take back control of our nation’s currency so in the long run we are still doomed. Only economic collapse and war in our future.”

Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.

rhs jr
rhs jr
February 24, 2016 1:39 pm

America has been getting screwed since Wilson; Donald Trump probably couldn’t fix it all in two terms but he could start it by firing Rockefeller NWO RINOs and wasteful wrong headed liberal bureaucrats that couldn’t park a bicycle straight, closing the border, auditing the crooked private Federal Reserve Central Bank System, changing everything Obama touched that turned to crap back to gold especially the Military, supporting the Amendments (he carries heat and he doesn’t give a rats ass about the MSM or Universities’ Politically Correct Communism), appointing Conservative SCOTUS Judges, turning old allies like Putin back into friends, deporting any illegal that doesn’t belong here, creating a real budget, bring back jobs, defend Christianity and clean out the Vote Fraud. If we want to do something about Abortion, Homosexuality and Illegal Drugs, we need to also elect Representatives that can run the ball in the Congress. Pray that God bless America and make America great again.

February 24, 2016 3:11 pm

So all Trump has to do is offer up a $25k reward for any of the actors to come forward and tell their story. The RNC and the other candidates will seem even more desperate. The Irrelevant media will look like even bigger tools and fools. All playing into Trump’s hands.

February 24, 2016 5:09 pm

Let’s see, the republicans don’t want tRump. The democrats don’t want tRump. If he gets elected the house and the senate won’t work with him but he’s going to change ‘Murica. So I guess executive orders or the standard gridlock will be the order of the day.

I. C.
I. C.
February 24, 2016 5:26 pm

TDA represents consumer-driven fakery. TDA is a modeling agency as well as being an “event planner” — they will provide the paid “actors” or “models” to bring an event, any event, into fruition.

You can make it up as you go along. You can create it. It’s virtual reality, at a cost.

Recognize anyone here?

I would think that letters from the same virtual reality ‘mindset’ and faux-realism, sent by some of us to these idiots’ employers might just shake things up a bit.

All’s fair…except in battle.

February 24, 2016 6:08 pm

With Donald winning the Nevada Caucus, it won’t be long before poor Donald will be labeled a pedophile or some young damsel will claim she was raped when she was an intern.

Hell it worked on Putin. Maybe not.

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
February 24, 2016 9:42 pm

M.I.A. says: Conspiracy Theorists Say Republican Party Did Not Die from Natural Causes

Neither did the Democrat Party. Too much money is at stake to leave governance to the public.

Reagan’s campaign slogan; “in your heart, you know he’s right” has been inverted, “in your heart, you know he’s wrong but you don’t care.”

He’s no Reagan, wanting to shrink government, he is a rank amateur in politics. He has no grand vision, he only has petty gripes about being criticized and maligned.

Instead of seeking advice from seasoned politicos, he is consulting a cross-dressing police state pud-wacker.

He is driven by revenge, being laughed at in the Democrat roast.

He wants to deny justice to Snowden, start yet another war in the ME to take possession of OUR oil. He wants to enlarge the police state and expand the government’s spying capabilities.

He wants to build a great wall, maybe deny Americans passports for a time; suspend emigration due to a national emergency, in case anybody wants to export any gold on their person.

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
February 25, 2016 12:43 am

The Goldman candidates are winning!

Mammon 1
Public 0

February 25, 2016 9:46 pm

Fox: He’s a clown who has no idea what it’s like to sit in that important post, a place deserving more respect. I have a picture printed by the Washington Post and it says, I am not going to pay for this wall.