Stucky Q.O.T.D. —- The “Bullshit” Game

Two minutes of pure Donald ….. sure to cause Boners for all male Trump-eteers, and a wet spot for the rest (like bb).

Question #1:  How many bullshit statements can you find?

(Winner gets to blow Donald.)

Question #2 (for Trump-eteers only):  How in the fuck, in good conscience, can you vote for this guy??

(Best answer gets a free degree from Phoenix University.)

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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March 3, 2016 8:37 pm

1) I counted at least 20 in the word salad that came out of the Donald’s mouth.

2) I’ll probably vote for him if Bernie gets the shaft, although with Hitlery & the grand jury looks like she may be k/o’ed. My justification in that case is voting for Hitlery would be guaranteeing Oblunder’s 3rd term, and we can’t have that.

March 3, 2016 8:41 pm

I’m voting for Trump for the very reason I already know beforehand what I’ll be getting. Unlike Cruz or Rubio on the Rep. side who are suspicious and unknown and may just be more of the same I already know Trump is morally questionable–yet so are ALL other pols, you just don’t know it yet. There is nly upside with Trump and maybe, just maybe he pushes through some of the things he’s mentioned. Note I have not even mentioned Dems. Although Hillary , like Trump is know scumbag, I could ever vote for her after hearing her grating voice victory speeches which are so disengenous that like thos blowhards who claim they’ll move to Canada if Trump wins, I may very well do the same if Hillary wins.

March 3, 2016 8:51 pm

If the Republicans continue with this bullshit attempt to keep Trump from the nomination and Trump decides to run third party, I will vote for him.

I’m going to vote for him either way. Even if I have to write his name in. If for no other reason than to protest.

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 3, 2016 8:56 pm

Well, if he runs the RNC as badly as TU and wrecks the Rockefeller-Bush RINO NEOCONs, then he would be a success in my book. OK seriously, I was a teacher and it’s tough to create and run a good school; that’s not a job for a part time inexperienced amateur. The result was obviously failure but the jury will judge his intent as incompetence or fraud. As for President Trump, he could screw that up too but I’m all in for his written Positions and will pray for him. I don’t think he is in for the money but for the Patriotic Principles and I sure don’t see anybody else worth a crap to vote for. I’ve been anti-NWO since Daddy Bush and this may be our best and only opportunity to blow the RINOs to Hell. No guts no Glory big guy…

March 3, 2016 8:59 pm

Stucky…..hopefully I’m the 1st to say – Blow Me.

1. None
2. Cuz in good conscience, the others are more of the same and possibly worse. At least with Trump we have a chance.

So, if you missed my intro, let me be very clear: Go Fuck yourself.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 3, 2016 9:14 pm

Stuck, your on the Trump Train yourself, acting as the brakeman. Don’t wait too late because if you do, the brakes won’t be worth a damn. That, my friend is called a runaway train.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 3, 2016 9:18 pm
March 3, 2016 9:29 pm

Trump University = Success – Wow, sounds great!! Where do I sign up?

March 3, 2016 9:30 pm

Vote for trump or vote for more of the same.

Vive la Revolution

March 3, 2016 10:18 pm

Bernie would lead us to Venezuela.

But for Trump, all the rest are neo-con warhawks and would continue the same BS failures of foreign policy. I really didn’t like what I saw up close and personal of the results of two wars.

Odds are, Trump knows that Wall Street is not Joe Sixpack’s economy and might make some policy changes. Trump has been likened to a Jacksonian populist.

Al Sharpton said that if Trump wins, Albaby will emigrate. That’s enough reason, right there. 🙂

March 3, 2016 10:19 pm

Forget trump university. Forget romney. Trump looks like he has his first real problem. It appears to me he made a huge mistake in meeting with the NYT editorial board. An off the record meeting ended up on tape. His immigration statements on that tape, obviously meant to sooth the radical left wingers in that room, aren’t going to sound good to his base. This is going to draw blood. He knows it.

March 3, 2016 10:33 pm

I thought it was a great way for Trump to present himself.He couldn’t help that the people who signed up were stupid. Probably liberals who can’t seem to understand BUSINESS or the real world.

I will be voting for Trump come hell or high water.Don’t mock our glorious leader.,He will save us from the golden hordes of the coming zombie apocalypse.

Hollow man
Hollow man
March 3, 2016 10:51 pm

1. Who cares. You could do the same for almost anyone running. No 2. Because after all these assholes pissing me off by destroying the republic. I am going to return the favor and vote for the lying dickhead just because it pisses the establishment off. We are going down. Might as well entertain ourselves on the way to the drain hole.

March 3, 2016 10:53 pm

@rhs jr

“No guts, no glory.” True that.

EL Coyote invites you to jump aboard the Trump Train
EL Coyote invites you to jump aboard the Trump Train
March 4, 2016 12:21 am
Hershel Pasternak
Hershel Pasternak
March 4, 2016 1:22 am

Thats business, win some lose some. Just because you don’t got a perfect track record dont make you a snake.

March 4, 2016 1:26 am

Stucky , I want my honorary doctorate degree from Phoenix University. Maybe say In …female gender studies.

March 4, 2016 2:23 am
March 4, 2016 8:34 am

Stuck ,you seem to know lots about starting up and running a University from scratch .. just curious how many universities have you built from the ground up?

To steal a line from every hack politico that’s ran a campaign in the last fifty years, let me be clear.I do support the Donald and have from the very beginning .While you and others on the board were snickering and yukking it up about Donald not gettign further than the first debate, I was already on record saying the Donald was on track to be a not only a contender but the murder weapon wielded against the GOP. Trump s is that murder weapon.

The thing I don’t get about you Stuck, is the wishy washiness .First you’re off the Trump Train, then on, then back off again? Can you even make up your mind which way the wind blows or does your feminist bent keep you incomprehesive of realpolitik?

March 4, 2016 8:42 am

Stuck, just to clear up one more thing . I didn’t say I’d vote for the candidate Trump , just that I support the murder weapon Trump. …got in BL?
Outside of divine intervention and saving grace, we’re all fucked.

March 4, 2016 9:18 am

Stuck – (hopefully flash has the brains to understand what a university is, and is not)
I admit. I was unfamiliar with Trump University until I Googled it.You’re spot on.It was a YUGE scam. That said, I still support the GOP murder weapon, sin and all.

How to kill a scam poltical party. Expose it with a scam artist. #TheFlimFlamManCan


March 4, 2016 9:26 am

Stuck – I hate this system as much as you, both Dems and Repubs.

Right , so one party need to die.We can’t take out the Dems ,because they deliver exactly what they promise.Free Shit . The side of the duopoly never delivers on their promise, which is limited government, therefore it is the weakest link and the logical choice. Right now establishing the bi-factional ruling party is all we’ve got.
Take out the GOP and and a true party of limited government has a slim chance to rise in the power vacuum left.That’s the only chance left to preserve US sovereign and save the Republic.Take it or leave it.

March 4, 2016 9:39 am

Stuck, you can’t sum up the rise and motivation of Hitler in a few paragraphs.There’s ream more to that story, of which the allies played no small part.

The US is not a defeated nation with millions starving, displaced and millions being persecuted and murdered in what was one the German homelands. Hitler was no saint , but no worse or better than the powers that set about to crush his homeland, As Gerald Celente’ likes to say ,”when people have nothing left to lose, and they’ve lost everything, they lose it.”

America has not lost everything, but the fight to restore the Republic will be much easier to engage now than if we wait until we have. And this is why I support Trump, Break the bi factional stranglehold hold now while victory is cheap or wait until the cost may be insurmountable .Those are the only two choices we have.

March 4, 2016 9:46 am

I think Trump will make a much better dictator than Bernie. He will at least side with my tribe.

If Berny is president than the Turner Diaries just became a prophecy.

Flying Monkey
Flying Monkey
March 4, 2016 3:08 pm
Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 4, 2016 3:23 pm

I recently sent an e-mail laying out the argument for Trump, so I’ll just paste it here:

Trump is a pig, but he has other good qualities as well. For me it’s not about his persona, it’s about the issues:

1) Seal the entire US-Mexico border with a wall (not weasel words like “secure the border”). Anything short of a wall (drones, more agents etc.) could be undone by a liberal president – like, say, Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan or Romney.
2) Kill TPP – which cedes US Sovereignty, requiring, among other things, “free movement of labor”
3) Stop trying to depose Middle East despots. Despots are the natural rulers in the Middle East. It’s stasis.
4) Avoid more neocon interventions on behalf of Sunni jihadis (aka “moderate rebels”).
5) Don’t allow tens of thousands of Muslim “refugees” (from our misbegotten interventions) into the US.
6) Stop poking Russia in the eye with provocative troop exercises and trying to include Ukraine, Georgia, etc. in NATO. Those countries are a long way from the North Atlantic – and I don’t think they’ll help us much when we’re invaded by Canada.
7) End fake billing by the healthcare industry – where you get a fake bill for $12,000, you pay $5,900 of it as your post-Obamacare deductible and your insurance company settles the remainder of the bill for $100. See point #5:
8) End the prohibition on drug re-importation, which will immediately bring about price parity between the US and other countries, so that we’re no longer paying 100 times as much for a drug as its price in other countries. Americans have long been gouged on drug prices – ostensibly to pay for the cost of R&D – while other countries can buy the same drugs for little more than the incremental cost to produce a pill. See point #7

Rubio-Jeb-Hillary-Romney-Ryan-Kasich (Uniparty) position on those same issues:
1) Pretend to tighten border security but leave the border wide open and have serial amnesties (and US citizenship) for another 10-20 million encroachers every ten years or so. Democrats should eventually have a 70 consecutive year run – as did Mexico’s PRI.
2) Enact TPP and further globalism generally to the greatest possible extent
3) Continue to play “Policeman to the World” – especially in the Middle East, since they so appreciate our efforts.
4) Arm “moderate Sunni rebels” to the hilt and then be shocked, shocked when they start lopping off heads, stoning rape victims and throwing gays off of rooftops.
5) Do allow tens of thousands of Muslim “refugees” (from our misbegotten interventions) into the US. What could possibly go wrong?
6) Try to incorporate former Soviet Republics into NATO and just generally try to start WWIII with Russia.
7) Let fake billing continue. Buy UHC stock.
8) Ensure the ongoing gouging of Americans by continuing the prohibition on drug re-importation.

I don’t know which of those sets of positions is authentically “conservative”, nor do I care.

March 4, 2016 9:42 pm

Stuck- Thanks!!! That was degenerate, any of the morons that signed up ‘bascially got schlonged’. Im still voting for him though.

March 4, 2016 10:42 pm

Kokoda – you are way out of your league calling out Stuck. I would give that a rest.

Everyone knows that Trump is a dick. But that is why I like him. The others are dicks pretending they are not. Trump embraces his dickness.

The others lie about everything. I think generally Trump says what he thinks. That changes minute to minute with him, of course. And for sure he loves to push the boundaries.

That politicians and the media hate him so much is reason enough to vote for him. Whatever they hate must be good by definition.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 4, 2016 11:02 pm

That give me hope for a President Kanye.

March 5, 2016 8:36 am

Stucky said:

But, my formidable friend, the Donald is nothing but a BULLSHIT artist. It is so massively discouraging to me that so many smart TBPers seemingly don’t understand that.

Fucking A.

You have renewed my hope in your cognitive abilities.

It is why I continue to blast them all.

NONE of those we are given to sElect are worth jack shit. This is purposeful.

And the lemmings will always sElect the least of the evils intentionally given them. But they are too stupid to understand they are being played.

March 7, 2016 12:30 pm

Stucky just wants his EBT card replenished each month.

Vote Trump/Sanders split ticket. Call their campaigns, let’s make this happen for all Americans!