Mistakes Were Made

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Beyond the Kubler-Ross maelstrom of denial, anger, depression, etc., besetting this spavined republic, lies the actual grief provoking it all — especially the shocking loss of national purpose embodied by the muppets and puppets onstage nightly vying to bring out the worst in us in an election season far from just silly. Judging from their demeanor in the so-called debates, the candidates seem not only sick of their opponents but of themselves, a fitting outcome perhaps in a nation that hates what it has become.

The moment that got me in Sunday night’s Democratic boasting contest, hosted by CNN, was Hillary crowing about the great achievement of Obamacare — getting thirty million uninsured Americans on some kind of health plan! The part she left out, of course, is that most of those plans have “deductable” ceilings in the multiple thousands of dollars, guaranteeing that the policy holder goes bankrupt if he/she seeks medical help. Who does she think she’s fooling, anyway? This sort of arrant lying is what drives millions into the camp of Trump.

Even valiant old Bernie muffs every opportunity to explain the death-grip that Wall Street crony politics has on this land: the US Department of Justice did nothing under six-plus years of Attorney General Eric Holder to prosecute criminal misconduct in banking. And then President Obama, who is ultimately responsible, did absolutely nothing to prompt that Attorney General into action or replace him with somebody who would act. Obama’s lame excuse back in the days when informed people were still wondering about this, was that the bankers had done nothing patently illegal enough to warrant investigation — a claim that was absurd on its face.

Obama didn’t do any better with the regulating agencies that are supposed to make criminal referrals to the Department of Justice, especially the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged with keeping financial markets honest. There was nothing that difficult about those criminal matters now fading in the nation’s memory: for instance, the bundled bonds (CDOs) of “non-performing” mortgages designed to pay off the issuers handsomely when they failed. A child of ten could have unpacked the Goldman Sachs Timberwolf bond caper. Eventually Goldman and others were slapped with mere fines that could be (and were) written off as the cost of doing business. What a difference it would have made if Lloyd Blankfein and a few hundred other bank executives were personally held accountable and sent to cool their heels in federal prison.

As the politicians are fond of saying, make no mistake: this was Barack Obama’s failure to act. Likewise, regarding the Citizens United Supreme Court’s decision that equated arrant corporate bribery of public officials with “free speech;” Mr. Obama (a constitutional lawyer by training) had a range of remedies at his disposal, foremostly working with the then-majority Democratic congressional leadership to legislate a new and clearer definition of so-far-alleged corporate “personhood,” its duties, obligations, and responsibilities to the public interest — and its limits! Not only did Mr. Obama fail to act then, but nobody in his own party even coughed into his-or-her sleeve when he so failed. And now, of course, nobody remembers any of that.

The effects of all this fundamental dishonesty have thundered through our national life to the degree that American society is now divided into the swindlers and the swindled, loosing the monster of collective Id known as Trump on the public. This is what comes of attempting to divorce truth from reality, which has been the principal business of American life for several decades now. When truth and reality become de-linked, a society literally doesn’t know what it is doing. With that goes the collective sense of purpose, replaced with bromides and platitudes such as Trump’s “make America great again,” and Hillary’s “In America, every family should feel like they belong.”

Unbeknownst to the cable news hustlers, events are in the driver’s seat, not the personalities of the puppets and muppets in the spotlight. Come July, there may not be anything that could be called the Republican Party. And Hillary is the first leading contender for the highest office with a possible indictment looming over her. Yes, it’s really there percolating on the FBI’s front burner. Even if the machinery of justice trips over itself again on that, imagine how the questions behind it will color the final battle for the general election. We also fail to appreciate how, if there is just a little more trouble in banking and financial markets before November 8, we can’t even be certain of holding the general election.

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March 7, 2016 10:47 am

Personally, I think that people have awakened to discover their ability to make any sort of difference has been swindled away just like the value of their lives in a travesty of American Justice. I think the sad truth of having to pay enormous health care premiums for insurance that demands enormous co-pays and deductibles are just the tip of the iceberg we are up against. The fact that we are facing an election of the highest office in the land with the candidates we are probably seeing (a woman whose crimes probably trace back to Arkansas during her husband’s governorship and a reality show star whose ability to portray himself to the electorate as anti-elitist may or may not be genuine) is proof enough that our worst fears are realized. It is why Nick and I are living the life we now live, but our hearts ache for our children… can they ever hope to see the opportunities that have been squandered by our political class?

Sadly, the answer is no. Those opportunities, once lost, can never be retrieved. Perhaps new ones will develop, but somehow, with the likes of Hillary and Trump likely to be our only choice of a national leader to guide the country through the coming onslaught, I doubt it.

March 7, 2016 10:52 am

The GOP thought they could let Donald play in their sand box, and that it would be good for publicity and maybe donations.
They never thought he would take the role seriously, and now they are screwed.

I know, and you all know, that these folks who play politic have no real power, that they are figure heads for the corporations and big money, but at some level, they should appear to be professional prostitutes.

But no, now they behave like animals on a stage. well paid monkeys.

it is truly a sad show, and the show is only getting started.

March 7, 2016 11:08 am

Not a bad article by Jimmy. Hitlery will most likely not get an indictment by anyone. Whoever is the one who can make that decision is negotiating with hitlery right now on how much the payoff will be to forget the whole thing. At the same time others are negotiating to outbid hitlery.

If hitlery is elected, look for someone out of the blue who gets a powerful job with lots of opportunity for graft.

If Donald is elected, then watch the VP’s behavior because he will be the POTUS after the clinton/bush crime family assassinates Donald.

Sound far-fetched, doesn’t it? Kinda simplistic and dumb, right? Does it sound as stupid as the idea of murdering the POTUS in broad daylight in front of hundreds of potential witnesses? Or does it sound as dumb as completely making up a story that North Vietnamese patrol boats opened fire on an American ship?

Never discount the evil of the clinton/bush crime family, which actually is a syndicate all its own.

March 7, 2016 11:15 am

You are growing very cynical Lysander. I like it.

March 7, 2016 11:17 am

At least Trump hasn’t shot anyone yet, give me a break, American Politics has always been a contentious shit show, it’s our way, were not Royalty.

No shit everyone has health insurance, have you seen the fines for not getting health insurance this year.
It’s Magic!!
They obviously have not dumbed us down fast enough, even the Millennials are realizing they have been screwed.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
March 7, 2016 12:19 pm

Obama is not a “constitutional” anything, and certainly not a “constitutional scholar”. He is a complete affirmative action fraud who would not know an amendment from an asshole. That said, I always enjoy Kunstler.

March 7, 2016 5:57 pm

If she were going to be indicted on anything material they would already have gotten a backup in place.

March 7, 2016 7:24 pm

Don’t count Sanders out; that’s the plan of the MSM and it’s NOT working.

March 7, 2016 7:31 pm

GAO Study Documents Massive Fraud Likely In Obamacare Exchanges

March 7, 2016 8:57 pm

You keep pimpin that bitch Sanders, like he is Robin Hood or some such. Basically he is going to try and disarm everyone and take their cash.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…..its going to be great.