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March 10, 2016 9:37 pm

Another great cartoon; so was the Obama Guns

March 10, 2016 11:02 pm

If this is a real question, I’d ask for more specifics.
However, like the “war on terror” and “war on poverty” -warfare against conceptualized enemies can never be won.
Should crack, heroin, meth and pain med fraud be illegal?–yes in my humble opinion—has or will any effort at “war on drugs” be effective cost wise or to reduce usage? Not very likely.

March 10, 2016 11:31 pm

“Should crack, heroin, meth and pain med fraud be illegal?–yes in my humble opinion—has or will any effort at “war on drugs” be effective cost wise or to reduce usage? Not very likely.”

You want some drugs to be illegal, and you already understand that enforcing the laws prohibiting them is not possible. Is it possible that you need some psychotropics for this mental problem?

Here’s something that may not have occurred to you: The question is rhetorical and is used as a title for a cartoon.

March 10, 2016 11:47 pm

@ED–hence the, “if this is a real question”–secondly, you must mean satirical, not rhetorical and I fully understood the satire of the comic and the point it was trying to make, I just wished to add some intelligent discourse.
If your position is that legalization of narcotics will inhibit the banks and/or cartels from continuing to profit from the misery that they cause, well then maybe it is you who needs the script for some psychotropics…….

March 10, 2016 11:53 pm

Portugal did it and drug usage deaths and HIV infections went down:

March 11, 2016 5:59 am

“f your position is that legalization of narcotics will inhibit the banks and/or cartels from continuing to profit”

Ahhh, you got me! I hate to admit it, javelin, but that’s exactly what I think. I think that the huge profits come from prohibition. Maybe I do need crazy pills. Wonder if crazy checks also come wit’ dem pills.

March 11, 2016 7:12 am

You forgot to add SSS in the photo.

Note from Idaho
Note from Idaho
March 11, 2016 7:15 am

Donations from Private Prison Industry to Politicians……….

March 11, 2016 7:40 am

The money is the market..the drug is the peddle.

“In all of Europe, in the whole world, political power is at the service of high finance and banking, it submits to the abject impositions of thieves and fraudsters working together in legal consortium. Not even in the worst times of barbarism and slave trade were human beings trafficked with such cold cruelty. Nations are put on the market. Public life exists only as a filthy commerce practiced within the confines of sterile
institutions and hollow laws.”

— Gabriele D’Annunzio in an address to his Arditi, Fiume d’Italia, 1920

March 11, 2016 10:17 am

If drug users support themselves and their families instead of expecting me to and avoid harm to me and others around them they’re fine with me.

But that isn’t the usual case.

Most of them end up on welfare for or other public support or panhandling in the streets and intimidatingly harassing people passing by for money, committing all sorts of crime to support their habit, and even bizarre crimes like attacking people and eating their face.

So I ask you, is it OK to legalize something that is going to make its users become cannibals that would rather eat your face than engage in normal and pleasant social interactions with you the way the rest of us do?

( This is one instance, there are others)

March 11, 2016 10:23 am

The cartoon strongly implies legalizing all substances currently labeled illegal – cocaine, heroin, meth, marijuana, etc. Strongly.

Westcoaster says: “Portugal did it and drug usage deaths and HIV infections went down:”

Did what, Westcoaster? Portugal did exactly what I have advocated on this site for years – decriminalize the USE/POSSSSION of a certain amount of illegal drugs. Portuguese law is aimed at those who use and possess an illegal substance, you idiot, not those who manufacture, transport, and sell the drugs. Those people still go to prison. You can’t even understand your own fucking article, you maroon. Here – straight from the article.

“Under the Portuguese plan, penalties for people caught dealing and trafficking drugs are unchanged; dealers are still jailed and subjected to fines depending on the crime. But people caught using or possessing small amounts—defined as the amount needed for 10 days of personal use—are brought before what’s known as a “Dissuasion Commission,” an administrative body created by the 2001 law.”

March 11, 2016 10:27 am

Wip says: “You forgot to add SSS in the photo.”

Bite me. And it’s a cartoon drawing, not a photo, nitwit.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 11, 2016 11:01 am

Merica, where we have 5% of the world’s population and wait for it………25% of the world’s prison population. The Prison Industrial Complex HAS TO MAINTAIN 90 to 100% occupancy so you can look for an increase in drug convictions.

There is big money in drugs and guns for the criminal cartel, why would they mess up a cash cow ?

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 11, 2016 1:33 pm

The use of Illegal Drugs obviously impair Common Sense.

March 11, 2016 2:21 pm

“The use of Illegal Drugs obviously impair Common Sense.”

What about the use of LEGAL drugs like psychotropics and others? The VAST majority of the shoot ’em ups involve perfectly legal drugs that are handed out like candy.

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 11, 2016 9:48 pm

IS, yes and some evidently cause insanity.