Stucky Q.O.T.D. —- Bullshit

Here is what the author of the below diagram wrote;

“I created The War on Bullshit while completing my PhD. It helped keep me sane during a horrible, frustrating experience. Bullshit is a ubiquitous social phenomenon that’s causing serious problems for humanity. Bullshit is not untruth but a message conveyed regardless of truth. It’s not that the bullshitter is necessarily trying to deceive but that he or she does not care about the truth. Graduate school is remarkably high in bullshit.”  ——– War on bullshit website

The Venn Diagram of Irrational Nonsense

QUESTION:  Referencing the above diagram …. what bullshit do YOU still believe?

(Please don’t bullshit me!  Don’t give me any crap about how you don’t believe in bullshit … how you are too enlightened to believe in bullshit … that your beliefs are pure as the driven snow.  THAT is pure bullshit. Face the fact that we all believe in at least some bullshit, no matter how smart you think you are.)

Note to bb:  Please limit your bullshit beliefs to 3,000 words.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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March 16, 2016 4:06 pm

Love the comments. One mans bullshit is another mans ( insert non-bullshit reason here ).

Is Real!

Totally True.



March 16, 2016 4:10 pm

I never thought I’d see the word “phagocytes” used on TBP.

nurse ratched
nurse ratched
March 16, 2016 5:10 pm

Anti vax. Chem trails. Because i am old enough to remember clear blue skies and classrooms full of kids wherein a significant food allergy or asthma or other autoimmune malfunction was an extreme anomaly.

March 16, 2016 5:57 pm

1) Accupuncture — repeated stimulation of surface nerves has beneficial effects Claims overblown)
2) Chiropractic — mechanical realignment of the spine has both neuro-vascular and mechanical positive effects (Claims overblown)
3) Homeopathy — introduction of trace chemicals is stimulative to enzyme production and interaction
4) Aromatherapy — know to influence mood and level of arousal
5) anti- Vaccination — see DC comments
6) Feng Shui — why the hell not…LOL Something to do with the magnetic fields of the Earth?
7) Voodoo — Come on! Show some respect for the profound power of suggestion and belief!
8) Spiritualism — what — people can’t be spiritual anymore?
9) Exorcism – Since I believe in Satan (who somehow didn’t make this diagram — where would he fit), and Demons, perhaps it is possible for a determined spiritual human to drive a demon out of a possessed human. Yes, demonic passion didn’t make the list either, and I believe that is also possible.
10) Out-of-Body Experiences — see Spiritualism. The spirit, or soul does leave the body at he moment of death. There are some experiments on record that have recorded a slight loss of physical weight at the moment of death (about 28 grams has been reported). Why this as not become the focus of intense, sustained research is beyond me.
11) Intelligent Design – There is not a single shred of evidence that evolution has ever crossed over from one species to another. For example, Wolves became better wolves, or coyotes, or became dogs — they did not ‘evolve’ into horses, cows or anything else. Whatever crawled out of the sea that day evolved into a better version of ‘the thing-that-crawled-out-of-the-sea’. Consider entropy and chaos theory — and venture a thought about what has held things together in such an organized state for billions of years? Not a bunch of bollocks, I wager!

March 16, 2016 6:09 pm

Rife ,says……I am a trained physics …. I call bullshit.Enough to plant my garden for 10 years.

March 16, 2016 6:43 pm

True enough, there is a lot of bullshit flying around in grad school. Bullshit papers, bullshit assignments, bullshit exams and requirements, bullshit dissertation to take a seat next to the other thousand and one dissertations. Higher education “products” are pretty much smothered in bullshit, to be used to camouflage a lot of economic and political bullshit, and perhaps exalted by the bullshit artists in Hollywood. The author is full of bullshit and his visual depiction of bullshit, a crock of bullshit in itself, doesn’t begin to fertilize the vast landscape of bullshit we find ourselves buried in.

March 16, 2016 7:01 pm

A chiropractor has worked for me. Depends on what you have going on.

And I do believe in Karma. Not in any kind of super natural way, but I think what goes around comes around. I also believe in “paying it forward”. I admit it may seem silly, but I think that if you take time out of your day to help someone in need in a situation where you get nothing in return, someone will do the same for you. This has just been my personal experience, but I believe it none the less.

March 16, 2016 8:08 pm

Chiropractic — mechanical realignment of the spine has both neuro-vascular and mechanical positive effects (Claims overblown)

As a chiropractor, who “cracks” people for a living, I would say most people don’t have a real clue how or why it works. It does not work for everyone the same way. But it helps some people a lot. Nobody knows exactly how it works. That’s how it is when you deal with the nervous system. People forget that the spine houses part of the central nervous system and is intimately related to it. We know a lot, but far from everything. That is a fact. However, I’m always blown away by people who discount it, who do not understand a fucking thing about the intermingling of biomechanics, motor, and sensory (and it’s modalities) neurology. The words neuro and neuro-vascular don’t mean a thing to most people. They think they actually understand the details of what they mean. They understand it as much as they understand the pharmacokinetics of the tylenol they take evey day until it fucks up their liver.

What bothers me is that it is lumped in the pseudo science camp as if they read all the fucking research that is out there about joint neurology, pain and it’s effects and the effects of abnormal positiion sense ( proprioception and afferent input) from abnormal joint function. Do some chiropractors bullshit? Absolutely. Do some engineers? Dentists? M.Ds? P.Ts? I’ve met all of the above.

Anyways, I don’t wanna keep going…. If that last part is what he meant, then I guess I understand why the dude put it in his little figure. Otherwise if not, then fuck him. Oh, wait, he’s a Ph.D…. bullshit on master.

March 16, 2016 9:09 pm

I didn’t see Christ’s virgin birth and resurrection. But you know, when the Chiropractor fixed my fucked up neck from a car accident, it was really just me buying into his bullshit. Now… which church should I right a check to???

March 16, 2016 9:46 pm

” Oh, wait, he’s a Ph.D…. bullshit on master.”

B.S. M.S. PhD= Bull Shit, More of the Same, Piled higher and Deeper

March 16, 2016 11:29 pm

Years of chiro have saved my health, 2 decades of roofing required continual adjustments, to not do so would have been folly without equal.
Pain pills would have been the preferred western prescription. I cannot imagine how fucked up my life would be if I went along.
Gator- your translucent portrayal of ethics is excellent, its amazing how transparent good and evil are regardless of formal documentation.