Stucky Q.O.T.D. —– Prep or Death?

You prepped your ass off in anticipation of the Shit-Meets-Fan day. You’re ready for the Zombies. You have water, lead, and toilet paper. You will survive!!

Question: When is voluntary death preferable to surviving?

I’m talking about Siege-of-Leningrad level of survival. Will you eat your dead loved ones, just to survive? Where do you draw the line?

“Mmmm …. dinner!”

Me? I’m probably toast within half a year, tops.

I’m an asshole Boomer. I have lived at the zenith of the most prosperous nation in human history. I have lived better than Kings of any era, at least in terms of creature comforts:  I have instant access to inside plumbing, the most comfortable foam bed in history, cool air when I’m hot, warmth when I’m cold, soft clothes, comfortable shoes, the best medical care, virtually any food from any part of the world and always in abundance, gas on demand so I don’t need to gather wood, a refrigerator to preserve food (and all kinds of other nifty gadgets), transportation on rubber instead of four legs, and on and on and on.

I can’t handle hunting for dirty water or eating worms. Well, maybe I can … but I don’t WANT to.

It’s not as if my life has some still unfulfilled destiny. What? I’m gonna invent a cure for cancer? I’m fast approaching the Useless Eater category, I now that,

I won’t be missed either. Girly-girl Ms. Freud is toast the moment she realizes she can’t get her waxing or pedicure. My parents, who have a tremendous will to live, can’t survive another hell-on-earth … not at their age. My libtard seester will steal my last worm. And both my kids, no doubt, will have been Raptured. Who is left to care? I’ll tell Admin I’m leaving on my terms, and he’ll say “Blow Me!


These are times when the Grim Reaper is the best option.

I would do you guys one last favor on my last day on Earth. I’m going out in a Bonnie-and-Clyde blaze of glory – wiping out a bunch of lawyers, or bankers, or priests. Regarding the latter, I’m sure Da Good Lawd will say “Well done, thou good and faithful servant!”.


P.S. — I am willing to reconsider all this if Billy would let me squat on his land, next to that sweet flowing stream. But, that fucker hasn’t answered me in months, so that option is gone.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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March 29, 2016 4:21 pm

The Bo’s knew everything needed to know about survival back in the 30’s and 40’s.

Maybe it’s time to relearn whey the knew that was forgotten when they left us.

March 29, 2016 4:23 pm

I believe with every ounce of my being that a better place awaits me when I cast aside this body.
I’m not a quitter though ( as multiple plates and 3 dozen screws in various parts will attest)–but if backed into an unwinnable situation, I will take even the smallest chance and go out with a blaze of glory.
My greater fear is the well being of my family which is pretty much all female ( daughters, sisters, even my first granddaughter)–surrounded by a group of marauding males who are primed to commit unseemly acts upon my progeny–I’d like to think I’d have the fortitude to bring them along. Maybe run all the gas and propane tanks out in the house, wait for them to finally overrun us and gain entry–then light the big F–You match to send both groups of us in our opposite afterlifes.

March 29, 2016 4:47 pm

I’m with you Javelin. I’ve made peace with God and I’m prepared to meet my maker. My children and grandchild are what keeps me up at night.

Whoever wants can kill me and it’s a big “Meh”. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not looking to get man raped and burned alive or anything, but I can accept death as we all must. The thought of my children being tortured by sadistic animals, however, makes me enraged. Protecting them is what I imagine driving me to live.

March 29, 2016 4:48 pm

I will never do myself in, but I would fight and die protecting and providing for my family.

Pretty easy to say, I know, from a guy who has never seen combat or felt real discomfort.

March 29, 2016 4:54 pm

javelin, give them each a weapon and let them make their own decisions. Just because we have tits doesn’t make us helpless idiots.

March 29, 2016 5:00 pm

When is voluntary death preferable to surviving?

I would say never, unless it is to save those whom you love.

I’ve lived a good life and have very few regrets. Just a had a good vacation by the Pacific Ocean the week before last. Been around the block and back a few times. But I do worry about my family and will try to hold on for them as long as possible.

In the meantime, I am ready for what comes my way.

In the words of the late great, Lou Reed:

“The earth is weeping, the sky is shaking
The stars split to their core
And every proton and unnamed neutron
Is fusing in my bones

And an unnamed mammal is darkly rising
As man burns from his tomb
And I look at this as a blissful moment
To fly into the sun”

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March 29, 2016 5:33 pm

This millenial will freely offer you his 6x2ft closet in his grandmother’s condo’s spare room…it’s not much…but it’s all this member of a useless shitstain generation can muster for the boomers.

(just kidding, I’ve got important spare clothes and sex toys to store in there)

March 29, 2016 5:35 pm

I think the ‘normal’ course of action when things get bad is to just drink yourself to death. If you research what happened during the fall of Russia, the life expectancy of Russian men dropped to around 53 years of age. No job, no future, trying to support a family, maybe fighting for your life, not much to look forward to, so they crawled into that bottle of vodka. Orlov has a pretty interesting take on the fall of Russia compared to what Americans may expect.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 29, 2016 5:43 pm

Oh The Drama !! Oh The Drama !!

Stucky- The window of opportunity is closing for you, NJ is toast when the SHTF. Soon Billy and I will be duty bound to put down the “Yankee Dogs”.

Are you hoping for a miracle from God? God helps those who help themselves. (translation-Get the hell out of NJ…..ASAP).

You don’t even own a firearm (throwing hands up in air). 🙂

March 29, 2016 5:56 pm

This tells everything you need to know about NJ, just in case you’re thinking of moving -or even staying- there:

March 29, 2016 5:57 pm

To help my young to survive, I would do anything. Unfortunately, I’m probably the best equipped to survive – former Boy Scout, highly educated in useful engineering-type skills, mechanical / electrical / chemical / physical skills, drive and determination. I could survive for a long time with very little, although this old body might give out midway.

I would probably pick somewhere to make a refuge, a fortress and a support base to hold out until sanity returns. If a real Zombie Apocalypse came about (try John Ringo’s _Black Tide Rising_ series for a reasonable basis) then I would probably do what his survivors do, which is take to small boats at sea for a while. But you usually can’t grow crops at sea, so you have to pick somewhere to return to. Or fortify so well the zombies can’t get through to you.

If I alone survived my clan and was left among unrelateds to live, I would probably turn teacher or bodyguard for the likeliest surviving youngsters, and teach them how we failed and how to avoid it themselves.

March 29, 2016 5:59 pm

While I can certainly see the self determined death being preferable to living like you describe, I don’t think I could do it. And no way would I quit if my wife or kids were still alive. I have promises to keep.

I don’t have any comforting security blanket of beliefs in a magical sky fairy to keep me warm and fuzzy either, so many be that’s part of it. I’ve accepted that when I die, that’s it, it’s over.

harry p
harry p
March 29, 2016 6:13 pm

The only time that would be preferable would be to save the ones i love whose life is so important i would lay down my life to protect.
Otherwise i would be fighting to keep them going.
And if they are gone my final purpose in life would be to end all who caused harm to my loved ones and nothing would stop me until my work was done.

March 29, 2016 7:09 pm

“Araven says:
javelin, give them each a weapon and let them make their own decisions. Just because we have tits doesn’t make us helpless idiots.” lmao!!…BOOM! @javelin…..hahhahahaha!

March 29, 2016 7:36 pm

I will stay as long as I’m not a burden to anyone. Most of my family have already died .I have cousins but they are liberal progressives idiots.So it’s just my mom ,myself and little bb.I will do my best to protect them but after they are gone …anything will be on the table…

March 29, 2016 7:44 pm

You’ll need to pry my cold dead hands from my police riot pump because I’m not voluntarily giving up.

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 29, 2016 7:47 pm

Ah, the Oregon coast…nice pic, jfish723!

March 29, 2016 8:09 pm

Thanks Rise. I like to think, like fine wine, I only get better with age. But, the truth is, I’m only getting more acidic and bitter. 🙂

March 29, 2016 9:17 pm

Friends (?) have asked when I would consider dining on my beloved dog. If things were that dire, I truly doubt whether his withered carcass or mine (to him) would guarantee long term survival. Rather we suffer/struggle/succeed together..but should I go first he is welcome to gnaw on me, Now, my disclaimer is that I am over 60 and no small children depending upon me.

March 29, 2016 9:24 pm

I’m a big fan of what my wife calls ‘sea-trouble’ books (shipwreck stories). I have at least 75 dead-tree versions on bookshelves in my home study. Desperate sailors have refered to cannibalism as “the custom of the sea”.

No way, no how, would I ever ‘go there’. I would willingly suffer a prolonged, painful death before consuming human flesh.

March 29, 2016 9:46 pm

Stucky , are asking if I would eat you ? Only with A1 steak sauce.

It depends .I could take my guns and survive but I’ll really don’t want to hurt anyone. I not going to let myself starve so maybe taking my own life might make better sense.Not to worry. I always remember … absent from the body ,present with the Lord…..Right Stucky ?

March 29, 2016 9:52 pm

First time shit slinger!!!


You are da’ man!!!! Keep on, stirring the shit pot, brother?!!!!

I ain’t going voluntary!!!!!!

March 29, 2016 10:02 pm

I keep thinking of that movie “Alive” about Uruguay’s rugby team that crashed in the Andes. They ate the flesh of the dead to survive. I don’t think I could do it. Definitely not my kids.

I also think of the Cormac McCarthy book “The Road” and film where Charlize Theron tells Viggo Mortensen she “doesn’t just want to just “survive / get by” (or similar) before she runs out in the bitter cold, naked, to die.

Perhaps in some scenarios, starvation and/or death may be preferable to surviving at any cost. I hope I never get there…

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 29, 2016 10:28 pm

Southern Whites have survived Sherman’s murderers, Reconstruction, Civil Riots Quotas, NYC Bankster’s wars because we are motivated to someday give the NYC-WDC bastards PAYBACK. Loving you neighbor as yourself and hating enemies like the Devil gives you reasons to live.

March 29, 2016 10:34 pm

stuck…the answer is no

March 29, 2016 10:39 pm

Welcome to the Zombiefest

March 29, 2016 11:08 pm

That’s a tough question to answer due to infinite variables but basically when I’m no longer able to live my own life, in good times or bad, I’m done. I have no chirren by choice so that is not an issue. My two remaining goals in this life are to take care of my wife for as long as I can and derive as much entertainment value as possible from the fucknutery that surrounds all of us daily.

The worst possible situation would be for my wife to pass first and then have a doctor tell me I’ve got two weeks to live. That will be one damned interesting (and very messy) two weeks. Just as they arrest me my doctor will call and tell me they mixed up the test results and I’m going to live to 120 as I get sent off to pound me in the ass prison!

For years I’ve told people that if I ever off myself I’m going to do it by going to my worst enemies house when they’re not home, slit my writs and do jumping jacks while spinning around in a circle in every room of their house. Then, after I collapse, I’m going to write REDRUM on the wall in my own blood! My only regret would be not being there to see their reaction.

It’s good to have goals!

March 30, 2016 12:09 am

Aw hell, I have to admit things sometimes suck so much in life right now during the “good times” that it wouldn’t take much apocalyptic action for me to want to walk into the desert with a bottle of Jack not to be heard from again. Sometimes I think such a collapse needs to happen just for life to improve. But I think a lot of you shit throwing monkeys secretly desire such a calamitous societal reset. Who knows why. Much has been written about people’s wanting to be the plucky lone survivor in a “cozy catastrophe”. Maybe the inner Viking in each of you wants a life threatening challenge to test your mettle. You may just get that secret wish fulfilled.

March 30, 2016 12:38 am

Ill eat my 3 legged nuclear retards, bon appetite bitchez. That Montreal Steak seasoning will be a godsend.

March 30, 2016 6:17 am

glad to see people (read commenters) actually talking and thinking about the what ifs in a realistic manner. in my opinion, for most of us, it will not matter. like myself, i figure i have only another 10 years of active life, if i am lucky. so having it cut short by lack of meds, or a really tough existence won’t be a real hardship for me. i have lived my life the way i want. making my choices and living with the consequences.
it is the young and still strong and healthy, that will bear the brunt of survival. again , in my opinion, in a survival situation, anything goes. who am i to say anything about what a mother has to do to feed her children, or a father to feed his family. in a survival situation, civilization boils down to family, and even that is fragile.
uncivilization is usually basically barbaric. therefore i feel that to understand what might be, we should look back into history to times that were barbaric. that is probably what things will be like. perhaps others could point out some of these times, where we can study history, or at least historical fiction. one thing that come to my mind are from the series Clan of the Cave Bears. another is that in pre-conquest times in the south west, the neighboring Indian tribes called the Navajo, “the throat cutters”. that was their sign language sign for Navajo. their raids were for food, women and young children.
most folks think of my conversation points as “Doom and Gloom”.
i expect that the world is due for a 90 to 95% die off of humans.
my prediction of who will survive is that they will be people who live in a mostly agrarian society.
my requests for burial are to be wrapped in a shroud, put in a hole and a fruit tree planted in it.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 30, 2016 6:47 am

Eat your children to survive? Drama much, Stucky?

As long as you have value to others, you hang in and do your part. When Nature tells you it’s time to go, you let go and get gone. Circumstances are far to numerous to try and list, (zombies? Really, what are we, 10?) you have to have a philosophy about it. Death isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

You want an idea of what people are willing to endure to survive?

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March 30, 2016 7:38 am

To answer Stucks question,

If I had to eat my own children to survive, life would no longer be worth living. I would either starve to death or go out one crazed individual in a gunfight.

March 30, 2016 8:15 am

Just like “The Road” save the last bullets for yourself and loved ones. Prepping is an expensive pain in the ass. A friend of mine knows some people living like refugees in the country. They have been living a third world existence for 20 years waiting for the world to end.

March 30, 2016 9:31 am

I will do whatever I can to get my son to survive. If he does not make it I will go hunting until stopped.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
March 30, 2016 9:35 am

No I would not. Living in the country with a sparse population differs from living in a dense city though. Plenty of natural growing foods along with fruit, nuts, and berries we have planted and the garden we are now planting. Two cold water springs on my property with one spring box and a 500 gallon cistern.

I would rather commit suicide than live in a city. I just can not understand living for nothing. The city folks eat to get energy to go to a gym to waste energy.??? My days are filled with good hard work and I appreciate every bit of it. There is always something to work on. Setting fence posts, stretching fence, planting/pruning food bearing trees, tilling/weeding the gardens, canning food, cutting down trees, stacking firewood, taking care of the animals, equipment maintenance, etc,etc.

That is not “prepping” it is living. Yes you prepare for winter by preserving food because food does not grow in the winter. You cut down trees in advance of the cold so the wood is cured and ready to split so it burns hot and clean. If/when the electricity goes out the only thing I will miss is TBP.

March 30, 2016 1:53 pm

Most of us live in a fairly active biosphere – plants, animals, molluscs (snails) and other things we don’t NOW regard as food. Leningrad was a 900-day siege, and it took a while for it to get that bad.

If I were besieged that’s one thing. Just having those who can’t provide for themselves run out of EBT and welfare isn’t the same; after all, once they starve out there will be more resources available for the survivors, eventually. Gotta make it past the Crunch and rebuild; at least that’s my plan, such as it is.

I will be able to purify water for a good while with my current equipment. In accordance with the rule of threes, “you can live three minutes without air, three days without water, three weeks without food” if that’s accurate, I should be good for a few months at least. It won’t be gourmet meals with delicate sauces and fine wines, but we should survive. And, during that time, I will be looking for ways to grow food. I’m not much of a hunter as yet, but that would be motivation-driven quickly.

As to eating my dead, if they were dead and no other options present, maybe. I doubt any of mine would be palatable, though, too tough and stringy. I think I would find other options long before, however.
Resourcefulness tends to rise as circumstances deteriorate.