Question of the Day, Mar 31

Today’s question comes from Donald Trump. Should ending the life of an unborn child have a criminal penalty?

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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March 31, 2016 12:40 pm

Currently it is not against the law, so no.

Prior to Roe vs Wade it was illegal, so it was a crime.

Who knows what the future holds.

March 31, 2016 12:50 pm

For some parts of our population it should be a small fine. For other parts of Merica it should be a $10,000 check or preloaded gift card.

March 31, 2016 12:51 pm

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Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
March 31, 2016 12:51 pm

In GOD’S eyes it is murder. But the “elite” scum that want major depopulation, those phycos love it.

Its even faster than their poison vaccines. And they have many other plans to kill the goyim

March 31, 2016 12:52 pm


If in the future it is illegal….yes.

In my youth I was pro-choice. But as I began to realize that I wanted to leave the world a better place I knew that this included future generations…the unborn . It was then that I changed my position .

I would only allow an abortion if the life of the mother was in danger…if it were left up to me .

Trump should have said…I don’t answer hypothetical questions .

March 31, 2016 12:56 pm

No ,if it’s black babies…. I know that’s racist.

March 31, 2016 12:57 pm

If there is an afterlife …. and, if the God who runs that joint is the Christian God …. then the woman who ends the life of her unborn child …. well, I don’t think Jeebus and His Dad are gonna be real happy about that. Really. Momma gonna be a Crispy Critter.

I don’t know why Christians are unhappy about abortion. And aborted child goes to heaven. That same fetus, if allowed to come to term, would almost certainly reject Jesus … for few choose the narrow road … … and that child goes to hell. Why is that better?

March 31, 2016 1:08 pm

It makes me disgusted and sad that we even debate such things.

Abortion is murder, no way to dispute that except if you believe that life begins when some fucknut group of lawyers say it does.

My FB feed is full of shit from liberals who are aghast at animal cruelty, or cutting down a tree, yet promote abortion as a womans right.

March 31, 2016 1:10 pm

Murder is the deliberate taking of an innocent (human) life, a guiltless life.

Throughout history, those murdering the innocent for any and all reasons have managed to excuse themselves of murder by either claiming their victims are not human or that they are not innocent.

Nazis, Slavers, Romans, Egyptians, Muslim’s then and now, etc. – it’s always the same, the victims are not really human or aren’t really innocent and it isn’t murder to kill them.

Abortionists and those using them to kill their children find it hard to deny the innocence of the child being killed so they cling to the argument of him or her not really being a human to justify it.

But it doesn’t really matter, for any of them, what they consider their victims to be: It matters what God considers them to be.

Murder is murder, and it isn’t excused by God no matter the human reasoning involved in justifying it to themselves and other people.

Many of those mentioned above, the unrepentant and unforgiven ones, may find themselves among those who are told “I never knew you” at the Judgement, no matter how they look on themselves and their own righteousness in the world today.

March 31, 2016 1:15 pm

In god’s eye it may just be some sort of old testament sacrifice and not a sin. How anyone presumes to know what god’s opinion is I do not know. Hubris.

I guess from reading the headlines today we ate supposed to think it’s a good thing to have a president who considers themself above the law. Somehow it is an outrage to say if you break the law you should be punished?

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
March 31, 2016 1:21 pm

Um, unless I am mistaken it is NOT “her body” that is at issue. It is the body of an unborn child. This is a tough one. First, under no cicumstances should the product of rape or incest be carried to term, full stop. A rapist can´t be allowed to have offspring at all to say nothing of the agony of the rape victim. Allowing the birth of a rapist´s offspring is an offense against God and nature; it is perpetuating the DNA of a monster. Stranger rape -real rape – should be punished with death.. All women reporting a rape should be treated to ensure that no pregnancy results, no matter what procedure has to be used. In other cases, it should be a medical question. Should a 14 year old girl bear a child? No. Should a pregnant woman lose her life to save the fetus? No. Should abortion be a form of birth control? No. Punishment? Punish the abortionist, not the mother, if you have to enter into this at all.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
March 31, 2016 1:21 pm

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The problem is that it is a question of morality with a side dish of self righteousness. Everyone arguing they have the answer. The correct one but I don’t think it can be found. Myself I find it morally repugnant. Yet I am not going to tell anyone they can’t do it. Maybe you are right Stucky. Unborn gets to go to heaven. The culprits get to fry in hell. At least there are consequences. Might be a good solution. Someone should phone God and find out what he thinks. Maybe Ted Cruz!

I do laugh at the pro-choice crowd when they rant and claim their rights. Okay fine go for it. That they have the moral high ground. Maybe they do. Yet when this has come up in polite conversation, when that is possible, I will invariably ask these same people if they believe in terminating pregnancy based solely on sex of child. Now we all know the vast majority of these terminations are little girls. These same women who just minutes before were ” I am woman hear me roar” suddenly become contrarians. What irony but the god complex is strong when it comes to deciding which choice matters.

But I am not wise enough to know.

March 31, 2016 1:21 pm

First trimester and before, no.

Later on?….I don’t know.

Sometimes women’s bodies abort a baby. This can occur for a myriad of medical reasons.

From a legal standpoint, should a woman who miscarries a late stage pregnancy be charged with manslaughter?

I’m not trying to be an ass, I find abortion repugnant, and every person I’ve ever met who went through with one was either severely damaged before, or afterwards. It is not normal, or natural.

But to give a fetus the complete rights of a “born” human opens up a legal quagmire. There are so many scenarios that would have to be addressed, I can’t even imagine what would happen.

I don’t have the answers to these questions, so I’m willing to except Roe v. Wade right now and move on to other topics.

PS: My biggest fear is that there is no such thing as small government intervention, they go whole hog on things, and I could easily imagine this turning into “The War on Abortion,” further eroding individual rights.

harry p.
harry p.
March 31, 2016 1:22 pm

it is murder, doctors take an oath to do not harm and then end a living things life. seems pretty fuqt up to me.

but if anyone who would vote for Hillary, Bernie, did vote for obama need to get an abortion i am okay with them having it done and might even make a donation as long as the mother and father also get a “post-birth abortion”.

March 31, 2016 1:24 pm

This question is complete bullshit and Trump should never have answered it. There is no chance at all that abortion will ever be outlawed in our lifetimes. Time talk about other issues.

March 31, 2016 1:24 pm

I was going to make a worthwhile? comment but the subject pisses me off. I like to take some flesh off pro-choice scum and then ask them if they feel anything.

March 31, 2016 1:52 pm

I think it is murder, personally. But its a tough one. At the same time, I REALLY odn’t want the government involved in any way, shape, or form. I certainly don’t want to empower them to throw even more people in prison. I hate abortion, it is repugnant, but what the fuck would we do with the 25-30 million more dindus in this country’s cities that would exist without abortion? Can you imagine the nightmare that would be?

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 31, 2016 1:54 pm

@Stucky – all is forgiven in the afterlife–there is no heaven or hell. Just remember we are spiritual beings temporarily living in a physical world. Our real home is in the ether.

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 31, 2016 2:02 pm

Abortion is murder, period. Conception should become a privilege of only married healthy intelligent people; that would cut the immediate world population growth by 90% based on that previous chart of average IQ’s.

March 31, 2016 2:07 pm

when we remove a cancerous growth from the human body, does the state dictate the terms on how that piece of flesh will be handled? is not the growing tumor a piece of living tissue?

a fetus is also a piece of living tissue, but it too can grow into a living cancerous being that takes the lives of others.

should the fetal tissue of ISIS mothers be treated differently than that of non radical muslims?
(I would venture to say that nobody cares if Jihadi girls get abortions)

it is all a matter of perspective,
a lion will kill the offspring of another lions brood, to ensure his genes survive,

is someone going to say that humans are not animals?
we are nothing but animals, so why does the state insist on treating some animals better than others?

What if, the state imposed the same rules on men, when it comes to reproductive materials?

eggs vs. sperm

that is the question.

What if women ran all of the worlds governments, would they insist on placing rules on how men treat their bodies?

If in the future, they do become the ruling class, I would think men are going to be treated as 2nd class citizens, for a little payback,

(what do you think?)

March 31, 2016 2:13 pm

“Abortion is murder, period.” ——– rhs jr


I’m going to assume that you believe “life begins at conception” … as most Christians do.

YET … anywhere from one-third to one-half of all human fertilized eggs FAILS to attach to the uterus. Spontaneous abortion, if you will.

If God gives life to each fertilized egg — as most Christians believe — then logically, God MUST be responsible when that life ends in the womb.

So, is God a murderer?

March 31, 2016 2:20 pm

” …. when we remove a cancerous growth from the human body, … is not the growing tumor a piece of living tissue? ……………. a fetus is also a piece of living tissue …” ——- orpheus

A tumor is just a PART of the entire organism. No one thinks they are committing abortion on a living cell when they clip their toenails, cut their hair, or slice off part of their thumb.

A fetus IS the ENTIRE organism.

I believe that’s a big difference.

March 31, 2016 2:21 pm

QOD: “Today’s question comes from Donald Trump. Should ending the life of an unborn child have a criminal penalty?”

There are two issues here.

First, since this was a question to and about Trump it must be answered in that context. The question to him was a hypothetical: IF, (a big IF there) abortion was made illegal should the woman be punished. The answer is obvious: If it’s illegal then there should be punishment. Illegal means illegal. Where else in criminal law is the perpetrator excused. If abortion were to somehow be made illegal, then society will have spoken on behalf of the unborn and subsequently would have extended it’s protection to them. Anybody violating that sanctity should be subject to criminal liability.

On the larger issue of abortion in general, the abortion crowd, clinging to their hopeless defense by denying the existence of human life in the womb, are like that Polar Bear on the little iceberg the Global Warming morons trot out. It’s an ever shrinking platform adrift on the ocean of evidence, both medical, philosophical, as well as practical, that this is more than just “tissue”. Face it. It’s a baby. Period. If you kill it, even if it’s yours, you should pay the price.

March 31, 2016 2:23 pm

Media whorefuks are like the Pharisees who CONSTANTLY tried to trap Jesus with their trick questions.

I know Donald …. Donald is no Jesus.

He should have kept his mouth shut! Really.

March 31, 2016 2:23 pm

It’s none of anyone else’s business what a Woman does with her own body. How the fuck you can call yourselves “Libertarian” and at the same time want to exercise control over such an intimate, personal, decision?

And the very idea that a Woman should be charged with a crime for ending an unwanted pregnancy is ludicrous.

Further, many of you here are highly riled about those receiving welfare or other assistance, so I guess the concern is really for white fetuses over black ones, until the point where the Woman gives birth, then you’d prefer not to give the baby any assistance.

Roe v Wade is the law. Deal with it.

March 31, 2016 2:27 pm

“It’s none of anyone else’s business what a Woman does with her own body.” —- Wackycoaster

We’re talking about the BABY’S body. What about THAT body?

Fucking Moran.

March 31, 2016 2:37 pm

@ Stucky “If God gives life to each fertilized egg — as most Christians believe — then logically, God MUST be responsible when that life ends in the womb.

So, is God a murderer?”

God is not a murderer. The Christian tenet against murder is based on the conviction that God is the Creator of all things and therefore the Author of life. Authority comes from authorship therefore God has authority to give and take life at his choosing. Murder is man’s usurpation of that authority, taking the Divine Law into one’s own hands so to speak, therefore denying God His just due.

If God chooses to call one of His unborn children home, it is His right as Creator to do so, but no one else’s. To equate the act of abortion to a miscarriage and thereby equating an act of man with an act of God, either reduces God to a man or elevates man to God.

It’s this kind of thinking that Voltaire had in mind when he said “If God has made us in his image, we have returned him the favor.”

March 31, 2016 2:42 pm

Ghetto payday: Girls, get sterilized by: 15 – $15,000, by 16 $13,000… etc. make it to 21 with no kids $5000.

Guys, vasectomy: $5,000 – but cannot have fathered any children.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
March 31, 2016 2:51 pm

Yeah it’s the law West but we live in a world where morals seem to take a back seat to whatever is the flavour of the month. I am a libertarian. I hear lots of liberals spew the good line that they believe in freedom of speech then in next breath insert the word “but” to say that people have a right not to be offended. Same with the pro-choice crowd. Ever met a vegetarian that is pro-choice. I have. That person should push around the Wal-Mart special cart to warn everyone of the contradiction in their position. But the only ones allowed to be attacked in present PC culture are those who are against abortion. Why is that? I think personally that we have devalued life so much that it doesn’t matter anymore. It don’t mean nothing?

I will only speak for myself but I am not riled up. There is no point arguing with the self righteous. They have all the answers. The problem with this question is it has no answer.

March 31, 2016 3:10 pm

If babies had guns, would they be aborted?

March 31, 2016 3:15 pm

A mom can kill her unborn child past the point of viability if she gave birth. It’s her “right.” Another mother carrying a child at the same stage is caught in the middle of a crime scene, shot, and her baby dies. The shooter will be charged with murder. This hypocrisy makes me crazy.

Long ago I heard someone say, about the time abortion became legal, that the generation that first condones abortion will be the first generation to be euthanized in its old age. That would be my generation. We’ll see how it goes.

The really frustrating thing is that birth control is widely available to anyone that needs or wants it. This fact alone should make abortion rare. Long ago, Planned Parenthood was the place you went to get cheap birth control pills. It seems that organization promotes another kind of birth control now.

March 31, 2016 3:15 pm

“God has authority to give and take life at his choosing.” ——- Dirtscratcher

If I were to pick just one belief Christians have about God … a belief which I loathe, despise, and hate … it would be that one.

The son from one family survives a tornado. Momma goes to church, and praises God, for God is sooooo good.

The son from another family is struck down (you use the euphemism “called home”) in the same tornado. Momma goes to church, is told that it is God’s will, and praises God, no matter what, for God is soooo good.

You kill 10,000 babies and you’ll suffer and burn in hell for all time. God kills 10,000 babies (the Flood, killing all first born Egyptians, killing all inhabitants of a city, etc. etc.) well, fuckit, that’s what being God is all about. He’s perfect. And Perfect Beings can’t commit murder … (even though they do).

God has an eternal “GET OUT OF JAIL, FREE” card. And true blue Christians are unable to see that for what it is; tyranny.

March 31, 2016 3:33 pm

Stucky , God would say …in my providence ..SHIT HAPPENS .. Remember Jesus telling the story of the building collapsing in the book of Luke . Killing those people. The answer wasn’t why bad things happen. That’s a given. His answer was to repent before something bad happens to you.In other words be ready at any moment to meet your maker. Problem solved.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
March 31, 2016 3:52 pm

Call the irony police!

BB you just defined the tyranny you accept and live under.


cruel and oppressive government or rule.
“people who survive war and escape tyranny”

synonyms: despotism, absolute power, autocracy, dictatorship, totalitarianism, Fascism; More
a nation under cruel and oppressive government.

cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control.
“she resented his rages and his tyranny”

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
March 31, 2016 3:58 pm

I like the third one the best.

cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control.

But like you say bb

Shit Happens.

That’s the problem when discussion abortion or religion . Irony and contradiction is lost on those who have the answers.

March 31, 2016 5:25 pm


If “shit happens”, then why do Christians always pray that shit does NOT happen? Are they maroons?

Really, who needs a “shit happens” God?

March 31, 2016 6:15 pm

Mike – you could have just given Leftcoaster the award and saved him, and us, the pain of him having to post.

Using abortion as birth control sickens me. It is sign of a society reaching peak decay.

Buster Cherry
Buster Cherry
March 31, 2016 6:45 pm

I have never boinked a woman that didn’t know sex could cause pregnancy.
If you are getting boinked in a country where abortion is illegal, then yes, it stands to reason you should be punished if you kill your unborn child.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 31, 2016 7:16 pm

Man Found Guilty of Killing His Pregnant Girlfriend and Her 13-Week-Old Unborn Baby

“A Tennessee man has been found guilty of killing his pregnant girlfriend and her 13-week-old unborn baby. The assailant was charged with two crimes for killing both mother and child and was found guilty of killing both — which will potentially net him a lengthy prison term.”

I believe that the term most frequently used by progressives would be “it’s settled law”

March 31, 2016 7:20 pm

“Roe v Wade is the law. Deal with it.”

No, it is not. It’s a decision by the Supreme court which is actually, under any sane reading of the law, binding only on parties to the suit.

This fucking nonsensical doctrine of stare decisis is an abortion in itself.. The very idea that a court’s decision in any case thus becomes, for all time subsequent to the decision, binding upon parties to similar cases brought later is utter bullshit.

It’s a ridiculous construct which wrongfully allows the Judicial branch of government to usurp the exclusively granted power of the legislative branch. I would like to deal with it by bringing articles of impeachment against any jurist who pretends that this doctrine is valid.

Allright. Y’all can drag me off to the quiet room now.

March 31, 2016 7:33 pm

I never had an abortion, thank goodness. Abortion is legal
at present so there is no crime, no penalty.

An unwanted pregnancy would be a challenge. Especially for
a teenager. The morning after pill, Plan B, Levonorgestrel 1.5mg
is available at WalMart for $50. SE yes, but far, far less than the
abortion method of “birth control.” Perhaps the gov funded laudable
PP could give it for free? That might be a solution people can accept.

State sponsored torture and murder? Not so much.

March 31, 2016 8:01 pm

West coaster, I’ll answer your question as a libertarian. I believe that all people are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Killing a defenseless human baby deprives them of that.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
March 31, 2016 8:17 pm

As a former libertarian now an “anarchist” I am in total agreement.

March 31, 2016 8:21 pm

No. A pregnancy is a human body not a human being. It’s no guarantee of a human life. It could die of natural causes before it’s born. And even in this day and age, women sometimes still DIE from complications of pregnancy and birth. Lastly, America won’t be improved by another few million unwanted single parent welfare kids.

March 31, 2016 8:31 pm

KaD – so you are fine with using abortion as a form of birth control?

I am beginning to think that abortions maybe should be taxed – $20k maybe will slow them down and make folks use proper methods. And make the tax like student loans – the debt and interest follow you forever.

Re elf are moms, one thing has nothing to do with the other. There should not be welfare mums – such welfare should be eliminated.

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 31, 2016 8:42 pm

Nice try Stucky but by that logic, wouldn’t everything that goes wrong biologically in a body that results in death be a murder by God? I thought you’d go for the low fruit like rape, incest, Trisomy 21, Zika virus, etc. In such cases, I’d vote to go with what the mother wants unless an Angel of the Lord says otherwise (ref St Joseph). What about the Great God of Mercy condemning all who take The Mark of the Beast, whoever worships The Beast, anyone who denies Jesus or blasphemes the Holy Spirit…Achtung Liberals: God doesn’t care how you do it in NYC…

I will not post
I will not post
March 31, 2016 8:51 pm

I can not answer for the god entity .

I think it would actually get to individual choice based on the circumstances of conception .

Only those involved can decide, and may they have the wisdom of the ages upon them .

Just a cook that is aware of how small his understanding of this realm is .


March 31, 2016 9:22 pm

“I have never boinked a woman that didn’t know sex could cause pregnancy.”

Well, shit Buster. You don’t get out much do you? ahaha