The Political Nagging Of “Check Yo Privilege”

I was recently scrolling down my Facebook feed when I saw this gem of a “motivational” and “inspirational” style poster of political correctness. I initially shook my head and continued scrolling down my feed. But something triggered a rant in my head and I couldn’t let it go.

When I ignore something because “it’s not a problem to me personally” it’s not because I was raised with privilege. On the contrary, I was raised to mind my own business in regards to problems that didn’t affect me personally.

As a child I was constantly reprimanded for butting into other people’s business. I was constantly told “adults are talking” or “go to your room” when serious issues were being discussed. I was taught not to interject my opinion into conversations that were none of my business.

This is how the world used to work until my generation of special snowflakes came along and we became a child-centered culture. Past generations of children would get into trouble by their parents for ease dropping, back talking, or tattling on others. But we’ve culturally turned our backs on the virtues of “minding your own business” and “holding your tongue”.

The Decade Of Awareness Campaigns

Growing up in the 90’s I was constantly bombarded with “awareness” campaigns. From Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” to “The More You Know” commercials. I was aware “this is your brain on drugs…” cue to actress frying an egg in a pan and then smashing up her kitchen with the same pan after saying “… and this is what drugs does to your family”.

After school programs always had the moral lessons of drugs or gun violence. There was always a scene of the targeted friend of the group with the “I’m unsure” facial expression as the bad kids peer pressured them into doing the bad thing feature in the episode.

MTV was also full blown “awareness” in their music videos often depicted as “art”. We got to see TLC warn against unsafe sex and AIDS/HIV in their “Waterfalls” video and pin condoms onto their clothes as a statement. In Pearl Jam’s video “Jeremy” highlighted teenage bullying, gun violence, and suicide. Some would conclude from my sample selection that living in the 1990’s was a bummer with an over abundance of moral lessons.

I always thought those awareness campaigns were annoying and talked down to my age group’s intelligence. Especially when I was forced to attend school assemblies for the D.A.R.E program or sexual abstinence classes.

Every year in elementary school and middle school I had to attend the D.A.R.E program and learn about the evils of drugs as we sang the D.A.R.E song. Thankfully, I only had to attend one sexual abstinence lecture while in high school. I guess they determined past freshman year all teenagers were having sex and it would be more productive to just send them to the clinic for birth control pills and free condoms.

“D, I won’t do drugs. 

 A, I won’t have an attitude. 

 R, I will respect myself. 

 E, I will educate me.”

When Political Awareness Campaigns Turned Into Political Nagging

Awareness campaigns only work when carefully considering the audience. It’s easy to teach children about why drugs are harmful before the prefrontal cortex of the brain disconnects during puberty. It’s easy to teach young women to get yearly pap smears and breast cancer screenings. It’s easy to teach young men not to bully their classmates or join gangs.

The problem arises when awareness campaigns turn into nagging campaigns aimed at grown adults. Those doing the nagging come across as children throwing tantrums while living in adult bodies.

When grown adults nag other grown adults there’s typically two reactions.

1.) The naggee gets defiant, stubborn, and ignores the nagger.

2.) The naggee complies to the controlling tactics of the nagger to shut them up.

Personally, I don’t take kindly to another adult nagging me as if I am a child. I become defiant, stubborn, and make fun of them on the internet.

In recent years we’ve seen the rise of the “Social Justice Warrior” movement of college age kids with no direction in life. It’s easy to preach how you think the world should work when you have no idea how it really works.

The rise of “Check Your Privilege” is the signal of the awareness era heaving it’s last breath. The most notable “privilege” group is straight white males. The assumption is white men don’t have to worry about racists, sexists, or homophobes,

One would have to wonder why suddenly straight white men need to be “re-educated” not to hate minorities, women, or the LGBT community. When the truth is those topics aren’t age appropriate for children to learn through awareness campaigns and adults can’t be bother with being nagged by college age “activists” while they avoid the job market by working on their post-graduate thesis.

It’s Not “Privilege”, It’s Called “Freedom”

I can’t tolerate the misinformation of the “privilege” naysayers. When you change the word “privilege” to “freedom” it drastically changed the argument.

As a woman I have the freedom of working a job without my boss slapping me on the ass and saying, “Great job, sweet cheeks” because it’s not the 1960’s Mad Man Era.

White men have the freedom of not being racially profiled by police because they don’t have the same skin color of the majority of prison population.

Straight people have the freedom of not being hyperaware of their sexuality and not liking Barbara Streisand.

When anybody wants you to “check your privilege” what they’re really saying is “life isn’t fair and I want you to have less freedom to make things fair for me”. This is what children say while throwing a tantrum. They complain about fairness when their sibling accidentally gets an extra cherry on their sundae.

What body you’re born into is luck of the draw. What country you’re born into is luck of the draw. Which parents you have is luck of the draw. But only children complain about fairness. Grown adults strive to overcome their less than privilege upbringings to become successful. Only an idiot would think taking away another person’s freedoms will give them a better life.

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March 31, 2016 8:28 am

I am a “grunt” in the trenches of this culture war. I am always offended by those so easily offended. When it gets to the point of total Orwellian absurdity, then the real nasty work will begin. We have been warned!

March 31, 2016 8:46 am

The hand you’re dealt doesn’t determine who wins and who loses, how it is played does.

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 31, 2016 9:36 am

As a White male, I have had the “privilege” of being discriminated against all my life. I am so ready for PAYBACK to begin.

I. C.
I. C.
March 31, 2016 9:45 am

This is nothing new, it’s merely a new word using the same propagandized behavioral tactic that has been around for quite a while.

Wouldn’t hurt to read up on Bernays who said:

We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” Edward Bernays – Propaganda – 1928

March 31, 2016 10:02 am

Accepting responsibility for your own problems and successes is a part of life.

Its not my fault they’ve failed more than they’ve succeeded.


March 31, 2016 10:29 am

Beautifully stated Stephanie. I hope your contemporaries can read it, and comprehend.

We all need to stop thinking and behaving like victims and realize our true potential as creators.

Holding onto hate, past hurts, feelings of exclusivity and/or being wronged only leads to more of the same.

Declaring that you are in control of life’s events brings true freedom. Even when you are owning up to your own errors and deficiencies.

Everyday more humans are waking up to their own divinity, trust that.

Thanks again Miss Shepard

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
March 31, 2016 10:31 am


Good perspective on the topic and well presented. Only complaint is watch your “you’re” and “your”. Last paragraph same mistake twice.

  Stephanie Shepard
March 31, 2016 10:45 am

I have the same problem with your and you’re. I fixed it.

March 31, 2016 10:45 am

I thought privilege was when you consume thousands of kilobytes of data to send a pictographic text message that is only roughly 100 bytes in length.

March 31, 2016 10:54 am

Excellent work Ms. Shepard, please continue.

March 31, 2016 11:03 am

Holy shit, I didn’t even realize Clam wrote this one. I read the intro and it sounded like the same conversation my wife and I have every week.

Well done Stephanie.

Also, its “eavesdropping” not “ease dropping”. 🙂

March 31, 2016 11:03 am

GDI, I’ll just sign in on this computer. Its common use in the lab, so I normally wouldn’t want to sign on but whatever.

Anon above was me.

March 31, 2016 11:04 am



Just my opinion ….

March 31, 2016 11:10 am


BTW, forgot to add, excellent job, Steph!

March 31, 2016 11:15 am

Very nice contribution, Stephanie….It is a shame that more of your generation won’t remove their blinders and look around them….

March 31, 2016 11:18 am

Excellent indeed.

March 31, 2016 11:35 am

Stephanie has come a long way. Pretty darn good posting. She shows that there is hope that the younger generation is not totally lost.

March 31, 2016 11:39 am

“The sun was in eyes….”

Good one, Miss Steph. At least you didn’t say the dog ate your grammar. 😉

Keep it up, kid. You’re doing fine.

March 31, 2016 11:47 am

One ship sails East,
And another West,
By the self-same winds that blow,
‘Tis the set of the sails
And not the gales,
That tells the way we go.

-Wilcox (I think)

March 31, 2016 12:32 pm

Great post Stephanie, I love the last line,
“Only an idiot would think taking away another person’s freedoms will give them a better life.”
Right to the point. Life really is not fair get used to it and if it bothers you tough shit.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 31, 2016 12:43 pm

Very good piece, again, great development of your writing style.

March 31, 2016 1:01 pm

I agree with everything written, but I think everyone is over concerned about the rise of social justice for two reasons:

1. It’s enabled by the easy-money college bubble, which will soon pop (like all bubbles). Most people don’t have time to protest for gender-neutral bathrooms; they have jobs. As soon as the gravy train stops, the insanity will stop. It’s a symptom, not a cause.

2. There is no one better to lecture than people close to you. And not just physically; like all zealots, it’s more offensive to be a traitor (someone in one the “oppressed classes” who doesn’t accept their mindset or issues) than an enemy (straight, white, financially stable, cis-gendered, non-mentally deranged, able-bodied, male).

You see this a lot with the “queer studies” type: it’s more of an outrage to be a happy, well-adjusted gay individual working a steady job than a screaming, genderfluid pan-racial bulldyke living off welfare. The double irony is that society does not dictate our preferences; our preferences dictate society. Read this poem, and try to tell me this lard barge isn’t upset about not getting laid:

Or consider this pearl of wisdom:

“What does someone in the 1 percent of Grindr’s (a gay dating app) sexual economy look like? He has white skin, he has a weight that begins with “1,” he is cisgender, in his 20s, completely able-bodied, has a full head of hair, has either slightly defined or very defined abs, has a dusting of body hair, is masculine and is HIV-negative. These men are what you might call “sexual gatekeepers.” Just as the 1 percent of America’s economy has unlimited access to the services and privileges they need, Grindr’s 1 percent has the privilege of determining who has access to them and when and where they will get serviced.”

It also happens to women. Just look up the vitriol spewed at any female who doesn’t believe that men are all out to rape them or that patriarchy is always lurking around the corner to beat them for leaving the kitchen.

Eventually, these scions of enlightenment will turn in on themselves. When you base your thought off exclusion and representation rather than achievement and pragmatism, you will eventually exclude everybody. The movement is driven by nothing by self-loathing and envy. Implosion is inevitable.

March 31, 2016 1:03 pm

I’ve always believed the old adage…”Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it ” .

I’ve always faced life’s obstacles that way .

When I got home one day and found my wife gone and EVERYTHING I valued gone too I just said “Oh Well ” . i was pissed but how I handled the situation would determine the final outcome ( Karma’s a bitch ).

I called my attorney and he had me call the Sheriff to file a report ( this was to keep her from saying “I never took anything ” in the future legal proceedings ) . When the Sheriff got there and filed the report he told me you’re awful calm for someone who just had all of his stuff taken .

I told him I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of a pissed off attitude . That being mad wasn’t going to bring my stuff back at this moment . Besides she did leave a bottle of fine Kentucky bourbon and it made the night enjoyable .

March 31, 2016 6:39 pm

Excellent piece, Stephanie. Your last paragraph should be mandatory reading (better yet, memorization) at every college and university in America.

Philharmonicus Maximus
Philharmonicus Maximus
March 31, 2016 7:28 pm

Sorry, but it’s eavesdropping, not ease dropping.

Oh, and thank you for spelling sundae correctly!

March 31, 2016 7:52 pm

“Besides she did leave a bottle of fine Kentucky bourbon and it made the night enjoyable .”

HELL yeah, Bukhed. When life gives you lemons, leave them on the table and pour yourself a bourbon and branch.

I will not post
I will not post
March 31, 2016 8:11 pm

omg your and you’r e or however it is spelled means that there is actual people on this planet !

Crap I thought it was all about me lol .

Great post Miss Steph 🙂

About 65% of the special snowflakes in the millennium generation are pissed the fuck off with the taxes, law’s etc .

About 85% of the gen X snowflakes are pissed off for the same reasons .

Boomers ? seem happy that fucking younger generations are supporting them lol .

Cut off the bennies and everyone is pissed off .

How does this end?

Careful analisys crap I cant spell lol last day of vacation atm , details it as becoming very Tribal in essence .
Who and Where is YOUR Tribe?
The age of post scarcity has had a good run . TBTF has got what they wish to move forward with their agenda .

What is YOUR agenda ?

Just a cook lol whatever .

March 31, 2016 8:37 pm

“Boomers ? seem happy that fucking younger generations are supporting them lol ”

YOU’RE supporting ME? How much do YOU pay in taxes each year?

I’m not retired, may never get the chance due to ObamaCare taxes and SS taxes and various others. But YOU’RE sure as hell not supporting ME. Twit! I’M helping to pay for your “safe spaces” at college, your “living wage”, your “EBT” and “welfare” and “educational grants” and “tuition waivers” and everything else in this miserably screwed-up non-system that isn’t working well and soon won’t work at all.

Get your head on straight and figure out who pays more taxes, “angry white men” or “special snowflakes”. ‘Cause when we QUIT, you’re going to be short a lot of money – because you can’t pick it up off the ground as you walk by. Get a clue!

I will not post
I will not post
March 31, 2016 9:19 pm

@ James surely that’s not meant for me?

If it is asswipe , um just over $50k a year . Actually more .

Did you take any statistical math classes ?
You sound like one of the special snowflkes that expect that someone will take care of them due to some benefit of age that is non existent in the history of the world you fuck nut .

When you voted to shackle the generations to come to some mathematical formula that cannot possible work in a finite world then um yes sir I an talking to you .

I constantly read of corporations that are doing stock buy backs simply because there is no holistic growth . Which translates to there is no more possible growth !!!!!!!!!!!!

If you think that basic math can be changed just because you want it to be , um , you appear to be to old for the common core shit lol .

So , if you are the boomer that is unable to calculate 2+2 = 4 then you are fucking right that I am talking to you , you should have made that calculation bout 40 years ago fuck head .

Or you are ok with the constant devaluation with the dollar or other currencies ?
In which case you are hopeless . I only deal with the actual math . It does not scale period .

Who or what is your Tribe byatch ?

Cut that shit off and maybe you will begin to think .

March 31, 2016 10:24 pm

Dear Dimwit-who-will-not-post,

I didn’t do shit to you, with or without a formula. I made useful contributions to science, engineering practice and industrial design. I hold two US Patents, earned in my twenties. “Special snowflakes” came along with my children’s generations, I was a “discipline problem” because I saw through the bullshit.

You are making galloping assumptions because your head is full of entitlement bullshit. You are not owed anything, and don’t seem to understand that socialism is bullshit for idiots, it cannot work. I, on the other hand, have worked since I graduated college the first time – back in 1981, was it? How long have you been out of diapers, dimwit?

I am not entitled, I am a taxpayer. I am white and have no tribe, no backup, no representation in Washington. They are all liars and thieves, and steal from me every year.

But I do a lot more calculating that arithmetic, dimwit. I calculate that your generation is going to drive us all broke with your “social justice”, your “safe spaces”, your “living wages” and so forth. Blow it out your ass, idiot: when the bills come due to pay for your excesses, I’ll be too old to work and pay taxes. Grow up and pull your own weight, I did. And lots more.

I paid SS taxes, income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, excise taxes, and lots more for over thirty years. WHO DO YOU THINK BUILT YOUR COLLEGES, COMPANIES, HOUSING?

Learn something before you call Boomers lazy; the ones that didn’t die in Vietnam and elsewhere built a lot of what you take for granted. And paid for it at the same time!

Just hopeless.

March 31, 2016 11:01 pm


Your post brought tears to these old eyes.

Don’t be surprised if you get thumbed down … not that it matters. The Boomer Hate flows strong here. I’m not calling anyone out, but you’d be surprised at who they are. Their numbers are many.

I’ve wrote an original post, or two, about Boomers. Surprisingly, they were well received. But, it had no long-term lasting effect. The Boomer Haters soon reverted to form.

It’s gotten so bad that I even refer to myself as a “fat-ass boomerfuk”. This seems to sooth their lust for raw meat … boomer meat. Not only that, I kill two birds with one stone. “Big boned” folks .. heh heh … fare only slightly better than Boomers.

I’m doomed, I tell ya.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 31, 2016 11:11 pm

Stuck, I’m a generationalist. I’m opposed to inter-generation sex or even marriage. I can admire a few millenial babes but it’s strictly for the sake of art. Boomers must stand together or fall apart.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 31, 2016 11:13 pm

Fuck millenials, PC is not my problem.
I feel sorry for the bastards who will never know what a pity party is, little fuckers can’t even suffer in silence. Sorry, you get no sympathy cards from me.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 1, 2016 8:53 am


Sympathy is found in the dictionary… right between shit and syphilis.

April 1, 2016 10:18 am

Thanks Stucky, EC, Frances.

Dumb-as-a-post is just a symptom of the failures of education in the US. He seems to think that the Boomers wrote SS, instead of being born years after Roosevelt wrote and passed it. He seems to think that Boomers wrote lots of “bennies” into law and voted for people who passed them; by the laws back then, you couldn’t vote until you were 21, so (1945 + 21) = 1966, even the earliest Boomers couldn’t vote for many of the laws now on the books OR the people who put them there:

The Administration’s 1935 Economic Security Bill []

Passage of the 1956 Social Security Amendments [SSDI, disability] []

On July 30, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law the bill that led to the Medicare and Medicaid. []

In January of 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson declared The War on Poverty in his State of the Union speech. [This lead to Head Start and various other expansions of social programs] []

So thick-as-a-post, who’s so proud of his math skills, can’t figure out that Boomers could not have voted on many of the bills / representatives who authored them that he’s complaining favor the elderly! But he’s a socialist, so his lack of math skills is hardly surprising.

Then he ignores ObamaCare (passed by a one-sided partisan majority) and the doubling of the national debt under Obama (well documented many places). He must be brand new, to think that I am in favor of currency depreciation (can’t call it money, that’s technically wrong), and thinks I’m a member of a tribe!

I sometimes wish TBP had an “ignore this poster” setting, since Admin doesn’t ban people. But then, smart-as-a-post is teaching us how stupid he is, so I guess that’s something. Eventually, maybe he will figure things out and mature, but for now I don’t have much hope.

Gotta go get my walker and find my hearing aid, The Price is Right is coming on!

April 5, 2016 2:14 pm

“What body you’re born into is luck of the draw”

I am pretty sure it was not possible for my parents to have a black crack baby with sickle cell if they rolled snake eyes. Even Dr Watson who won the Nobel prize for DNA said IQ is mostly genetic.