The Climate Change Distraction

FORWARD: I tend to be long-winded, so this article has been greatly shortened in the hopes that someone will actually read the damned thing. I’m not publishing this under my own name, so don’t expect academic levels of references and figures. You disagree with something, start a war in the comments.


The 1800s set the tone for mankind’s future, not just politically, but economically and scientifically as well. It was at this point when we began to understand that our actions may have a lasting effect on the global carrying capacity for humanity. The concerns have always wavered back and forth, but at the end of the day the predictions all mean the same thing:
“Doom” is a terrible scientific conclusion, as it is rooted deeply in emotion; however, doom is an excellent political conclusion as fear-mongering has long been a preferred tool for those with special interests, and unfortunately the budding science of climatology has been used time and again to push an agenda.

Today, climate change is as divisive a topic as can be found, pitting allies, neighbors, and even family against each other. This all or nothing approach to a very serious and complex problem is yet another challenge America faces in its attempts to stand united.

A Brief Background of Climate Change


The Greenhouse Gas Effect Theory is currently the science underpinning this latest issue. Dating back to 1896, the Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius calculated that different gases (most noticeably: Water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane) had an effect whereby they would trap the amount of infrared energy in a system, increasing the temperature.

The original observations were considered to be non-important from a Doomsday perspective, as Arrhenius concluded that the effect would take many thousands of years to actually be a factor. As time moved forward, scientists continued to build upon and tweak Arrhenius’ work, isolating carbon dioxide as a contributor, and also discovering worrying trends in past-climate trends (paleoclimatology) where previously stable Ice Ages were discovered to have actually contained many smaller episodes, and in fact were not stable at all, regularly flipping from one state to another.

Alarm began to build in scientific circles, and by the 1960s the rising use of aerosols had caused a rise in smog around the industrialized world, as well as the relatively new phenomenon, Acid Rain. These two very visual concerns led to the beginning of the “Doomsday” crowd, with in 1970 scientists warned of an imminent Ice Age if mankind did not soon change their ways. Legislature passed during this time helped to greatly reduce the Acid Rain caused by industry and other irresponsible use of chemicals.
Times Ice Age
As one problem was conquered, another took its place in the form of a growing hole in the ozone layer located in the Southern Hemisphere. Fast global action proved strong enough to overcome this challenge, as the international outlaw of CFCs and reduction in HCFC use greatly increased the strength of the Earth’s ozone layer.

As the ozone layer slowly began its healing journey, the politician scientists pivoted to the next target on their hit list: The Greenhouse Effect.

Previous climate issues were fairly cut and dry:  sulfur dioxide causes acid rain and HFCs destroy the ozone. But, this time is different, this time the smoking gun was not as easy to identify.  The Greenhouse Effect is primarily driven by carbon dioxide, with methane being a close second. The problem seems simple, right? Just decrease global CO2 and methane production! Unfortunately that would prove more difficult than previous concerns. The sources for carbon dioxide and methane are innumerable, and whereas prior problems could be readily substituted, reduction in carbon dioxide or methane production would destroy entire industries in some countries and would cause great harm to the economy of most others.

In 1992 the world met in Kyoto, Japan, and signed the Kyoto Protocol, which put some loose restrictions on the nations that signed the treaty. To be honest, this rather half-assed approach did little to appease anyone, as only the signees would be holding to their word, while rising powerhouses such as China and India would continue chugging right along, like the little coal-fired-engine-that-could. Half-assed measures get half-assed results, and the El nino of 1998 was all the excuse that was needed. The Doom is back, this time assuring us that our planet would become too hot to support our current way of life, and if we did not make changes soon then we would all be featured in a real life Water World – a fate worse than death according to Costner’s acting career.
Climate change has only gotten more divisive since then, with hockey-stick graphs on one side, and receding glaciers on the other. Is the climate heating? Is it cooling? One ice sheet thickens (Antarctica) while the other grows thinner (Arctic). Some heat is missing, while other locations are too hot.

The simple truth is that Climate Change is not the worldwide threat its been sold to be and is nothing more than a giant, monetized distraction.

The Politics of Climate Change


Al Gore has long been at the forefront for combating “carbon dioxide.” Citing his college professor as his inspiration, Al Gore has become borderline obsessed with greenhouse gases, and how to combat them. His pressure on the US government and media has created a push for green energy kicking off a “gold rush” for the green energy sector. Suddenly money is flooding in, and as we all know, where government money flows, corruption follows. What was initially a dripping spigot of free money turned into several industries over night, with things like solar power and cellulosic ethanol promising to completely destroy the “evil” fossil fuels sector.

Well, the stage was set, and the show must go on. We have fossil fuels and capitalism playing the part of the bad guy, Al Gore and his activists the valiant hero, and “green” technology acting as the magical weapon that will slay the evil pollution beast and save us all. Dissenters are mocked and careers ruined. If you doubt the science on climate change you are met with outright scorn and disbelief, so thorough has the marketing been for this particular “doom” cult.

The rest of the modern world has thrown their lot in with Gore and his cronies as there’s never been a government that didn’t want more control over its people, and once again they have that age old excuse “its for your own good.” As the fever pitch of outraged do-gooders has risen, so has the amount of money flowing from the government (the public) into poorly thought out schemes and technologies. People like to feel important, and the relentless campaigns by governments, activists, and bored people worldwide have ushered in a new era of NIMBY policies that ostensibly are for the good of the environment, but really just defer the cost onto a different location (*cough* Chinese made batteries *cough*)
Chinese River
At this point it is borderline impossible to determine whether or not the Earth’s climate is warming due to just how highly politicized this topic has become. Papers that disagree with the media’s version of climate science are prevented from publication, or even never funded to begin with. The research that has been published in support of climate science is continuously being revised, and the models are constantly being updated as they fail time and again to demonstrate any ability to predict the future.

The Real Problem


While the two ends of the climate change spectrum sling mud at each other, very real damage is occurring to our planet’s carrying capacity virtually unnoticed. Oceans, forests, and fresh water tables all have been devastated, and every last one of these have been fully preventable.

The Ocean, once a bountiful supply of food for many populations, now have been depleted to the point where much of the Earth may as well be a desert when it comes to food availability. The fish are simply not there anymore, destroyed by wanton harvest of commercial operations and gross overestimation of supplies by industry experts.

Westernized countries have largely understood the value of their forests and have begun extensive re-planting programs, while the Third World and emerging markets have been plowing under their forests for palm oil production and substandard farmland. A short-sighted approach to a far-reaching problem.

Of course there is no money in these problems, no way for Western governments and their cronies to loot and pillage their way to a “solution”…so they go ignored in favor of hefty subsidies to buddies in the various “green” industries and their “good enough for government” results.

The greatest threat to our “life as we know it” isn’t gas from cow shit, but instead wind from bullshit – and the Western world keeps eating it up as their leaders pile it higher and deeper, drowning us in piles of complete nonsense in  an attempt to shame everyone into giving more of their future over to government control.

Author: ThePessimisticChemist

Age: 30 Sex: M Location: America

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April 4, 2016 6:53 pm

DRUD – my bong & mushrooms aside – I have read your posts for some time. You definitely have a logical / scientifical approach on concepts that I admire. When you state (@ 12:10 above) this: “but I also believe there is very much a irrational component as well”, I suspect that had to be hard for you to type. Yet, I admire people when they admit what they DON’T understand. Like HSF’s observations on this thread. To me, this only encourages more input. As opposed to some, who think they know it all. I love TBP for this (i.e. the conversation)….

April 4, 2016 6:56 pm

Tsk. Quantum vibremonics will make ALL of this niggling irrelevant.

And not in a good way, neither.

[see ]
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Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 4, 2016 7:00 pm

TPC lol

Here is brief summary of how every post on goes on TPB on climate change.

It starts out on topic. Usually it is an article about latest cover-up of data. Maybe an insider spilling more beans.

At some point, usually within the first twenty posts the Great Alexander Ac shows up, prances around a bit, tells everyone how much smarter he is then everyone else, takes a big shit on thread then leaves without an explanation. What he does the rest of his time no one knows. Personally I think he is Poroshenko’s pool boy.

Then for some reason HSF shows up and completely derails the debate. Don’t get me wrong I love the guy. He is a great writer. Epic in his descriptions of life on the farm. He has in many ways inspired me. But he should stick to making maple syrup. Science is not his forte.

Then away the thread goes completely off the rails until people get tired of posting.

All I can say is I hope UNC wins Game tonight. Then at least we can have a discussion tomorrow and not be talking out of our asses.

Just my passing observations. It’s a trainwreck looking for a track to happen.

April 4, 2016 7:09 pm

Rob irrelevants: “All I can say is I hope UNC wins Game tonight.”

Can’t manage that even though…I mean, Villanova….

I’m supposed to root for VILLANOVA? Just because they’re a Catholic school and Big Five?

The definition of “mixed feelings” in the Delaware Valley is an alumnus of LaSalle or St. Joe’s or Temple or Penn watching the NCAA Finals this year….

April 4, 2016 7:13 pm

“Here is brief summary of how every post on goes on TPB on climate change.”
—- Rob in Nova Scotia

That is seriously accurate.

Except, you left out ONE thing. A VERY important thing. A thing which creeps into almost all posts with more than 100 comments. TITS!!

Speaking of which ….

AGW scientist hard at work
[imgcomment image[/img]

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 4, 2016 7:17 pm

Now that is funny Stucky.

Maybe our friend Alexander Ac.

Petro needs some tits to play with.

April 4, 2016 7:26 pm

Rob – climate change gets boring. It’s been discussed ad nauseum on this site. Personally, I’m glad HSF derailed the debate. If he didn’t, I’m not sure we would have cleared 100+ post on this thread. Not that the number of posts represents a “goal”, or acheivement, in and of itself. Rather, I enjoy, the conversation (and perspectives) no matter how “off base”. From a philosophical / scientific / philosophical standpoint, I prefer random association and free thought over ” the trains running on time and in order. Just my opinion. In the great schem of things, it really doesn’t matter much anyway.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 4, 2016 7:31 pm

I agree unfathomable

I only posted that because I knew how it would play out. I am laughing at myself too as I willingly hopped on this trainwreck too!

April 4, 2016 7:33 pm

Wow. That bowling ball-feather falling in a vacuum video (posted by Rob @5:47) is friggin awesome (if if the Brit guy did pronounce aluminum as — A (as in hat) Lu MIN e Um). Many thumbs up … that vacuum chamber is awesome

The smoke-falling video is cool also.

If those two vids don’t satisfy HF, nothing will.

April 4, 2016 7:34 pm

Stucky. Damn! My eyeballs are drawn by gravitational force to the “spheres of influence” that really matter in life. In the end, maybe it all just comes down to chemistry. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Going to take a cold shower now.

April 4, 2016 7:38 pm

Also, Stuck, when was that picture taken? Oh yeah, 10:46.

April 4, 2016 7:44 pm

I just now saw this.

“Stucky, I admire your passion to remain incurious.” ———– hardscrabble farmer

What a load of pig shit. You are familiar with pig shit, HF? Your snarky comment is worse than that. I’m plenty curious about some things, and not others.

What? You’re all pissy because I’m not curious about the SAME STUFF that interests YOU?? I thought you were a better man than that. Guess I was wrong.

You really get your tits in wringer about you Pet Beliefs. Then your true colors show. Or, did you just fuck up with your passion which then led to unreasonable comments? Trying to give you the benefit of the doubt ….

April 4, 2016 7:46 pm

Well, in HSF’s defense, I was led to research the whole FlatEarth thing by an article here some months ago and came away wondering myself.

[imgcomment image[/img]

HSF… your payment will be in the mail tomorrow. I missed the mailman today.

April 4, 2016 7:51 pm

HSF has posted some of the most cogent comments I have ever read here. At other times, it’s like: WTF?? Moon landing denial, and now the flat earth meme. I totally believe him on the mountain lion sightings, but he seems poised to hit us with Bigfoot sightings real soon.

Since so many here love conspiracy theories, here is mine: HSF is either an ‘over-user’ of LSD in his youth, or he is a Liberal ‘plant’ to discredit home-schooling families because he is teaching such idiocies to his children.

If HSF is neither of them, then here is my advice to him: an aviation pilot or a serious astronomer could ‘dumb it down’ enough for most anyone to understand that the planet is a sphere (slightly elongated vertically) that is spinning (at a tilted axis), while rotating around another sphere called the ‘sun’. Copernicus and Galileo suffered much persecution for stating that truth.

April 4, 2016 8:00 pm

HSF denies moon landing, implies ok for teachers to beat third graders because the kids need toughening up, suspects gravity is not a real thing, flat earth, claims Stuck is not curious (Stuck is the most curious person I know, in many senses of the word ?), etc.

Seriously, what the fuck? Must be something in the maple syrup.

April 4, 2016 8:06 pm

LLPOH… the maple syrup is some good shit.

April 4, 2016 8:12 pm

Thanks, Llpoh. I am sorry I told you to “blow me” in another thread this morning. Of course, it was said in jest. Really.

Maggie pulling the old “check is in the mail” routine. What’s this world coming too???

April 4, 2016 8:30 pm

Hate to put it like this, but this is a big boys and girls website:
You all are retards to think that everything you accept as reality is settled science. nasa is straight up propaganda. you accept it. you are the sheeple. you have zero proof. Literally nothing. So in this matter the govt is great? got it.
People can and have made numbers work to justify their theories, but they don’t match the reality you see with your own two eyes. they figure out the formulas, submit to publications for peer review, and the peeps clap. It just became reality. And the people don’t question…The simplest questions about the pics and postulations HSF has put forth have not in fact been answered, as all supposed answers base those answers on the accepted info people just accept as of now. No one questions anything or actually thinks outside of this framework. Keep listening to Neil Ass Tyson and bill Nye science douche. They’ve got all of the answers…

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 4, 2016 8:40 pm

Okay cz

How about filling us in on your theories.

so the earth is flat. Okay please explain the Rings of Saturn and the Storms of Jupiter in your stupid fucking model.

I breathlessly wait for your detailed response and model of universe. There is no evidence of flat earth. None.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 4, 2016 8:43 pm

How about plate tectonics. How does that work in your model. I mean what a conspiracy. Millions of scientists in cahoots to pull the wool over us sheeple.

April 4, 2016 8:45 pm

If the world were flat one could not fly in one direction and return to the same spot.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 4, 2016 8:52 pm


The Mid Atlantic Ridge is widening by 2.5 cm per year. Where does land at edge go?

I await your response.

April 4, 2016 9:00 pm

Some of these questions have been answered by others. Did you watch the vid I posted earlier? Have you done any research at all about this topic? that’s really my biggest question. you keep throwing out questions but haven’t done any research yourself.
I’m not calling you lazy, I’m saying this has most likely never even crossed your mind which makes it the potential deception of deceptions. We (none of us) should ever simply accept what’s been handed to us from the supposed great ones from “above”.

April 4, 2016 9:05 pm

Rob, where did your images of Saturn an Jupiter come from? Here is an interview with an artist that was commissioned to do paintings for nasa that were presented to the public. Have you ever heard of this guy?

April 4, 2016 9:12 pm

Rob, why don’t we rape Antarctica like we try to rape the rest of the world for natural resources? Have you ever seen the un flag? Where’s Antarctica? Did you know this flag is based on a map from a persian scientist (El Berundi)? Why has a worldwide treaty existed leaving Antarctica alone? How can that be? Have you ever considered these things? Show me images from the south pole/magnetic south.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 4, 2016 9:18 pm

Alright cz

Just so you know I’m not going to be nice to you. You are calling me and everyone else here sheeple.

I’ll play and while watch your stupid fucking video you can explain system at work using you flat planet model for the planet Jupiter.

I am posting a picture of Jupiter in case you haven’t heard of it before.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Don’t bother being brief and use your own words to explain. Don’t link me to some tin hat.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 4, 2016 9:21 pm

You can buy a fucking telescope and look for yourself. You are an idiot. You must be scared even making toast in morning. If that is the best you can do then you are beyond hope.

April 4, 2016 9:22 pm

@Stucky…. I said the check would be in the mail tomorrow. So tomorrow, I will say “the check is in the mail.”

And, having flown a b’jillion hours with AWACS, I have seen the curvature of the earth. I also know enough about radar theory and the Beyond the Horizon radar returns to know that the earth is in fact round.

However, some of the literature out there is almost convincing enough to make me question what I’ve seen and experienced.


April 4, 2016 9:30 pm

No fear here rob. your pic of Jupiter is your proof? that’s pretty silly. I wonder what you are defending? you really know what you observe as you look through a telescope? you may think you know, but most likely don’t. I’m not saying I know everything that’s goin on…
Question everything.
I look forward to this experiment this summer:
Does the moon give off its own light? And if so, is it a colder light?
I would bet 99.9% of peeps here think the moon reflects the sun light, but what if that’s not true, ROB?
Try to be nice just for fun

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 4, 2016 9:30 pm

I tried watching it. I’m shocked, well not really,

I knew this is how it was going to play out in video.

You cannot use your sky daddy book as evidence of anything. It is a book of faith not evidence. Fuck you and fuck your book!

Here is another question why is it shorter in distance to fly great circle route than to fly directly from New York to Moscow.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 4, 2016 9:33 pm

Don’t bother with experiment. If you haven’t heard of telescopes then you sir are as blind as a bat.

April 4, 2016 9:39 pm

Canada guy,
you’ve answered nothing and brought nothing to the table. did you take that great “pic” of Jupiter with your telescope and camera? pretty sure you didn’t. you don’t like experiments? I don’t give a shit. you’re as uncurious as stucky. you think you know stuff, but maybe you don’t know???
Why are you afraid of something different than what you think is true?

April 4, 2016 9:42 pm


On most any thread, you are a big bag of stupid. But on this thread especially, you really need to take an extra helping of STFU so that the adults can talk.

April 4, 2016 9:44 pm

some folks are crabby…

1) no need to call names/Ravens fish tank and bucket observations

2) “Although the Spanish Inquisition ended almost 200 years ago, the American Climate Change Inquisition appears to just be getting started. By threatening legal action and huge fines against anyone who declines to believe their climate theories, the attorneys general in this coalition are trying to end the debate over climate change, declaring any dissent to be blasphemy regardless of what many scientists believe.”

I find this interesting…prosecution and fines for talking science?

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 4, 2016 9:46 pm

I want to apologize to all the other believers out there but not cz.

Anyways I am going to watch the ball game. Wow there are people who believe in flat earth. It’s incredible. I took Geology in University. Cz would have everyone believe that I am part of a cabal, a cover up that the earth is flat. It is beyond retarded that people choose to believe that millions would be in on a secret that somehow has been kept from the unwashed. But this happened last fucking time there was a climate debate in December if I recall. I ended up explaining and debunking a completely fucked explanation for continental drift.

Cz you are the one making extraordinary claims. It is up to you sir to explain your model not me. But that is how this works when you are arguing with a “God of the Gaps” tool. Preponderance of evidence doesn’t matter just but this and but that. As long as opponent can say do this then all you end up doing is chasing your tail. It’s like arguing with a three year old.


April 4, 2016 9:53 pm

Vodka – keep ragging on Maggie and I’m gonna rip your fucking ass up. It’s going to be extremely easy and very fun. In fact, I can’t wait. So, go ahead. See what happens…

Center For Retardation, Inc.
Center For Retardation, Inc.
April 4, 2016 10:10 pm

cz questions everything. He believes this make him soooooo smart, and superior.

cz says you people who believe basic science are sooooo stupid.

For this reason we have concluded that he is a Permanent Retard. We have used every tool known to modern science to bring him out of this state of retardation, hoping to bring his intelligence level up to that of a mollusk. All attempts have failed. Be forewarned that engaging with him for more than a few minutes will possibly lead to your own retardation. Yes, he is contagious, and dangerously so. Ignore him and he might go away. Also, if you do find him, please return him to us. We found a very pretty female mollusk he might be interested in.

April 4, 2016 10:11 pm


April 4, 2016 10:14 pm

Watch the game. good times.
I never said that you were part of a cabal, just part of the great deceived. Do you think that this is not possible? Check your bags, dude…
I am indeed making an extraordinary claim. I absolutely don’t know that it’s true but I have many unanswered questions. I haven’t chugged the kool aid, but I’m kinda thirsty. Fact of the matter is, you don’t know what is true either.
The biggest beef I have is the mindless acceptance of what is essentially Darwinism. I posted a vid earlier that gives excellent evidence for rejecting it out of hand. Darwinism is garbage. you reject this evidence? ok.
The idea of a globe earth as taught in skools across America and maybe the world embraces big bang and that we are accidents in a infinite universe, evolved from ooze, from fish to monkey to human, and not unique awesome individuals created by God on an earth that is also special and unique. This is a problem for me because I believe it’s not true. Show me the missing links…
You have no evidence to the contrary.
Go wildcats

April 4, 2016 10:14 pm

Since I have to go for tonight, it may not be on this thread but it will be on another. Guaranteed. I’m watching you mother fucker. Maybe you should treat the ladies with respect. I think an apology is in order. Or not. Up to you. Truth is, El Coyote is the one you should be most worried about. Either way, keep dissin’ Maggie and you are fucked. Get it? Got it? Good. Hugs and kisses. ‘Til next time, asshole…

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 4, 2016 10:41 pm

I am a geologist by training and by your definition required to be part of the cabal. Retarded is too nice a word for you. If there is a God it would be a shame that someone as stupid as you would live forever. It would have to get boring after a while being that iqnorant into infinity. But I guess your lord works in mysterious ways. Maybe he is the ultimate cosmic comic.

April 4, 2016 10:50 pm

Rob in NC, you’re a geologist and you talk about plate tectonics and continental drift as proven science and not theories? That is interesting. Have you done any research into the expanding earth theory?

April 4, 2016 10:51 pm

I’d love to hear how your awesome education in college made you so right in everything.
Good luck pal.
1 Corinthians 3:18

18 Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you thinks that he is wise in this age, he must become foolish, so that he may become wise.

April 4, 2016 10:55 pm

” New York AG Eric Schneiderman intoned, “we want to expose it and pursue them to the fullest extent of the law,””

Ha! I wish that wormy little pissant would pursue me. I would bust his ass down. I would stomp a mudhole in his ass and walk it dry.

You hear me, Schniederman? You couldn’t bust a grape.

OK, I’m allright now. He just got on my nerves a little bit, with all that intonin and goin on..

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 4, 2016 11:00 pm

How about you enlighten everyone on expanding earth. Your claim you proof. That’s how science works.

Yes continental drift is a theory but it is backed with evidence. What have you on this expanding earth theory. Do tell. I suspect it was same retardation from Christmas but maybe not. I don’t really have any interest in your goosecchase.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 4, 2016 11:03 pm

and then he quotes the bible

now I am really scared.

April 4, 2016 11:04 pm

OK, I hate to say it, but the obligatory tits pic appears to be a photo of a lady with those gel bag implants, commonly known as “fake tits”. It’s a little disappointing because this is spose to be my safe space and all.

April 4, 2016 11:05 pm

You’re drunk. Wake up, geoelogist! Save us from our ignorance!

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 4, 2016 11:12 pm


read quote from bible and apply to yourself. I don’t have all the answers but I am not going to be accused by you of being part of some fucked up conspiracy that exists in yours and nowcapparently araven head. You guys need to bump up the Xanax. You might be less scared and be able to go outside and enjoy the sunshine.