Stucky Q.O.T.D. —- YOU

Today’s question is inspired by Admin’s posting of Pat Buchanan’s article.


What Trump Has Wrought

Buchanan concludes his article with a warning issued by JFK. — “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.”

Yeah. Another call for sheep violence. Y-a-w-n.

The scenario:  It is a known fact that Trump’s nomination was stolen by nefarious means.

Question:  What will you likely DO ??

Don’t give me any tough-guy internet bullshit. Don’t tell me about how many fucken guns and bullets you have. Be honest!

By “likely” I mean at least a 51% chance you will take the action you espouse.

If you feel uncomfortable with saying things that contain violence, then be creative.  Say, for example — “THEORETICALLY ...”.

Here’s what I think; 99.99% of Trumpy folks won’t do jack shit! That includes you.  That includes me.  But, it sure is fun to read these bloggers talk about a violent revolution.  It sure is fun to pretend you will take part in it.  Minuteman 2016!!

It’s better than facing reality … that we’ll just take it up the ass, one moar time.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Phil from Oz
Phil from Oz
April 5, 2016 9:22 pm

Otto – the answer is Yes. I suspect this is no more than the current iteration of the “Hope’n’Change” strategy to stir up the great unwashed to “support” a politician who couldn’t give a hoot as to the problems of such “Little People”- the ones who will be paying his salary and perks, under threat of incarceration at best, death at worst, should “those pulling the strings” decode that Donald would be the most suitable Front-Man for their needs.

Assuming Trump DID “build the Wall” it would be amusing to consider that, when the US economy (and “civilisation”) duly collapses, you just might have one V V Putin (or worse still, the Chinese) telling YOU to “Pull down that wall”, which would be quite the irony.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 5, 2016 9:35 pm

I want to see Donnie vs Bernie. Hilly vs Teddy is an undercard, time to go to the snackbar.

April 5, 2016 11:13 pm


“In the 1970’s and 80’s, efforts to preserve old mills brought artisanal whole grain milling back into public consciousness. But stone milling alone offered no solution: stone mills can damage corn flavor with high milling temperatures.

Mr. Roberts scoured additional historic documents and found a description of an 1850 yellow dent corn variety from Ohio that was milled frozen. This prompted him to freeze his own Carolina Gourdseed before milling it. The ensuing flavor was startling, so he began freezing all his mill corn.”

That excerpt is from a 2004 NYT article of all places:

Another excellent article here:

I’ll let you know what I think of their products……hopefully next weekend! I’d like to try some corn liquor made from dent corn. I may already have some but the guy who made it has passed on and I can’t ask.

April 5, 2016 11:25 pm

Thanks Stuck.

April 6, 2016 12:05 am

Phil- You could be right, Trump could very well be a vetted insider plant, although all of the damage he is doing to their global community meme, spreading the America First platform, will have to be dealt with somehow. Make America Great seems to be decidedly off message as we barrel into the next transnational paradigm.

EL Coyote with eyes wide shut
EL Coyote with eyes wide shut
April 6, 2016 1:08 am

The whole story is like one massive hypnotic state. Comedians and actors know the audience is conditioned to suspend disbelief, they swallow a camel whole.

Trump’s campaign has become a self-fulfilling prophesy. If he doesn’t win, there will be hell to pay. It’s like a bar fight, nobody knows what they are fighting for but gosh darn it somebody is getting their ass kicked.

April 6, 2016 1:23 am

SSS, ever hear of TPA? What’s wrong with you?

April 6, 2016 5:13 am

I’m in agreement with DC Sunsets… I’ve already “done” what I’m going to do. I’ve pretty much withdrawn from the political nonsense. As far as the nomination being “stolen” from Trump, well, I learned my lesson as a precinct captain back in 2008. The nomination(s) for the various beauty contestant positions belong to the PARTY leaders and the rulemakers. That was made clear to those of us who crashed the PARTY via the Tea Party rallies that year. We thought we could make a difference and in short order, we learned our lesson. Well, I did.

I came away from that experience understanding completely why there can never be any real change in this country’s government except for the worse.

So, Stucky, what I will “do” is continue to plant the garden and tend to my chickens and rabbits. Hopefully, this fall, I will get a few goats and start making goat cheese. And I will keep it fairly small to avoid having the tax assessor come insist on looking inside the barn to see what sort of equipment he needs to tax me on. (Of course, it is his WIFE who was elected to be the tax assessor, but she just sits in the car. If I had any confidence that anyone would actually adhere to the law, I would file a complaint about the husband of the assessor being nosy about what we have here on our property. But, I have Zero confidence about anyone in any level of government in this country doing anything ethical or legal.)

I’m kind of cynical today.

April 6, 2016 5:16 am

And, I have another stalker, btw. What is it about me? I really need to try to attract a better class of troll.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
April 6, 2016 7:48 am

I have read with no little amusement the comments of Stucky. I may be a retarded moron, but I am also a former USMC officer, a retired 30 year veteran of the intelligence community, and have my B.A. in history and M.A. in political science. I have lived more than half of my life overseas, much of it in conflict zones, including Afghanistan and Colombia, among others. For some time I have run a major business. As I said, white men made America, white men are America. If we walk away this thing will collapse and it will not be pretty. Pull on your skid-marked underwear and bib overalls Stucky and join the real world.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 6, 2016 8:17 am

Maggie, once you start working with goats all of your cynicism will vanish in the ether.

Goat cheese is delicious and easy to make and your goat will thank you.

April 6, 2016 8:56 am

When a website like this that attracts intelligent thinking people has a question like this posed and the comment section disintegrates into a lot of political and religious infighting how can anyone doubt there is going to be a helluva storm brewing. I suspect it will happen suddenly and most won’t be prepared. I’m never in the most category on anything.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
April 6, 2016 2:08 pm

Stucky, uh, I believe it is spelled “moron”. But, OK, I will be nice.

April 6, 2016 2:31 pm

All the shit-flinging aside, to answer the question “What will I likely do?”

I will use the brain the Good Lord gave me.

Assess the situation at the time, then choose the path that will give the best chances of survival of me and mine.

– If that means sending my son and wife out of the country for a lengthy period of time, then that is what that means. What happens to me is inconsequential. Only my son and wife matter.

– If it means keep on keeping on – plugging away at what I’ve been doing because I still can – then that is what that means.

If you’re looking for some hubris-filled rant about picking up a rifle of military usefulness and marching on the Capitol, then you won’t find it here.

Part of playing the game is patience. Actually, I have the patience of Job (at least when it does not come to stupid shit).

Will Trump being denied the nomination if he wins the most delegates piss me off? Yep. Sure will. Something fierce.

But you don’t make important decisions when you’re pissed off. Good way to get up shit creek that way.

And since I’m fresh out of Magic 8 Balls, I have no idea what will happen on a wider scale if that particular scenario re: Trump comes to pass. Could be riots in the streets. Could be shit gets burned down. Could be nothing.

My world mostly consists of my family, a few close friends, my neighbors and my own smallish community – the things that fall within the sphere of my own influence. Things that will matter both long and short term when shit goes sideways. Things that will directly impact the survive-ability of me and mine.

One thing I do know: Trump gets denied the nomination despite having the most delegates (meaning: our votes simultaneously mean something and don’t mean something), then whatever time we have left on whatever clock we’re on has been drastically shortened…

Food. Water. Ammo.

You don’t have nearly enough.

April 6, 2016 2:43 pm

HSF… I took a cheesemaking class north of Tulsa (requiring getting up at 3 a.m. to drive from my home outside OKC to the farm early enough to milk the goats) I took the class twice… not because I failed or anything, but because I got permission to come back and film the processes. And yes, I LOVE goat cheese… a lot of people wrinkle their noses at the mere mention of goat cheese, but it is so very good for so very many things.

You are right… my cynicism needs a couple of Nubian goats to milk.

April 6, 2016 2:43 pm

Oh, and OFFICIALLY, your check is in the mail.

April 6, 2016 2:52 pm

@Maggie – OKC? I’ve got family there, they do maintenance on B-52s for a living. Good work, better pay.

Nothing is cuter than a baby goat.

The only place with worse weather than Kansas is Oklahoma.

April 6, 2016 2:59 pm

@TPC… I worked in the maintenance depot where the repairs on the B52s (and other assorted airframes) were accomplished for a few years after I separated. I did financial analysis on the efficiency of the various shops within the maintenance hangar. I.e., I told people they were over budget all the time and they ignored me.

April 6, 2016 2:59 pm

Oklahoma weather is the pits. The armpit of the country in many ways.

April 6, 2016 6:47 pm

@ Billy I agree

Just a cook lol ,whatever