Question of the Day, Apr 5

3 for LLPOH. Will the establishment be able to stop Trump from getting the nomination? Do you still think Trump is a plant? If so, who planted him?

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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parental advisory warning
parental advisory warning
April 5, 2016 12:27 pm

make america’s first lady hot again!

April 5, 2016 12:28 pm

1. It certainly is possible, perhaps even likely. They HATE him. That’s why all should vote for him.

2. No.

3. N/A

April 5, 2016 12:40 pm

1. Why do you ask?

2. What difference does it make?

3. Is this a trick question?

Sorry that I didn’t have any answers. Don’t hate on me for being retarded.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 5, 2016 12:46 pm

My position never changes:

This is political theater.

(1) prolly

(2) yes

(3) the owners

April 5, 2016 12:47 pm

Trump would be a pretty good choice if The Owners wanted to make a good show of managed rebellion, so the downtrodden classes could feel satiated while nothing actually changes.

There is no fix within the system. The only fix is to isolate yourself from the system.

April 5, 2016 12:52 pm

“…make America’s First Lady HOT again”

This is the tie breaker IMHO. Because IF trump is an insider, and IF he’s no different than the rest of the scumbag politicians, at least we have some eyecandy in the White House. After 8 years of the Wookie, at least this will be a refreshing change.

April 5, 2016 1:09 pm

In agreement with Bea Lever and Persnickety. We will all know … there will be no doubt left that all is a sham … if Hitlery becomes the next prez.

rhs jr
rhs jr
April 5, 2016 1:10 pm

Trump was not planted but the situation was planned. TPTB purposefully aimed the ship at an iceberg and will succeed. They have already boarded their yachts and are watching in glee. Then Trump suddenly appears as the only candidate offering taxpayers life jackets but that would defeat TPTB’s Final Solution Plan. They are trying hard to stop Trump and this Movement but hopefully they won’t be able to; Trump is not a Plant but one of us being led to the gallows that decided to fight back; maybe God sees a kindred soul and has taken a liking to him.

April 5, 2016 1:15 pm

1: If Cruz wins Wisconsin, yes the GOP will make a new rule, so count on those that count the votes to make sure Cruz wins Wisconsin. Then the GOP will nominate somebody other than Cruz.

2: I’m starting to believe Trump never really wanted to get this far and doesn’t know what it will take to get the heck out.

3: N/A

April 5, 2016 1:49 pm

“There is no fix within the system. The only fix is to isolate yourself from the system.”

And the absolutely most important part of that is GET OFF THE INTERNET!!

April 5, 2016 1:51 pm

What’s wrong with you boneheads? We have a stone cold nationalist crushing the field, and you twerps are cluck-clucking like a bunch of nervous old women. If this don’t make you happy, nothing will. Some people love misery. I’m not one of them.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
April 5, 2016 3:51 pm

I love anonymous saying get off the internet while on the internet. Good stuff. RHS, I hope you’re right. For me, I might as well vote for him in the primary, because whether or not he is a plant, whether or not they actually count votes, and whether or not they hate him, there is greater than a zero % chance that his winning will piss off a lot of people, and a slight chance he’ll even improve things, better than the zero the other clown car members offer.

April 5, 2016 4:42 pm

I read a piece recently stating that Trump decided to run as a lark and wasn’t serious about actually running, then when he saw the outpouring of support decided he would go ahead and make a serious effort. This makes sense if you review how his campaign has unfolded.

While I doubt he’s a plant, he’s definitely part of the establishment; I don’t think you can become a Billionaire without some strings attached.

John Angelo
John Angelo
April 5, 2016 4:54 pm

A few thoughts:

One one hand, have any of you wondered if the establishment is purposely speaking against Trump when in actuality they support him? Given voter sentiment, they know an establishment-supported candidate will lose in 2016. By stoking the flames of encouraging a contested convention or acting like they’re stealing the nomination from Trump, they know it’ll make his supporters even more supportive of him. They also know, as the inevitable nominee, how to purposely keep him atop the news cycle. Elected GOP officials know it’s to their advantage to speak against Trump in public and they’ll take a softer stance soon and call for everyone to come together when it’s in their interest to do so.

Perhaps I’m giving them too much credit.

On the other hand, the establishment is afraid straight ticket voting will be imperiled by Trump. People who vote for Trump are less likely to vote GOP down the line.

Along those lines, the establishment is also concerned Trump’s nomination is akin to Caesar crossing the Rubicon into Rome and becoming Emperor. Trump will be wildly popular once in office and will take the necessary steps to reform the government. They’re worried, if anything, that their insidious strategy of divide and conquer will be gone for good.

Only time will tell. Everything is on the table in 2016, from possible assassination to contested conventions to indictments to you name it. It’s the best political theatre in a generation.

April 5, 2016 6:28 pm

Westy, I saw that in the Gabriel Sherman piece. Don’t believe it for a second.

Olde Virginian
Olde Virginian
April 5, 2016 7:11 pm

Brer Rabbit pleaded “please don’t throw me in the brier patch!”

Brer Establshment pleased “please don’t vote for Trump.”

Methinks there’s a pattern here.

Olde Virginian
Olde Virginian
April 5, 2016 7:12 pm


Brer Establshment pleads “please don’t vote for Trump.”

Olde Virginian
Olde Virginian
April 5, 2016 7:13 pm

I’ve seen the photo of those four before that accompanies this post.

Maybe they were just meeting by chance at a local convention of people with dramatic hairdos and it had nothing to do with politics…

April 5, 2016 9:03 pm

isolate yourself from the system. IMHO this is the best advice ever given. vote with your feet. cash out now, get out asap. find a place with good water, good land, friendly but poor people. live like they do.