QOTD: What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

NASA footage of the Moon passing in front of the Earth by a satellite called DSCOVR (pronounced “disco-veer”)

According to NASA it was taken 1 million miles from Earth and shows the dark side of the moon as it passes between the Sun and Earth on July 28, 2015.

Can you see any problems with this video or are you completely satisfied that what you are viewing is in fact authentic?

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April 6, 2016 1:46 pm

Maybe this then:


April 6, 2016 2:23 pm

Another comment about perspective, if I may:

We have the habit of visualizing these things according to models of the Solar System we see at the planetarium. These are NOT to scale.

If one were to shrink the earth down to the size of a golf ball (~2 in. diameter), The Sun would be the size of the Dome at Epcot Center (165 ft.). The moon would be the size of a large marble (.5 in diameter) and DSCOVER of course would be microscopic.

The Moon (marble) would orbit the Earth (golf ball) at a distance of ~ 5 ft (62″) and the Earth would orbit the Sun (Epcot) at a distance of .4 MILES (~2000 ft.).

April 6, 2016 2:26 pm

Shit, screwed up the size of the sun…it would only be about 18 ft in diameter. What’s spherical and 18′ in diameter? Still 200 feet away though.

April 6, 2016 2:26 pm

There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong.

Let me explain.

1. it’s taken over a 5 hour period
a. we expect the earth to rotate 5/24 of a whole revolution, which it appears it does.
b. we expect the moon to rotate around the earth around 3 degrees (5/24/27)

we don’t know how far zoomed in the camera is to take this shot. it’s a million miles away. for it to fill up its field of view like this, it’s very zoomed. while it appears as though the rotating around the earth, it’s actually only moving in almost a straight line. So we wouldn’t expect the view of the moon to change any discernible amount. the earth however, should rotate 75 degrees.

2. even if the moon were perfectly centered in the frame and actually cast a shadow on the earth, generating an eclipse, the actual area that is blocked is much smaller than the relative sizes of the objects from this location. Consider: it’s zoomed in from a million miles out. the moon is about 230000 miles away from earth. This satellite is 1,000,000 miles away. So the moon is 770,000 and the earth is 1,000,000. The moon will look bigger in this shot than it actually is and certainly bigger than it would look from an almost infinite distance. The sun is huge and projects a cone of light around the moon which casts a much smaller shadow on earth. We wouldn’t see the moon shadow on earth from this perspective.

3. The tilt of rotation depends on the season. During the equinox, we would expect to see it maxed out on the left or right, and during the solstices, we’d expect it to be head on with the pole at the top or the bottom visible.

My guess is that it may appear as a deception, but if you consider the fact that it’s far.. and it’s zoomed.. and you’re only looking at a tiny sliver of the moon’s orbit, but a larger sliver of the earths rotation, I think it makes sense.

April 6, 2016 2:27 pm

Oh yeah and the microscopic, picture taking DSCOVR is about 20 ft from the Golf Ball Earth.

April 6, 2016 2:29 pm

Good point on Zoom, Chugit.

April 6, 2016 2:36 pm

Why must Stucky’s schlong always be the standard unit of measure around here?

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
April 6, 2016 2:41 pm

There does seems to be a small issue with the date being late July and the earth’s axis not being straight with the sun, which would occur during the tropic of cancer. It looks closer to the equator which would mean March/April. Hmmmm

April 6, 2016 2:43 pm

“Why must Stucky’s schlong always be the standard unit of measure around here?” —DRUD

The answer, grasshopper, is in your question. My schlong is the STANDARD by which all things are measured.

For example, the original text in Genesis states; “This is how you are to make it: the length of the ark 300 Stucky Schlongs (cubits), its breadth 50 Stucky Schlongs … This is how you should build it.”

April 6, 2016 2:44 pm

RE: Greg in NC…

No it’s right… check out the link below and freeze it at july 28.


it’s exactly right.

NASA also commented on the photographic fringing that occurred at the edges.

The explanation was that they took the photos using 3 different color filters that were spaced 30 seconds apart, leading to slight aberration at the edges.

Seems legit to me.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 6, 2016 2:47 pm

Listening to Pink Floyd The Wall and laughing my ass off.

You kill me Stucky. Anyways hope HSF can still like me. I promise to be nice to everyone tomorrow.


April 6, 2016 3:03 pm

I’m having a really hard time understanding all this shit. I’m guessing I’m not alone.

For all us dumb-asses I offer up an easier “what’s wrong with this picture” test. I hope Stephanie doesn’t require more data first.

[imgcomment image[/img]

April 6, 2016 3:05 pm

HF’s post for tomorrow …. another 100+ comments GUARANTEED

[imgcomment image[/img]

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 6, 2016 3:22 pm

No worries. I was just trying to have a discussion. Cows don’t care what I say. They try and look interested, but you know it’s just an act.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 6, 2016 3:51 pm

Where did the water go? Oh it’s the moon…

Pretty funnay

April 6, 2016 3:54 pm

This camera (EPIC) is very cool. Here is the website.


I am now completely convinced these pictures are the real deal. I think they seem to look fake because we are so used to seeing Hollywood graphics of space.

Also, one could easily check. There are time-stamps on the images at this link. One could simply compare other meteorological data at the same times and places.

I have zero inclination to do so. There is simply no point in lying when nobody is listening.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
April 6, 2016 3:59 pm

Hey chugit,

Great link. It looks to me that in the link the sun is coming from the left and not from your computer chair line of site. The picture we are discussing has the sun shining from your line of site. If that is the case I am correct and it is around march.

April 6, 2016 4:32 pm

HSF, just curious. What underlies this whole line of thinking? All of NASA is a fraud? All of aerospace is a fraud? Weren’t you in the paratroopers or something? Ever been in a plane at 45,000 feet? Not only can you see the curvature of the earth, you can watch terrain come over the horizon. Your questioning of anything doesn’t bother me a bit. But you seem to think SOMETHING is a big scam. Lay it out. What is it? Most of this stuff is only a couple of notches above routine flight. Where are you drawing the line, and why?

April 6, 2016 4:43 pm

Hey Greg,

You know, you’re absolutely right… I overlooked the yellow square on the left… and I didn’t take a second to analyze what I was looking at.. .but in the link the sun comes in from the left.

I still think it’s ok though… The axis – to me – appears to be spinning so that the north pole is to the left and toward us.. which is what we’d expect for the end of july…

but truthfully, we can’t be sure that the image is lined up with the ecliptic plane… so the left right tilt could be arbitrary…

I’d still expect the fore/aft lean to be correct though

April 6, 2016 4:47 pm

Again, I have appreciated reading this thread today as well as all of the comments. If HSF didn’t pose the “vague” question, perhaps this thread would not have surpassed the 100 mark. Personally, I find nothing wrong in questioning the “status quo”, I call it critical thinking and this is what separates us from the “cows”.

Negative comments here posted to HSF notwithstanding, Gerald Celente (and others) claim, in the near future, it will be the Farmers driving the Mercedes and BMWs and all of the rest of riding bicycles after the SHTF. Somehow, and in many ways, I have a feeling HSF will have the last laugh on all of us after the collapse. Good for him.

Regardless, I am less of a “scientist” and tend to lean more literary / philosophical. I believe the world needs both, and many here seem to have “made their stake” on all of this, as well as the climate change thread recently. The conversation is fascinating to me.

Since the dawn of time, mankind has looked up at the Moon in wonder and curiosity. It has inspired both scientists and poets alike. I always found it interesting that the moon and the sun appear to be the same size. Why? It’s because the moon is 400 times smaller than the sun, but the sun is 400 times further away. How did that happen?

NASA may be a bogus organization. Or they may be the real deal. The debate can continue here forever and I will, most likely, never tire of the perspectives offered each way. Again, this is what separates us from the “cows”.

Yet, in the end, I look at the moon as symbolic of reaching beyond current circumstances in a near “romantic” way, kind of like Elvis’ song “Blue Moon”. Given our dire circumstances here on earth, I suppose it’s only natural to have the desire to “reach for the stars”. Maybe the moon is the starting place.

In any case, I wish my kids could travel to the moon and beyond, leaving this shithole called earth that, in my opinion, is totally fucked up beyond redemption at this point. Call me irrational, but if one doesn’t have dreams, they have nothing. And the reality of current economics and geopolitics make me mourn for my children’s futures.

Therefore, I am sharing something I wrote years ago about my oldest daughter. Keep in mind, I am not a poet. I just like to write things down from time to time. Let the down votes roll.

In the meantime, “What’s Wrong With This Picture?”

Mandy on the Moon

You are my favorite flower
In the garden of this world
The first one I ever planted
My firstborn
You are rays of golden sunlight
Throughout every room in our home
My river of hope
When I lose faith
You are my thoughts, my prayers and all that I do
I’ve never loved anyone more than I do you
Some moments are high and some sink low
But all of these bring joy
Watching you grow
Life is precious and so are you
Remember these words when you get blue
For you are special, and there is nothing you cannot do
Be strong, be fair, walk straight; fly through the air
In the sky, over trees, through the clouds ’til soon
My little one becomes Mandy on the moon
And every night sweet child, I watch you lay sleeping
‘Til my spirit lifts within me and I feel like weeping
As you dream in your bed under moonlight glistening
It appears God is talking to you
And you are listening

Sedona Rocks
Sedona Rocks
April 6, 2016 5:03 pm

Well, I don’t know much about moon distance, degrees of this and that. Where the moon should be from here and there. But I do know enough about NASA. Next picture.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
April 6, 2016 5:17 pm


If we are the sun and looking at earth in late july we would not see the tilt of the earth to the left. It would be directly towards us and that would reveal the north pole and a bit just behind it. You have of course heard of never ending daylight during the summer solstice and that is because of the tilt towards the sun. The picture was either not taken from L1 at all or was taken from L1 in March. Here is summer in the north pole…

April 6, 2016 5:32 pm

Jesus, Unfuck. Get a grip ‘ya fucking weirdo.


April 6, 2016 5:41 pm

Man did this get out of hand.

Shouldn’t the moon not be exactly the same throughout the entire 5 hours during which this was shot?

And once you come to the conclusion, after looking at the evidence, that the moon landings didn’t happen, it makes it really hard not to be skeptical of everything from nasa.

I don’t see where is hostility comes from, question everything.

April 6, 2016 5:47 pm

Hey Stubb @ 5:32. Fuck off.

April 6, 2016 7:12 pm

how do I post pictures from my hard drive?

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 6, 2016 7:37 pm


You will need a photobucket account. Don’t worry its’ free. Upload your picture and click on direct

[imgcomment image[/img]

Once you have clicked ion direct go back to TBP and at bottom below submit comment

It says

You can add images to your comment by clicking here. The last Two words aare a hyperlink. Anyways click on it then do CTRL V. to paste the link from photo bucket.

Hit ok then type same STM stuff. Click submit comment And Presto bango you are a STM deluxe version

[imgcomment image[/img]

Olde Virginian
Olde Virginian
April 6, 2016 7:44 pm

I can tell it is faked. The far side of the moon has many settlements prepared for the elite to migrate to. These are not visible at all in this CGI.

The Pacific ocean looks blue. That is wrong. It should be silver-gold the color of elemental cesium especially the side toward Japan.

The entire earth is not obscured behind an anthropogenic cloud of carbon dioxide.

There are no contrails in the sky.

There are no chemtrails in the sky.

How do we know they didn’t pocket the money for this and other missions and just crank out animation? I think HSF is spot on.

Olde Virginian
Olde Virginian
April 6, 2016 7:48 pm

EPIC fail

April 6, 2016 8:02 pm

see if this works[imgcomment image[/img]

these two pictures are what I said I could do by just changing the distance from the object and the lens angle.

I didn’t have a globe map so I found the only globe shaped item I could find. Anyway those are pictures of the exact item. no photoshop involved. It show the exact same affect at is seen in the photos HSF posted in the other article.

It took me less then 5 minutes to produce, crude but I hope it makes the point.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 6, 2016 8:14 pm

Awesome ASIG

Simple but effective. Glad I could help.

Olde Virginian
Olde Virginian
April 6, 2016 8:15 pm

ASIG you drew all over your piggy bank!!!???

I do like the renovations you made to Canada 🙂

April 6, 2016 8:20 pm

For the sake of accuracy, the pig’s asshole should be closer to Mexico.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 6, 2016 8:20 pm


April 6, 2016 8:23 pm

“ASIG you drew all over your piggy bank!!!???”

Oh – you noticed! Yeah yeah I did.

Canada—who cares about Canada?

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 6, 2016 8:32 pm

Pretty neat demo. No fish eye lens required just change the angle and distance. That is all there is to it.

April 6, 2016 8:36 pm


Questioning everything is a good thing. Unfortunately not enough people do.

The problem is believing what is false and not believing the truth, and I suppose that is a result of not being able to distinguish one from the other and right now you’re having trouble being able to do that.

Hershel Pasternak
Hershel Pasternak
April 6, 2016 9:05 pm

cantbaretowatch says:
If the pic was taken in July (not released) then the tilt should be toward the the sun. also the moon appears to travel in a straight line, I am thinking that the moon should look like it is growing as it passes directly in front of the camera.

Thats what I thought, if moon rotates around earth in 6 hour period shoen it should start smaller, grow larger as it is closeest to camera, then smaller again as it moves further away. Also if moon is white/yelloe from reflected light it should be at least as bright with sun directly on it.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 6, 2016 9:44 pm

I have changed my mind about HSF. I really think he is genuine in his quest. I just wish it wouldn`t bring out the flat earther types.

But you can`t start a Post By Saying

What is wrong with this Picture. It`s A Strawman.

I would have to assume that the person posting thinks there is something wrong with it. That people who created are trying to deceive us. What if there isn`t anything wrong with it. Same with that picture of Mexico posted the other day. Turns out there wasn`t anything wrong.

Hardscrabble I hope you read this. I feel bad for having a go at you. So I apologize. But I wish you would post an answer to a question once and a while. My biggest problem when it comes to talking science especially when it comes to creation of earth, life and universe is that the religious people have taken hold of Critical Theory born at Frankfurt School. Ideas that are right now tearing apart the fabrics of our once great nations.They are using the same ideas that have spawned all the social movements and identity politics in the last 60 or so years and have turned around and applied it to their opposition to science.

Starting fires that they have no intention of putting out. Just so they can stand back and watch the inferno. The more ridiculous the better. Just because it pisses people off to be forced to explain this stuff.

They frame the argument along the lines that continental drift is just a Theory. Relativity is just a Theory. Say that scientists are priests sworn to keep the true knowledge from the unwashed. But we all know the reason they are doing this. They do this so they can turn around and say that their Book, be it a Bible or a Koran or whatever should be held in the same light as Scientific Method because of what. Well because God. They are attempting to turn their faith into a theory so that they can have equal time on the dance floor.

Religion and science can exist in same house just not same room. Theories have evidence to back them up. Sometimes Theories are wrong and discarded Sometimes they become Laws. But Faith has until now at least existed only in the hearts of believers. And that`s fine. I`m okay with that. There could come a day when I have a change of heart. Maybe believe again. I`ll keep an open mind. I`m still a skeptic in a lot of ways. But when there is a preponderance of evidence that can be used to advance a Theory it should be followed. Otherwise we are lost wandering aimlessly thru life. At least that is how I see it.

I am going back to being nice. I don`t have the time or energy to argue about whether the pictures of Jupiter are real or not. Especially when you can buy a telescope and go outside and look for yourself.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
April 6, 2016 9:46 pm


Your first pic would be the tropic of Capricorn and the second would the tropic of Cancer If your view was that of the sun. So the pics would be six months apart in our annual trek around the sun.

April 6, 2016 9:55 pm


Religion answers “why,” science answers “how.”

April 6, 2016 9:58 pm

But then again. Perhaps were all crazy.

April 6, 2016 10:00 pm


Nope, I’m a Leo, therefore it’s a Leo picture—So there!!

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
April 6, 2016 10:02 pm

Ha Ha, I stand corrected.

April 6, 2016 10:03 pm

Maybe, we are all crazy, that is. Or not. Who the fuck really knows for sure? Who the fuck really cares anyway?

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 6, 2016 10:16 pm

That is a good way of putting it TPC. Maybe I can again square belief with science using that as my framework. Maybe maybe not. This has been bothering me all day. I went to bed last night wondering why cz and Araven got under my skin. Maybe they were just trolling. But the really sad part is there are people out there that actually believe that shit. I find that incredible. How can you argue with someone who when asked to explain the winds of Jupiter reverts to a video that claims that all the pictures of that planet are a hoax. And then when confronted that they can use telescope to look for themselves seem genuinely shocked that this can be done.

I mean the internet is a wealth of information and yet there are people who would rather stay in the shallow end of pool. When I was eight years old my parents bought the World Book Encyclopedias. For the next several years I read them. From cover to cover A to Z. Why because I wanted to know more. This even though I was a terrible student at school. Likely because I had to sit in classes and learn stuff that bored me. And now I can sit and read anything I want. It is a great time to be alive. I do worry sometimes that all this half baked stuff makes TBP look like a crack pot conspiracy hangout. I suppose it shouldn’t matter to me. But in a weird way it does.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 6, 2016 10:45 pm
April 6, 2016 11:37 pm

Rob, I’m hurt you didn’t direct ASIG to this wonderful tutorial.


Using Photobucket to Post Graphics at TBP

April 6, 2016 11:40 pm


I really think that some of the most intelligent people I’ve ever run across hang out here. Having said that, you now need to review that most of my day is spent with rabbits and chickens.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 6, 2016 11:52 pm

Stucky says: For the sake of accuracy, the pig’s asshole should be closer to Mexico.

A tad north with a foul trumpeting.