Middle School Students in Spanish Class Asked to Fill Out Form on ‘Privilege’

Hat tip Francis Marion

Via Truth Revolt


Stories like this are a big reason that a booming number of American parents are abandoning our hopelessly broken school system, controlled for decades by the progressive left, and opting for homeschooling instead.

In a Spanish language class at Monroe Middle School in Tampa Bay Sarasota, the teacher passed out a form to seventh- and eighth-graders asking them to calculate “How privileged are you?”

The form had columns for Race, Skin Color, Religion, Sex, Gender, Sexual Orientation (which included boxes to check off marked Cisgender, Transgender or GenderQueer), and Disability.

Some parents were outraged at the invasion of privacy, according to local 10 News. One mom’s daughter Regina had to reveal that she had ADHD, which the teacher incorrectly described as “a mental illness,” so Regina had to check the Disability column.

As for the gender and sexuality questions, Regina’s mother pointed out to the 10 News reporter, “She’s 12. Some of these things should be taught at home.” Actually, all of those things should be taught at home, and none of them IN A SPANISH CLASS.

The County School spokesperson told 10 News that the form was “teacher-generated” and not approved by the school principal. “At the district level we do not collect that information,” she said.

The teacher, whose name was not reported by 10 News, explained that the goal was to teach the kids about diversity and inequality. “To me, that has nothing to do with Spanish,” said Regina’s mom. Correct. But it has everything to do with the radical left’s urgent agenda to indoctrinate children, the younger the better, in leftist identity politics.

The teacher has been pulled from the classroom while the principal launched an investigation. This is her first year in the school district.

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April 7, 2016 12:04 pm

All this “privilege” stuff just sort of popped up staight across the board all at once.

Wonder who developed and gave the orders for this anti-White/anti-Christian leftist campaign?

Seems like it’s way too widespread, planned and coordinated to be just some coincidental spontaneous sort of thing to me.

April 7, 2016 12:11 pm

I feel very privileged.

I get to pay for illegal breeders stealing the country that we and our ancestors built. Fell free to come here, drive on our excellent interstate roads, without a license, without insurance. Please visit our emergency rooms – frequently – I feel privileged to have paid tons of health insurance – so the hospitals could build such facilities.

Of course, you can’t be expected to contribute, you probably can’t read/write even in Spanish. Have a HS education – no way. What a privilege to support you.

Naturally, we need to educate your children – even though you pay no taxes. What a privilege to pay higher property taxes for your kids.

In reality, I’m fatigued. I have SPIC / Mexican / Latino fatigue. I have no compassion. I have come to hate your collective guts, your fuckin’ accents, shit food, you name it. After so much invasion, so much being taken advantage of, you have made me a bigot. Go back south of the boarder, and tix/fuckup your own country.

April 7, 2016 12:58 pm

From the Article: “This is her first year in the school district.”

Justice would see to it that it is her last.

April 7, 2016 1:05 pm

Shit is fucked up and bullshit.

April 7, 2016 1:06 pm

To the teacher: futue te ipsum et caballum tuum.

April 7, 2016 1:10 pm

With the liberal Uni’s support, expect more of this activist BS.

April 7, 2016 1:33 pm

Actually, what they are doing is exactly the opposite to what they think. These teachers are just useful idiots.

See, one of the biggest ever wins in human rights, was that you don’t inherit any blame or privilege from you parents or ancestors.

That was America (The big America, from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego). In Europe there are still nobility titles, and many places there are castes and tribes with different rights.

But now, it appears that my 9 y.o. kid is thought that because his skin shade, or facial attributes are similar to those of the people that were victims 150 years ago, he has the right to demand a “retribution” from people that happen to have a shade of skin similar to those that were the victimizer one and a half century ago.

¿How this is different from a caste system? ¿How is this American? ¿How they can celebrate the third Monday of January, while their kids are judged for the colour of their skins and not the content of their character?

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
April 7, 2016 1:35 pm


I love mine. Since I was born with it all (IQ, work ethic, low time preference, etc.) I don’t much fear any of the endless dipshits who envy me can take it from me. It’s not transferable.

Of course, if they take the “if I can’t have it, I’ll destroy yours” path, they might discover I’m also quite the marksman.

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
April 7, 2016 1:40 pm

My wife (a teacher) works with a lot of women who think they are
– superior
– in need of virtue signals

So this sort of thing is somewhat extreme, but the mindset that drives it is typical.

Beware of young female teachers. They are, as a group, very full of themselves and they imbibe of the stupid pop culture PC KoolAid like it’s going out of style.

April 7, 2016 1:59 pm

All children should be removed from public schools. Private education and homeschooling is our only salvation as a country.

April 7, 2016 2:07 pm

“Beware of young female teachers. They are, as a group, very full of themselves and they imbibe of the stupid pop culture PC KoolAid like it’s going out of style.”

Quote of the day. 110% true. They are the absolute last people who should be teaching kids about morality or values, but there they are.

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
April 7, 2016 2:45 pm



8 to 0, the SCOTUS says illegals count for reapportionment of congressional districts.

Stick a fork in us.


Tampa Gold
Tampa Gold
April 7, 2016 3:11 pm

“In a Spanish language class at Monroe Middle School in Tampa Bay Sarasota, the……”

Just an FYI so you don’t walk away from this article as ignorant as the writer….. NOBODY says ‘Tampa Bay Sarasota. It’s either one or the other, but never both.

Sarasota is actually south of Tampa Bay, as such is considered part of the Tampa Bay Area, but nobody ever puts Tampa Bay Sarasota together.

That’s about as rediculous as saying Philadelphia Camden.

April 7, 2016 3:21 pm

DC, while the SCOTUS decision is not entirely shocking, the fact that the decision was reached unanimously is a bit shocking, at least to me. Furthermore, by counting illegals and other non-citizens in the process of gerrymandering (a process which often carries a negative connotation, except I guess where illegals are concerned) they are implying that,although they are not citizens and thus have no right to vote, they will none-the-less be voting. Why else to include them? They should not be taken into account if they are not eligible to vote. It is that simple.

So, I suppose we should chalk up another winning skirmish for the America-hating, open-border loving, one world socialist government proponents, Constitution-hating left wing “progressives”and other such filthy rabble. All the letters to my Congressman don’t stack up to dry shit these days. When one couples situations such as this with the fact that Hillary will most likely be elected despite her criminal and treasonous dealings, I just sit dumbfounded wondering why I even give a flying fuck on a trapeze anymore.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 7, 2016 3:56 pm

Decoding lefty speak….

April 7, 2016 4:01 pm

That’s why my kids took Mandarin in high school and college.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
April 7, 2016 4:07 pm

Ratchet that spring up just a bit more! When it breaks, it will take out everything in it’s path. That being those that are standing around cranking the ratchet and us being the spring!!

April 7, 2016 5:32 pm

Well cut off my legs and call me shorty, I just read nkit’s post and, yes he did, he actually used the word CHALK !!! Triggered Triggered Triggered. I need my safe space NOW. I feel like a special snowflake and it has turned 80 degrees.

April 7, 2016 5:59 pm

” ……. while the SCOTUS decision is not entirely shocking, the fact that the decision was reached unanimously is a bit shocking, at least to me. ”

Why would it be shocking?

You think they aren’t smart enough to learn a lesson from Scalia’s death?

April 7, 2016 6:20 pm

The choice of the word ‘privileged’ is very telling. It reveals an attitude that assumes everything is given/bestowed upon the person. There is no room to acknowledge differences in ability, talent, effort, values, parental guidance or any other factor that might result in different levels of achievement or life success.

The honest questions would be: Is your family successful? If so, why? If not, why not? But that wouldn’t fit the agenda very well…

April 7, 2016 7:01 pm

Shut the school down pull kids from commie ed,Demand funds from school to be redistributed to parents that are way smarter on education

Hershel Pasternak
Hershel Pasternak
April 7, 2016 7:33 pm

All the education you need to become a bernie or hillary bot. So they establish a pecking order with the most disabled and, twited and fucked up, meaning most incompetent on top. What a joke.

April 7, 2016 9:52 pm

home school, the only valid school