Mom Arrested for Letting Kids Walk to McDonald’s Around the Corner

Via Reason


A South Carolina mom who let her 9-year-old nephew walk her 3-year-old son to the McDonald’s less than a quarter mile away has been—I’m sure you can finish this sentence in your sleep by now—arrested and charged with child neglect.

The reason? According to WSPA News 7:

The officer says the boys had to cross a street and pass several businesses and homes to get to the eatery, putting their safety at risk.

The mom, Tiesha Mesha Hillstock, 24, told the police the unthinkable: She had trusted the older boy to “take care of his cousin.”

Which, apparently, he was doing. Nonetheless, when the kids were spotted without an adult, or drone, or armored tank to keep them safe, the cops swooped in and accompanied them back to their home. Then the Spartanburg police department then issued an arrest warrant for mom.

Because anytime a child is unsupervised, a parent must be arrested. It’s as simple as that. Note that in another independent child story that is getting a ton of attention today, a 9-year-old Pennsylvania girl has been reporting on a real-life murder for her self-published newspaper. And people are mad at her, too, for not playing with dolls or having a tea party. They have written her nasty letters.

Now imagine if your own childhood had been lived under constant, state-mandated adult supervision. How many adventures would you have had? How much joy? How many memories with your friends and cousins?

Seems like America would like nothing better than to raise children who are completely inert unless an adult is on-hand to make sure nothing happens.

And nothing will.

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April 7, 2016 11:16 am

Wonder what they do to Mom’s in the inner cities that let their children run wild without supervision of any kind from an early age?

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 7, 2016 11:23 am


I just let my 14 year old son take off into the mountains for a day of hiking with three of his buddies unsupervised. It’s bear season here so he carry’s a can of bear pepper spray and always makes sure he can outrun at least one of his friends. Common sense you know.

A couple of pics of the Cascade range he snapped – one with Mt Baker in WA state in the background.

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The only rules his mother gives him is to stay below the bulk of the snow line – avalanches suck – and call home if you are going to be later than supper.

Guess we should be rounded up and thrown in the clink too.

Man do we live in a society of pussies and snowflakes…

rhs jr
rhs jr
April 7, 2016 11:27 am

She should have be arrested for letting them eat such fast food crap.

April 7, 2016 11:33 am

“and always makes sure he can outrun at least one of his friends” Best line ever, thank you Francis.

April 7, 2016 11:38 am

What they eat is none of your business.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 7, 2016 11:43 am

When I was a kid we left the house early in the morning on our bikes and did not return until night when our parents were threatening us with a belt. I’m glad to have lived in a time when some semblance of sanity was left in Merika.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 7, 2016 12:10 pm


It’s sort of an old joke in this part of the world. On the flip side one of the guys I hunt with was hit by a logging truck when he was younger and has a titanium rod in his leg. He is the only guy I can outrun anymore. I’ll hunt with him till I’m dead…..

Pieter in ZA
Pieter in ZA
April 7, 2016 12:25 pm

Forget about walking around the corner “unsupervised” – the mom should be in jail for letting them eat at McDonalds…

Pieter in ZA
Pieter in ZA
April 7, 2016 12:26 pm

Says the guy who doesn’t read the comment above and repeats the joke…

April 7, 2016 12:27 pm

As a child in the ’50s I recall being 4-5 yrs old and sometimes would be over a mile or more from home with my brother or other neighborhood rats playing in the woods, swinging on vines, eating sour apples, or chasing the Milkman down for a large chunk of crystal clear ice on a hot summer day…Mom never knew where we were or seemed to care that much as long as you were home on time…I don’t believe that I’d enjoy being a kid these days.

April 7, 2016 12:29 pm

Anon, they can’t prosecute Moms in the inner city, that would be raycis

April 7, 2016 1:02 pm

“As a child in the ’50s I recall being 4-5 yrs old ”

As a fellow elderly, I recall such times myself. I’m a ’51 model, a classic or obsolete, depending on who’s doin the judgin.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
April 7, 2016 2:18 pm

Her defense should be that if the copfuks were doing their job there would be no safety risks to the children.

April 7, 2016 3:27 pm

About 1957 ( I was 9) – in the summer, Joey and I would take my wagon (a wooden one – with the removable slat sides) – after breakfast and go about 8 blocks to a city park – here we would look for soda bottles, and quart beer bottles. Soda bottles were 2 cents / quarts 5 cents. We would wash the bottles in the fountains :). Seemed that around the hospital, there were always beer bottles. After that, we would travel further to where there were parking meters. We would look for any change that may have been dropped when drivers were feeding the meter. Usually we could net 25 cents. Then we would take them to the corner store, and cash in the bottle deposit.

After lunch, we would go crazy places miles away – train yards, coal piles, under highway bridges, etc. Mid afternoon, we’d spend the money on Popsicles / candy / junk.

April 7, 2016 4:06 pm

And to think me and my friends at 12 years old would go dove hunting without an adult….in 1966

April 7, 2016 4:20 pm

Here in the thirty blocks of squalor moms their 9 year olds go to McDonalds weaving in and out of traffic at high rates of speed on their dirtbikes and four wheelers while running red lights.

That’s where this woman messed up… she didn’t let them steal a dirtbike first

April 7, 2016 5:26 pm

My parents never had this problem because they taught me at an early age to run from the cops

April 7, 2016 6:13 pm

White kids and parents are the new targets of the Obamas NWO.In school white children are targets for poptarts and finger guns.The NWO is purposefully brainwashing campaign of perversion gay ed and fear.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
April 7, 2016 9:30 pm

These absurd arrests are intended to impress upon us all that children are the property of the State, not the progeny of their parents.

The worship of the State shall be mandatory and all shall bow down.

April 7, 2016 9:59 pm

i will not be bowing down
and neither will you…

Matt Bracken speculates the grid may be taken down prior to the
election in November…and we must realize the big guns in DC are
Muslims…they do not want regime change

April 7, 2016 10:01 pm
April 7, 2016 11:02 pm

Anybody used to “thumb a ride” when they were kids? I did. Hundreds of times. Jump in a car with a complete stranger, tell him or her where you were going, and get dropped off safely near your destination.

And my destination was usually my ne’er-do-well buddies who lived 6 miles away in a mountain town reached by a road that went through a state forest with dirt road turn offs. Plenty of opportunity for a pervert. Never a problem. Not even a hiccup. (Qualifier. Boys did this all the time. Girls, never.)

And that, ladies and germs, explains the yawning generational and cultural gulfs that exist today. In the cities. In the towns. And even (though not so much) in the countryside.