Panama is Small Change

Why worry about pickpockets when other criminals threaten your money and your life?

From Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

There is a conspiracy engaging in theft, counterfeiting, fraud, extortion, blackmail, bribery, influence peddling, drugs, terrorism, and war that makes the Panama Papers’ exposures look like a small-town police blotter account of juvenile shoplifting. This criminal enterprise launders trillions, not billions, of dollars; it involves major political, business, financial, academic, and media figures in the US and around the globe, and it has perpetrated its crimes far longer than Mossack Fonseca’s clients’ have hid their money and illicit activities.

The dark conspiracy is the US Government. It takes over $3 trillion a year in taxes. Anyone who refuses to pay is sent to jail. Stealing one dollar out of every six the US economy produces is insufficient for its purposes, so it borrows anywhere from $500 billion to over $1 trillion a year. Future interest payments and principle repayment add to the involuntary obligations imposed on the productive…and their children and grandchildren.

The law forces its populace to accept pieces of paper and computer entries—irredeemable for anything more valuable than identical pieces of paper and computer entries—as “legal tender.” The government creates said paper and entries at will. Their value, such as is, rests on compulsion and unenforceable promises by the government not to create too many of them. Such promises have invariably been broken, and a dollar has about 4 percent of the purchasing power it had in 1913 when the central bank was established. That 96 percent depreciation counts as more theft; the government is the primary beneficiary from currency depreciation.

Every conspiracy needs accomplices. With stolen and counterfeit funds, the government bribes millions. Their acquiescence makes them complicit: money for votes. Nothing is as nauseating as thieves demonstrating their “virtue” by using stolen funds to maintain themselves in power. Of course they keep a generous portion of what they steal; the Washington metropolitan area is the richest in the country. The capital is doing to the rest of the country what the Mafia did to Sicily: draining it of all vitality and life.

Redistribution is only one of many rackets run by the government. In this “increasingly dangerous world” the US is supposedly beset by threats at every turn, the justification for perpetual war. The government accounts for about a third of the entire world’s military and intelligence spending and maintains over 700 military outposts around the globe. It has been at war for decades in countries that have posed no threat to the US populace. Why? “Threats to interests” has replaced threats to the populace as the rationale for war. What are “threat to interests”? Anything that threatens the government’s and its corporate allies’ confederated global empire. The American people are given a false choice: their money or their lives. Their money funds Orwellian oxymorons designed to enslave: wars for peace, eliminating liberty to save it.

What can be more criminal than promoting death and destruction for economic gain? The war complex—the money, jobs, and influence merry-go-round of the armed forces, Congress, bureaucracies, defense and intelligence contractors, media, and think tanks—have stumped for every war since Korea. Outcome is now irrelevant, the perpetuation of war and the trillions of dollars that flow from it are all that matter. If winning was important the US might win once in awhile; on paper it always has the military advantage.

The costs have been enormous: the drain on the economy of producing unproductive weaponry and supplies; the taxes extracted and debt incurred to pay for it; soldiers wasting what should be the most productive years of their life waging war, and the millions killed, wounded or displaced, either by war or its inevitable blowback. Syria may be the apotheosis: the government both fights and aids opposing sides, depending on shifting political calculations,  cannot explain what its doing to the satisfaction of any rational person, and throws away immense sums of money. Filthy lucre has become the true object of warfare, because such wars sap rather than augment US military, financial, diplomatic, and moral power and strength.

Redistribution and warfare are among the biggest government rackets, but banking should not go unmentioned, simply because the bankers have achieved every criminal’s dream: they garner the gains from ostensibly legal activities while taxpayers bear the losses. The Federal Reserve provides unlimited funds at concessionary terms when bank liquidity runs dry and markets seize up. It suppresses short term interest rates, enabling banks’ risky carry trades and yield curve arbitrages. The Fed has developed a close identity of interest with the banks it regulates (also known as regulatory capture), promoting concentration within the industry and effectively turning it into a cartel. When generalized crises arise, which such a morally hazardous set up guarantees, the federal government assumes a good chunk of the bank’s deposit liabilities, and money will be stolen or borrowed to ensure that the biggest banks don’t go under.

With the growth of the surveillance state, those who might object know they’re being monitored and information about them—innocuous, embarrassing, or incriminating—is kept on massive data bases. A gangster offers a merchant “protection” from every gang but the gangster’s; the government spies on us to “protect” us. Only fools think the “protector” in either case is less dangerous than the threats against which it supposedly protects. The government doesn’t usually have to make threats; it has our secrets.

Occasional and generally underreported and under-investigated disclosures like the Panama Papers fuel suspicion that what’s disclosed is the tip of an iceberg. That suspicion is not unfounded. Undoubtedly smuggling and trading in drugs, weapons, and humans, and laundering of the proceeds, is extensive and mostly hidden. Such trading and laundering require bribery of the government officials and politicians who are supposed to stop them.

The dog that doesn’t bark here is the scarcity of convictions, or even investigations, of officials and politicians for aiding these illegal activities. The dog that does bark here has been the vitriol and hostility unleashed at anyone who suggests that the costs of wholesale legalization of one of those activities—the drug trade—would be far less than the costs have been of keeping it illegal. The suspicion is inescapable that the howls of outrage have far more to do with a very profitable ox being gored than with the oft-cited “immorality” or harmful effects of drugs.

However, what goes on legally in broad daylight is far more worrisome, and wrong, than what transpires in the shadows and sub rosa byways of criminality. Taxes, redistribution, war, banking, and the many other government rackets retain a veneer of respectability that keeps most people from seeing them as the criminal endeavors they’ve become. Governments are the largest criminal enterprises in history, with those who control them writing the laws that exempt their own criminality. Any nation that legitimizes the wrong and criminalizes the right cannot endure. After long acquiescence current political ructions may mark a dawning comprehension of the distinction between what’s legal and what’s right. It’s a realization that will receive sustenance as the present system collapses, but it will take time and a huge educational effort by those who comprehend before it can blossom into something truly worthwhile.

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April 9, 2016 11:21 am

It isn’t easy to get a Constitutional Amendment passed.

It requires massive support from the American public to do it.

This is what we wanted, this is what we got.

My guess is that any attempt to repeal it would get huge resistance and little support from the American people today.

RT Rider
RT Rider
April 9, 2016 11:24 am

1913 – isn’t that the same year another great institution for the people was created? The Federal Reserve was created the same year income tax became law. So on one hand we have an institution granted the monopoly over the creation and regulation of money and on the other hand, government grants itself the right to tax people’s income.

What could possibly go wrong? Politicians and bankers are too wise and honest to take advantage of that system – no?

Allow for the expansion of massive debt through issuance of fiat, pay off insiders and cronies, stay in power as long as you want, then tax the people to pay the debt. Brilliant, and it keeps the rate of inflation down, too.

April 9, 2016 12:09 pm

“It requires massive support from the American public to do it.”

It’s supposed to, but in practice the 14th through the 18th amendments were all enacted without even the pretense of ratification.

April 9, 2016 12:10 pm

I’ve read elsewhere that the citizens of Panama can’t take a shit without Amerika’s approval … that’s how strong Amerikan influence is on that country, especially the banking system. So, think this entire “leak” is orchestrated and BULLSHIT.

See what YOU FUCKERS here have done to me? You turned me into a Conspiracy Nut!!


Panama Gate Has ‘Intel Op’ Written All Over It

Only a large team of financial experts, lawyers and agents could have stolen and processed millions of files on businessmen and politicians

A lot has been written about the political and informational importance of the “Panama Papers”. But few attempted to analyze it from a practical business point of view. KP asked assistant professor of criminal law at St. Petersburg State University, and the managing partner of law firm CLC Natalya Shatikhina.

– As an expert, please tell me if there is anything threatening for Russia in this investigation from a legal point of view?

– The information related to Russia is the least eye catching, in my opinion. Offshore itself doesn’t mean anything dangerous. Offshore can be of interest to law enforcement agencies only in two cases: tax evasion or non-disclosure of beneficiaries on actions related to corruption. There were no such cases related to Russia.

Panama is an offshore but not a ‘black offshore’. There are high-risk areas, but you have to provide a colossal amount of information when registering a company in Panama. They check everything thoroughly, so it doesn’t make any sense to transfer criminal money there. Why does Ukraine’s President need to register an offshore company giving his passport information?

Did you notice any unusual details?

Note that the source of information is not disclosed. For me, this is not about good and evil. It’s clear to every person who has ever dealt with such things that it’s impossible to get detailed data on 4 or 5 elements of a chain of associated persons without the assistance of special services. Let’s assume that they could get information from a Panamanian company. But how did they manage to trace operations through trusts and associate the data with certain individuals? There is no public access to this information.

Besides, it’s hard to imagine 11.5 million reported documents. The official media theory was that a woman delivered this information for revenge in a personal matter. But imagine 11.5 million documents as paper – I don’t know how many trucks you would need. And if they are jpg-files, how much space does that take up? These are gigantic servers; they cannot be uploaded to flash drives. It’s hard to even imagine downloading such a ‘public library’.

In the US they solve financial crimes with the help of “whistleblowers”, i.e. literally, informers, who work in organizations suspected of criminal activity. All the recent sensational cases were revealed this way.

And now for some reason no one is asking: “Who delivered all these documents? Why are we not seeing this woman? This proves that the information was likely gained by conventional methods and special state agencies. That’s why we need to see what will happen to this source in future.

Do you believe there are journalists capable of understanding these intricacies?

– It’s absolutely impossible, in my opinion! It’s impossible to trace the ties of 4-5-10 elements and moreover ‘undo’ trusts and check beneficiaries! Besides, it’s too large a number: 11.5 million documents – I can’t imagine how much time you’d need to process them. US special services spend months to process just one large financial organization, even with an insider.

And this is just about only one organization! How many people and hours does it take to study 11.5 million documents? Besides, this requires people with highly specialized skills. They may have done a sampling method. I don’t think they studies them all but did data searches. But that’s strange because regular law firms don’t store files – only scans which can’t be found using search engines. This is a very strange story…

– Who do you think was most harmed by this investigation?

– So far, only Iceland’s Prime Minister has been hit, but the country is in a complicated economic situation and he has an offshore company with bankruptcy debts. Organizations that avoid sanctions using these off-shores may suffer. And I would look at China. If money was moved out by officials of national and international organizations, they may have problems.

April 9, 2016 12:24 pm

Just this past week I had a possibly one time chance to get something I’ve wanted for a long time, and since the economy is still collapsing I did-only a few hundred bucks. I got a notification from the website I got it as that they were required to report all my purchases to the state for tax purposes. This on top of Ovomitcare. I’m tired of being robbed at every turn.

April 9, 2016 12:25 pm

Stucky, I may have to add Panama to my list of Admin’s braincontrol triggers.

Panama Papers Reveal Clinton’s Kremlin Connection

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
April 9, 2016 12:52 pm

Yes, the US goobermint is a corrupt corporation that the citizens try to fix by giving it ever more power. How simply wonderful.

I sure don’t believe the Panama Papers story is as depicted. There is more to this and I think the “leak” comes from the same corrupt enterprise as stated above.

April 9, 2016 1:33 pm

It’s just a small tax and it’s only on the rich. Oh’ and that kerfuffle coming up across the Atlantic, I promise we will not get involved. You can trust me, I’m not like the others, I’m from the government.

April 9, 2016 1:33 pm

“CIA Flashback: “We’ll Know Our Disinformation Program Is Complete When Everything the American Public Believes Is False.”

April 9, 2016 1:34 pm

Flashback: “We’ll Know Our Disinformation Program Is Complete When Everything the American Public Believes Is False.”

April 9, 2016 1:46 pm
April 9, 2016 4:10 pm

Too scary, Suzanna. I wet my pants.

April 9, 2016 6:02 pm

No straight line to logic here. Is our government corrupt at the moment? No question. Worst in our history. But that corruption has occurred by letting private entities, the banks and multinationals exempt themselves from the law. Government is not corruption on it’s face, that’s nonsense. But it can be corrupted, and it has been.

April 9, 2016 8:00 pm


I actually agree with you. It was NOT my intent to put words in your mouth. Sorry for the confusion.

Tampa Gold
Tampa Gold
April 9, 2016 8:49 pm

“Anyone who refuses to pay is sent to jail.”

I don’t earn enough, so I don’t pay. I don’t have forced healthcare insurance either, so I don’t pay the shared res….TAX for not carrying it. Come and get me, fuckers!

Besides, and this you can feel free to use wherever; If the grubbymint can print fresh 1’s and 0’s and fiat notes whenever it needs a fix, then why do they need/want MY money?

CONTROL, plain and simple control.

April 9, 2016 10:29 pm

Stucky: I saw an article which said this was 2.3 terabytes of data.

April 9, 2016 11:50 pm

Mr Gore has accurately and concisely described the awful truth behind modern so-called democratic states. Thank-you, sir!
The amazing thing is that he did so without the need to blame fags, greens, blacks, muslims, Mexicans, dykes, vegetarians or any of the other mostly powerless minorities that get tarred by the weaker minds that dominate this website.
It’s never too late to elevate your critical thinking – why not give it a try?

April 10, 2016 6:45 am

Cdubs thinks vegetarians are a powerless minority. What a hysterical dumbass. His occasional worthless comments are so vacuous and douchebag like, his pitiful existence in the great white north should be celebrated by all Americans. Canada – how many liberal idiots like Cdubs does it take to ruin a country? His fascist anti-free speech left wing views are there for all to see.

April 10, 2016 11:28 am

Fingerprints to be tested as ‘currency’:

April 10, 2016 11:37 am

Hi Admin,
Careful my friend, too much froth and spittle on the keyboard can damage your computer.

Having a bad morning are we? What’s eating you today?

Neighbour using his leaf blower at 7 am? Wife OTR?. Hemorrhoids?

Perhaps it’s a deeper issue….Co-workers laugh at you? Momma didn’t love you? Erectile dysfunction?

Let’s talk about it. Trust me you’ll feel better.

April 10, 2016 12:53 pm


I love getting a nasty reaction from a liberal douche like yourself. You fall for it every time. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Thanks for another worthless comment, like every shit comment you’ve dropped on this site for the past few months. You really are an intellectual lightweight.

Tampa Gold
Tampa Gold
April 10, 2016 2:15 pm

I wonder if c-douche-yeah is related to douche penis, aka david pierre?

Either they are the same canork, or they blow each other every night in mommies basement.

Jimmy, I’m surprised that it hasen’t referred to you as smokey yet.

April 10, 2016 4:16 pm

I feel for you Admin, going through life with a sense of humour that never made it out of 3rd grade must be a depressing burden.
Seriously, you gotta lighten up, you’re gonna give yourself an ulcer, and stop wasting so much time on the internet with assholes like me.

As much as I appreciate our frothy repartee might I suggest you promote this new tome:

April 10, 2016 4:24 pm


Kicking around intellectually deficient libs is how I relax and kick back. Having you post comment after comment of drivel allows my vast audience to see how the fucked up minds of liberal socialist dumbasses operate. It isn’t pretty. At least you kept your record of never making a cogent comment worth a shit intact. If you think I get worked up over a lightweight like yourself, you think too highly of yourself. Say hi to your black mechanic for me, Mr. Diversity.

Make sure you respond, because libs always need to get the last word. Right Cdubs?

April 11, 2016 7:30 am

I’m wondering what other stories those “investigative” “journalists” have produced recently and are working on and/or why no one seems to have heard of them before.