Special Training For Westcoaster

We’ve has many articles here about Trump.  Very few, if any, about Bernie.  Why? Because 99% of us here understand that Bernie Sanders is a commie loonie fit only for the fires of hell.

Loonie Westcoaster — of crapola “vote your best interests” fame — is our lone thorn in our sides.  So, this is posted in hopes that he will edumacate hisself. It’s a long article because it needs to be.  Westcoaster’s brain damage is severe after all these years of only using the Lefty side of his brain.

Don’t nobody hold their breath.  Most retardation is incurable. Nevertheless, let us pray for his recovery. Should this counseling effort fail, I suggest our next step in dealing with him is to incorporate the Amish practice of “shunning” … both for his benefit, and ours.


Bernie Sanders is the Worst Presidential Candidate in History, and You and All Your Friends are Idiots

Bernie Sanders is the Worst Presidential Candidate in History, and You and All Your Friends are Idiots

Dear Bernie Sanders supporters: Wake the fuck up.

Sorry to be so blunt, but like any reasonable American, I have been disgusted and appalled as America’s answer to V.I. Lenin continues to gain strength in the polls. Your so-called “populist” movement is a slap in the face to the Democratic establishment that has served us so well over the last few decades, and the idea of giving up on the theory of incremental progress for such a fundamental change makes me want to vomit in the street. (In a poor neighborhood, not my own.)

I don’t get it, guys. I’m really confused here. The mainstream media has done a wonderful job of showing exactly why and how Bernie’s candidacy is flawed, but for some reason, people won’t listen to common sense.

My intent is not to insult anyone, but I believe that Sanders’ constituency is made up entirely of aspirational nutjobs—mostly lazy, entitled, poor, indebted millennials—who don’t realize that our political choices should be based on fear and cynicism. They need to get with the program, and fast. Maybe the Washington Post and New York Times screwed up by highlighting the idiotic nature of Bernie’s candidacy one issue at a time, but I won’t make that mistake. I’m going to list them all, item by item, and lay waste to this annoying communist and his dense apparatchiks once and for all.

As the Marxist messiah himself would say, enough is enough.

1. Bernie is NOT electable.

Jesus, how many times do we have to repeat this before it sticks in your stupid heads? And spare me the counter-arguments, because I already know what you’re going to say: Hillary Clinton has a far worse approval rating, is loathed by Independents, couldn’t land a millennial voter if she turned into an anime version of Kanye West and Gangnam-styled across America, isn’t considered remotely trustworthy even by her own family, and is losing in every hypothetical match-up in the general election.

Let’s start with that last one. First off, you know Hillary is going to gain on the Republicans once she gets past Bernie the Bolshevik, even though her entire history in presidential elections is a steady narrative of dwindling support. Second, just imagine what’s going to happen to Bernie when the GOP attack machine starts pointing out to Americans that he’s probably a socialist. Once that happens, forget about it. There’s no way he’s ever going to beat the Oompa Loompa version of Hitler—who knows as much about governing as the dead rodent he wears on his head—or the religious zealot who looks like a shitty caricature of Bela Lugosi drawn on a deflated leather sack, or the actual malfunctioning robot posing as the GOP’s Obama.

You can’t run a candidate with actual integrity against those guys. Are you nuts? You need a real nitty-gritty mud-slinging spitfire like Hillary, who is somehow considered even more dishonest. She understands the trench warfare that wins elections. Because if there’s one thing that drives progressives to the ballot box, it’s feeling disheartened by their own candidate.

And I wouldn’t worry about millennial voters either, even though they’re critical to the party’s general election success and are gleefully declaring that they won’t support anyone but Bernie in November. Don’t sweat it. Hillary’s this close to understanding what they’re all about. A few more Vines like this one, and she’ll have that coveted youth demographic all locked up:


Hip kids love pandering baby boomers! Those godawful 85-15 under-30 splits from Iowa and New Hampshire are a thing of the past, baby! Oppa Clinton style! Yasss kween!

2. Bernie’s promises are pie-in-the-sky.

Literally none of his so-called “democratic socialist” programs have ever been successfully implemented in any government in world history, except for all the other major nations in the modern world, and also America during our most prosperous period.

3. Even if he was elected, he couldn’t pass any of his legislation.

This is a really important one. If there’s one message that should sink through your thick heads, it’s this: Cast your vote for the candidate who understands Washington, D.C. as it actually is, and not as you’d like it to be. Real change happens for progressives when we elect a centrist candidate who doesn’t represent our values in the first place, in the hopes that she makes concession after brutal concession to Republicans in an effort to pass legislation that strengthens banks and pharmaceutical companies and other monolithic institutions that contribute to our horrific wealth inequality.

One thing you should never do is to vote for the candidate who represents what you want the country to become, in the hope that it’s the start of a process leading to an America we can be proud of—one which protects and supports all its people. That would be exactly the kind of naive, starry-eyed mistake you and your Sandernista comrades are dumb enough to make. What you would do, if you had any brains, is forget the big picture entirely, ask reductive questions like, “can Bernie Sanders immediately pass universal health care?” and, if the answer is no, throw your vote to whichever compromised puppet the establishment shoves down your throat.

In other words, rubes, concede. Concede pre-emptively. Concede now, tacitly admit that your country is fucked beyond repair, and maybe even skip the middle man entirely by liquidating your assets, gathering the cash, and leaving it all on the doorstep of Goldman Sachs before you screw off and die in the streets.

4. Intentionally Left Blank.

5. Hillary has an unbreakable firewall of Latino voters

We’ve been hearing about the firewall for months, and in Nevada, sure enough, the prophecy came true.

Did Hillary win the Latino vote decisively? No. Did she win it at all? No.

Nobody really knows who came out on top, except that entrance polls say Bernie won, and a lot of media outlets are now rushing to muddy the waters. Even if she managed a tie, it’s far less than her margin of victory against Obama in 2008, when she also claimed that Hispanic voters gave her a firewall.

THE POINT IS, the firewall did its job. Think about it, dopes. If the firewall is on fire, then guess what’s not on fire? That’s right: Everything beyond the firewall, whatever that might be. The firewall is on fire, but it’s protecting other stuff from being on fire. Why is this so hard for you to understand?

6. Hillary has an unbreakable firewall of black supporters

Because when you and your husband systematically sell out an entire racial group that counted on you as their only ally, the least they can do is reward you with their undying loyalty. All Sanders ever did was march with Martin Luther King Jr., lead protests against racial discrimination at the University of Chicago, and get dragged off by police for protesting segregation. But that all happened a long time ago, and for some reason the popular wisdom is that none of it matters anymore, so the logical reaction to this expired civil rights cred is to vote for Hillary, who spent her own youth working for Barry Goldwater, a segregationist, and has been a walking nightmare for America’s black population ever since. If you close your eyes, it almost makes sense.

7. She’s going to gain even more momentum by winning South Carolina

How can you ignore the singular importance of winning a liberal stronghold like South Carolina, where it only took them 150 years to realize that flying the Confederate flag at the State Capitol might be in poor taste? If that’s not a bellwether state, I don’t know what is!

8. Every single Bernie Sanders supporter is a sexist and racist

Bernie Bros are a real thing, guys. If you haven’t read the articles, get with it. There was this one person on Twitter who said something nice about Hillary, and then someone running a fake GOP House of Representatives account said something sexist in response, and it spawned a chain of self-referential articles proving beyond a doubt that everyone who supports Sanders is a rampaging misogynist, including the vast majority of young women who choose him over Hillary. (All of whom, by the way, joined the Sanders camp because they want to hang out with boys, and are bound for a special place in hell when they die. Thanks, Gloria and Madeleine!)

Also, some of the people who received negative comments from anonymous Twitter accounts were not white, so his supporters are also racist.

One last important point: When his male supporters try to engage in political discussion with the goal of persuading others, it’s aggressive mansplaining. And when his female supporters do it, it’s aggressive womansplaining, or whitesplaining, or something. Basically, it all falls under the umbrella of “explaining,” which is outrageously offensive to anyone exercising his or her god-given right to live in ignorance.

9. Bernie Sanders himself is a sexist and a racist

There was that month-long period in his campaign when he said that shouting about gun issues wouldn’t lead to actual progress, and then he said it in the debate, and Hillary and her supporters correctly surmised that he’s a sexist who thinks women shouldn’t be allowed to speak at high volumes. Also per Hillary: He doesn’t unilaterally support Barack Obama on every single policy like she’s decided to do in the last month, so he’s a racist.

10. There is an excuse for all 348 of Hillary Clinton’s scandals

I was infuriated at Saturday Night Live’s Colin Jost, who had the audacity to joke about Clinton’s so-called “scandals” in a Weekend Update segment. You can watch at the 1:26 mark in the video below:

There are explanations for all of these, guys. All of them. That goes for all future scandals, too. And while I don’t have time to prove that these are all just a series of hilarious misunderstandings, and not indicative of a larger pattern of corruption and dishonesty, I’d ask you just to trust me that the Republicans will have enough class and restraint to let them all slide in the general election. Those guys wouldn’t stoop.

11. The way Sanders has run his campaign proves he’s going to be a bad president

Ezra Klein at Vox nailed this one: How can you trust a guy who has overcome a 60-point national deficit despite labeling himself a “democratic-socialist”—a term that carries a slightly lower favorability rating than “repeat sex offender” in American culture—while avoiding the stupid mistakes of his predecessors, raising unbelievable amounts of money, and finding himself on the verge of the biggest upset in American political history? How can you trust a guy like that to run a country?

No thanks. Give me the candidate who can’t even set up an email server without triggering an FBI investigation.

12. Bernie Sanders is a single issue candidate

Hillary has really backed him into a corner with this point. Hey Bernie, why don’t you try broadening your horizons? Seriously, the only thing this guy cares about is the stupid economy, and how it affects manufacturing, crime, drugs, health care, agriculture, climate change, trade, youth unemployment, immigration, energy, real estate, banking, civil rights, race relations, poverty, education, criminal justice, financial and corporate regulation, voting rights, equal pay for women, national infrastructure, social security, veterans’ rights, and, sure, foreign policy too.

Sorry Bernie fans, but your guy is a simplistic dipshit.

13. Even his economic plans might not work

Just ask the “left-leaning economists” the New York Times dredged up in its righteous, ongoing anti-Sanders crusade (while ignoring an overwhelming tide of contrary views and sparing Clinton the same rigorous examination). The fact is, without absolute proof that Sanders’ policies can work—AND I DON’T JUST MEAN ALL THE SUCCESSFUL MODELS YOU BROUGHT UP BEFORE, INCLUDING THE AMERICAN ONE—we can’t know for sure that they’ll work, and if we don’t know for sure, the only smart move is to continue slogging ahead on our slow middle class death march.

14. Last but not least, a Sanders presidency could hurt the precious Democratic party

Please read this incredible insight from Dana Milbank at the Washington Post, who points out that Bernie Sanders hasn’t raised any money for the Democratic Party, which might hurt progressives in smaller races. This would be a serious tragedy when you consider how successful the party has been since 2008 under DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. To date, they’ve only lost “69 House seats, 13 Senate seats, 910 state legislative seats, 30 state legislative chambers and 11 governorships.” I mean, why stop throwing money into their coffers now??!? Clearly, the DNC and the party elite have the pulse of the people, and there’s no need for an immediate overhaul of a fundamentally failed system. You don’t change your horse midstream, especially when that horse is stubbornly intent on drowning itself.

I could go on, but hopefully you get the point. This is serious, and the very future of our country is at stake. Idealism is great, and on some level it’s adorable that you’re fighting for something more than the grim political realities that have choked the color out of America. But it’s time to get real. It’s time to understand where you live.

It’s time to give up.

It’s time to give up. It’s time to give up. It’s time to give up.

Repeat it 100 times. Find the rhythm in your heart. That’s the sound of our slow procession to national collapse, and the end of a great experiment. Join us, idiots. Join us and perish.



Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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April 10, 2016 9:05 am

It isn’t going to do any good persuading Sanders supporters with real life facts.

They don’t think the same as real people.

They’re the type that looks at Venezuela today and thinks it’s a paradise and want to make the U.S. the same.

Teaching a pig to sing, all that sort of thing.

April 10, 2016 9:32 am

The gov plan is to tax everyone into bankruptcy.Take everything you own.Then you turn to Sanders type creatures from commie socialist hell.After Sanders tells you to open your boarders its racist to have any sovereignty,they hand you the bill for cradle to grave tax$$$$ dependency for indigent Mexicans that now have constitutional rights.Faux told me so!

April 10, 2016 9:35 am

I pray people wake up and know we as a nation have been had.

April 10, 2016 9:41 am

1. So, what the fuck are you doing wasting everyone’s time writing about something that will never happen!!! The only logical response is: Shut The Fuck Up.

4. likewise
7. Really, that’s what known as ‘the pot calling the kettle black.’
10. No one in their right mind will vote for any Clinton ever again because she’s equal in evil to the Bush crime family… we should be in agreement there.
11. You actually think the president makes his own decisions!!! (a new acronym, WTFU)

I come here because admin writes good articles, most I can agree with in sentiment, other contributors as well. However, the general tone is complete bullshit for one reason only, no one here has EVER demonstrated a knowledge of how money works or even what money is. Without a knowledge of that, and the consequences of our present monetary system, you’ll never understand anything about economics AND politics. And since money is central to any economy, without such knowledge you’re at a complete loss to explain anything.

So, to admin, write about money, what it is and how it’s created, and especially the consequences of a debt-money monetary system. You’ll have problems convincing the shit throwing monkeys on the site but perseverance, with facts, will eventually convince even the perennial morons that with our present monetary system, we are all fucked and it makes absolutely no difference who sits in the oval office.

I know how this comment will sit with said STM, so, as before, I’ll show myself out.

April 10, 2016 10:31 am

Hey anon, try the decaf. Good morning for a rant

April 10, 2016 10:40 am

Anon, you trying to start a riot?
‘It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.’ Henry Ford

April 10, 2016 10:56 am

West, one of The Donald’s thoughts would bust The Bern’s head wide open.


April 10, 2016 11:23 am

[imgcomment image?oh=ab3e43c86b7d46b07aec76cfa14ecb2a&oe=57BC89FA[/img]

April 10, 2016 11:25 am

She can’t even pour a beer. How we can trust her our country?

[imgcomment image[/img]

April 10, 2016 11:26 am

Y’all think that you live in a democracy. Y’all think that you live in some capitalist nirvana where you will eventually become a billionaire because, well, it could happen. But lets face some more facts. It’s Sunday morning so you are probably sitting at your computer in your pjs. Those pjs were made in a communist country. When you get dressed today, you will put on underwear that was made in a communist country. Socks that were made in a communist country. Jeans that were made in a communist country. Your oj comes from a socialist country in south america. Your big mac is made with beef from a socialist country. Your car was built in a socialist country.

Your banks were bailed out by a socialist government. Your car makers were bailed out by a socialist government. Your roads are built by a socialist government. And…most of you actually work for that socialist government. Either you work directly for them to get a paycheck or you receive some type of socialist support – say social security or perhaps food stamps if your too poor to have ever had an actual job.

To argue that merika is free, that merika is capitalist, that mericka is a democracy simply demonstrates that the program started all of those long years ago to ensure that schools turned out idiots who would vote for an actor, a drug user, a philanderer, or even a dog, have borne the fruit of a stupid electorate. Now there are not enough educated people in merika to find it on a map, let alone participate in electing their leaders.

Y’all just ain’t smart enough. Sorry.

April 10, 2016 11:32 am

“Y’all just ain’t smart enough. Sorry.”

One of our thoughts would bust y’all’s heads wide open.

mark branham
mark branham
April 10, 2016 11:34 am

yea. I am.

There’s damn little understanding anywhere. I despise Clinton, ditto for any republi-con. Obama biggest disappointment because he failed to pull out of the middle east. A vote for Clinton or any Repub is a vote for more war and eventual destruction of the United States…

Unless, there’s a higher power involved, which of course, there is… still Rome failed as the first republic, so there’s no guarantee the second republic will succeed.

so things may work out even if there is a (take your pick) war, revolution, a certified asshole as is Cruz, wall street whore as is Clinton, socialist sanders, etc, etc…

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 10, 2016 11:40 am

Anon writes:

“However, the general tone is complete bullshit for one reason only, no one here has EVER demonstrated a knowledge of how money works or even what money is.”


I think the vast majority of people here are well enough versed in this subject to the point that it is sort of like pablum at this stage. Besides, sometimes its just more fun to throw a little shit around. Being serious ALL THE TIME is what our real lives are for. Coming here is a mix of serious AND fun. TBP is like art – it is a sort of mural representing the decaying world around us which means it is a mix of people, personalities and topics. Why should we change simply to please you?

More to the point though if you don’t like the tone of the site then go ahead and change it. I don’t know if you’ve noticed it or not but the site is shaped by and large by the people who post here. Like the rest of us you are always welcome to put pen to paper, write an article or even a post on the topic and educate us. If you are unfamiliar with the topic there are about a gajillion web sites, youtube videos and articles on that specific topic that you can plagiarize, repeat and or just simply sound similar to.

That being said it would be nice if you would take a name and drop the sanctimonious/morally superior attitude. Being anon lacks thought and creativity. It’s also a little on the gutless side too imho.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 10, 2016 11:54 am


I think you’re on the wrong web site or maybe you just haven’t been reading articles and comments here long enough. Not sure which. There is a greater context to the blog as a whole that you are missing.

You see – this is the site where everyone is aware of the fact that America and the rest of western civilization is now built upon socialism, faulty economic models, corporate oligarchies, Corruption, decay and general stupidity. The fact that we would like to see it ratchet down and not up is not ignorance of our current state of being – simply a desire to see it move in the other direction. For most of us here all you just did was point out the obvious and state some facts we’re already aware of while assuming we’re too ignorant to possibly see what you see. You’re having the same problem as anon. You think you’re smarter than everyone else but all you really are is presumptuous, arrogant and unable to see the broader picture that the blog paints. The way I see it – that’s your problem – not ours.

April 10, 2016 12:49 pm

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain (that which is anonymous)……………….

mark branham
mark branham
April 10, 2016 1:31 pm

yes, I did, right above your post. that anon is me, and I don’t think you have any idea what money is nor where it comes from… but I’m willing, so tell me just one thing Francis, who creates money?

April 10, 2016 2:05 pm

Just saw your post, Stucky and thanks for thinking of me & Bernie.

It amazes me how so many people have been brainwashed over the years to come to accept the fact that 60 Billionaires own 50% of all the wealth in this great nation; with the top 10% owning about 90% of the wealth.

So long as that’s cool with you, then go ahead and vote for Trump or Cruz or Hillery, and you deserve what you get.

As for me, I’ll continue supporting and working for Bernie Sanders. The only honest politician in the race.

BTW, that target superimposed over the photo of Bernie may generate more than a visit from your local PD.

mark branham
mark branham
April 10, 2016 2:12 pm

It’s been almost an hour, and you still haven’t answered me Francis Marion. Why? It’s because you don’t know the answer. I have been coming here for years, hoping to see at least one smart person who knows what money is. It has been a long and lonely wait. Even the Admin doesn’t have a damned clue.

Of course, I know. Only I know! I am the proverbial “smartest guy in the room”. You people are all dumb and dumber, every one of you. None of you can match my superior intellect. That’s why I won’t cast my pearls before you swine with my answer. Wisdom does not suffer fools.

You are all slaves to the Whore Of Babylon. I pity you, greatly.

  mark branham
April 10, 2016 2:27 pm

Somebody’s trying to stir the shit.

April 10, 2016 2:53 pm

I agree with Stucky. It’s not a target. Of course this is the good old ussa and so the fact that it’s not a target does not mean that you won’t get a visit.

Oh and Francis, I have to admit that while you might make some assumptions about the makeup of the folks who frequent this blog, I do, indeed, find that many seem to be fine upstanding old capitalists who seem to believe that someone who is a socialist would ruin their good thing. My point was more generally that not only is there no good thing for them, there does not appear to be any good thing for any of us save for those 60 really well off people who have managed to steal all of the shit in the world.

But we all have our opinions; and just like assholes, everyone else’s stinks.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 10, 2016 3:25 pm

Rob writes:

“My point was more generally that not only is there no good thing for them, there does not appear to be any good thing for any of us save for those 60 really well off people who have managed to steal all of the shit in the world.”

Rob – not trying to be an ass – honestly – I’m running under the assumption that english is not your first language which is fine. So rather than the two of us speaking past one another why don’t I just say “sure”. I think I get what you’re trying to say.

“But we all have our opinions; and just like assholes, everyone else’s stinks.”

Ain’t that the truth.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 10, 2016 3:37 pm

Mark writes:

“It’s been almost an hour,”

Dude – keeping track of the time while waiting around for someone to post a rebuttal to your stupid post on a blog is a sign of mental illness and not an invitation to debate. I don’t do crazy brother so why don’t you find somewhere else to troll that’s a bit more your speed. Like Salon.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 10, 2016 3:44 pm

I do not dislike Westie, I think he is confused.

That said, I find any support for a Marxist like Bern to be VERY UNAMERICAN and contrary to what this country was founded upon. I am sad that young people would destroy their country for the promise of a free ride that they will never get.

Westie, if Bernie were running under the banner of the CPUSA (which is where he should be) would you still support him?

April 10, 2016 5:04 pm

@mark branham
— “I have been coming here for years, hoping to see at least one person who knows what money is.”


Focusing people’s will into ledgers was genius.

I’ve been having a “talk” with someone close to me about their refusal to accept that the people she’s upset with built the system she wants to use to “punish” them. The system is built specifically to burn off excess will in a variety ways and getting people dependent on their will being boxed up and enumerated is one of the most potent methods in action right now.

April 10, 2016 5:37 pm

All I can think of when I see or hear “LMAO” Bernie is all the good Americans who sacrificed their lives fighting the evil of socialism. Bernie is a giant fucking slap in the face to all of them. That’s a special kind of evil right there.

April 10, 2016 5:55 pm

Anonymous , is right about the debt monetary system . Even TRUMP won’t have the political will to challenge the banking industry. He may slow down our march to financial ruin but we are still doomed.Compound interest has sealed our fate.

mark branham
mark branham
April 10, 2016 7:56 pm

Who has done that? Is that you admin…

Posting as me, not cool

but explains a lot about this site…

Seems you’re a whore for the very people you rail against

All you other suckers better watch, someone’s collecting names.

  mark branham
April 10, 2016 8:57 pm

Fuck you mark. I don’t even pay attention to worthless posters like yourself. Dopple ganging is limited to people I give a shit about. Hit the fucking road douchebag.

April 10, 2016 8:29 pm

marky, you apparently know nothing about this site. Keep your head down and read for a bit before acting so holy. The way it works is that you’re free to say anything you like and the shit throwing monkeys are allowed to react in any way they want. That’s why trolls don’t last long here….too much competition.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 10, 2016 8:34 pm


You 100% nailed it this time. I am not anti Trump so to speak – I can agree with some of the stuff he says. But if you think he will spank the banker’s asses for being naughty you are deluding yourselves. Same goes for Bernie. He will do as he’s told. In fact I would bet he is the bankers choice as socialists love to spend money they haven’t earned which means borrow, borrow, borrow which is good for bonuses. Also he will further reduce free speech and trounce the second amendment which is also good for bankers since the system is a scam anyways and you can’t have people saying such things especially if they’re armed to the teeth. Such things are bad for bonuses. Are we seeing a pattern here yet?

April 10, 2016 8:35 pm

@Bea: I don’t dislike you either, but your comment that Bernie should be running under the Commie party demonstrates that you’re either a redneck or don’t read much.

Some of you are still operating under the effect of brainwashing. The U.S. government did a great job of demonizing the Commie’s, mostly for the purpose of churning out money to the mil/ind complex. After all, we had to have a BIG enemy after WWII, because that money had to keep flowing.

And the gov intentionally conflated Communism with Socialism, just to keep the people down and under control. Can’t have the people demanding too much, can we. So austerity all around. THAT’S what’s patriotic, and THAT plays right into the hands of the 1/10th of 1% who own the fucking place.

All of you cats who downvoted my earlier comments are just fine with corporate socialism, but damn you to hell if you want to end that flow and direct it to the people.

Once again, I have to seriously question whether any of you have kids or if you do whether you love them, because in essence your downvotes demonstrate that you want this shit to continue.

I don’t. I want change. I want Citizen’s united overturned, and I want all lobbyist/corp money OUT of politics. I want the big banks broken up and I want to see CEO doing prison time. I want K-BA to be FREE, and I want the Wall St algorithms paying for it. I also want all the so-called “trade” agreements overturned and I want to penalize corps for offshoring, including offshoring services. And I want single-payer healthcare and I want the private health insurance companies out of the mix. I also want Big Pharma to get real with pricing on drugs and drop their prices to parity with the lowest charged anywhere in the world. No more charging $10,000 for anti-scorpion venom when you’re charging the $100 for the same dose in Mexico.

Those are just some of the things I want, and incidentally those are the same things Bernie Sanders wants. Vote in your own BEST INTERESTS!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 10, 2016 8:58 pm

WC- Bernie is a Zionist joo, they are committed to a communist world government.

This old redneck knows what the endgame is for the Zionists……….they are not on your side.

You are just a goy beast of burden to them, that is ALL you will ever be. They will lie to you to further their cause. Believing that their cause is unjust does not make you a redneck or ignorant, just the opposite.

Bernie is what he is and that does not serve your best interest.

April 10, 2016 9:29 pm

What is the source of money? Depends upon your point of view. God’s precious metals? Or satan’s paper. Now, I AM THE SMARTEST BITCH on the interwebs.


Or my name is not mark branham.

April 10, 2016 9:35 pm

Truth is, I am not mark branham (dopple?). Am just fucking around with this arrogant troll. Am getting sick of his shit. That’s all.

April 10, 2016 9:50 pm

Sweet! Stucky is DA MAN! This place is fucking awesome. Ha, ha! That’s some funny shit right there.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 10, 2016 9:51 pm

Stucky you make me laugh. Did Mark Branham really leave the room?

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 10, 2016 10:30 pm


You would miss Westy if he was gone. Besides – you have to admit – he takes your shit like a man and has never pussied out.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 11, 2016 6:02 am

I agree about Westie. At least he has taken a stand and planted his flag.

April 11, 2016 10:04 am

Very funny and true article.

Evidently, posters here don’t get the sarcasm in this article and that it is pro-Bernie. You have to be denser than a Democratic Socialist not to get that the writer thinks the other leading candidates are worse.

I’m undecided. Sometimes I think I’d best vote for the candidate I would most like to see be forced to step down after two years or less, because I believe that this country is so far down the path of destruction, that there is going to be a rabid mass reaction against whoever is occupying the Oval Office.

But I’m not sure. Looking down the various roads, it looks to me like each one leads to results that most of us won’t want to live with.

April 11, 2016 10:17 am

Bernie Sanders is a communist. Period.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 11, 2016 2:37 pm

There was an article?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 11, 2016 3:37 pm

No matter if this was pro Bern………..he is still a commie.

You can dress it up put a bow in it’s hair and put lipstick on it…….it’s still a pig.

April 11, 2016 3:45 pm

His followers are some of the most close-minded, vacuous, entitled, illiterate pieces of trash I’ve had the pleasure of interacting with.

He will gut all producers in an attempt to raise up the poor.

Fucking ironic, given that the greatest threat to the poor of America is motherfucking obesity. Do you have any idea how much time, energy, and MONEY it takes to raise a family of people to weigh over 400 pounds? Hot fuck, its not a small number.

Frankly, I don’t think we have a poverty problem in our country, just typical stupid and lazy problems.

We’ve seen what people who don’t need to work are given a roof over their heads, free food, and endless entertainment, and its not pretty.

I’m pretty sure Pixar did a documentary about it.:

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April 11, 2016 4:49 pm

I hope everyone is noticing that the two major political parties are in the process of imploding, running off the rails, splintering and otherwise breaking up. It’s a real opportunity for positive change down the road.