Waiting For The Worms

Guest Post by Rob in Nova Scotia

In the spring of 1992 I started work for a criminal enterprise. I wouldn’t realize this until much later. Years in fact. I’m not going to bother rehashing my story. Telling it again will, I think, cause people to divert from the point I am trying make. Rather than focusing on the substance of what I have to say it has been my experience that people will take pity on me. But I will post a link to it below for those who feel an interest in exploring it further. I would ask that you read this first before going to the link.

I am going to jump around a bit chronologically. The reason I will do this is because that I have realized after many years that this is how my brain works.

As I said before in April 1992 I started working for a criminal enterprise. Happy to have a job. I spent the first couple of weeks keeping my head down and trying to get my bearings. Learning my job. My Tasks. I was 26 years old and green as the grass. Previous to me getting hired another man, about the same age as me was taken on board this ship as well. Our lives wouldn’t intersect until May 6th. On that day two very young men would unwittingly play God with the lives of others.

For me it would end up being a phone call and a conversation I didn’t have at the end of day. I have over the years tried to reconcile my actions. Using ignorance and Not my department to justify what I did. I can’t speak for the other man because the last time I spoke to him was on the phone at 10 o’clock in the morning on sixth. He played God too though. He decided to ignore what I had to say. Some years later at an Inquiry he was called to testify. Under oath he lied.


Portion of Transcript Day 76

This happened on July 11th 1996. Two days after my 31 first birthday. Later in his testimony he proceeded to throw under the bus in both a literal and very real way. From day forward the paths of our lives diverged once again.

Where to turn when one is thinking like this. A path of self destruction I suppose can be logically presumed after something like this happens. So it went. I should have stood up at time and defended myself. But I was God again. This time with myself. My marriage had dissolved and I was staring into an abyss. But I stared the Black Dogs down even though my life had pretty much gone off the rails. I was however a very angry man.

I would find out how angry two years later. Again playing God. This time it was a fight outside a bar. It didn’t even start out involving me. Much like some of the discussion here on TBP. It was friend and some guy I didn’t know arguing at 2 in the morning. We stood around for a while watching the two trade insults. At some point I got fed up with what was going on and started hurling insults at both of them. The man I didn’t know didn’t like what I had to say. And when I wasn’t paying attention he did a bum rush on me. Next thing I knew I was on the ground. Him on top. Things were not looking good but he made what could have been a fatal mistake. He opened his mouth to talk trash. To which I reached up with my hand. Grabbed him by the jaw. Hand in mouth with a death grip I yanked as hard as I could. Stunning him for a second. I managed to extract myself from the situation. Then proceeded to start bashing his head into pavement. I stopped. Shocked at what i was doing. Walked away before anything bad could happen.

The following year I would be God again. This time it was a car accident. Not my fault but I was driving a truck when a man decided unexpectedly to pull u-turn right in front of me. I hit him broadside. Running to his car I arrived just in time for him to look at me then slump over in seat. He died in hospital 5 weeks later.

I tell this story not because I want sympathy or understanding but because I have seen life’s whims up close and personal. I will end this chapter, if you will, saying that 1990’s ended with me lost.


The year 2000 looking back now was a pivotal year. In the spring of that year my Grand Mother passed away at 90. Always a shining light in my life she left this world loved by many. Including me. Her spirit still guides me today. In the fall of that year I decided to go back to school. Hard to fathom now but I entered school disconnected from the world of webs. Soon I was transfixed. It was the sheer volume of information available. Overwhelming in many ways.

To which I dove in. Never one to do half measures I found deepest parts of pool to wade. Not surprising though. When I was young my Mom and dad bought Encyclopedias. World Books in fact. I spent the next few years reading them. A to Z. Cover to cover.

I had already forgotten more than I knew but decided to embark on this new enterprise not realizing how far down the worm hole I would go. The problem wasn’t the sheer quantity of information but the amount of bad information shaded as fact. But I would not realize this for a while. This information didn’t result in an enlightenment it would in fact lead to a deconstruction of all I held close and dear.

The Trial

I watched the 9/11 attacks live on TV in my classroom. Shocked at what I saw it shook me to my core. This event sent me even further into the wormhole. But even then I had a voice telling me that I should use my third eye to peer at my life. Some two years later I met my future wife. Always a light she has shone guiding me back somewhat from where I was.

But still I searched checking out links to this and to that. So much to ponder. Now some have accused me of being not quite right. It is after many years of thought by me a charge to which I would have to say there is some truth. That being said I will state that I am no fool. In high school I scored in the 92nd percentile on tests that I purposely made mistakes on. But I am on a spectrum I suppose. My wife was married to me for 6 years or so before she even noticed. I’m saying this because I do see the world differently.

I don’t know what it year it was maybe 2008 or 2009 but I found the blog. The Burning Platform. Like a moth to a light I was drawn. First and foremost because I thought it was a place to connect with conspiracies and like minded people. But a funny thing happened after I sat and watched the ongoing debates and about this and that. It ended up a surprise. But rather than journeying further down I began regain my love of rhetoric. My brain reignited not by skepticism but love of facts and absolutes. I had regained my footing in this world.

So here I am.

Outside The Wall

I can’t punch cows and shit rainbows.

There are people with all the answers and people with all the questions. Then there are people with both. Those people are dangerous. They will be the prophets in this 4th turning but I am no Prophet. I have come to realization that it is easy to look away from me. To discount my voice. But I am fine with that. I started writing not for the masses but for that one person where ever they may be who can relate to my life experience. Maybe I can help that one person staring into the abyss to step back from the edge.

Take a deep breath, enjoy life again and

Tear down the wall.

Link to my article


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April 16, 2016 10:13 pm

CZ – I do not like the comments HSF has been making. Simple as that. The comments he makes reflects who he is. He has attempted to distance himself from previous actions. But to me he seems unchanged.

I am a minority. White Supremicists give me the shits. What a surprise.

People advocating beating children to toughen them up give me the shits, too.

The other stuff is just a minor annoyance. Although the crap re Rob, given HSF’s background, was just too nasty.

HSF tore himself down. I think he is same as he ever was. But that is just me.

April 16, 2016 10:13 pm

llpoh, if you actually read you can understand there’s a self-absorbed, me me me thing to Rob’s writing (sorry Rob, just saying). This isn’t hard to see…

April 16, 2016 10:16 pm

“developing a vendetta is pretty unhealthy too.”

Yep, afterwhile the person who does that turns out to be like flash, following people he’s decided are assholes from thread to thread and sniping at them, or just name dropping them in responses totally off topic to a thread in order to post a dig at them.

When a person gets to that point, they’ve become the kind of asshole they think the asshole they’re sniping at is. IOW, beware when fighting assholes, lest you become an asshole yourself.

April 16, 2016 10:16 pm

Think I was number 50! Rob, good on you for hitting 50! Your story is compelling, but I find it disturbing that you have decided that HSF is an enemy that you need to side against.

Not that my opinion matters. TBP has lots of opinions and lots of assholes.

April 16, 2016 10:19 pm
April 16, 2016 10:20 pm

OOPS….forgot to say, Here ya go, Maggie.

April 16, 2016 10:22 pm

Thanks Ed. I meant to come repost the actual link, but decided either folks would click. Or not.

April 16, 2016 10:25 pm

Opie Taylor to Aunt Bea. I tried. You never did, bitch. So it’s now time for you to fuck off. I am so sick of your fucking bullshit, I can barely fucking stand it.

Mention me again on TBP and I’m going to tell you how I really feel you fucking twat. Maybe think about it… Or, let’s play. Wish I had more to do than fuck you up.

Truth is, I don’t.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 16, 2016 10:25 pm

Today Maggie I was an asshole. If I could start it over I would have skipped breakfast and went for a drive. But I didnt. I was a little butthurt yesterday. I dont mind insults but when someone questions my character it gets to my core. I suppose I should have let it go. I really didnt know about nyt piece. Maybe I was away from office that week . Hardly matters now. I didnt intend to tear HSF down. All I was trying to was point out that I got tired of looking under rocks for conspiracies. I still think the government does many bad things. But I have decided that there are enough good people out there that things are going to be okay.

April 16, 2016 10:25 pm

Let’s go.

April 16, 2016 10:35 pm

Bring it, Maggie. From now on, I think I will make it my personal agenda to fuck you up. M’kay? I’m tired of your bullshit. You obviously shit upon those that treat you with respect. So now, let’s do it the other way. It will be fun.

April 16, 2016 10:45 pm

@Rob… I am not concerned about your reaction to HSF’s comments I may have missed. You are entitled to react as you react. I just was a bit surprised to arrive home from most of the week a way to find that you had posted an article to declare a public war against HSF on the platform.

I personally did not see the incident that brought this on. NOR DO I NEED TO.

You are entitled to opine. Hopefully, I have that right as well.

Your story is compelling, but needs a good editor. 😀

April 16, 2016 10:46 pm

“”themes of racial purity and the idea that some animals are more equal than others”… Animal Farm was a highly prescient warming of our handing our civilization to the communists. Now that we are all equal, except for (((those))) who are more equal than others, how is that working out for those who created our civilization…?? Yes, yes, Africa for africans, Asia for asians, etc etc. But – no racial lands for white people? Being white means I am an oppressor, I have white privilege. Didn’t seem to help my social security check too much. Too much even for an EBT card… but, I digress. Tribalism is the natural state of humans in the wild, and tribalism (along with Christianity to hold female hypergamy in check) created the most technologically advanced civilization on this planet, perhaps the most altruistic in history… which has led to our giving it away and speeding it’s decline, as we pretend that the bell curve is non-existent (We F-ing LOVE Science), that short-time preference r-selected savages will ever contribute anything to the advancement of civilization. Virtue signalling – “oh noes, raycisss!” to maintain control of the narrative will go on until Pretenders have no more money to pay the Praetorian Guards. The collapse is well along, and when the gated communities and suburban cucks are visited by gibsmedats and rapefugees- karma will indeed have returned righteously. The Apocalypse will serve the K-selected well. These cycles come and go; I use my retirement to teach my children and their children the values we were inculcated with, those which created this nation, and show them how to garden. Maybe they will survive the breakup, I pray so. Thank you. Admin, for this site, for your gracious granting of free speech to those with no platform elsewhere to speak their piece. A good rant feels SO good. : ))

April 16, 2016 10:47 pm

I hate it when a fly is buzzing around making that annoying sound but you can’t quite pinpoint it. LOL. Sherbitch? Is that you?

April 16, 2016 10:48 pm

I’ve been waiting. Will have to be another thread now, Maggie.

My battery is dying. I am out for tonight. But you and I are far from done.

And the Mexican cannot save you at this point. Sorry. But you dug your own fucking grave. It’s just starting. Luv ya!

April 16, 2016 10:49 pm

@coyote… why a chicken?

April 16, 2016 10:50 pm

@Admin… my friends were right. I AM a weirdo magnet.

April 16, 2016 10:51 pm

But maybe it will be good for donations? I’ll do whatever it takes to make this blog healthy!

April 16, 2016 10:51 pm

It’s going to be great. Just wait. LOL! Yes! It’s me!

Good luck in the future…. 🙂

April 16, 2016 10:56 pm

Magpie – the best thing you can do to make this blog healthy is to leave.

This way none of us has to do with your inconsequentialness.

You know it’s true. We all do.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
April 16, 2016 10:58 pm


The story does need an editor. I cant write it and cz is right about one thing. Me does get tired after a while.

I am just tired of HSF trying to pull off this nice guy thing. It never seems genuine. But that is just me.

I am laughing at myself..

April 16, 2016 11:07 pm

Chicken is good. Taste like rabbit. Put a little maple syrup on it and it’s even better. Yummy…

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
April 16, 2016 11:07 pm

Oh mah gawd. Long story short I accidently shit mah pants and mah uterus at the same time at 2am in the back alley behind the Walmarts and found mahself incapacitated and unable ter keep up with the completely asinine dipshitted ramblings that Admenstruater and all his sodominical lackeys have devoted their worthless lives ter.

Somebody should provide some links ter when shit went bad with Hardscramble. And yes I take credit fer attacking his pig slaughtering ANUS first. He was much beloved but I knew at some pernt the mob would turn, and like Marie Antwernet his ass would would git reamed out like uh donkey on uh dog.

Billy and Hardscramble suffer from the same delusion. It’s like, ok, lots uh fun in mah 20s, poopin out offspring in mah 30s, tryin ter git shit tergether in mah 40s, woops that didn’t werk, I’ll spend mah 50s telling anonymous people how they should live their lives ter make mahself feel better. Ain’t werkin homos.

The last TBP meet up was exquisitely awkward ter behold. I kin hardly keep from crappin mah britches at the thought of seein one uh Stucky’s pictorials at Hardscramble dude ranch. OK people, I’m back, but Fer now, I’m out.

April 16, 2016 11:12 pm

Ha, ha! BW is back in ‘da house! Life is good!

April 16, 2016 11:13 pm


what was the Andy Griffith theme for?

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 16, 2016 11:13 pm

“Mention me again on TBP and I’m going to tell you how I really feel you fucking twat. Maybe think about it… Or, let’s play. Wish I had more to do than fuck you up.

Truth is, I don’t.”

Wow. Speechless. That is some sick shit. Probably a new low for this place…. maybe LLPOH, the guy who knows everyone here better than they know themselves can give us some insight into the mind that posts this kind of crap.

BTW – I think it’s rich that you give HSF a hard time for ‘retreating’ to the farm when you’re the guy (girl?) who fled the entire country. HSF has shared his past with us on more than one occasion so there are no misconceptions here for most of us – he seems to have moved on and the rest of us are pretty comfortable with it. The only one that is not comfortable with it appears to be you. Of course you do what all obnoxious left leaning trolls do and play the minority card to justify your behaviour:

“I am a minority.”

Well brother… I’m white and left leaning marxists who specialize in character assassination scare me even more than brown muslims who want to cut my throat and kick my ass. You’re acting an awful lot like the former these days.

BTW – I’m a minority too – in fact I’m extremely rare – I’m living with a debilitating disease that is destroying my body in front of my eyes. But that’s not what makes me rare – what makes me rare is that I don’t use it as a crutch or an excuse. I sure as shit don’t use it as way to justify ripping another man apart.

As for the comment he made to Rob – that’s between him and Rob don’t you think? In my part of the world we call that minding our own business. Your inability to do so leads me to believe you are either a kid or a seriously bored housewife.

LLPOH doing what she does best:

[imgcomment image[/img]

April 16, 2016 11:19 pm

FM, well said. Kudos.

April 16, 2016 11:33 pm

Llpoh says:
“When he starts suggesting folks are too warped/dysfunctional to be allowed near his family (where the fuck did that come from?” on 16th April 2016 at 9:46 pm

Llpoh, apparently you missed Rob in NS’s comment on the “Question Authority” thread on 14th April 2016 at 12:08 pm where he physically threatened me for questioning his worldview:
“Araven if you somehow figure out my name and where I live I advise against coming to see me. I’m a little older but I am one crazy motherfucker when I get mad.”

Since HSF was also questioning Rob in NS’s worldview I think it was prudent of him to disinvite Rob in NS from his house since Rob does appear to have mental issues and could be physically violent.

April 16, 2016 11:47 pm

Francis – you are a pussy. You always have been. It’s your problem, bro. Work it out…

April 16, 2016 11:48 pm

Personally, I think it might be a Canadian thing. Oh well…

April 16, 2016 11:54 pm

Llpoh says:
“When he starts suggesting folks are too warped/dysfunctional to be allowed near his family (where the fuck did that come from?” on 16th April 2016 at 9:46 pm.

FWIW, the EXACT comment was this: “hardscrabble farmer says:

Rob, I rescind my previous offer to visit the farm. You aren’t the kind of person I would want anywhere near my family.

I don’t mind that we disagree, but your responses to me lately are entirely ad hominem and now they’re getting a bit awkward and sad.

All kidding aside, there is something wrong with you socially.”

llpoh, with all DUE respect, SIR: Why modify HSF’s response? I do not see the words “warped/dysfunctional” or “anywhere near his family” in his verbiage. Perhaps I can’t read between the lines. I’m pretty damned stupid according to some folks,

April 16, 2016 11:55 pm

Fuck you, Franscis. Blow me. 🙂 Ha, Ha!!

April 16, 2016 11:57 pm

Maggie says: “I’m pretty damned stupid according to some folks”

Yes, you are. Glad to see you’re finally admitting the truth.

April 17, 2016 12:07 am

Hey everyone, lets all just hit the “pause” button, and maybe it’ll all work out. Ha, ha! R.I.P. Flash. Cheers muthafucka. Wherever you may be. You were right. Francis is a fucking pussy…

Personally, I think the wussiness here on TBP has reached a new low.

In my best estimation, that is…

Opie Taylor
Opie Taylor
April 17, 2016 12:08 am

I love Aunt Bea – Unchanged not so much. Is there a full moon (Oops did I hit a hot button)?

April 17, 2016 12:12 am

If you are Sherbitch, you know you can prove it.

April 17, 2016 12:12 am

FM, not sure who posted what you quoted but it sounds like one of the assclown quintuplets to me. Specifically the assclown formerly known as CandiruFish, aka JackoffFish, aka JFish. It has a dozen names or more like Uncreative, Unworthy, Unintelligent, Unimaginative etc…….not hard to spot, especially when it includes the same tired limp dick threats.

Just set your brain to ignore them. I’ve avoided reading anything by bb for well over a year. I gained 5 IQ points at least! El Assclown Extraordinaire sucked me in with a Full Retard comment but I went about a year without knowingly reading his cerebral feces and gained at least 20 IQ points. They can change names but the feces that squirts out from tweenst their two toothes always has the same aroma.

Not sure what’s up with Llpoh. It’s been awhile since he worked anyone over real good……..maybe it’s just time? Probably aren’t enough assclown level morans down under for him to unload on.

Not sure what’s up with Maggie either but she’s cool. Probably just too many Assclowns failing to find the clit. That irritates the wimmen folk as I’m sure you learned not long after puberty. She tried to be nice to a few of the assclowns but assclowns are oblivious so they probably never noticed.


Opie Taylor
Opie Taylor
April 17, 2016 12:14 am

Unfriendly sounds a lot like that Stucky guy. Nahhhhh

April 17, 2016 12:21 am

You assholes make me laugh, every day. Especially you Indented Suckittide. Fuck you. I could buy you cheap for what you are actually worth and sell you for what you think you’e worth and make a huge profit.

You are nothing. Like Magpie & Francis. You all seem to believe in your self importance. Cracks me up… I swear….

April 17, 2016 12:27 am

May the dopplegangers rain down. Ha, ha! I wish the comments on this obscure, alternative website mattered more. Or not. Luv to you all…

Give me a hug. Or, fuck off. Does it really make any fucking difference?

April 17, 2016 12:31 am

G’night JohnBoy. Admin? Could you turn lights out?

April 17, 2016 12:35 am


Maggie ain’t tellin so I’ll ask you, whaat was the Andy Griffith theme about?

Full Retard
Full Retard
April 17, 2016 12:37 am

IndenturedServant says: I went about a year without knowingly reading his cerebral feces and gained at least 20 IQ points.

You must have started way behind the starting line. Your comments amount to a lot of bitching. 20 IQ points haven’t improved your game.

April 17, 2016 12:40 am

@Anon… sorry. The Andy Griffith theme was a throwback reference to a comment thread that EC and I carried on a friendly (I thought) banter with what I assumed was a newbie that misunderstood Blog etiquette. However, after a couple hundred comments I began to realize that the newbie was really not what he had seemed. He ended up insulting everyone around the place but he gave a big donation in dollars to the Management, so he wasn’t banned apparently.

April 17, 2016 12:41 am

Howdy, EC. G’nite.

April 17, 2016 12:42 am

I’m sorry. I’m just in a bad mood. It happens. No offense.

Beneath all “mad” is “sad”. Bleh.

Fuck you all. 🙂

Full Retard
Full Retard
April 17, 2016 12:45 am

Maggie, how do you know he gave any money and are you saying Admin can be bought? I’m sure that isn’t true. There was some asshole who offered to pay Admin if he’d ban a certain assclown. Never happened.

April 17, 2016 12:51 am

Full Retard EC… NO. Good Grief, I am not trying to suggest that at all and I resent your trying to put letters onto my comment lines.

I should have clarified: The jellyfish said in one of the “final not so final” comments that he would continue his monthly donation in spite of being treated like the POS slime that he ended up being. I don’t know if he actually gives TBP money or if he is as big a liar as he is an asshole. I was just making a snarky comment because I drove all day and probably should sleep.

April 17, 2016 12:52 am

Oh, lookee… 98 comments. If I’m lucky, I’ll hit 100 with this one.

Full Retard
Full Retard
April 17, 2016 12:52 am

Maggie, Unrequited proves the saying, hell hath no fury as a clownfish scorned. Perhaps you led him on a little. I tried to warn you that welcoming a noob with open arms is not the TBP way. I told you he might not be clean, he said his ass was clean.
