Looking for Bears

Guest Post by Rob in Nova Scotia

There has been much talk for many years about Global warming. Its unseen and seen effects on society.  However the talk this week at the water coolers at workplaces in this part of Canada isn’t how warm it has been. No sir! Instead many cannot help but remark on how cold March has been in Nova Scotia. And folks it has been cold. Some even say one the coldest on record.

This province cannot even keep schools open because the weather has been so bad. Parents everywhere spend many restless nights wondering if little Johnnie will be able to get on the yellow bus the next morning to learn how to read, write and articulate.

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The Game

Guest Post by Rob in Nova Scotia

I tried reading an article about differences in IQ between Blacks and Whites but found it confusing and circular. I suppose that is the point of writing a piece about IQ. The whole concept is to me esoteric. Like God it is hard to quantify and define for outcomes. I myself try to consider each person I meet on their merits. Who they are, rather then what they look like. But I will confess to my bias. Everyone has some.

I am only human.

There was a time that I thought seeking out counselling was sign of weakness as a person. I have changed my mind about that. It didn’t take long for me to see that being a victim is a malignancy that if unchecked will ruin one’s life. The problem with many black folks I meet is that they talk about how society has affected them rather then how they impact their world. Pretty hard to do good things, great and small, when you go thru life feeling oppressed. A lot of it is social in construct. The Great Society was set up to herd Black America back to the Plantation. It is often said that Government can’t do anything right.

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Going to Valhalla

Guest Post by Rob in Nova Scotia

I grew up a Christian but have been nonreligious for many years. Some would view this as a regression in my character. I cannot point to a date on a calendar, a particular conversation or a book I read but I have been lacking the certainty of faith so many seem to have.

Maybe it was Science class in Grade Six.
Burned into my mind the scientific method.

Outlining a Purpose.
Defining a Procedure.
Documenting the Results.
Coming to a Conclusion.

I read an article about the conflict between Darwinism and Creation, written by Fred Reed. Talked of the origins of life. The purpose isn’t hard to understand. Most want to know why. It is the Procedure where the flaws are exposed. The results and conclusions are then inevitably doomed. The opposing camps left to stare at each other with their contempt the only thing they share.

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Guest Post by Rob in Nova Scotia

Good people try to be colour-blind. Look at a person and their substance rather then the subdivisions of society’s assigned identity. Be it Liberal or Conservative, Privileged or Oppressed. I was listening to CBC the other day on way home from work. A self proclaimed Social Justice Warrior was complaining about the composition of a delegation headed to some conference. Can’t remember what it was for but it hardly matters.

This Regressive Leftist was spouting about the usual intersections of oppression claptrap. That there was too many men. It was too white. That there wasn’t anybody with disabilities or people of colour. I thought that this fellow was spending too much time and effort on inclusion and diversity and not enough on fixing whatever problem this conference was set up to discuss.

Kind of reminds one of the Monty Python Movie The Life of Brian. In it Cleese and Company are arguing over proper name of their Liberation Front for Judea. Their satire was stinging in it’s commentary and honesty.

Continue reading “Subdivisions”

The Dream Team

Guest Post by Rob in Nova Scotia

Maybe it has to do with stage we are at in 4th turning. Everyone has picked their team. All that is left to do is affirm to ourselves occasionally that we have made the right choice. Teams picked and assigned to their respective echo chambers players are left to endure reading comment after comment that agrees with tome of thread.

Admin on The Left. Stucky Tall Guy with bad Hair with the rest of us awaiting orders.

Same thing is happening in wider world divided as it is into their ideological gulags. Because of this we are witnessing the slow death of university system in West and an Independent media. The public have become disengaged and are relying instead on better deals and looking the other way for the server. All are suffocated by safe spaces and virtue signaling.

But it is summer and a golf course beckons. The Blue Jays are playing Indians later today. Right now I am having morning tea and letting the day warm up.

Who knows how things are going to look later today. Much will depend on how Jays play and if they are going to blow another opportunity to win. As for my expectations for golf. I am realistic. Could go early and practice but that takes time and effort. Deep down I know it is also easier to blame something else for your own failures if you never really tried.

So in some ways I am like many. I get pissed off about stuff I can’t control and seem oblivious to much that I can.


Waiting For The Worms

Guest Post by Rob in Nova Scotia

In the spring of 1992 I started work for a criminal enterprise. I wouldn’t realize this until much later. Years in fact. I’m not going to bother rehashing my story. Telling it again will, I think, cause people to divert from the point I am trying make. Rather than focusing on the substance of what I have to say it has been my experience that people will take pity on me. But I will post a link to it below for those who feel an interest in exploring it further. I would ask that you read this first before going to the link.

I am going to jump around a bit chronologically. The reason I will do this is because that I have realized after many years that this is how my brain works.

As I said before in April 1992 I started working for a criminal enterprise. Happy to have a job. I spent the first couple of weeks keeping my head down and trying to get my bearings. Learning my job. My Tasks. I was 26 years old and green as the grass. Previous to me getting hired another man, about the same age as me was taken on board this ship as well. Our lives wouldn’t intersect until May 6th. On that day two very young men would unwittingly play God with the lives of others.

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Running To The Light

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Guest Post by Robert Thompson (aka Rob in Nova Scotia)

The Story

At 5:18am on May 9th, 1992 26 men were killed when an explosion fueled by methane and coal dust consumed the- Westray Coal Mine in Plymouth, Pictou County Nova Scotia. It is now 22 years later and I am still haunted by what happened at that mine. The reason for this is because I worked at there at time of explosion. I still have questions about why this happened and how it could have been prevented.

Westray has ebbed and flowed since explosion in my thoughts and dreams. For me it has always become more intense in lead up to anniversary. I cannot help but think about the grief and loss felt by families of the 26. What makes it more difficult is the sense of injustice that has pervaded everything related to Westray. I cannot begin to understand how the families have felt and still feel about how they were treated by government and the Westray Coal Company.

One cannot speak about Westray without emphasizing the loss of life. It is hard for me to talk about it because it will always be first and foremost their story. When I say their story I mean the 26 men who died and the families left behind. I had only worked at the mine for about 3 weeks when explosion occurred. I didn’t have time to get to know any of the men on that shift. However I did know two of the men. Both I knew from before they started working at mine.

Robbie Doyle grew up just two farms down the road towards New Glasgow. Him being 4 years younger than me meant that we traveled with a different circle of friends. But we did talk and occasionally growing up he would come up to put the hay in barn on my Grandparent’s farm. He was always one to help and he could be found at Volunteer Fire Department many days. Larry Bell was 2 years older. I knew him much better. We spent many weekends during our teens running the roads and having fun.

Larry and Robbie would die on morning of May 9th. As fate would have it they had just returned underground driving a small tractor like one shown in picture. Sometime later I was told that what they were doing could have waited until day shift but knowing them they would not want to not leave it for someone else to pick up. They were all good men who didn’t deserve the fate they were given.

I have always had a problem with the story-line that was told by those who should have known better in Government and the Company. From the outset it was apparent to me that talking points for this cover-up and misdirection of responsibility would be the blaming of the miners who were working that night for their own deaths. I have always strongly felt that this was and is a despicable betrayal by our government in finding the truth of what happened. In permeating this story-line those in power needed to downplay or discredit the importance of the coal dust as a contributing factor in explosion.

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