A Morally Sound Tax Reform Proposal

Guest Post by Antonius Aquinas

US Taxpayer

The Oppressed U.S. Taxpayer

This year, Americans’ day of tribute to their federal overlords falls on April 18.  As calculated by the Tax Foundation, the average American will work from January 1 to April 24 (Tax Freedom Day) to pay his share of taxes to all levels of government with some $3.3 trillion to be forked over to the federal government and $1.6 trillion to state and local jurisdictions.*

While any talk of tax cuts are verboten on the Democratic side of the presidential campaign, the remaining Republican contenders have offered their views on the matter suggesting a flat tax, reduction in corporate tax rates, and a call for the consolidation of the current tax bracket from seven to four.*  Most of these and their variations have been trumpeted before and even if enacted would not permanently undo the crushing tax burden or prevent rates from escalating to even more confiscatory heights.

If real and lasting tax relief is ever going to come, a more fundamental alteration of tax policy needs to be taken, which has not been suggested by any of the presidential contenders, but had once been an integral part of the nation’s political thought.

One of America’s most neglected political theorists of the 19th century was South Carolina statesman John C. Calhoun, who wrote the important treatise, A Disquisition on Government.  Calhoun perceptively saw that politically, society is divided between two distinct groups: taxpayers and taxconsumers.  Obviously, taxpayers are the ones who “pay” taxes while taxconsumers, such as government employees, welfare recipients, state contractors, and all others that receive income from the public trough, “consume” or live off taxation.

Naturally, when it comes to the issue of taxation, taxconsumers will be in favor, or, at least, want to maintain the status quo and, more than likely, would support notions of tax increases.  Taxpayers, on the other hand, would oppose increases or enlargement of the tax base, since they are the ones “footing the bill.”

Of course, politicians of all stripes and colors try to blur this distinction that Calhoun so brilliantly made, especially on tax day by declaring how “they paid their taxes.”  This, however, is sophistry.

In reality, politicians are just returning some of the loot that they coercively took from their fellow citizens.  Federal government employees in essence do not pay federal taxes!  Nor do individual state employees pay state taxes.  This is merely an accounting gimmick to bamboozle the public. And, this is one of the reasons that, for the longest time (and wisely so), citizens of the District of Columbia could not vote in federal elections since most of them were government employees and would, in their self interest, oppose tax cuts or public spending reductions.

When government was limited and the welfare state effected only a small group, voting and levels of taxation did not have a significant correlation.  However, with the number of people working for the government in the millions and those dependent on state largesse in the tens of millions, who votes, and in what numbers is extremely important.

It has been recently estimated that of the total U.S. adult population of some 260 million, only one third (some 79 million) can be said not to be dependent on state support for their existence while 70% of the adult population or 57% of the total population is dependent on some form of state aid.  And, unfortunately, all indicators point to more and more headed for the dependency category, primarily due to the destructive economic policies of the Obama Administration.

All of those who seek to lower the oppressive levels of taxation not only in America but throughout the Western world are foolish if they allow those who parasitically live off others to have a voice in choosing candidates or initiatives in regard to taxation.  Democracy does not trump human nature.  State dependents will vote for those they perceive will continue their subsidies.

Instead of lobbying for the redress of phony grievances against Politically Correct victims and groups, social justice warriors should direct their energies to the long suffering U.S. taxpayers and demand that those who live off them should have no say in either how much taxpayers are to pay or how their confiscated wealth is to be dispersed.

*”No Emancipation This Year.”  The Washington Times.  Friday, April 15, 2016, B2.


Antonius Aquinas@AntoniusAquinas


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April 18, 2016 7:42 am

We’ll never have tax reform because a flat tax is not fair to the FSA voter base of the great liberal progressive democtrat party, and the tax code is written by those in power to benefit those in power leaving the rest of us wanting, always wanting.

If our politicians accomplished anything resembling a plan that would work, what would they base their next campaign promise on?

It’s like believing in a cure for cancer, a cure doesn’t pay nearly as well as hoping for one someday and a politicians power comes from us believing that this time…….things are going to be different.

April 18, 2016 10:03 am

This is why we will never get a fair tax (From Drudge):


The majority of Americans aren’t really paying that much in (Federal) tax as it is, a fair tax system would increase their tax load.

April 18, 2016 12:10 pm

I’ve said this very thing for years falling on deaf ears. I had a group of friends and when I pointed out that most of them were on a form of public dole they questioned my reasoning. I looked around the room, one a teacher, one a nurse at a publicly subsidized hospital, one working for big pharma, my wife a teacher’s assistant. Only two of us worked in the dreaded private sector, both in construction. Afterwards my wife said that they really did not like what I had to say, I said I didn’t really give a shit, and that they would have to learn to live with reality. This is probably why I don’t have many friends, I do not play well with others.

If anyone really wanted to reduce the size of government the first thing to do is get rid of withholding and make everyone pay all of their income taxes monthly.


April 18, 2016 3:24 pm

BostonBob said”
“Afterwards my wife said that they really did not like what I had to say, I said I didn’t really give a shit, and that they would have to learn to live with reality. This is probably why I don’t have many friends, I do not play well with others.”

Same here man! I work and play well for the most part but idiots who prattle on because they like the sound of their voice inevitably ask me something and I lay a dose of reality on them in response. If they don’t want to hear verifiable truth then they should just shut the fuck up. I’m happy to do the same because I know people do not want to hear the truth but when they ask…….

Ifn’ you really want to reduce the size of govt., end the Fed, restore sound money! Anything less is pissing into the wind.

April 18, 2016 3:31 pm

Anon above was I.

April 18, 2016 4:10 pm

Amendment XXVIII – The Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution is repealed.

Problem solved.

April 18, 2016 10:07 pm

You cannot have “morally sound tax reform” because the IRS is the immoral collection agency overseeing the collection of Central Bankers grift!