Facebook has spent $16 million on armed security for billionaire progressive Mark Zuckerberg

Via Breitbart

mark zuckerberg facebook

This means that even as Facebook was incrementally barring law-abiding citizens–including licensed gun dealers–from advertising firearm sales for self-defense, they were spending millions to keep Zuckerberg surrounded by hired guys carrying guns.

Facebook’s ban on the advertisement of gun sales has even led to the deletion of accounts on which the word “firearms” is included.

According to Quartz, Zuckerberg “famously takes $1 annual salary” from Facebook. However, Facebook “revealed that it spent more than $16 million over the past five years on private air travel and other aspects of Zuckerberg’s ‘overall security program.’”

The amount of money spent on Zuckerberg’s security was disclosed after the SEC pressed Facebook to explain whether “security expenses” were included in “Zuckerberg’s annual compensation package.”

The company, which had previously only disclosed travel costs, provided the SEC with security costs for Zuckerberg as well. “Facebook had previously claimed that it didn’t have to report Zuckerberg’s security costs because the measures weren’t put in place for his convenience, so they didn’t fall under rules governing the disclosure of executive perks.”

Zuckerberg’s number two–chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg–spent $1.25 million on security last year.

Breitbart News reported that private citizens were banned from advertising gun sales on Facebook on January 29.

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April 30, 2016 10:33 am

Facebook…what a piece of crappy crap crap
Mr Z? What a piece of crappy crap crap
sniper time

April 30, 2016 1:18 pm

Without Wall Street fraud for FaCIAbook stock offerings and intelligence community financing of his platform, Zuckerberg would be living in his parents’ basement playing vid-games and jacking off to internet porn.

There, Mark. That’s you, right there.

April 30, 2016 3:45 pm

I predicted it months ago but I thought I saw a headline while I was in Boise that talked about him buying the pres…….I mean running for president in 2020? I can’t wait!

April 30, 2016 11:48 pm

What’s new? One set of rules for them and another set of rules for the common people.