Running the Table

Destructive delusion versus slashing superficiality. Superficiality wins in a cakewalk.

Guest Post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Multitasking is a delusion. Its premise: that the human mind can, like a computer, parallel process and perform multiple tasks effectively. No, it can’t. Each new task undertaken diminishes efficiency across all tasks. For those who need empirical proof, read this article, make a phone call, prepare a meal, do a crossword puzzle, and paint a picture. How’s it going? Multitasking usually involves less demanding tasks, but people who drive and talk on their phones represent a heightened risk on the road, and that is performing only two fairly simple functions. On a conscious level, the human brain best operates as a serial, one-by-one processor rather than parallel processing, although the subconscious and conscious apparently work in tandem.

Delusion prompts multitasking and superficiality is the result. Like an invasive weed, delusion and superficiality crowd out and eventually eliminate more desirable mental flora. Deluded and superficial minds are unable to form perspectives, analyze, imagine, or philosophize. Epistemology is broadly defined as the theory of knowledge. Reams have been written about the upcoming election, but little about how either of the presumed nominees thinks. It’s a demanding and thankless task, but someone has to do it, because this election is an epistemological train wreck.

Ideally, a mind would take the shortest possible path from observation, facts, hypotheses, and experimentation to logical conclusion. Delusion avoids rather than arrive at conclusions. Instead of the shortest path, the mind builds mazes, and just when it appears an end might be reached, more walls and false passages are erected.

Hillary Clinton personifies delusion. Insecure, transparently phony, privately nasty, and unlikable, she has no political gifts other than her marriage. Her performance since law school has ranged from, at best, undistinguished, to a disastrous tenure as Secretary of State. She embraced foreign interventionism and regime change that had clearly failed in Afghanistan and Iraq, rebranding it as a “Responsibility to Protect.” At Clinton’s behest, the people of Libya were “protected” out of Muammar Gaddafi’s dictatorship and into the bloody chaos of a failed state and new Islamic State stronghold. She blessed arms shipments from Libya to Syria to help US-backed rebels foment a revolution similar to the one that had failed in Libya. Her characterization of Vladimir Putin as Hitler set up a cardboard devil that prevented her from understanding either the point of view of the other major nuclear power’s leader or the subtleties of one of the US’s most important international relationships. One expects far better from America’s chief diplomat.

Clinton has skated from scandal to scandal since her Arkansas days, aided by a complaisant press that has fawned over her every insipid word and unremarkable deed and ignored <a href=””>her every crime</a>. What her and her husband get away with legally and in broad daylight probably dwarfs their sub rosa criminality. The Clinton Foundation is a slush fund and their six-figure speakers’ fees are graft. The end of the mental maze Hillary and her deluded supporters cannot allow themselves to reach is that she’s incompetent, corrupt, and therefore unfit to be president. Those who get to the end and still support her do so because of reflexive gender solidarity or party affiliation, or venality—they expect something from her.

Donald Trump has expertly discovered and <a href=””>exploited hot buttons</a> on his path to the Republican nomination. By definition, hot buttons are emotional and superficial, but pressing them are what politicians do. Trump has done it better than anyone else, constantly throwing his opponents off balance. Clinton is vulnerable to Trump’s strikes on her scandals, her husband’s infidelities and her role in suppressing the truth, gender tokenism, lack of accomplishment, whopping lies, and whatever other weaknesses he decides to exploit. Delusions render one mentally inflexible, fragile, and susceptible to derogatory attacks, especially when they’re true. By the time Clinton figures out how to respond, Trump will have launched several more attacks.

However, his superficiality, so appropriate for this campaign, will be his greatest weakness should he win the election. As far as policy goes, his pronouncements have been a contradictory mess. Take debt: he’s going to eliminate the national debt, encourage the Fed to maintain low interest rates, cram a debt restructuring down America’s creditors’ throats, not touch entitlements, and if all else fails, default. Anyone who thinks they know how this will work out please explain in the comments section below.

Similarly, Trump has spoken of scaling back the US’s foreign military commitments and making our allies pay for their own defense, encouraging those of us who have urged the same for years. But he also wants to “stand up” to various threats and increase the already huge military budget (which will further increase that deficit he’s going to eliminate). His proposals are applauded, but the day after the election the applause stops. The winner has to pick the few important themes, draft plans, and mobilize support behind specific proposals. Trump has said he likes to keep people off balance, and perhaps he knows exactly what he wants to do if he wins. The likelier bet is that he has only the vaguest outline of a strategy.

Which need not be fatal to Trump’s candidacy or potential presidency. Good politicians are rarely deep thinkers; they’re button pushers who outsource much of their thinking on nuts-and-bolts policy. His four bankruptcies probably indicate that nuts and bolts are a Trump weakness. All presidents have their brain trusts and Trump needs to expand his. He can’t and shouldn’t try to multitask, but rather outsource policy clarification and planning. He’ll have plenty of volunteers from the think tanks, media, and academia. David Stockman may already be raising his hand (see <a href=””>here</a>, <a href=””>here</a>, and <a href=””>here</a>). Trump imposing even a modicum of intellectual coherence on himself (he could do worse than bring Stockman on board), would be in far better position to launch ideological attacks on Clinton. It would also increase his chances of a successful presidency

If Trump clearly stakes out a position of less or no foreign military interventionism, which has been a winner so far, Clinton has never met an intervention she didn’t love, stretching back to her husband’s presidency. Trump can embrace the private enterprise that has made him a billionaire and offer it as an alternative to disastrous Obamacare, of which disastrous-had-it-been-implemented Hillary Care was the forerunner. Highlighting crony capitalism, of which he has admittedly been a beneficiary, hits Clinton at a weak point, one that Bernie Sanders exploited effectively. These kind of issues offer Trump the opportunity to replicate his cornerstone success with the immigration issue.

The election is Trump’s to lose. Hillary Clinton is the same <a href=””>captive of the establishment</a> and stilted campaigner as the Republicans he destroyed. Trump’s running the table. Barring successful machinations to deny him the nomination at the convention, or a predictably unpredictable “accident,” he shouldn’t have much trouble with the candidate the consistently wrong pundits believe he can’t beat.

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Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 9, 2016 1:58 pm

“The election is Trump’s to lose”————–Robert Gore

Are you serious Robert, have you not noticed the influx of bought and paid for illegals, convicted felons by the hundreds of thousands given the states blessing to vote and the existing FSA and (if all else fails) the electronic joke Diebold voting machines.

BIG CLUE- London just elected it’s first MOOSLIM mayor. Why ?? Because London is 57% mooslims. Big eye-opener people, this shit is getting real so don’t count Cankles out no matter what.

May 9, 2016 2:26 pm

“However, his superficiality, so appropriate for this campaign, will be his greatest weakness should he win the election.”

Yes, among other things. His loose-cannon campaign style is proving very effective, and he does seem to be skilled at some crass types of persuasion. But the ability to campaign like this has essentially nothing to do with the ability to govern. He could easily win the election and then prove to be less capable than Jimmy Carter.

May 9, 2016 3:18 pm

Robert Core , spot on .Hillary Clinton is a criminal and a pathological liar. She should already be in jail.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
May 9, 2016 3:43 pm


Great article.

I was going through the first few paragraphs while eating my lunch and thinking: “What do you mean I can’t multitask effectively?” when I realized I’d glossed over an entire paragraph and not really read it because I was too focused on shovelling food into my mouth. I cackled a bit and coughed up a chunk of watermelon, put my food down and started over while thinking, “Well played my friend. Well played.”

As for the rest of your assessment I think it is spot on. Either way the US will get exactly what it has coming to it. 🙂

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
May 9, 2016 3:53 pm

I’m not sure about the impossibility of multitasking. George Costanza was able to watch TV, bone his girlfriend and eat a sandwich all at the same time. It was his trifecta of hedonism. Of course he was a fictional character, and he may have stopped sexing her every time he took a bite. And was he really paying attention to the show? I guess you’re right.

May 9, 2016 4:03 pm

Superficiality is a tactic. Trump says look at this look at this and does his real work while we watch his diversion. I am really afraid that Cruz was right when he said Trump is playing us for suckers. However, I know what Hillary is. I will take a chance with Trump. At worst Trump is corrupt. At best Hillary is evil.

May 9, 2016 4:18 pm

As I’ve said since the beginning, he is “hope and change” for republicans. All you guys that laughed your asses off at the maroons falling for Obamas line are falling for the same tactic. But this is serving a great purpose, as far as the govt is concerned- it’s getting a lot of people to participate. Many people who had previously written off this entire farce are now back to participating in it. Y’all’s idea of showing the establishment you are sick of their phony elections by…..participating in their phony elections.

As I’ve also said before, even if trump was sincere, there no way to stop this slow motion train wreck. We have long since passed the tipping point. Even if nothing else bad happens, our debt will eat us alive. And Robert, as far as him finding smart people to manage the policies, famed neocon/Israel firster john Bolton is one of those people. If you are going to have a foreign policy based on non intervention and ‘America first’ why would you hire one of the biggest interventionists in politics?

May 9, 2016 4:31 pm

Gator: good point! Bolton is a warmonger in the first degree. I simply can’t imagine “President Hillary Clinton”. Trump MAY turn things around a bit. We know Hillary will continue Onongo’s policies, or be worse.

May 9, 2016 4:49 pm

The sad truth is that Hitlery should have run in 2008. She would have defeated Mc Cain but not by the margin Obama achieved. Consequently, less coat tails and maybe some fight from Congress. The MSM would cover for her but never with the fanaticism it provided Obama.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
May 9, 2016 5:03 pm

trump wins with just a couple words”out of the UN’, day one. since i am simple, 2nd amendment, justice appointments and backing off nato/seato suits me fine. the folly of leaders and generals in 1914 means trouble could be close indeed. americans fail to acknowledge russian role and losses in wwii, two loose cannons is just what is needed.

Muck About
Muck About
May 9, 2016 6:15 pm

I hate to disagree with you Mr. Gore, but the human mind is perfectly capable of multitasking probably up to four to six simultaneous jobs, problems, tasks, women or items dealing with national security.

After a hard day’s work at that, you’d be pretty much exhausted and several problems or items being multitasked would have ended up in much better position and better thought out if it had been given a higher priority in the ladder of priorities.

Over the years, I’ve multitasked so many jobs – ranging from pure mathematics, electronic design, optical evaluation from both tiny laser design to general astronomy to plain old human relations.

I find it challenging. I also made it a habit to take sabbaticals to return to school or transform myself into an entrepreneur for 3-4 years or simply take a year or maybe two off once and again. Kind of taking retirements in installments. I never retired per se, but was medically trashed with adult onset leukemia and lymphoma (undiagnosed for 6 years). Luckily, by the time when it was diagnosed, they had a treatment that seven years after diagnosis has knocked it in the head and I feel far younger than my 79th year.

There is NOTHING you can’t do if you set your mind to it. Maybe not multi-task but serially tackle problems that have nothing to do with each other and kick ass of every one.

The Human Mind has yet to be fully explored as far as capability, capacity or simply its’ effects upon the human body. We will be learning about the mind for hundreds’ of years yet and to say – now – that this or that cannot be done by the human mind is very premature.


YODA_bite me (you know who)
YODA_bite me (you know who)
May 9, 2016 6:51 pm

Multi-tasking doesn’t mean you are doing multiple tasks all at the same time. For example, it doesn’t mean I can juggle, have a conversation on a cell phone while holding it in either hand, and also receiving oral sex at the same time. Guess when I drop the bowling pins.

It does mean that there are many items that you are working on/solving, each of which has its own complexity (small or large), usually involves others, waiting for replies or experiments, etc.

Rise Up
Rise Up
May 9, 2016 6:53 pm

@fear & loathing – yes, the 2nd Amendment and Supreme Court appointees are tops on my list of not allowing Hellary the presidency. We may be doomed in the long run, but she will doom us all the quicker if she gets in.

May 9, 2016 8:42 pm

“As I’ve said since the beginning, he is “hope and change” for republicans. All you guys that laughed your asses off at the maroons falling for Obamas line are falling for the same tactic.”

Yes, this. I said the same thing a few days ago on Stucky’s QOTD thread. Trump is a mirror repeat of “hope and change.”

May 9, 2016 11:07 pm

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May 9, 2016 11:31 pm

“As democracy is perfected,
the office of president represents,
more and more closely,
the inner soul of the people.

On some great and glorious day
the plain folks of the land will
reach their heart’s desire at last
and the White House will be
adorned by a downright moron.”

– H.L. Mencken

May 10, 2016 3:44 am

Trump is anything but superficial. He looks to be the guy who intends to singlehandedly tame the massive construct that is all in globalization and ologarchic financialization of tha world. Not a task for the weak minded or faint hearted. Lot of pussies projecting their fears and anxieties around here. “I’m scared” So what? We have a choice. And we have work to do. Snick comparing Trump to obama is downright ignorant. Trump has a boeing 757, a cessna citation, and 3 sikorsky helocopters. Obama got declined trying to rent a car at the 2004 dimocrat convention. This election is about the trade deals, and with them, out sovereignty as a country. Everything else is noise. Everything. Choose wisely.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 10, 2016 6:27 am

The more that I think about this the more convinced I’ve become that Trump has been planning this for at least a quarter of century if not longer. Every single bit of it fits a well thought out, carefully constructed and thoughtfully conceived strategy to capture the Presidency by stealth.

This guy has been using the Art of War playbook page by page. Anyone who thinks he is a moron or a rube is grossly off the mark. He is wiping the floor with them, over an over, turning their strengths into weaknesses, dismantling their breastworks using their own people and heading for the oval office like a guided missile.

And if that’s true, imagine what hand he hasn’t yet shown.

May 10, 2016 8:47 am

What the hell. I wrote a long comment, and then got a censoring
prompt, but no comment registered. Is there a new policy now?

May 10, 2016 8:49 am

Rather than trying to reconstruct my brilliant comment,
I will ditto HSF. I said what he said, from a woman’s

Thank you Mr. Gore, for a great article to start the day.

May 10, 2016 8:53 am

No new policy.

Sometimes the automatic filter protecting the site from attacks will knock out a legitimate comment.

Mongoose Jack
Mongoose Jack
May 10, 2016 8:51 am

My thoughts exactly HSF. You are the first I have seen express this. This is indeed years in the making.

May 10, 2016 9:14 am



May 10, 2016 10:10 am

In 5 years nothing will be fixed. No matter who wins.

May 10, 2016 12:07 pm

Agree with HSF.

Trump didn’t get to where Trump is today by accident. Everything he does is strategic. The bankruptcies, real estate deals, his move into the USFL etc… Look at how he took out his opponents one by one until he was the last man standing.

Anyone who underestimates him is in for a surprise.

Russia, China, Mexico, Europe may find that he shakes their hand and fleeces their pocket.

Rise Up
Rise Up
May 10, 2016 3:11 pm

Mongoose Jack says: My thoughts exactly HSF. You are the first I have seen express this. This is indeed years in the making.

I’m not a “bible thumper” but this is a very interesting interview and agrees with the notion that Trump has been planning, consciously or not, to get to this point.

May 10, 2016 5:03 pm

New Quinnipac poll shows Trump and Clinton virtually tied in FL (Clinton by 1 point), PA (Clinton by 1 point), and OH (Trump by 4 points). Margin of error, plus or minus 3. All three states are critical swing states. Since 1960, no winner has won without getting at least 2 of these 3 states.

Gonna be a wild ride for voters this year.

May 10, 2016 6:05 pm

“Y’all’s idea of showing the establishment you are sick of their phony elections by…..participating in their phony elections. ”

Exactly, Gator. Very well said.