“What Could Have Possibly Raised Your Costs” – Hillary Can’t Answer Why Obamacare Costs Are Soaring

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Hillary Clinton’s strategy to get in front of voters and answer one-on-one type questions is not working out very well.

First, Clinton couldn’t explain to an unemployed West Virginian why she was promising to put a lot of coal miners out of work. Now, Hillary can’t explain why Obamacare fees are higher than promised, and are set to explode even higher next year.

During a recent town hall event, a small business owner explained to the Democratic front-runner that her health insurance has gone up so significantly for her family that the thought of providing benefits to her employees is secondary at this point.

“As a small business owner, not only are you trying to provide benefits to your employees, you’re trying to provide benefits to yourself. I have seen our health insurance for my own family, go up $500 dollars a month in the last two years. We went from four hundred something, to nine hundred something. We’re just fighting to keep benefits for ourselves. The thought of being able to provide benefits to your employees is almost secondary, yet to keep your employees happy, that’s a question that comes across my desk all the time. I have to keep my employees as independent contractors for the most part really to avoid that situation, and so I have turnover”


“We do not qualify for a subsidy on the current health insurance plan. My question to you is not only are you looking out for people that can’t afford healthcare, but I’m someone that can afford it, but it’s taking a big chunk of the money I bring home.

To which Hillary responded, to make a long story short, that she knows healthcare costs are going up, and doesn’t understand why that would ever be the case.

“What you’re saying is one of the real worries that we’re facing with the cost of health insurance because the costs are going up in a lot of markets, not all, but many markets and what you’re describing is one of the real challenges.”


“There’s a lot of things I’m looking at to try to figure out how to deal with exactly the problem you’re talking about. There are some good ideas out there but we have to subject them to the real world test, will this really help a small business owner or a family be able to afford it. What could have possibly raised your costs four hundred dollars, and that’s what I don’t understand.

* * *


While we don’t have all of the answers as to why the cost of insurance has skyrocketed under the Obamacare regime (actually scratch that, we know very well) we do know that more government subsidies will only continue to drive the costs up, and families and small businesses will continue to get burned as the government continues to tinker with the healthcare market, especially as more insurance providers finally do the math and pull out of Obamacare states as the largest American health insurer, UnitedHealth, has done in recent weeks.

Also, Clinton does have a good point in saying that ideas should be subjected to real world tests before being implemented. Perhaps the all-knowing planners should have tried that before spending billions on the Obamacare roll out, which is currently crumbling beneath its own weight.


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Hollow man
Hollow man
May 12, 2016 11:58 am

No one can explain it. We had to pass it to find out out what was in it. Well it is taking years for that to play out so we still don’t know. But I bet she has a plan to fix it.

May 12, 2016 12:33 pm

in my opinion: the solution that should have been applied, is to make all of health care non profit. it is done in some other countries, with success. consumer costs are almost unbelievably low.


harry p.
harry p.
May 12, 2016 1:11 pm

Its easy to explain why costs are going, its because govt became further entrenched in healthcare so look in the fucking mirror you cunt.
Common Sense & Logic

May 12, 2016 1:43 pm


Great idea. Say, how’s about we just pass a law that makes everything non-profit? Then nothing will be expensive, right?

Then, with all the money saved we can have a $1000/hr. minimum wage!


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 12, 2016 2:07 pm

Get ready for your Obamacare to go up 15 to 20% next year, and I’m betting Hitlery won’t have a clue next year or the year after that. Notice that NOBODY in DC has a clue why this non-coverage is going through the roof. Inquiring minds want to know but soon it will be cheaper to just fly our of the country to buy your prescriptions and go to the doctor plus you get a vacation. People could just plan their trips around which country is the cheapest on the drugs they need, sad we have come to this.

May 12, 2016 2:20 pm

Designed to fail.

May 12, 2016 2:23 pm

I believe the government is nonprofit – how’s that working?

May 12, 2016 2:30 pm

Obamacare just took another hit today when a U.S. District judge ruled the federal government has been unconstitutionally paying out certain Obamacare subsidies/reimbursements, which House Republicans sued to stop. The lawsuit, filed in July 2014, argues the Obama administration is illegally spending money that was never allocated by Congress.

At issue was a $175 million program authorizing payments to insurers that Republicans claimed were not appropriated by Congress. On the question of whether the money could be distributed anyway under another program, Collyer wrote in her opinion: “It cannot.”

At this rate Obamacare could conceivably be dead before the moron leaves office….

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 12, 2016 2:34 pm

Big Pharma goes non-profit………..LMFAO.

Put the crack pipe down artbyjoe, you have had enough.

May 12, 2016 2:38 pm

Just wait, when the bitch is elected she’ll fix it, she’ll fix it for good.

May 12, 2016 3:04 pm

As a gay man with mandated coverage for both pregnancy and birth control I think I may have a guess as to some of the more outlandish ridiculous segments of my policy that are driving costs up needlessly.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
May 12, 2016 3:18 pm

The question by the woman was obviously planted by Hildabeast. She wants to front run this issue because Trump is going to hammer her with it. Notice the woman was calm and inviting to Hildabeast.

She states her costs went up from $400 to $900 and now she cannot afford to offer coverage to her workers. Why is she not a bit peeved? She instead sends the message that she supports Hildabeast because she knows the beast cares and can fix it. BS!!!

May 12, 2016 3:51 pm

Greg, my feelings exactly.

May 12, 2016 5:55 pm

O care is a tax nightmare

May 12, 2016 6:33 pm

Healthcare costs are increasing for the same reason now that they have been for the last 5 decades or so.

The consumer doesn’t bear the responsibility of paying for it, he or she is far removed from the payment for the medical service received.

HSA’s would change that and start reversing the process that got us here since it would be in the consumers best interest to control costs and avoid unnecessary expenses.

May 12, 2016 6:50 pm

The Hilldabeast doesn’t worry about healthcare costs because her doctor is a veterinarian .

Want healthcare costs to come down …waaaay down ? Allow competition…yep…let the hospitals,doctors,pharmacies etc advertise their services. Costs will drop like a rock….just like everything does when there’s competition .

YODA_bite me (you know who)
YODA_bite me (you know who)
May 12, 2016 7:19 pm

BUCK…your 1st sentence is hilarious.

May 12, 2016 8:09 pm

Doctors are being targeted DEA and gov to lose licences for little to no infractions in my area.Also doctors HERDED INTO HOSPITAL GROUPS AND TARGETS IF IN PRIVATE PRACTICE. More horror stories from doctors I have talked to

May 12, 2016 8:13 pm

Germany has non profit health care. it is private. not run or subsidized by the government. insurance companies can pay all of the salaries they want. that is taxable, so the government likes it. they can pay for any infrastructure the want. they can pay for all of the health care bills they want. but if they pay a dividend someone goes to jail. no one is allowed to profit over sickness of people. same goes with hospitals and doctors. consumer costs are low. other forms of insurance are not affected. health care profits left over have to be used to lowering customers health care premiums. there are over 100 insurance companies competing for the business.
our health care system is just rape and pillage.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
May 12, 2016 9:41 pm

Fabulous, your being charged for stuff you don’t need isn’t a bug. It’s a feature. Hospitals and doctors send out outrageous fake bills to people to scare them into buying insurance that they mostly don’t need. The government makes it illegal to not buy insurance and then wonders why insurance prices are jacked way up.

May 13, 2016 12:10 am


The way I see it, as long as I have a bit of cash under the mattress and insurance for catastrophic care, I can afford to go someplace where care is affordable and have a vacation while I’m at it.

For what it cost to have a hip replacement in the USA I could go to Spain, get my hip replaced, live in Spain 2 years, run with the bulls and get a brand new hip again after the bulls mess me up.

Spend $100, get a passport and put the money away that you would have used to buy this worthless insurance and use it for a nice healthcare vacation. It is time to starve this beast.

May 13, 2016 11:08 am


Moar gov’t, moar regulation. “…if they pay a dividend someone goes to jail.” This sounds good to you? Government coercion? Justice from the barrel of a gun?

How about some fucking voluntarism? You know, I go to the doctor. The doctor treats me. I pay the doctor. Shit like that. It’s how I get my pets treated at the vet, and it works wonderfully. And it’s affordable. Why? Because there’s no middlemen, no bureaucracy. Price discovery has been allowed to occur.

Any time I read about a “solution” involving more laws and gov’t intervention in what should be private, voluntary transactions I want to puke.