Here Comes Donald!: Duck.


8 U.S. Code § 1324a: (1)In general It is unlawful for a person or other entity—

(A) to hire, or to recruit or refer for a fee, for employment in the United States an alien knowing the alien is an unauthorized alien (as defined in subsection (h)(3))….

Oh  God. Oh God. It’s Hillary or Trump. The first, a loathsome Gorgon paddling about in the  bubbling corruption and fetor of Washington, a political hooker in a plastic miniskirt crooning “I’ll l do anything for a donation to my foundation.” On this soiled caryatid we are going to rest the weight of the nation?

But…Trump? A huckstering bully growling, “I can whip any man in this bar.” He doesn’t seem to have looked around the bar very carefully. I’ll vote for him because the alternative is too horrible to contemplate, but…but….

I read with astonishment his proposed policy toward Mexico. Truculence, ignorance, carney showmanship, and a weird view of Mexico. He sees it as both an enemy country and as a malign being, sentient, diabolical, bent on hurting the United States. This seems to parallel his approach to the rest of the world.

His goal regarding Latinos–the prevention of illegal immigration and the repatriation of illegal immigrants–is commendable. A country has the right to determine who enters. Some of his plans would effect this end. Yet he seems to have little understanding of the problem and believes that Mexico, which he despises, is the cause.

How so? America’s immigration mess is entirely self-inflicted.  In 1965 the United States changed its laws to encourage immigration. Mexico didn’t change America’s laws. Ever since, American businessmen have knowingly, eagerly hired illegal immigrants in large numbers and exerted influence to maintain the influx. The American government under Obama encourages illegal immigration, and former administrations have looked the other way. The Democrats push for naturalization explicitly to get the votes. States give illegals driver’s licenses, health care, and schooling. “Sanctuary cities” openly defy laws as, again, does the federal government. Border patrols have been ordered, by Obama, virtually to stand down.

None of this was done by Mexico.

He is mad about the use of welfare by illegals. Trump quote: “U.S. taxpayers have been asked to pick up hundreds of billions in healthcare costs, housing costs, education costs, welfare costs, etc.”

How much sense does this make? America offers these things and then complains when they are accepted. If you don’t want illegal aliens on welfare, don’t give them welfare. Is this a difficult concept? Why is Mexico to blame for America’s stupidity?

Yet we have Trump eagerly planning ways to punish Mexico.

From his web page: “There is no doubt that Mexico is engaging in unfair subsidy behavior that has eliminated thousands of U.S. jobs….”

Fact: American businesses have moved factories to Mexico. Mexico did not force them to do this. In the United States, American businessmen intentionally give jobs to illegals. The illegals accept them. They do not “take” them. How could they? At gunpoint?

Trump is either dishonest, naive, or thinks like a ten-year-old.

Then we have: “Mexico has taken advantage of us in another way as well: gangs, drug traffickers and cartels have freely exploited our open borders and committed vast numbers of crimes inside the United States.”

Always  Mexico is a conscious, malevolent being. Again Trump is blankly ignorant.

Fact: “Mexico” does not sell drugs in the United States. The cartels do. Mexico cannot control the cartels (as neither can the United States), which dominate large parts of the country, fight battles against the army and police, kill reporters and the families of soldiers known to take part in operations against them.

The cartels do far more harm to Mexico than to the United States. Wikipedia: “By the end of Felipe Calderón‘s administration (2006–12), the official death toll of the Mexican Drug War was at least 60,000.[Estimates set the death toll above 120,000 killed by 2013, not including 27,000 missing.””

That’s taking advantage of the US?  Mexican cops, soldiers, and reporters are dying in America’s drug war. Americans are not.

If Trump doesn’t know the foregoing, he is anpolitical gerbil proposing policy without bothering to do minimal homework. If he does know it, he is a con man.

Mexicans occasionally ask, “If Americans don’t want drugs, why do they buy them?” The market for drugs exists in the first place because Americans very much want drugs: high-school students want them, often middle-schoolers, college kids, high-dollar lawyers, Congressmen on the Hill doing lines of coke at parties, liberals, conservatives, libertarians, the residue of the Sixties. Washington doesn’t want Americans to have their drugs. It is America’s problem.

Trump’s plan to require proof of citizenship to remit money to Latin America makes sense and would be effective. So would eVerify. No reason exists to make life easy for criminal aliens–which, since illegal entry into America is a crime, includes all illegals. But he is going to force Mexico to, grrr, woof, to pay for his border wall, the brown bastards.

Quote: “It’s an easy decision for Mexico: make a one-time payment of $5-10 billion to ensure that $24 billion continues to flow into their country year after year.  “

This is extortion—he could equally say “Give us fifty billion or we will bomb Guadalajara.” We could profitably use the approach on Canada. It embodies his curious notion that Mexico has responsibility to enforce America’s immigration laws when the US makes no effort to enforce them.

Which would be easy, except that America doesn’t really want to do it.

It is illegal to hire illegals. See USC above. Heavy penalties are on the books. Nowhere, as far as I can determine, does Trump suggest applying those penalties to CEOs, farmers, rich women with illegal maids, and construction firms.

Leading a few dozen employers in handcuffs to the paddy wagon would have an immediate effect. Make it a rebuttable presumption that if more than ten percent of a work force are criminally in the United States, the employer knows it. In the case of corporations, deny federal contracts to companies convicted to hiring criminal aliens. As  President in control of the Justice Department, Trump could begin enforcing the laws on his first day in office.

If Trump won’t move against criminal employers–if you break the law, you are a criminal, and hiring illegals is against the law–how can one regard him as more than a grandstanding opportunist?

Over and over, the pugnacity, the threatening: Quote: “Again, we have the leverage so Mexico will back down.” Over and over, if we do this, it will hurt Mexico (or China in other statements) more than it will hurt us. We have the leverage, the power. We can do what we want to them.

What if Mexico didn’t back down?

Here we have fertile ground for unintended and unpredictable consequences. There are things that governments cannot do and stay in power. Caving in to extortion may be one. The demand to pay for a wall would be a “Kiss my ass, Pedro” moment. It is clearly intended as such. If Mexico said “No” and Trump blocked remittances, his ego being threatened, it would be seen as a war on Mexico, Mexicans, and Latinos in general. Which  it would be.

There are at least fifty-five million Latinos in the United States. Most are legal and not going anywhere. How wise is it for the President to attack them as Latinos, to describe them in insulting and inaccurate terms, to blame them for things they haven’t done, and create antagonism between the US and Mexico? All of this thrills white nationalists, many of whom seem to want revenge as much as they want an end to immigration. But America probably doesn’t really need another huge, hostile, self-aware racial group. Perhaps Trump should avoid creating one.

Also worth noting is that Mexico is not the banana republic of popular imagination. It is a major trading  partner of the US, a nation of about 120 million, the first or second economy in Latin America depending on what Brazil is doing at the moment, with a rapidly expanding middle class. It is also host to enormous investment by American firms. For example, Ford is about to build a $1.6 billion plant here. The Donald’s school-yard-bully approach plays well with many of his constituents, but making enemies to the south is not going to help either country.

But this is a grown-up consideration. We are talking about national politics.

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May 28, 2016 2:58 pm

“There are at least fifty-five million Latinos in the United States. Most are legal and not going anywhere.”

Needs a citation – and proof that most aren’t illegals. Since we don’t actually count people as illegals, how can Fred know? And if they can’t get a job OR BENEFITS WITHOUT ONE how many would stay, and how many would relocate on their own?

Mexico has a fairly strict set of immigration laws. They will let folks from Central America migrate through to the US in order to get work, as long as they don’t stay in Mexico. Their economy could not support unlimited immigration from anywhere, unless every new immigrant started a business and contributed through taxes more than they consumed.

Why can’t we have immigration laws like Mexico? Why can’t we send back home every illegal immigrant, no appeal possible and without delay?

Oh, yeah, it’s because Fred’s kid married a Latino and had a grandkid (see previous posts). That makes illegal immigration OK in Fred’s book. OK, Fred, why don’t you move to Mexico with all of them?

May 28, 2016 3:06 pm

” He sees it as both an enemy country and as a malign being, sentient, diabolical, bent on hurting the United States.”

Isn’t it about time we had someone in Washington that sees the truth and isn’t afraid to deal with it as such?

Anyone thinking that Mexico is our ally or even friend is deluded at best (and calling them “deluded” is being charitable).

Anyone of a different opinion show me why I should change mine and do it using the real world we live in as an example, instead of some imaginary one.

May 28, 2016 3:27 pm

@jamesthewanderer…… OK, Fred, why don’t you move to Mexico with all of them?

James, he did move to Mexico…. Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 28, 2016 3:37 pm

jamesthewanderer says: “There are at least fifty-five million Latinos in the United States. Most are legal and not going anywhere.”

jimbo, I think he does live in Mexico.

As for your questioning the legal status of Hispanics in general, there is the rub. Pretty soon your like Doucheman, looking at every Hispanic as an illegal. Not that such generalizing is a bad thing. Since your a white guy, I’m sure your grandies owned a few slaves.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 28, 2016 3:48 pm

Judging from the knee-jerk comments in the vein of ‘my mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with the facts’ it is clear The Donald is a shoo-in.

The grand white messiah with his gospel of hope that, by the wall alone, you will be saved, has many followers. Those of us who do not see the light of his message may not be saved.

Something doesn’t jive. According to the article “A Sun is Born” Trump would have to have been born in a manger just like Hitler. (Really, that article said such a thing when it listed Hitler among a hundred folks purported to fill the bill of messiahnity.)

May 28, 2016 3:58 pm

“Yet we have Trump eagerly planning ways to punish Mexico.” – Bullshit !!! Trump has already planned a way to punish Corporations that have moved out of the U.S. for cheap labor and lack of regulations.

“What if Mexico didn’t back down?” – not applicable as this has nothing to do with a Mexican government decision; either the Corporations continue to mfg in Mexico and pay a 35% fee to import into the U.S. or move back to the U.S. to mfg.

May 28, 2016 4:02 pm

i am in favor of open immigration in both directions. the exception being the diseased and criminals. i can see the sense in exclusionary laws.
this was the standard until fairly recently.

May 28, 2016 4:07 pm

Fred Reed….this is for you; 1 hr 47 min of pure enjoyment:

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 28, 2016 4:08 pm

kokoda, the whole NAFTA thing was something like if you convinced your neighbor to let you use his garage and backyard for all your shit work and you also asked him to let you hire his daughters to work for you at a rate of pennies per hour. Plus he couldn’t complain about them messes you made, cause it’s hit house and yard, not yours.

If you want the factories back, EPA, OSHA and the unions will have to go. Be still my Oligarchical heart!

Dang, now I have to mansplain shit to morans. Admin ain’t payin’ me enough. Guess I should have told him I ain’t a illegal.

May 28, 2016 4:08 pm

Fred’s right. We hold out the carrot to Mexicans (jobs, health care, education) and then complain about them pouring in. The fact that Congress has refused to deal with this problem for decades now only shows that TPTB absolutely want things just as they are. The laws that exist are a joke.

Mexico is not entirely innocent in this affair. However, unlike the US it chooses to enforce its own restrictive immigration laws and gets criticized for doing so.

I hope someone close to Trump will make him sit down and read Fred.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 28, 2016 4:22 pm

Gayle, the laws are restrictive but not impermeable, my brother in law is a Salvy. He said he spent some time in Mexico, working in construction. Like here (by The Donald’s own admission) they sleep on the work-site.

If you look, Mexico City has a lot of foreigners. Porfirio Diaz was in love with the European ‘scientifics’ or intellectual advisers to Diaz (cientificos). The Mexican revolution was a prole revolt against that model. Years later, the Europeans are still in charge.

May 28, 2016 6:33 pm


The reason “open immigration” cannot be allowed can be summed up in one word: Welfare.

As long as we have it and they don’t we will get the lowest common denominator of their lowest classes coming here to get it and that will destroy our system entirely.

Europe is on the verge of learning now, a few of the countries cutting everything from police protection to health care to their own people in order to serve the invading masses from elsewhere that bring nothing with them except violent demands to be taken care of and provided for without working for it.

That’s a lesson best learned before the fact rather than after it when it can no longer be fixed.

May 28, 2016 6:45 pm

@Anonymous 6:33 pm i agree that your thought of immigration + welfare is the big problem. so, if welfare is the problem, fix it. while you are at it, lets fix the insurance problem and the medical practices problem and all of the rest of the problems. as opposed to just saying “we can’t, because”. open immigration is what made this country great. the problem list, were not the things that made this country great.

May 28, 2016 7:47 pm

EC, you may be right: he may have moved to Mexico to be with his family.

In that case, why is he bitching about US laws & etc. ? Why isn’t he writing about the legendary corruption, endless cartel violence and lack of change in either for the last three decades?

I’m not saying he can’t have an opinion, but my opinion of Austrian far-right political parties is somewhat less impactful than, say, a Viennese street musicians, so I don’t write essays about the AfD.

Maybe Fred will solve our problems from the safety of Mexico?

Phil from Oz
Phil from Oz
May 28, 2016 9:21 pm

Well, before we all get rosy-eyed where Donald is concerned (“Making America Great Again”), read the following. Also note that the search string “has Trump used illegal labour” returns 1.47 MILLION entries in Google.

Note these were POLISH workers. So, Trump’s being a little less than honest isn’t he – “Stop MEXICAN Illegals” – whilst he happily uses just as “Illegal” Poles.

Now that he’s home and dry with the Republican nomination, rest assured you’ll be subject to far more bombast from “Chairman Donald”.

He’s a Politician. They lie. Deal with it.

[imgcomment image.html[/img]

and as for being an “Honourable person” –

[imgcomment image[/img]

and maybe a TRUE assessment of your future “President” ‘s real allegiances –

[imgcomment image[/img]

“Enjoy” 🙂 🙂 🙂

May 28, 2016 9:23 pm


Open immigration means unlimited immigration.

So answer one simple question, how many new immigrants -particularly ones with no education or skills that do not share American values- are enough?

10 million?

100 million?

500 million?

A billion?

Just name the number, but when you do you have spoken against open immigration since it would have to be closed at that number.

So I await your answer, and if you are sincere about open immigration you will give one that addresses the question that was asked.

May 28, 2016 9:25 pm


Geez man, thanks for pointing that out.

That’s worse than Romney ordering the deliberate murder of that poor steelworker’s wife.

We’ve absolutely gotta elect Hillary to put the nation back on the right path.

May 28, 2016 9:38 pm

Phil , just because you can afford to live in a gated community doesn’t give you the ..”Right …to infect multiculturalism on the rest of America. Besides one day your gated community with be surrounded by third world bottom feeders if this mass immigration is not stopped.

Soon there is going to be nowhere for white people like you to run .Meathead.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 28, 2016 9:45 pm

EC- I read the other day that at this time, white males are only 31% of the population. Not sure about Asian, Mexican, Mooslim etc.

I’m guessing that if Soros has enough money, brown skinned males will take over and 63′ Chevys will be worth a fortune. You are certainly smart enough to be their leader when this shithole is reclaimed by your side. Viva El Coyote !!

May 28, 2016 10:55 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

May 29, 2016 12:00 am

Its so simple. Dismantle the welfare state, end our misguided, ineffective, and expensive war on drugs. Most, if not all, of these problems will disappear. There are some things I like about trump, but this is not one of them. You can’t both entice people with massive monetary benefits for coming here and then demonize/punish them for doing so. The welfare state has to go.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 29, 2016 1:27 am

Bea, I got 9 thumbs down because people don’t understand sarcasm.

Do you know why I’m here? One of the reasons is that I went to school with white kids when I was young. It doesn’t mean I identify as white but that my whole life I’ve been a minority. I can’t picture living in a brown world, talking about sticking it to ‘the man’ or ‘brown power’.

Race is not the most important part of life for me. I’ve run into people who made it a point to remind me that I’m a beaner. My buddy John used to sing to me daily: “It’s no fun, being an illegal alien”. Years later, another dude in the know told me, Elpidio, if you had kept a record, you could have collected $1000 from the company for every incident where John called you a wetback and such.

But I got an even better revenge, after he left to pursue his own business, he tried to come back. The boss told him he’d let him know as soon as there was an opening. He never called John. So I called John and let him know. How was I going to let them fuck my buddy?

Perhaps I might claim a new minority status; transracial.

May 29, 2016 2:34 am

@anonymous 9:23 pm. rather than playing pin the tail on the donkey, i just looked it up. Historical percentage of immigrants living in the US has varied from 5% to 15% since 1850.
now, i realize that this does not give you a number to admit per year.
therefore , here is a chart of residences granted per year.
it varies from year to year. mostly based upon our and the world economy. these are people who paid their own way to get here. raised kids, bought cars, farms, houses, contributed to our economy.

May 29, 2016 7:50 am

Oh, shit. Elpidio is a tranny. Who fuckin knew?

May 29, 2016 8:06 am

USA is toasted and we don’t know it. The government is captured by those who make lawsthat apply to others and not themselves or their favored. Laws on paper don’t mean anything. The only law that counts is the laws enforced by the guns. Sooner or later it will all shake out.

May 29, 2016 9:13 am

You’re full of shit!

I saw and held the “comic book” looking thing that the Mex gov’t published. It was a guide for getting into the US illegally, best states etc.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 29, 2016 9:43 am

Elpidio- Sorry but you are not the first to claim the transracial tag, we have had many articles here about folks who identified with other races.

We could give you a coming out party here on the platform to become an official “white guy” if you like. 🙂

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 29, 2016 3:49 pm


My family doesn’t know. They’d disown me.
It might go to my head and I’d want to run for governor of Nevada.
Besides, they don’t serve beans and tortillas in Gringolandia on a regular basis.