Police arrested seven people after anti-racism and anti-immigration protesters clashed in the southern Australian city of Melbourne on Saturday. Violence broke out between the two groups as they marched through the suburb of Coburg, with some using flag poles to hit each other. Hundreds of riot police, some on horseback, used capsicum spray to separate the over 500 protesters, some of whom were draped in Australian flags and had covered their faces.

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May 30, 2016 11:32 am

The description is wrong – I’ll correct it:

“Supporters of Islamic Sharia vs Anti-Islam Moderates”

rhs jr
rhs jr
May 30, 2016 11:41 am

We need muslims like we need our heads cut off.

May 30, 2016 12:10 pm

Sometimes I think I will be kinda glad when the shooting wars actually starts .I am so sick and tired of diversity.So disgusted with Political Correctness and all the Marxist Bull Shit that comes with it.

Then at my age I probably wouldn’t last very long.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 30, 2016 12:55 pm

Well at least Austrians have the stones to get out and voice their dissent. If you see someone protesting in Merika, they are usually some weird ass dude wearing a dress and wig, draped in a rainbow flag. Where are our young people who should be out protesting our destruction? Sadly they are supporters of our conquerors ……..I ‘m sooooo disgusted with it all.

Muck About
Muck About
May 30, 2016 1:57 pm

Islam is universally known to be a religion of death. Open a copy of the what Mohammed supposedly said (although he was long dead and gone before the Koran was written by some Imam with an axe to grind) and all you see is death and destruction..

Muslims, however, are of several classes, none particularly palatable. The Sunni branch believe a different prophet laid down the laws of Islam, the Shiites believe somebody else did it, so they kill each other (same fucking stupid religion) over it which is the dumbest thing I ever heard of.

But they’ve been doing it for several thousand years and why stop now?? Sunni’s are particularly fractious and much more aggressive than Shiites – that’s why more Shiites die over there than Sunnis.

Now the utter truth: There is a really good reason why Arabs, Muslims and other ilk that lives over in that part of world are called “sand niggers”.

Not pretty but that’s the truth.

Been there, seen what they do to each other, disliked them then and never found a reason to change my mind. A lot of them smell pretty bad too. But you would as well, living in a desert when one bathes with urine because water is only for drinking.


May 30, 2016 2:51 pm

Oberwil-Lieli, a Swiss town of 2200 citizens voted by referendum to pay a fine of 200,000 Euros instead of admitting 10 so-called Syrian refugees into their village.

One resident of the village told MailOnline: “We do not want them here it is as simple as that.

“We have worked hard all our lives and have a lovely village that we do not want it spoiled. We are not suited to take in refugees. They would not fit in here.”

Sanity prevails.

May 30, 2016 3:18 pm

nkit, I wonder how much they’ll be willing to pay next time? What happens when they run out of money?

May 30, 2016 3:29 pm

I_S, According to the article, 300 of the 2200 residents are millionaires. So, who knows how long they can or will play the EU’s game. Apparently the Swiss have agreed to accept 3000 Syrian immigrants. Wealthy Oberwil-Lieli wants to opt out. I can’t blame them being as small a village as they are. How long before those 10 eventually become 10% of the population?

May 30, 2016 6:48 pm

This division among 99 percenters is just what TPTB wants so attention is not being paid to the crumbling economy. If these people fight each other then the TPTB can continue acquiring more wealth with impunity.

Phil from Oz
Phil from Oz
May 30, 2016 7:37 pm

That was covered in our “local” news, as was the assault of a female RT reporter by one of the “Anti-Islam” Rent-a-Mob protesters.

(The HeraldSun makes the worst of the UK Tabloids appear like “The Times” by editorial and content comparison! 🙂 )

Unfortunately this is typically Coburg (look up the term “Bogan”), and Melbourne does have this rent-a-mob reputation, fuelled by a VERY entrenched, very Aussie “I’ve got Rights Mate” mindset.

If I “ever” get to retire (increasingly unlikely) I’m getting as far away from here as possible. Friends have moved to Mataranka (NT) and although this is very literally a “one shop hamlet” it has a lot going for it. The Aboriginal locals are friendly and very easy to get along with, which is so very far removed from Melbourne’s “White Trash” . . . . .

[imgcomment image[/img]

Mataranka “Main Street” on a “busy” day , or Melbourne on a typical Monday.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Flinders Station – voted the worst for congestion in Australia . . .

Peter Harris
Peter Harris
May 30, 2016 11:15 pm

“Where’s Peter Wanker to tell us all how Australia is a paradise of diversity?”

I’m here.
I’ve just been busy cleaning up your piss and wind, over on that other thread, where you are displaying your ignorance about comparative healthcare systems.

Yes, we have diversity in Australia too.

We have American-style rednecks, where they both live in the city, and the outback (mostly in Queensland).
We have poor white trash, which include some of the Sheilas.
And as someone has pointed out, we have what’s called “Bogans.”
Bogans by and large, congregate in a poor working class suburbs, on the outskirts of our larger cities such as Melbourne and Sydney.
They also like to populate small towns like Bendigo.

And we also have bigots and racists in politics. (see links)

And admin, don’t worry about what I’m staying, if I were you i would put more effort into moderating other comments.
Can you tell Bea Lever that Austria is in the northern hemisphere, and that Australia is in the southern hemisphere??

So, too answer your rhetorically question, as I have pointed out, we have real diversity
in our bigots, racists and white trash.

May 31, 2016 12:46 am

Micro Peter said:
“So, too answer your rhetorically question, as I have pointed out, we have real diversity
in our bigots, racists and white trash.”

So you have diversity but no grammar education. Fair enough but make sure you don’t use your teeth when you’re smoking diverse muslim pole.

Phil from Oz
Phil from Oz
May 31, 2016 2:55 am

Peter – you’re rather “out of touch” with today’s Bogan – they are certainly NOT disadvantaged “Working Class” – they are very much the “Nouveau Riche” helped by Labour protectionist policies (“Safety” of course!), and they are VERY aware of their “Rights, Mate”. When it comes to responsibilities – “someone else’s problem, Mate”.

Nowadays the difference between the poor and “quite well off” is bling, not culture. I live with ’em, and I have to work with ’em too. Their progeny are getting into Professions where they can cause plenty of damage too – including Medicine. How? “Money Talks Mate”, and when Dad’s a multimillionaire electrician, a LOT of doors magically open – doors that in a sane society would remain firmly shut. THIS is why I want to get out. Live somewhere where the local GP WANTS to be a Dr out of genuine Clinical interest, and leave those who are in the Profession solely “for the money” (and mark my words, there are PLENTY in this category) to stay in the trendier parts of Oz.

May 31, 2016 3:51 am

Peter, you don’t get it. No moderation here, to speak of. You put it up, you take responsibility for it. It works remarkably well. Do we hurl insults and nasty thoughts from time to time? Sure. Do people get pissed and quit, temporarily, permanently? Sure. But there are a group of folks here with remarkably thick skins, and that makes it interesting. The readership of this blog dwarfs the number of commenters, many choose to read for info and entertainment without participating in the bloodsport. It’s not as yee-haw as it might seem at first, some due have peculiar axes to grind, so it goes. You took a couple barrels to the chest on day one, enjoy your stay.

May 31, 2016 8:49 am

Since when is Islam a “Race?”
One chooses to be a Muslim terrorist sympathizer.

May 31, 2016 9:44 am

Every Hindu, Buddhist, and Sikh I have ever met who has spent time in their home country has nothing but complete and utter hatred for Islam.

Peter Harris
Peter Harris
May 31, 2016 10:02 am

@ Phil from Oz

Yes, there is some truth in what you say.
And in my own defence, I didn’t have much time to write that comment.
There’s much more nuanced commentary I could have added about social economics in Australia, but I just kept it brief because of time.

I recall a discussion I had with my uncle, about 20 years ago, just as he retired as a wharfie. (Longshoremen in American terminology)
From the time he started out as a wharfie, in the 1950s, until he retired in the late 80s, he saw enormous change in the job and the culture.
Originally wharfies were treated very badly. Had poor pay, and even poorer work conditions, but over time, the union gathered more power, and after a few decades, a wharfie’s job was very well-paid.
So much so that my uncle told me that, the old-style wharfies that he worked with, didn’t want that lifestyle for their children, and with the money they saved, from now what was a well-paid job as a wharfie, put that money into sending sending their kids to university to become accountants and lawyers, and other white-collar jobs generally.
So yes, the Australian working class has changed in many ways over the last 30 years.

Peter Harris
Peter Harris
May 31, 2016 10:06 am

@ starfcker

Don’t think too deeply into my phrase, “moderator.”
I often use that term in other forums and website commentary.
It’s just force of habit.
I know, he’s/she’s an administrator. I got it.

May 31, 2016 2:45 pm

1980XLS, you are correct. Arabs, Persians, etc. are Caucasians.