Pedophilia Is Not a Crime, Says Rutgers Prof Margo Kaplan | News | Philadelphia Magazine

(In my opinion, this has always been the end game for liberals.  And for those people who told me I was crazy?  Who’s crazy now?)

Rutgers law professor Margo Kaplan took to the pages of the New York Times to declare that pedophilia is not a crime. We spoke with her to learn more.

Source: Pedophilia Is Not a Crime, Says Rutgers Prof Margo Kaplan | News | Philadelphia Magazine

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May 31, 2016 9:00 am

A few years ago, a scumbag living with a woman and her 2 year old daughter in a trailer park near my city at the time got drunk and raped the 2 year old. If that isn’t a crime, then what is?

rhs jr
rhs jr
May 31, 2016 9:10 am

What’s new? Not a crime in Islam ( ), not a crime in the Talmud ( ), not a crime prosecuted in haute society in California, England or Europe ( ).

May 31, 2016 9:11 am

Margo says it is a ‘Disorder’, not a ‘Crime’. Another liberal with a mental disorder gets to publish a piece of garbage. What sick people – for any real crime, they can derive some fantastical exlanation why the horrific crime is not a crime but a ‘Disorder’.

She deserves to be Necklaced.

May 31, 2016 9:42 am

Oh, I get it now, to the “new progressive liberal” a person can be born a pedophile but not act on their desires for a prepubescent child, ever, and they can also decide they are a sexless person and have the right to use any bathroom they choose whenever they decide.

This is all normal behavior, nothing to worry about, no big deal allowing these people near your children………..

Susie, Susie, Susie, stop your crying, he did nothing wrong because he was born that way, it’s normal and expected to be sexually abused, and we should celebrate this newfound freedom in Newamerica.

May 31, 2016 10:34 am

This is an “old” article, but read it and realize that these bastards really think it is UNFAIR that someone who prefers “minors” isn’t allowed to act on that.

Pedophiles want same rights as homosexuals
Posted on July 3, 2011 by Jack Minor

by Jack Minor –

Using the same tactics used by “gay” rights activists, pedophiles have begun to seek similar status arguing their desire for children is a sexual orientation no different than heterosexual or homosexuals.

Critics of the homosexual lifestyle have long claimed that once it became acceptable to identify homosexuality as simply an “alternative lifestyle” or sexual orientation, logically nothing would be off limits. “Gay” advocates have taken offense at such a position insisting this would never happen. However, psychiatrists are now beginning to advocate redefining pedophilia in the same way homosexuality was redefined several years ago.

In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality from its list of mental disorders. A group of psychiatrists with B4U-Act recently held a symposium proposing a new definition of pedophilia in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders of the APA.

B4U-Act calls pedophiles “minor-attracted people.” The organization’s website states its purpose is to, “help mental health professionals learn more about attraction to minors and to consider the effects of stereotyping, stigma and fear.”

In 1998 The APA issued a report claiming “that the ‘negative potential’ of adult sex with children was ‘overstated’ and that ‘the vast majority of both men and women reported no negative sexual effects from childhood sexual abuse experiences.”

Pedophilia has already been granted protected status by the Federal Government. The Matthew Shephard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act lists “sexual orientation” as a protected class; however, it does not define the term.

Republicans attempted to add an amendment specifying that “pedophilia is not covered as an orientation;” however, the amendment was defeated by Democrats. Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-Fl) stated that all alternative sexual lifestyles should be protected under the law. “This bill addresses our resolve to end violence based on prejudice and to guarantee that all Americans, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability or all of these ‘philias’ and fetishes and ‘isms’ that were put forward need not live in fear because of who they are. I urge my colleagues to vote in favor of this rule.”

The White House praised the bill saying, “At root, this isn’t just about our laws; this is about who we are as a people. This is about whether we value one another — whether we embrace our differences rather than allowing them to become a source of animus.”

Earlier this year two psychologists in Canada declared that pedophilia is a sexual orientation just like homosexuality or heterosexuality.

Van Gijseghem, psychologist and retired professor of the University of Montreal, told members of Parliament, “Pedophiles are not simply people who commit a small offense from time to time but rather are grappling with what is equivalent to a sexual orientation just like another individual may be grappling with heterosexuality or even homosexuality.”

He went on to say, “True pedophiles have an exclusive preference for children, which is the same as having a sexual orientation. You cannot change this person’s sexual orientation. He may, however, remain abstinent.”

When asked if he should be comparing pedophiles to homosexuals, Van Gijseghem replied, “If, for instance, you were living in a society where heterosexuality is proscribed or prohibited and you were told that you had to get therapy to change your sexual orientation, you would probably say that that is slightly crazy. In other words, you would not accept that at all. I use this analogy to say that, yes indeed, pedophiles do not change their sexual orientation.”

Dr. Quinsey, professor emeritus of psychology at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, agreed with Van Gijseghem. Quinsey said pedophiles’ sexual interests prefer children and, “There is no evidence that this sort of preference can be changed through treatment or through anything else.”

In July, 2010 Harvard health Publications said, “Pedophilia is a sexual orientation and unlikely to change. Treatment aims to enable someone to resist acting on his sexual urges.”

Linda Harvey, of Mission America, said the push for pedophiles to have equal rights will become more and more common as LGBT groups continue to assert themselves. “It’s all part of a plan to introduce sex to children at younger and younger ages; to convince them that normal friendship is actually a sexual attraction.”

Milton Diamond, a University of Hawaii professor and director of the Pacific Center for Sex and Society, stated that child pornography could be beneficial to society because, “Potential sex offenders use child pornography as a substitute for sex against children.”

Diamond is a distinguished lecturer for the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco. The IASHS openly advocated for the repeal of the Revolutionary war ban on homosexuals serving in the military.

The IASHS lists, on its website, a list of “basic sexual rights” that includes “the right to engage in sexual acts or activities of any kind whatsoever, providing they do not involve nonconsensual acts, violence, constraint, coercion or fraud.” Another right is to, “be free of persecution, condemnation, discrimination, or societal intervention in private sexual behavior” and “the freedom of any sexual thought, fantasy or desire.” The organization also says that no one should be “disadvantaged because of age.”

Sex offender laws protecting children have been challenged in several states including California, Georgia and Iowa. Sex offenders claim the laws prohibiting them from living near schools or parks are unfair because it penalizes them for life.

May 31, 2016 11:10 am

End game for liberals. Ain’t that the truth, Maggie

Bee Lever
Bee Lever
May 31, 2016 11:13 am

And so it begins just as some of us warned, and I knew it would be a tribe member to get the ball rolling to champion the cause of abusing children. Gay men do not have the urge to mother children, they are not mothers. Use your brain to figure out what they do with the children they adopt.

God will smite this country for this, just sayin.

May 31, 2016 11:14 am


It is interesting that “Islam” was mentioned in conjunction with pedophilia. What is strange however, is the fact that over the last 50 odd years or so for every “Muslim” arrested in the US for “pedophilia, 50 Jews have been arrested. Come to think of it, I can’t remember any Muslims arrested in the US for pedophilia. More often than not these sick Jewish perverts are using their positions of power within their religious community to rape little boys and girls. And make no mistake, adults have sex with children is rape. Put another way, if I caught anyone, and I mean anyone, trying to have sex with my grand daughter, I would effect a permanent change in their life. The fact that such evil being discussed at all, let alone entertained publicly, at all is a sign that something is terribly wrong within the leadership of our country.

May 31, 2016 11:15 am

Men in particular, and some women too, seek the opportunity
to exploit children’s physical weakness, to have sexual activity
with them. If it is a disorder, or predilection, or a drunk gone
rogue…what difference does it make? It is an act of physical
and psychological assault on a child. Period. Lock these people
up or allow them to choose euthanasia.

It might be wise to do a bit of research of history and present
circumstances under which the rich and famous can BUY children.
Actually I have skirted the issue, just looked a bit, because it is
such a heinous practice. All I really have are statistics and rumors.

Ms. Kaplan seeks attention and notoriety. She might use her education
and expertise for a more humanitarian purpose. EG, highlighting the
abuse and murder of stolen children all over the perverted world.

May 31, 2016 11:15 am

“There are no large scale studies, no large treatment programs, no big research studies on (pedophilia). I contacted the National Institutes of Health, and they don’t spend any money on pedophilia.”
—-Margo Kaplan

Sounds like a person in search of a government grant. She’s saying that “If you are sexually attracted to children, come on in and we’ll study and treat you.” Yeah, right. On the taxpayer’s dime, of course. Another rat hole for tax dollars. These fucking liberals NEVER run out of useless ways to spend other people’s money.

July 4, 2019 9:43 pm

And repubs don’t do the same?

May 31, 2016 11:36 am

The virtue of the word of God was once sacred now it is a legalistic freeforall and matter of opinion !
So, how can one expect clarity in discribing to heathens and pagans what is right or wrong?
To stand up in public and defend right behavior makes one a target for ridicule and all matter of hate bullying , but the reverse is called out as prejudice, yet without extreme prejudice the Isrealites would never made it out of the wilderness and if we don’t start using some we will be kicked out of our promise land , even though the likes of lot have already left for fear of what is coming , or didn,t you get the memo!

rhs jr
rhs jr
May 31, 2016 12:22 pm

Common Sense: Nip it in the bud. Such problems were SOLVED with a horse, a tree and a rope but not today. Today Liberals THINK they are smart; unfortunately they are powerful in our dumb-down Vote Fraud Welfare Society so that nothing gets solved; problems only get worse and more expensive: government communism factories called schools; immorality, crime, prison non-punishments; crony politics and business, mass media garbage, recreational drugs, sex/porno (if preteen boys on the internet isn’t bad enough, virtual 3D porn is on the way), the Welfare Immigration Complex, Health Care Rip-offs, disease vectors (mosquitoes, ticks, muslims), deadly STDs and illegitimate births, the infrastructure crash (roads, water, electric grid hacking/EMP threats and spying), National and Civil Defense, Crony Courts and “Justice”, unemployment, race relations and riots etc etc. We need lawyers, judges, juries and media that put Truth Justice and the American way First and leave Social Work to Churches in the South/West and to “Community Organizers” just on the Left Coasts.

May 31, 2016 2:39 pm

I’m getting bogged down in the mumbo-jumbo of the link, but I think the author is calling for therapy to prevent pedophiles from acting out. While I don’t think it would work, because a lot of psychology is bullshit, I don’t think that it’s an endorsement on child molestation.

May 31, 2016 2:44 pm


I seem to recall reading somewhere that Iran has the lowest rate of theft in the World. I also seem to recall the reason why: If you are caught stealing they cut off you hand. If you are caught stealing again, you get the idea. When these people are convicted, why waste time and money on “therapy”, castrate the bastards. And if they are caught doing it again, execute them. I am willing to bet the the incidences of pedophilia will drop to zero right after the first public castration. It seems fair to me, after all raping a child scares them for life, one assumes castration does the same thing……

May 31, 2016 3:40 pm

If our society cannot reach an agreement that pedophilia is evil, the time for talking to the progressives is over, Pedophilia is not acceptable it is a crime . In my family justice will be pursued

May 31, 2016 3:55 pm

And it begins! Can I call ’em or what? Months ago I said that bestiality or pedophilia would be next, right after the tranny deal. Most recently I told TE last week when she sort of defended the tranny snowflakes in a mild dust up with Billy.

This shit has nothing to do with love or hate as TE put forth. It’s all about stealing, undermining and destroying our culture. It will continue!

For more understanding read the communist manifesto.

May 31, 2016 4:12 pm

No surprise there. It’s what they’re gonna try next.

June 1, 2016 6:28 am

“a lot of psychology is bullshit”

Psychology is bullshit.

There, I fixed it for you.

June 1, 2016 6:38 am

@BamBam… Do you remember Dr. Laura and how she was lambasted and forced into almost oblivion for suggesting that we LOVE homosexuals and commend them for being abstinent to overcome their abominable desires?

The LEFT does not want anyone to be restricted from doing whatever despicable thing they want to do. They want everyone else to have to admire them for having the courage to be sexually intimate with small children.

This woman is a libtard with a vengence.

June 1, 2016 11:37 am

Some sick fuck touched my kids he’d soon be eating eating a hot dog.

What a bunch of maroons running this henhouse.

June 1, 2016 11:40 am

Anything goes against Goys in the Talmud.

we’re just a bunch of stupid cows!