Violent California Protesters Play Right Into Donald Trump’s Hand

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system’s game. The establishment will irritate you – pull your beard, flick your face – to make you fight. Because once they’ve got you violent, then they know how to handle you. The only thing they don’t know how to handle is non-violence and humor.


– John Lennon

Punches and eggs.

Those are the two words that keep repeating over and over in the numerous articles I’ve read describing the mindless violence inflicted upon Trump supporters in San Jose, California last night. What’s worse, these protesters have undoubtably given Trump a huge boost in public perception.

The violence exhibited by some Trump protesters yesterday evening was so barbaric and so obviously unnecessary and indecent, my first thought was that it had to be Trump operatives who arranged the whole thing. That’s how senselessly counterproductive their actions were.

Ultimately, public perception matters a lot, which is why politicians spend virtually all of their energy managing it. Despite the twisted and corrupt nature of our political system, the fact of the matter remains that there will be an election in November 2016, and Donald Trump will be on the top of the Republican ticket. If your goal is to deal with this reality and defeat him, the last thing you want to do is make him and his supporters look good in front of the entire planet. Yet that’s exactly what these mindless imbeciles did. For the first time in this election cycle, they made Trump and his supporters look decent and upstanding, particularly compared to some of their opponents.

This is of huge importance. Personally, I think Trump’s statement about Mexicans in the beginning of the campaign was disgusting and inexcusable. It’s one of the many reasons I cannot and will not vote for the man (for more see, May Registrations for the Libertarian Party Jump 20-Fold). That said, saying extremely offensive things and violently attacking American citizens attending a political rally are not in the same ballpark. They aren’t even in the same galaxy — and I’m not the only one who thinks that.

As Americans sit down at their computer screens and smartphones over the weekend, they will respond with shock and horror to the images from San Jose. For some of them, their impressions of Trump and his supporters will improve materially. A certain percentage of these people will now be far more inclined to vote for Trump come November. If Trump protesters wanted to create an event that could make California competitive in the general election, they should be patting themselves on the back right now.

To prove my point, how do you think most Americans are going to react when they read the following, say from the Washington Post:

SAN JOSE, Calif. —Protests outside a Donald Trump rally in downtown San Jose spun out of control Thursday night when some demonstrators attacked the candidate’s supporters.


Protesters jumped on cars, pelted Trump supporters with eggs and water balloons, snatched signs and stole “Make America Great” hats off supporters’ heads before burning the hats and snapping selfies with the charred remains.

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Several people were caught on camera punching Trump supporters. At least one attacker was arrested, according to CNN, although police did not release much information.


Trump supporters were surrounded and, in several cases, attacked as they left the rally.


In one incident captured on camera, a Trump supporter was struck hard over the side of the head as he was walking away from a group of protesters. The attack left him with blood streaming down his head and onto his shirt.


“I was walking out with a Trump sign and he grabbed my Trump sign, saying I was like a racist and stuff,” the man told bystanders and local media. “Then he followed me, like, spit on me.”


The Trump supporter said all he had done was chant the candidate’s name before trying to walk away.

Here’s what he looked like after:

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Another Trump supporter was also bloodied after being attacked, his shirt torn almost completely off his body. Videos circulating on social media showed swirling, furious fights spilling from street corner to street corner, often with no police in sight.

“Often with no police in sight.” Remember that later when you see some of the mayor’s comments.

Marcus DiPaola, a freelance photographer following the Trump campaign, posted video of someone getting punched violently in the face.


At times, protesters began to fight among themselves. In one instance, two female protesters pleaded for nonviolence while trying to protect a Trump supporter from an angry crowd. Despite their efforts, someone snatched the Trump supporter’s hat.


A handful of the bright red “Make America Great Again” hats were set on fire by protesters, who then snapped photos of the scene or hung the charred hats from street signs.


Perhaps the most jarring scene was that of a young female Trump supporter being attacked by a crowd of protesters.


In multiple videos of the incident, the woman initially appeared to be happily posing in her Trump football jersey in front of the mostly male protesters, some of whom can be heard whistling and shouting at her.


Then an anonymous arm rises over the crowd and tosses an egg at the woman, striking her in the head and eliciting howls and laughter from the crowd.


A second later, a red water balloon bursts against the woman’s arm.


Suddenly, another projectile strikes her hard in the face. Eventually, someone comes to help her and, after she indicates that she is having trouble seeing, she is ushered back inside the convention center.

This is what the woman looked when all was said and done.

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Or how do you think the following will play to the American public, via NBC Bay Area:

Donald Trump supporters leaving the presumptive GOP nominee’s rally in San Jose on Thursday were pounced by protesters, some of whom threw punches and eggs.

The protesters chased and taunted Trump’s supporters outside the San Jose Convention Center. They surrounded one woman and threw eggs and bottles at her.

“It was unbelievable,” said Steve Tong, a Cupertino resident who attended the Trump rally.

Tong said after the rally, he was walking toward a nearby parking structure and saw protesters surrounding and taunting an elderly couple.

“I’ve never seen anything like that in America before,” Tong said.

Tong also said he saw protesters smash car windows inside the parking structure.

Now listen to the incredibly irresponsible statement made by San Jose mayor, Sam Liccardo.

The mayor, a Democrat and Hillary Clinton supporter, criticized Trump for coming to cities and igniting problems that local police departments had to deal with.

“At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign,” Liccardo said.

Just in case you still don’t think these protesters are playing right into Donald Trump’s little hands, see the following from USA Today:

Inside the rally, Trump was heckled by a protester in the crowd. Trump told the crowd not to worry about it.


“Let him enjoy himself…we need our protesters,” he added. “We’ve got to be nice.”


This message runs contrary to what Trump has said at previous rallies, including one in November when attendees kicked a Black Lives Matter activist (Trump said, “Maybe he should have been roughed up.”)


This time, Trump told the crowd, “I’ve learned. Don’t hurt him.”

Well done morons, you just achieved the impossible. You gave Donald Trump and his supporters the moral high ground.

In case you missed them., here are three of the more disturbing videos from the protests.

In conclusion, as’s Ed Krayewski so eloquently explained,

In this age of perpetual grievances, showing up to protest at the Trump rally has become a chic social signaling thing to do. Acting out at Trump rallies, including by threatening, harassing, and even physically assaulting Trump supporters, is a natural continuation of the culture of safe spaces and triggering speech being nurtured in college campuses around the country. It reveals the total flim-flam that academics and professional left-wing protesters have too often wrapped up in high-minded ideas about fighting the power structures or whatever else.


If Donald Trump won, he could end up being a fascist. But the imperial presidency that makes that possible has been a decades-long project, made possible by both mainstream parties and their supporters, who worry about the centralization of power in the presidency and the abuses government can commit right up until the point when the president and the government start doing things of which they approve.


Attacking Trump’s supporters because of the danger Trump poses as an imperial president is an exercise in blame-shifting. Those so concerned about what Trump might do to the country that they feel called to stalk and attack Trump supporters should take a long look in the mirror instead. It’ll have the added benefit of not building more support for Trump, as violence against his supporters certainly will.

What many came to realize last night was that Trump’s real world supporters aren’t the same as the online trolls that have come to represent him in an Internet-driven election cycle.


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June 4, 2016 7:25 am

Ok. With that and what I read at zerohedge, orlov and the saker he just got my vote.

Whom ever it was who mentioned zerohedge in a thread yesterday, thanks for the nightmares. Now I have to cast my vote based on a potential ww3 scenario. I am learning way to much at this blog. Way to much.

June 4, 2016 7:40 am

The left is always violent if they area afraid they won’t get their way,

And almost always blames it on the ones they area attacking.

I don’t think they will get away with that this time with the majority of the people.

The police and courts better get involved in bringing the left into account for this violence before the right has no option left but to defend themselves from it, and that is not going to be a pretty thing if it happens.

June 4, 2016 8:27 am

And why is it never a hate crime when Mexicans attack people? Hate crime is a stupid term because violence is always hate based, but still, why?

John Coster
John Coster
June 4, 2016 8:45 am

Who are these savages? The elite brigades of the Free Shit Army, angry Mexicans, Hillary foot soldiers sent in to suggest that Trump = chaos? I really don’t know what’s going on here. Everywhere I look, the language I hear in the media seems to divert any possible understanding of events into false categories that obscure reality. Am I right that Trump is called “racist” because he has made sweeping stupid statements about Muslims and Mexicans? And that his supposed racism has something to do with these protests? Ok, well first of all, if we are dumb enough to blindly accept the notion of distinct races as opposed to a wide continuum of physical types, when did we determine that Mexicans were a race, or Muslims? At least the antiquated categories of Caucasian, Negro, Asian, however crude, had some basis in the real world. The unpleasant truth is that an unceasing influx of immigrants from Mexico is a bad thing for this country even if you believe the vast majority of immigrants are hard working decent people. That doesn’t make Trump’s ill-considered statements any smarter, alas, but the basic idea of limiting immigration from Mexico is not racist. Muslims? Trump’s statement about blocking all Muslims was indeed stupid enough to get any apprentice fired from his job, agreed. But this stupidity has nothing to do with racism. Muslims come in every color. I still don’t understand this violence by anti-Trump protesters. It does smell fishy, as if it were not really some spontaneous outpouring. I suppose, if I had to bet, I’d say this all has something to do with Hillary operatives, in the media if not on the ground itself, but I really don’t have a handle on it. Better go read Orlov and the Saker. I’m just thankful I live in rural New England.

June 4, 2016 8:52 am

Maybe Trump should post this on his website:

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
June 4, 2016 8:52 am

Fabulous asks the million dollar question: “Why?”

Because the left is and always has been about domination through the use of force. When confronted by someone or something on the right (or elsewhere within the political spectrum) that threatens their power their first instinct is to resort to violence. It’s the only place you can go when the underlying premise to your entire philosophy is based on nothing more than brute force.

If you live near a major centre in the US I’d be moving. If/When Trump get’s elected there won’t be enough cops anywhere to stop the looting, rioting and burning that will follow. There are times when I am happy that such a large percentage of Americans couldn’t find Canada on a map if it was labeled in front of them. This November will be one of those times. Good luck neighbours.

June 4, 2016 8:56 am

The police cannot protect you. The police are not obligated to protect you. You are the only person who can be depended upon to protect you. Are you ready?

June 4, 2016 8:57 am

Rhodesia here we come.

June 4, 2016 9:02 am

John Coster,

“Am I right that Trump is called “racist” because he has made sweeping stupid statements about Muslims and Mexicans?”

How about posting the actual “sweeping stupid statements about Muslims and Mexicans” in question?

I suspect they are neither stupid nor racist in nature, more likely commons sense real world observations.

But I withhold final judgment bout that till I see which ones are being discussed, particularly in the context of when, why and how they were said.

Trump seems to be credited with a lot of things he didn’t actually say, and misquoted or out of context on much of the rest.

June 4, 2016 9:34 am


FWIW, I agree with you.

Please allow me to make a small point. “New England Puritans understood the covenant responsibilities of heads of families as extending beyond their households, which included servants. Unlike other Puritans and most Presbyterians, they viewed all relationships in which the family head held influence to be under the covenant. Therefore, the condition of society also was his responsibility. Similarly, government was viewed as a proper agency for carrying out the church’s goals, even on family worship.” (emphasis mine)

Once set in place, who controls the monster? Who becomes the Master, “we the people”, our elected representatives, military industrial complex, outside interests, lobbyists, think tanks, the Constitution?

The monster was fed, fed by many resources and interests, that much is obvious.

Per your sentence: “It’s the only place you can go when the underlying premise to your entire philosophy is based on nothing more than brute force.”

Isn’t that what government is, a monopoly of force, brute force? The only question now is by whom.

June 4, 2016 9:59 am

Krieger is pretty much right on IMO, except for this comment …….” Personally, I think Trump’s statement about Mexicans in the beginning of the campaign was disgusting and inexcusable. It’s one of the many reasons I cannot and will not vote for the man (for more see, ”

Personally I don’t think Trump was wrong in stating that many of the criminal elements from Mexico flee or are forced out to America.

And still, would Krieger prefer Hillary over Trump? Trump speaks off the cuff, no carefully crafted statements, and every ear is turned to try to catch him in some statement that can be turned against him.

June 4, 2016 10:31 am

Fab said: “Hate crime is a stupid term because violence is always hate based, but still, why?”

1) I agree that “hate crime” is a stupid term and concept.

2) You are wrong that “violence is always hate based.” Much of it is, but a sociopath who robs and murders you doesn’t necessarily hate you, he simply looks at you as an object in his way.

3) If you think about this logically for a second, it would actually make sense to punish hate-motivated crimes LESS than non-hate crimes, because they are not based on cold, rational calculations like the aforementioned sociopath robber-killer, and are therefore more understandable as part of the human condition.

4) Point #3 is logical but probably unworkable in practice.

June 4, 2016 10:34 am

Wont be an issue where I live if the trumpster gets elected. Except for the clean up after the celebration.

June 4, 2016 10:41 am

Couldnt you argue that a crminal hates the fact you have more than him, or have something he wants? Or a hate for the natural laws, the “thou shall nots”?
Just playing lawyer there.
For example, I read somewhere that rapists and serial killers tend to go after happy people, or people at the edge of society like hookers. Hate of their happiness. Hate of people below them on the social ladder.

June 4, 2016 10:58 am


Just fuckin’…. WOW.

Does Krieger fucking miss the point – moreover, he doubles down on being a cuck.

Da fuck you talkin’ bout, B?

I’ll show you:

“Punches and eggs.

Those are the two words that keep repeating over and over in the numerous articles I’ve read describing the mindless violence inflicted upon Trump supporters in San Jose, California last night. What’s worse, these protesters have undoubtably given Trump a huge boost in public perception.

What an idiot.

The violence was not “mindless” – it was not spontaneous. It was directed and very likely pre-arranged.

The Left’s street thugs and goons have always used violence to get their way. Why? Because they know that there will be ZERO fucking response from “the authorities” – because “the authorities” are sympathetic and recognize that having an army of goons to inflict on the public – that they can disavow at the drop of a hat – is a right handy thing to have around.

In point of fact, the MAYOR of San Jose blamed TRUMP for instigating the violence instead of the fucking MEXICAN GOONS who were the ones actually beating on people. He even went so far as to recall the police and ordered them to do nothing.

Did the Governor call out the National Guard when it became known that the enforcer copfuks were off the job?

Nope. Governor Brown did exactly Jack Shit. And Jack left town.

So who were these goons in the streets? It’s not difficult to follow the bread crumbs, and I can make an educated guess – they were probably foot soldiers of La Raza, being as this kind of intimidation is found south of the border almost anywhere you go.

“Mindless”? No. Intentional and directed.

That it blew up in their faces and their efforts ended up working FOR Trump only goes to show the low IQ’s of those directing this mob…

The violence exhibited by some Trump protesters yesterday evening was so barbaric and so obviously unnecessary and indecent, my first thought was that it had to be Trump operatives who arranged the whole thing. That’s how senselessly counterproductive their actions were.

We get it, Krieger – you’re an Establishment Cuck and you hate Trump. Which is why your ADMITTED default setting when you see a bunch of violent Mexicans and other illegal trash is to blame the white guy.

Yeah. Fuck you.

And, once again, the violence was not “barbaric” and “unnecessary” and “indecent”…. it was intentional, it was directed and it was aided and abetted by the Mayor and the Governor through their inaction…

What it was NOT, was “effective”…

And where the fuck have you been? Like I said before, the Left has ALWAYS used violence in the streets – instigated by them – to get what they want. It’s a hallmark of theirs.

And you’re acting like this is a NEW fuckin’ thing? Anyone who has bothered to pay attention to history knows this, Krieger… Maybe it’s new to you. I dunno.

This is of huge importance. Personally, I think Trump’s statement about Mexicans in the beginning of the campaign was disgusting and inexcusable. It’s one of the many reasons I cannot and will not vote for the man.


I won’t DARE speak the unvarnished, unpopular truth because I’m so much of a NOT RAAAYCISS!. I’ll let my country drown under a tidal wave of illegal trash, let our population – especially our women – be preyed upon, beaten, murdered, raped, kidnapped… might as well throw in CHILDREN because the age of consent in Mexico is fucking 12 YEARS OLD… but I will condemn Trump for being a Big Old Meanie and a RAAAYCISSS for speaking what the rest of us already know.

I will literally let my country be destroyed, but I won’t utter anything anyone could point at as RAAAAYCISSS!… ”

Why is that?

Because you’re a fucking CUCKOLD, Krieger. You’ll literally stand there and watch the rest of us get FUCKED, but you won’t speak the goddamned truth because the people who are FUCKING US might get angry about it…

Fuck you, Krieger.

And you’re genuinely clueless why those of us on the alt-right despise and loathe you cucks so much…

It’s because of shit like that, Krieger. Grow a fucking pair. Be a goddamned MAN for once in your life. Sack up, son – you’re an embarrassment. Those illegal fuckers are laughing at us and it’s because of spineless little weasels like YOU.

And the rotten cherry on top of this pile of shit you call an article is that you backstop your pile of shit with a citation from… wait for it… wait for it… .waaaaaaiiit……

WaPo. Probably the most left-leaning “mainstream” media outlet in the US.

There are no words.

Summer of ’16 is shaping up to be a good one, sports fans…. the Left has learned they can deploy their street goons and illegal trash en masse and there will not only be ZERO blowback from “the authorities”, but they will even aid and abet them by withdrawing “the cops” and doing literally NOTHING to protect our own citizen’s Right To Assembly.

That means that a bunch of fucking illegal Mexicans and other assorted illegal trash ARE MORE IMPORTANT than our own citizenry.

People realize this. I would love to see the right post up their own street thugs and goons to counter the illegal Mexican goons in the streets… which, now that I think about it, just might happen.

Yep… gonna be a real interesting summer.

June 4, 2016 11:06 am

Just curious…

What bunch of people walk around carrying full water balloons and cartons of eggs?

Pre-arranged. Which means it was centrally planned by someone.

This wasn’t “mindless” – it was an ambush. Planned.

Yet, nobody is asking the very simple question of “WHO?”….

Nice job Krieger… you fucking whiffed again…

June 4, 2016 11:17 am

going to leave this right here

1.the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

arm yourselves

June 4, 2016 11:32 am

Hey monger, it’s only terrorism when it’s done by someone the establishment disagrees with. Obviously this ain’t terrorism.

Get with the pogrom!

June 4, 2016 12:41 pm


The enemy of my enemy. . .

All across America today people are looking at what happened in California and are coming to the conclusion that all the people they dislike dislike Trump.

That spells it out in a way that most every person can understand.

BTW, allowing this to happen was a brilliant move by Trump as it demonstrates the true nature of Hillary and Bernie supporters. Finally, to all those that believe a Trump presidency will bring on riots I say, Bring it and let the “deportations” to the afterlife start on day one.

June 4, 2016 12:59 pm

To: Michael K.,

You have written some fine essays in the past…however,
this one is a flop. You are sounding like a cuck for Hillary.
Trump is disgusting/saying disgusting things? Crazy talk.
I don’t care that he isn’t a “smooth” BSer. We have quite
enough of those already. No judgements on Trump…really,
one way or another, but plain talk truth is actually worthwhile.

The only thing I liked about your essay was the opening
quote by Lennon. That is nice/true.

June 4, 2016 1:09 pm

I live in Charlotte NC .Won’t be any riots here. Certainly not in the suburbs like the one I live in.Most of our neighbors are better armed then I am.

June 4, 2016 2:28 pm

It’s entertainment.

Are you not entertained?

I am!

Just think, we haven’t even got to the juicy bits of the downfall of western civilization yet.

June 4, 2016 2:33 pm

Billy, you need to post your comment over at Krieger’s blog. I doubt he reads here but he does read his own blog. I’m sure you’ll get banned but I doubt you give a fuck. 🙂

June 5, 2016 12:14 am

Hey IS,

Yeah, I posted it up over at Krieger’s site.

He actually approved it.

But then went Full Bitch – put up some bullshit about how I’m some “anonymous” Trump Troll or some shit – even though I put my name and email address with my post.

He STILL doesn’t get it…

We’re not voting FOR Trump – we’re voting AGAINST establishment cucks just… like… him.

So what if it burns the fucking Republican party to the ground and leaves them in disarray for the next decade? They haven’t even been PHONING it in… they just roll over, stick their ass in the air and say “Thank you sir, may I have another?”…

They screech that the Left will have unlimited control of Congress for the next 10 years if the Repukes go China Syndrome.

Well, so what? Tell me, what’s going on right NOW? How could it possibly be any worse?

The Repukes and Cucks – like Krieger – left us a long time ago, and all they have left us is revenge.

And I am totally cool with revenge.