Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Via Townhall

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June 7, 2016 9:14 am


Mr. Trump is dangerous alright. Can you imagine the threat that securing our borders and thus eliminating the largest single hole in our DOMESTIC terrorist defense represents? Can you imagine the threat that shutting off the flood of illegal alien criminals pouring across our borders represents? Can you imagine the threat that finally forcing Israel to justify it’s aid from the American taxpayers represents? Can you imagine the threat that treating Israel the same as every other country represents? (one of the smallest countries in the world that are committing war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide as I write this) Can you imagine the threat of having someone other than a dual citizen Israel running the Federal reserve represents? Can you imagine the threat of a Supreme Court Justice that will actually obey the constitution instead of trying the legislate from the bench represents?

No wonder the “establishment” and its “media mouth pieces” are terrified of Mr. Trump. I mean can you imagine the threat that putting America and the other 97% of Americans first represents?

Muck About
Muck About
June 7, 2016 9:50 am

What DDearborn said.. +100%


Mike in CT
Mike in CT
June 7, 2016 10:08 am

Good one…Now we hear about Editing out portions of State Dept briefings ..Yesterdays WH breifing had a question about the same Iran deal removed without a reason given…Let the records show nothing embarrassing..History is being shaped to fit an agenda…Mike

June 7, 2016 1:14 pm

Anyone who had sex with Cankacles is dangerously incoherent in their thought process ( male or female ).

June 7, 2016 1:36 pm

Sex has nothing to do with it. Unless you find a need to use
a public bathroom.

Everything is backwards and upside down. And the whole world
is in play. Sad and scary! However, interesting times. As Grandma
used to say, “keep your nose clean and mind your own bees wax.”
Whatever that meant. Many have difficulty managing their own lives,
let alone getting involved in evil political looting. They want to
loot our very souls. Take a vacation from it…and I don’t mean
Disney World. The ubiquitous “they”….who are they anyway?
You needn’t set a place for them at your table.