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June 9, 2016 4:36 pm

I consider Snowden to be a patriot. Yet I wonder why HBO is willing to “snowcase” him when they (HBO) are a tool of the elite owned media. I also am suspicious regarding Diane Feinstein calling out James Clapper regarding anything constitutional.

Nothing against Snowden, I just don’t buy what I am being sold given the source and/or the venue.

I also don’t understand why this information would be given the light of day unless there is a “means to an end” beyond the ostensible goal of waking up the populace?

In any case, I found these two claims by Snowden to be worth the watch:

1.) @ the 22:22 mark: “Since 2001, mass surveillance has never stopped a single terrorist attack in the US.”


2.) @ the 23:39 mark: “We live in a time where the politics of fear are the most persuasive things on the table”.

Edward Snowden: A “Citizen Four” the people…

June 9, 2016 7:05 pm

Means to an end. I like that.

Think it tbrough. You are very close. What could it mean.

It means it does not matter. Baked cake. Pie on the sill. IT DOES NOT MATTER ANYMORE.

Perhaps in 2002. Not anymore

Tribe up.

June 9, 2016 9:13 pm

Yeah, I considered that as well. The powers that be just don’t worry about it anymore. Since Snowden, there is no longer any need for subterfuge. It’s in our faces now for us to either ignore or accept by default.

And, here I am typing this on my cell phone. Fuck me.

Good point, Jimski. I thought there might be more intrigue involved, but it really is, most likely, as simple as that. “Occam’s razor”, says the spider to the fly.