You Can’t Have Peace If Whiteness Exists

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Hollow man
Hollow man
June 11, 2016 10:45 am

Sounds like hate speech to me. Where is the FBI. Oh wait busy figuring out how to get Hillary off? Lol

June 11, 2016 10:46 am

“Imagine a world without whiteness”

Easy, half the world’s population dead from starvation, half of those remaining dead from treatable diseases, and half of the ones still left after that dead from primitive tribal warfare.

June 11, 2016 10:49 am

Imagine a world without niggers** like the one above.

**Being a nigger has nothing to do with skin color.

Imagine a world with responsible citizens who govern themselves first. The reason why Libertarian systems of govt will never work is because there are virtually NO responsible citizens. Attend almost any social event and you’ll hear numerous conversations that include the words “the government should….”.

Anytime you hear those words it’s because the citizens (now sheople) are abdicating their responsibility and handing it directly to the government. The govt is ALWAYS happy to take on more responsibility and they do so at the behest of the sheople. This is how we arrived at our current state of decay.

June 11, 2016 10:54 am

Its interesting that hate speech only runs one way.When spewed like a cesspool from backs its o’tah

June 11, 2016 11:38 am

Pretty funny hearing this from a black male. A member of the group that, while only accounting for 6.5% of the population, commits over 50% of the murders and violent crimes. I’m overwhelmed by the irony. Of course pointing this out to him would probably be considered hate speech, but somehow his speech isn’t.

What would the US look like if all the white people disappeared? Africa. Who does this guy think pays for all this shit? Black people? Ha. They’d be completely distitute and starving, not to mention killing each other in even greater numbers than they do now within a week.

June 11, 2016 11:52 am

Gator said:
“What would the US look like if all the white people disappeared? Africa”

Not only that but they’d quickly find themselves enslaved by the up and coming muzzy population in ‘Murica! I suspect the beaners would fall to the muzzies as well despite being more intelligent but it would take a bit longer.

Gonna be GOOD TIMES once YT is gone………yes indeed! The whole planet will look just like Palestine.

June 11, 2016 11:59 am

Great post, gator.

June 11, 2016 12:23 pm

YA! I want the peace you have in Chicago. Take the whites out of Chicago and see how that works for you.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
June 11, 2016 12:23 pm

I am usually inclined to laugh at black nincompoops such as the one in this article. In this case I will make an exception. I am going to give him 100 lashes and make him plow the back forty with his fingernails. Don’t think me cruel, however. He will get an extra ration of corn meal mush.

June 11, 2016 12:39 pm

One shouldn’t laugh to much.This kind of shit is being taught in high schools throughout America. Most of it being taught by white liberals who have a death wish.

June 11, 2016 1:45 pm


June 11, 2016 3:16 pm

The above is a colored picture. I know what you’re thinking. It has too much white!

June 11, 2016 3:27 pm

“A world without whiteness”-that would be a world where black racists didn’t have the internet and tv to complain on since these were invented by white people. A world where blacks everywhere live like they do and always have in Africa, where even to this day they’re hacking each other with machetes.

June 11, 2016 3:29 pm

If this idiot wishes for a society without white people and believes that would be an improvement, I would point out to him that there are plenty of examples of societies/countries where Whites were driven out and blacks were left to create his ideal society, however the results were actually quite to opposite. Does this person know about Rwanda in 1994?

There are any number of African countries where whites have been driven out and the countries have turned into shitholes with blacks killing blacks.

Show me just one country where blacks have taken over and the country blossomed into a thriving economy with an improvement in the lives of the black population. That hasn’t happened.

June 11, 2016 3:48 pm

To be fair, he *does* say, “…imagine a world without whiteness… in terms of its power structure.”

To which I wonder:

1. Why does he assume the WHITE power structure is the problem, as opposed to the POWER STRUCTURE itself? Is it because the power structure has always been white, or because it’s driven by money and power, which inevitably corrupt?

2. Does he think a NON-WHITE power structure can do any better? And from what viewpoint… Africa? China? Mexico? Seriously, if the color of the skin of the leaders is the problem, then why are all these governmental structures screwed up?

He’s obviously trying to get attention, pushing an agenda that people want to hear. But we all know how the Black community doesn’t like to air their dirty laundry in public (Bill Cosby was always criticized for calling it like it is, until they found a way to take him down). They don’t want to hear the truth, so they listen to idiots like this who blame it on someone else. Rightly or wrongly.

June 11, 2016 4:35 pm

Imagine a world without blackness, being in the Southeast Missouri boot heel, all of us whites picked cotton, and a whole lot of it. Cotton is white!

June 11, 2016 5:25 pm

The guy is too dumb to realize power is just responsibility. People who have power rarely think about it. People who feel they lack power think about it all the time, and aren’t willing to shoulder the responsibility.

June 11, 2016 9:48 pm

ever get sick of blacks saying “whites” are such a huge
problem for them? I swear I wish the black people would demand
segregation. And get it. Who knows? They may create a super
society that is fair, honest, and led by the best of the people.
God speed. Whatever, just please shut the f@#k up.

June 12, 2016 12:34 am

A profoundly stupid jerk. Imagine a world without Democrat academics. How can a school justify wasting students time and resources on anything to do with this fool?

June 12, 2016 1:43 am

susanna said:
“I swear I wish the black people would demand segregation.”

The last thing they want is segregation. All they have to do is look at the inner shitties to know how that turns out. No, they, just like the government always need a boogeyman to blame. For the negros it’s YT, for the govt it’s currently terrorism.

June 12, 2016 9:02 am

@Thinker, I am considering going to find his definition of whiteness now. I’ll share if I do.

June 12, 2016 9:06 am

I’m learning how whiteness is a social systemic organizational structural concept now from a pasty white academic from Portland Community College now.

June 12, 2016 9:09 am

A social organizational construct that has oppressed everyone, not just people of color. Whiteness! It’s the NEW name for your shame!

June 12, 2016 9:12 am

I think I get it! For instance, if I were to make a wrong turn in a big city and end up in some nightmare neighborhood like that one Admin talks about in his 30 blocks articles, the correct thing for me to do would be to get back onto the road I should be on as quickly as I can turn around and backtrack my way out of there. That is just plain common sense.

Now, if I were demonstrating the trait of “whiteness” I would stop and ask directions from a group of youngsters standing on a street corner.

Peter Harris
Peter Harris
June 12, 2016 9:56 am

A fairly reasonable comment I would of thought, considering the blowflies and their comments on this website.
The only thing he failed to mention was the PWT, south of the Mason Dixon line.