LLPOH’s Randomest Thoughts Ever

1. I came home the other day and my wife my me at the front door. She had dressed our 150 pound boerboel in a tee shirt. On the front it said “Security”. Funniest thing I have seen in years. Not so sure a random stranger would have found it so hilarious. But then, that is the point, isn’t it.

2. Australia is in the middle of an election campaign. The country has neutered itself. No longer do governments govern – the election cycle is just an endless stream of sound bites and promises of more free shit. Rinse and repeat ad naseum.

3. A friend of mine was bitching about how his grown daughter is being mis-treated at her health care job. She is being made to work weekends (gasp! It is “ruining her social life”). She gets double and triple time for weekend work. I asked him how many hours she works and it only averages 40 per week. I told him she needs to grow up, and he needs to quit buying in. He was stunned at that response. Go figure.

4. A neighbor came by with a picture of a nice trout he caught – probably a good five pounds. I said “Nice fish! Know what we call a fish that big where I fish?” “No, what?” he said. “Bait” said I. It is true. Mean, but true.

5. Just bought a new splitting axe to go with all that wood I am cutting. A Fiskards. I have been using an old maul, which works, but is heavy. Gave the first bit of wood a gentle tap with the Fiskards and it just disintegrated. Damn, I love good tools. The Fiskards has a plastic hollow handle and light head. I was skeptical, but it works great.

6. I do not know what to think about the new TBP format. But then, no one asked me.

7. I think everyone who believes the US (or Oz) economy is doing great should look at the interest rate. Since when does a zero rate mean things are good? And if things are good, and go bad, just what arrows are left in the Fed quiver? People are idiots.

8. We are taking a two week trip in our new RV shortly. If there is a bigger waste of money than an RV (perhaps a boat?) I would love to hear about it. But we sure like the feeling of freedom it gives. We are headed to the near Outback. The far Outback is, well, far.

9. Australian beer is great. Just thought I would toss that out there. I am not talking about the craft stuff – that is good everywhere. I am talking about the every day volume stuff, like Bud and Miller are in the US. The Aussie equivalents are outstanding.

10. I hope the world avoids war.

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June 21, 2016 8:49 am


I insist you take a pic of that Boerboel in his T-shirt and post it here. In my corner of the world – South Africa – this would be standard gear for a ‘working’ dog. And also proof that the crime wave is out of control over there in Aussie. /sarcoff heh

June 21, 2016 9:01 am

Big injun Chief , I can tell you are bored .Need to get a life.Start a kangaroo hunting club or something.

Have you been paying attention to what’s happening in Oklahoma on Injuns lands. No you haven’t or there would be no more random thoughts.Plus you can’t blame Andrew Jackson this time.

June 21, 2016 9:26 am

What is happening in Okie land? I’ve not been paying attention.

June 21, 2016 9:03 am

Une – you must have some wonderful dogs over there. I doubt the very best lines are here. I understand a lot of good ones in Holland, as well.

Mine ran down a kangaroo the other day. I would not have believed it. Kangaroos reach around 30 mph. His stamina was much better than I anticipated.

June 21, 2016 9:10 am

bb – this is meant as light entertainment and as a chance for folks to talk about anything they choose. My random thoughts thus run the gamut from serious to light hearted. It can be a break from the doom, or not. Anything people want to talk about, this is a good thread for that in my opinion.

Kangaroo hunting is generally illegal. I am not interested in Oklahoma Indian affairs. Much, anyway.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
June 21, 2016 9:13 am

Your musings made me laugh. Thanks LLoph

As for the new format if I can throw in my two cents I kind wish the recent comments were linked into the thread. Because they are nested now the most recent might not be at bottom and I have to troll through thread to find what has been just posted. It’s not a big problem when the number of comments are small but when there is a flame war raging and there are 150 or 200 comments posted and nested it might take awhile to fling some more shit. And seeing as I enjoy being an STM time and response is of the essence. Anyways other than that I like it. The edit feature is great. Always good to be able to fix something after the fact.

Oz sounds like an epic place to live!

  Rob in Nova Scotia
June 21, 2016 9:24 am

You might consider reading comments the way I do —– by going to Dashboard and clicking on the comments widget (5th one down on the left side). All comments appear in order as they are made. Been doing it that way since the beginning … it’s the only way to go, imho.

June 21, 2016 9:20 am

@Llpoh: Keep them coming, friend.. My morning started off much brighter and with a laugh today, thanks to your “random” thoughts..


Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 21, 2016 9:39 am

Have you eaten any witchetty grubs?

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
June 21, 2016 9:40 am

Thanks Stucky!

Stupid question but how do I get to dashboard…

I might muck aboot but if there is simple step by step way to do it could ya help a feller oot!

  Rob in Nova Scotia
June 21, 2016 10:08 am

At the very very top of the page, on the left hand side, you see in text “The Burning Platform” …… just hover your mouse over it, and “Dashboard” will appear. Just click on it. (You need to be signed in.)

You won’t need to endlessly click on every post to see a new comment.

By reading the right side — the title of the post — you can quickly and easily ignore posts that don’t interest you.

By reading the left side — the OP name — you can quickly and easily ignore posters that don’t interest you.

Again, for me, it’s the ONLY way to go.


Edit: Method 2

On the right side of the screen, scroll down until you get to “Site Info”, and then click on “Site Admin” …. takes you right to the Dashboard. But, that’s too much scrolling for me.

Also, I just discovered that if you edit your own post ….. the timer is reset to one hour!!! Fuck yea! I can go edit myself all day now!

June 21, 2016 11:06 am

Stucky, you seem to get very excited about activities that occupy your hands.

June 21, 2016 9:48 am

Iska – no grubs in my past or future. I prefer grass fed beef, thanks very much. They eat a lot of lamb over here. I cannot choke it down. It is horrid. Kangaroo is not bad, tho.

June 21, 2016 10:03 am

I’ll bet kangaroo tastes like chicken. Right?

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Francis Marion
Francis Marion
June 21, 2016 10:08 am

“8. We are taking a two week trip in our new RV shortly. If there is a bigger waste of money than an RV (perhaps a boat?) I would love to hear about it. ”

A sociology degree…

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 21, 2016 10:28 am

If you are using a maul or a splitting axe, this will save you a lot of time and bending over.

June 21, 2016 10:30 am

LLPOH…put a piece of chain around the wood you are splitting. It’ll hold together as you split it. Once the chore is done tighten the chain and haul it away in one piece.

In college we used to drink Foster’s or Toohey’s beer. We loved the oil can it came in and looked cool too .

June 21, 2016 10:31 am

Pretty funny stuff there Stucky. I will use that one.

Loved the inference with respect to the soc degree too!

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
June 21, 2016 10:32 am


Soc Degree! Too funny…

June 21, 2016 11:09 am

A 20-year-old British man was arrested at the Trump rally in Las Vegas on Saturday for trying to kill Donald Trump. Michael Steven Sanford told police that he came from California and went to a gun range in Las Vegas on Friday to learn how to shoot. On Saturday around noon, at the Treasure Island Casino in Las Vegas, Sanford pushed his way to the front and then grabbed the handle of a police officer’s gun in an attempt to remove it from its holster to kill Trump. Sanford was immediately arrested and taken from the hall and charged with “an act of violence on restricted grounds” according to Associated Press. He appeared before a federal magistrate in leg irons and was deemed a flight risk and so was not released on bail. Sanford told police that he had been planning the assassination for about a year. He has been in the U.S. for the last 18 months, living in Hoboken, New Jersey. He drove to San Bernardino, California before coming to Las Vegas on June 16. He had also reserved a ticket to a Trump rally in Phoenix at 4 pm as a backup plan. Sanford told police that he was convinced that he would die in the attempt.

Meanwhile …. lines to see The Donald are a mile long

June 21, 2016 2:27 pm

If that is the best the anti-Trumpers can do, the Donald will have a long life.

June 21, 2016 9:04 pm

There must be some way the MSM can spin this to Trump’s disfavor. The killing of Jo Cox seems have driven a stake through the heart of the Brexit voters. Apparently the UK media have given her the Lady Diana and Gabby Giffords treatment with amazing sympathy and secular santhood. Reminds one of HHH ” vote democrat for JFK who is up in heaven counting on your vote”. Today we don’t need devine intervention since we have a cheer leading media, academia, public employee cartels and the FSA with the Deibold machines rigged to consumate the fix.


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 21, 2016 11:09 am

Llpoh- Me thinks you have been thinking a lot lately. Very funny and entertaining.

One must have good tools, sadly I am not talented with even the best, usually end up hurting myself.
RV’s are a huge waste of money, you could stay in a five star hotel and eat filet mignon every night for what that project will eventually cost you but I wish you many happy trips into OZ since you have made the investment.
I too share your hope that the world will not be consumed by another world war.

**** keep thinking and sharing………Bea

June 21, 2016 11:56 am

**** BREAKING NEWS *****

All four gun control bills failed in the senate

June 21, 2016 1:40 pm

“White House press secretary Josh Earnest on Tuesday called the U.S. Senate’s voting down gun-related measures Monday a “shameful display of cowardice” and lamented the lack of Republicans with the “courage” to stand up to the National Rifle Association.”

That’s some pretty rich shit coming out of the White House after they redacted the 911 calls from Omar Mateen. Obama is the coward that will not stand up to radical Islamic terrorists.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 21, 2016 1:18 pm

Stucky- Since when did CONgressional votes make any difference? The magic kneegrow has a pen.

June 21, 2016 1:58 pm

“She is being made to work weekends (gasp! It is “ruining her social life”). She gets double and triple time for weekend work. I asked him how many hours she works and it only averages 40 per week.”

WTF! 40 hour week is tough? AYSM!!!

There was one project I worked on where I was working 12hrs a day 7days a week straight thru for 3 months. That’s 84 hours a week and this girl thinks 40 hours is tough, wow that’s just pathetic!!

Of course I was making something around $140hr on OT (no double time) at that time so I was willing to work all the OT they wanted to give me.

June 21, 2016 2:47 pm

While Muscovy duck breast is my fav, beer butte chicken and duck has lost out due to our age. Our Col. Sanders night is Costco rotisserie chicken, cucumber or coleslaw, and bagged country fries. Lamb is the next to fav, and it is grass feed and so tasty. I do have family member who can’t stand lamb, but I love it. While I try to buy local lamb, nothing wrong with Aus. or NZ lamb.

Son was reading to me about a guy who was transferred to Japan, was hungry, and jumped off the commuter train to buy some food. Each food station only had fish type food, he said to the food employees, I hate fish, the food employee stated, you came to the wrong county LOL.

June 21, 2016 8:10 pm

When I was a teen complaining about schoolwork and the part time job he insisted I have, my father showed me two old wrinkled paychecks. One was for 88 hours work, and the other 102 hours work. In a 7 day work week. He had been making 2.15 an hour. I buckled down and got my school work done. I never wanted to work that many hours for that little pay. It was a fine lesson. Granted, it was from when he was young, but it was indicative that you have to do what you have to do. I carry that with me to this day.

June 21, 2016 10:50 pm

Looks like this might turn into a regular feature. I hope so . It give a person a lot to think about.

June 21, 2016 11:24 pm

Thanks Overcliff.

June 22, 2016 12:00 am

@LLPOH It is a Fiskars not Fiskards. I’ve used one for five years with great success. Also use a 7″ and 15″ as well as the 27″. But, if you are dealing with logs over 12-15 inch diameter, get a hydraulic splitter.

June 22, 2016 4:31 am

“If there is a bigger waste of money than an RV (perhaps a boat?) I would love to hear about it. But we sure like the feeling of freedom it gives.”

I am sure that I do not know about aviation in OZ, but, if it is anything like it is in the US, then stay far, far away, if it is for recreation (aka, General Aviation).

June 22, 2016 4:58 am

Australian beer is great!

I never thought I would see that in print.

Australia produce a beer called Castelemaine XXXX – the joke being that they can’t spell PISS