A Mind-Bending Question for SJW’s

What happens when a gay person demands that a muslim baker bake them a gay wedding cake?


Author: harry p.

A Gen X mechanical engineer who values family, strength, discipline, self-reliance and freedom who is doing what he can to protect his family, belittle morons and be ready for the tough times ahead. Discipline=Freedom

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June 24, 2016 11:32 am

Muslims area protected class, they are exempt from laws and rulings that apply to Christians.

Probably because they will kill you if you go against them while Christians won’t.

Sort of graphically demonstrated by the different reactions in the (Federally funded) “Piss Christ” exhibit and the “Draw Muhammad” contest in Garland.

June 24, 2016 10:55 pm

Please read the 4 part “piss christ” story by Matt Bracken…
it is fiction-fact, and currently on the WRSA page.
6/23 published

June 24, 2016 12:47 pm

It would seem a certain gentleman running for the highest office in the land should see to it that just such an event occurs.

If the case in Washington state is any indication, the LGBTs would win and the Muslims would go ape sh*t crazy.

Let’s see present Fearless Leader, The Hildabeast, and the rest of their minion deal with that one.

June 24, 2016 1:06 pm

The muslim kills them, gets shot by police afterwards. The media looks at the race of the gay couple.

Black —-> Blame police. They didn’t negotiate and that’s why people are dead.
Latino—-> Blame guns. There were guns and that’s why people are dead.
Asian—-> Blame whites. America is a white culture and therefore it’s their fault.
White—-> Blame islamophobia. Obviously the shooting was totally the fault of people expecting a shooting.
Indian—-> Blame Christians and Republicans. They set the precedence for this with anti-LGBTQIAUV123*!OMGWTFBBQRAWR laws that don’t provide free tampons for demiplanotic grey-romantic pre-post-non-agendered transfemmes in the men’s restrooms.
Eskimo—-> Blame Putin and Assad. If they weren’t fighting them there, we wouldn’t be fighting them here.
Mixed Race—-> Blame colonialism. Obviously, white people decades ago are responsible for minorities behavior today.

As an optional bonus, if they are women you may include:

Lesbian—-> Blame men and rape culture. If it wasn’t for the fact that the average man rapes 125 women a year, the kinder gentler nature of women would take over. Clearly white fraternity boys are the problem.

June 24, 2016 1:41 pm

Genius, pure genius. Thanks.

June 24, 2016 2:00 pm

Bring on the revolution!

June 24, 2016 3:44 pm

The first thing to do is to ban all immigration from predominantly Muslim countries. Banning Muslim immigration is impossible as you can’t implement it, but you can halt immigration from countries like Afghanistan and Iran. The United States actually runs recruiting drives in these countries via something called a diversity lottery. There is no patriotic reason to be importing these people. The West is not short of low-skilled, low-IQ people so importing more of them makes no economic sense. Importing people violently hostile to the West is suicidal and it must end.

That still leaves the problem of illegal migrants. The West used to have no qualms about rounding up illegals and sending them back, but fear of being rude to strangers has paralyzed Western governments. There’s no reason to think this will change, but governments can make migration less attractive. Cutting off welfare benefits is the most obvious point of attack. Every Western country is creaking under the weight of social welfare programs. End all welfare programs to non-citizens.

The West needs to think hard about encouraging reverse migration.

One way to do that is to offer cash bribes to leave. Some European countries are already doing this. It’s a form of Danegeld, but sometimes that’s what must be done. Many of the recent arrivals will jump at the cash bonus, figuring out that the party is over and they are better off going home. That’s a big part of all of this. The West needs to make it clear that Islam is not welcome in the West. Cutting off the welfare and paying them to leave sends that message and it discourages others from making the trip to the West.

Another tool that can be used to discourage Muslim migration is a hard ban on cousin marriage. Most Muslim countries continue to marry off daughters to family members. First and second cousin marriage should be banned and heavily fined. No marriage of this type should recognized. We have DNA tests to check this so it is cheap and easy to enforce. This is one of those things that sends a clear message, “You’re not welcome” to the Muslims.

The solution to the West’s Islam problem is a version of containment. The goal is to keep the Muslims bottled up in their lands. Limit their access to the West physically, but l also limit their access culturally. Cut them off from our TV and the Internet. Let them drift back to their traditional ways, even if that means living in tents and riding camels. The Muslim Middle East needs to be a reservation for the Muslim. The only role of the West is to make sure they don’t wander off the reservation.

What To Do About Islam

June 24, 2016 11:03 pm

I heard that and read your link. Stopping the direct importation
of Muslims can’t happen right now because the PTB in the USA
are the ones doing it.
Hmmm…maybe it is according to a plan.

June 24, 2016 5:36 pm

That little video shows what would happen if one of my thoughts accidentally got into bb’s head.

You hear me, bb?

June 24, 2016 7:23 pm

That little vid shows what happens when one of my thoughts accidentally gets into bb’s head.

June 24, 2016 8:22 pm

The cocksucker should just bake a cake!